The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Abraham - Spiritual Father!
'Abraham - Spiritual Father.'
Romans 4:11-12.
a) Abraham received the sign of circumcision.
b) As a Seal of the Righteousness that he had by Faith.
c) While he was still uncircumcised.
d) The purpose was to make him the father of all who Believe without being circumcised.
e) So that Righteousness would be counted to them as well.
f) Abraham's circumcision made him the father of the circumcised who are not merely circumcised but also walk in the footsteps of the Faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.
(This QT reveals to me Abraham - Spiritual Father)
'The Story of Passover.'
Exodus 12:13.
a) The blood on your doorposts.
b) Will serve as a sign.
c) Marking the houses where you are staying.
d) When I (the Lord) see the blood, I will pass over you.
e) This plague of death will not touch you.
f) When I strike the land of Egypt.
(This Second one gives me understanding of The Story Of Passover)
Abraham had the Righteousness that was by Faith. Here is the pattern for us. Our Righteousness does not come because we belong to a certain religion. It does not come because we are baptised, or even that we attend Church. Our Righteousness is by Faith, especially Faith in what Christ has attained for us on the Cross and by His Resurrection.
Monday, January 30, 2017
An Angel Of The Lord!
'An Angel Of The Lord.'
a) Luke 1:11. Appeared to Zacharias.
b) Genesis 16:7-11. Appeared to Hagar.
c) Genesis 22:11 & 15. Called to Abraham.
d) Exodus 3:2. Appeared to Moses.
e) Numbers 22:22-35. Stood in the way of Balaam.
f) Judges 2:1-4. Keeps covenants.
g) Judges 5:23. Gave instructions to curse.
h) Judges 6:11-12. Appeared to and affirmed Gideon.
i) Judges 6:21-22. Created fire.
j) Judges 13:3. Was the bringer of Good News.
k) Judges 13:20. Ascended to Heaven in flames.
l) 1 Kings 19:7. Came with compassion to Elijah.
m) 2 Kings 19:35. Killed many Assyrians.
n) 1 Chronicles 21:30. David was afraid of this Angel.
o) Psalm 34:7. Encamps around all those people who Fear the Lord and delivers them.
p) Matthew 1:20. Appeared to Joseph in a dream.
q) Acts 5:19. Can open prison doors.
r) Acts 8:26. Spoke to Philip.
(This QT gives me much assurance about the existence of An Angel Of The Lord)
'What God Does Not Do.'
Lamentations 3:33.
a) God does not enjoy:-
b) Hurting people.
c) Causing people sorrow.
(This Second one clearly teaches me What God Does Not Do)
The Angel of the Lord keeps Covenants. There are many scholars, (and I agree with these esteemed people) who say that The Angel of The Lord was an Old Testament manifestation of Jesus Christ. If we read our Bibles and compare the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament and our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospels, we find many similarities.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
God's Festivals Are Important!
'God's Festivals Are Important.'
Leviticus 23:44.
a) Moses gave the People of Israel these instructions.
b) Moses declared this to the people.
c) Regarding the Annual Festivals and Appointed Feasts of the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that God's Festivals Are Important)
'The Fear Of God Preserves Life.'
Exodus 1:17.
a) Because the midwives feared God.
b) They refused to obey the king's orders.
c) They let the male children live.
(This Second one teaches me that The Fear Of God Preserves Life)
God's Festivals, today known in various terms are important. Moses, the man of God, called God's People to remember the festivals. In our days the Christian Festivals are Important. Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and others that some Believers keep, all have meaning and need to be remembered.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
The Fruit Of Maturity!
'The Fruit Of Maturity.'
Philippians 3:16.
a) If we are mature.
b) We have the mind to "press on" with our life of Faith.
c) If we are thinking incorrectly.
d) God will reveal this to us.
(This QT reveals to me The Fruit Of Maturity)
'The Goal To Aim For.'
Matthew 5:48.
a) Jesus said that we should be perfect.
b) Just as our Father in Heaven is perfect.
c) Leviticus 11:44. For I am the Lord your God, you shall therefore consecrate yourselves; and you shall be Holy, for I Am Holy.
d) Leviticus 19:2. Give the following instructions to the entire Community of Israel. You must be Holy because I, the Lord your God, am Holy.
(This Second one teaches me The Goal To Aim For)
The Word of God is the True Believer's foremost form of revelation from God. This Word of God is intended to reveal to us the things that God wants us to know... including His Will. Some people make the mistake of being 'hyper-spiritual' about the Will of God, seeking some special 'revelation' or 'voice' from God. That is a mistake, revelations and voices may possibly give us some confirmation but the foremost revelation is the Word of God.
Friday, January 27, 2017
A Prayerful Congregation!
'A Prayerful Congregation.'
Luke 1:10.
a) Whilst Priest Zechariah was in the Holy Place praying.
b) The crowd of people outside.
c) Prayed during the hour when incense was burned and offered.
(This QT reveals A Prayerful Congregation)
'God's Instruction To The Angels.'
Hebrews 1:6.
a) When God was about to send His First Born Son into the World.
b) God said that all of God's Angels.
c) Must Worship His First Born Son.
(This Second one teaches me about God's Instruction To The Angels)
We can see how God instructed the Angels. They were generally submissive to Him and did some amazing things and had some amazing experiences. We know that Satan (Lucifer) was formerly a Worshipping Angel but God cast him out of Heaven because of his pride and rebellion. We should learn from this and be obedient to God and humble before God, obeying His instructions and not be in pride and and rebellion.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
The Future Generations Need To Know!
'The Future Generations Need To Know.'
Leviticus 23:43.
a) The future generations of Israelis needed to know that their Forefathers lived in tents.
b) This happened when the Lord brought them out of the land of Egypt.
c) The Lord was the Lord their God.
(Through this QT I know that The Future Generations Need To Know)
'There Is No Controversy.'
1 Timothy 3:16.
a) Without controversy.
b) Great is the Mystery of Godliness.
c) The secret of our Godly Worship is great.
d) God was manifest in the flesh.
e) God was Justified in the Spirit.
f) God was vindicated by the Spirit's might.
g) God was seen of Angels.
h) God was manifest to the Nations.
i) God was Believed on in the World.
j) God was received up into Glory.
k) God now reigns in Heaven.
(To this Second one There Is No Controversy)
There is no controversy about Jesus Christ for those people who believe in Him according to the teachings of the Bible - the Word of God. The controversies come when people read the Word of God but they do not know God personally for themselves. These people argue about the Word of God rather than simply believing it.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
A Time For Urgent Prayer!
'A Time For Urgent Prayer.'
Psalm 38:19-21.
a) Psalm 38:19. My enemies are vigorous.
b) Psalm 38:19. My enemies are powerful.
c) Psalm 38:19. Many people hate me for no reason.
d) Psalm 38:20. Those who repay evil for good.
e) Psalm 38:20. Attack me for pursuing good.
f) Psalm 38:21. Lord, do not abandon me.
g) Psalm 38:21. My God, be not far from me.
(This QT reveals A Time For Urgent Prayer)
'Knowing The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.'
2 Corinthians 8:9.
a) For you know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Though He was rich.
c) For our sake He became poor.
d) So that through His poverty.
e) We might become rich.
(This Second One teaches me more about Knowing The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
So often, enemies want to render us defeated and useless. They attack us for pursuing good. Their desires towards us are bad. They may be spiritual enemies or human enemies, both kind of enemy are 'bad news' for us. At those times when we are aware of enemies and some kind of spiritual struggle, we can spray specifically to our Lord God, I am sure that He will help us.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Chosen By Lot!
'Chosen By Lot.'
Luke 1:9.
a) According to the custom of the priesthood.
b) Zechariah was chosen by lot.
c) To enter the Temple of the Lord.
d) To burn incense.
(This QT reveals to me that Zechariah was Chosen By Lot)
'No One Has Ever Seen God.'
John 1:18.
a) No one has ever seen God.
b) The Only Begotten Son.
c) Who is at the Father's side.
d) He has made God (the Father) known.
(This Second one reminds me that No One Has Ever Seen God)
We should understand that God's Ways are different to the ways of people. Zechariah went into the Temple of the Lord being Chosen By Lot to do it. It was not "his turn", there was no rota, this was God's Way, being Chosen By Lot. Many times we have struggles in the Church when we try to do things our way, instead of God's Way.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Come Out And Celebrate!
'Come Out And Celebrate.'
Leviticus 23:42.
a) For the week of the Festival of Tabernacles.
b) The Lord's People moved out of their homes.
c) They dwelt in tents.
d) Every native born Israeli person was to do this.
(This QT teaches me the situation at the Festival of Tabernacles: Come Out And Celebrate)
'The Divinity Of Jesus Christ.'
Philippians 2:6.
a) Christ, being in the Form of God.
b) Christ shared equality with God.
c) Christ thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
(This Second one reminds me of The Divinity Of Jesus Christ)
The Jewish People, although they lived under the strict Law of God, were able to enjoy and to celebrate His Presence. The Festival of Tabernacles was something that they obviously enjoyed. As God's New Testament People, we should also be able to enjoy His Presence in a meaningful and Holy way. The Church caught up in the fringes of religious normality seems to be a sombre place, with the only relief being cups of tea rather than celebrating joyfully the Presence of the Lord.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
They Are Unfriendly!
'They Are Unfriendly.'
Psalm 35:20.
a) They do not speak in friendly ways.
b) They do not speak Peace.
c) They contrive deceitful schemes.
d) They devise clever lies against the people of the land.
e) They are against those people who live peacefully in the land.
(This QT warns me that They Are Unfriendly)
'A Picture Of Christ With The Father.'
Proverbs 8:30.
a) I was a Skilled Craftsman beside Him.
b) I was His Delight every day.
c) I was always rejoicing before Him, continually rejoicing in His Presence.
(This Second one is A Picture Of Christ With The Father)
They are against those people who live peacefully in the land. Wherever in the whole World where we may live, we will always discover people like this. This is a problem that we first must deal with in our own feelings before we try anything else. Peaceful people who are living peacefully need to hold their hearts in such circumstances.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
A Simple Holy Man!
'A Simple Holy Man.'
Luke 1:8.
a) Zechariah was serving as a Priest before God.
b) He was doing his work in the Temple.
c) He was taking his turn in the Daily Service.
(This QT reveals to me Zechariah - A Simple Holy Man)
'Amazing Grace.'
2 Corinthians 8:9.
a) For you know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) That, though He was rich.
c) Yet, for our sakes, He became poor.
d) That we,
e) Through His poverty.
f) Might become rich.
(This Second reveals more of God's Amazing Grace)
'Amazing Grace' is one of the most popular songs that is sung in the Churches today. It is a real 'old favourite'. This Grace centers upon our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One Who is responsible for our Salvation. He is the One Who gave His Life for us on the Cross, paying the price for the punishment of our sins. He is the One Who rose again to give us Eternal Life. Truly we are recipients of Amazing Grace.
Friday, January 20, 2017
A Lovely Harvest Festival!
'A Lovely Harvest Festival.'
Leviticus 23:41.
a) It is celebrated as a Festival to the Lord.
b) It lasts for seven days.
c) It could not be changed.
d) It had to be celebrated in the Seventh Month.
(This QT reveals A Lovely Harvest Festival)
'The Restoration Of Christ's Glory.'
John 17:5.
a) A part of Christ's recorded Prayer.
b) The 'John 17' Prayer.
c) 'Now Father,'
d) 'Glorify Me in Your Presence.'
e) 'With that (same) Glory that I had with You.'
f) 'Before the World existed.'
(This Second one reveals the Prayer for The Restoration Of Christ's Glory)
All of the God - ordained events in the Church are meant to be Glorifying to Him. They are not for us first, they are for Him first. If they are for us, then they become secularized eventually. The Church building is not the place for secular events or activity, it is supposed to be 'Holy Ground'.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Beware Of The Smiters!
'Beware Of The Smiters.'
Psalm 35:15.
a) In my adversity the smiters rejoiced.
b) They gathered themselves together,
c) Against the Psalmist David.
d) David did not know it.
e) The smiters tore at him and did not cease.
(This QT reminds me to Beware Of The Smiters)
'A Key To Water Baptism.'
Acts 8:37.
a) Philip spoke to the Ethiopian eunuch.
b) Philip told him that if he Believed in the Lord with all his heart.
c) He could be Baptized.
d) The Ethiopian Eunuch answered Philip.
e) He said that he believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
f) He was then Baptized in water.
(This Second one teaches me A Key To Water Baptism)
The smiters tore at David and did not cease. These smiters were irrational and terrible people, their big desire was to wound and destroy innocent people, especially people who did not follow their form of religion. The smiters were also jealous of David. Smiters were not just around in the days of the Old Testament, there are still smiters around in various forms and places today. They are jealous and destructive people who do not care whom they hurt.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
They Seemed To Be Lovely People!
'They Seemed To Be Lovely People.'
Luke 1:5-7.
a) Luke 1:5. In the days of King Herod of Judea.
b) Luke 1:5. There was a Priest named Zechariah of the Division of Abijah.
c) Luke 1:5. His wife was an ancestor of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth.
d) Luke 1:6. Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous before God.
e) Luke 1:6. They walked blamelessly in all the Commandments and Statutes of the Lord.
f) Luke 1:7. They had no child because Elizabeth was barren.
g) Luke 1:7. Both were advanced in years.
(This QT reveals to me that They Seemed To Be Lovely People)
'An Immediate Transformation.'
Acts 9:20.
a) This was the 'transformed Paul'!
b) He proclaimed Jesus in the Synagogues.
c) He was preaching Jesus.
d) He said that Jesus was the Son of God.
(This Second one reveals the 'transformed Paul' - An Immediate Transformation)
Zechariah and Elizabeth set a very good example to modern day True Believers - they walked blamelessly in all the Commandments and Statutes of the Lord. The Church today needs to be filled with people who walk blamelessly. Status is not as important as lifestyle and testimony. People who walk blamelessly influence others to do the same!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Celebrating The Harvest!
'Celebrating The Harvest.'
Leviticus 23:40.
a) On the first day of this Celebration.
b) Take:-
1-The boughs of goodly trees.
2-The branches of palm trees.
3-The boughs of thick trees.
4-The boughs of leafy trees.
5-Willows of the brook.
c) Then Rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.
(This QT Teaches me how God taught His People to be Celebrating The Harvest)
'Apollos - A Man Whom God Used.'
Acts 18:28.
a) He mightily convinced the Jews.
b) Publicly.
c) Showing by the Scriptures.
d) That Jesus was Christ.
(This Second one reveals to me Apollos - A Man Whom God Used)
The boughs of thick trees! It was not always physically easy to keep the Celebrations of the Lord. A part of this Harvest Festival was to take the boughs of thick trees and wave them before the Lord. The other trees to be used were much lighter and easier to wave around, yet they also managed to wave the boughs of thick trees too.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Concerning Brothers And Neighbours!
'Concerning Brothers And Neighbours.'
Leviticus 19:17.
a) We are not to secretly hate them in our heart.
b) We are to reason with them frankly.
c) Matthew 18:15. We are not to leave matters unresolved.
d) We tell them openly what they have done wrong.
(This QT helps me Concerning Brothers And Neighbours {NOT Authority Figures})
'Intelligent And Confident Witness.'
Acts 9:22.
a) Paul became stronger and stronger as a witness of Christ.
b) He confounded the Jews who lived in Damascus.
c) He proved that Jesus was the Christ.
d) No one could argue with him.
(This Second one teaches me the necessity for Intelligent And Confident Witness for Christ)
We need to know the practical relevance of God's Word in our lives. Here, in this QT, we are not dealing with authority figures, we are dealing with Brothers and Neighbours. Our heart attitude towards our Brothers and Neighbours needs to be in freedom. Hatred for Brothers and Neighbours needs to be resolved in our hearts first, then our heart attitudes can be right and our lives will not be troubled by them. As True Believers we should never be motivated by guilt, but be led by the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Dr. Luke's Clarification!
Luke 1:4.
a) So it may be known;
b) The exact Truth.
c) So that you may know the certainty.
d) About the things you have been taught.
(This QT reminds me about Dr. Luke's Clarification)
'In The Beginning.'
John 1:1.
a) In the beginning was The Word.
b) The Word was with God.
c) The Word was fully God.
(This Second one Teaches me about In The Beginning)
Dr. Luke's Gospel was written for our clarification. He wanted the Truth about Jesus and His Times of walking on the Earth to be known. We Believe that the Bible is exact Truth, it is the Word of God, and we should read it and teach it as such. When we understand the Word of God, then our Faith can grow.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
A Real Harvest Festival!
Leviticus 23:39.
a) It is the Lord's Festival.
b) It is a celebration.
c) After the crops are gathered in.
d) There must be complete rest on day one and day eight.
(This QT Teaches me about A Real Harvest Festival)
'The Ever Living Christ.'
Revelation 1:18.
a) Jesus Christ is the Living One.
b) He was dead.
c) Now He is alive forever and ever.
d) He holds the keys over Death and The World of the Dead.
(Through this Second one I find The Ever Living Christ)
Harvest Festival was really important in the times of the Bible, even until today. It was and is a time of celebration, when those responsible for the harvest, their relatives and those people who were going to benefit from the Harvest, gave grateful thanks to God. This is not just a secular celebration for farmers, it is for all of us. It is an occasion to give thanks to God.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Original Hostility!
'Original Hostility.'
Genesis 3:15.
a) Was made by God.
b) Was between Satan and humanity.
c) Was between Satan's offspring and humanity's offspring.
d) Humanity bruises Satan's head.
e) Satan bruises humanities' heel.
(This QT teaches me about Original Hostility - that between mankind and Satan)
'Our Eternal Mighty God.'
Revelation 1:8.
a) He is the Alpha and Omega.
b) He says of Himself - the "I Am."
c) He is the Lord God.
d) He is the One Who:-
3-Is to come.
e) He is the Almighty.
(This Second one encourages my faith: Our Eternal Mighty God)
From the beginnings of Eternity, God has been in control. We cannot understand some of the things that He has done, or that He has allowed mankind to do, but we can be sure today that God is in control. He still blesses every kind of pure obedience and He still ultimately punishes unresolved disobedience. I am so glad that God is in control.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
The Carefully Written Word Of God!
'The Carefully Written Word Of God.'
Luke 1:3.
a) Luke carefully investigated everything from the beginning.
b) Luke then wrote a careful account.
c) This was written initially for Most Honourable Theophilus.
(Through this QT I affirm my love for The Carefully Written Word Of God)
'Confess Or Deny?'
Matthew 10:32-33.
a) If we tell other people that we belong to Jesus.
b) Then Jesus will tell the Heavenly Father that we are His Followers.
c) If we reject Jesus.
d) Then Jesus will tell the Heavenly Father that we do not belong to Him.
(This Second one poses a question: Confess Or Deny?)
This simple question affects many "church-goers" - Confess or Deny? The most effective form of Christian Witness is the individual Witness or Testimony. New people come into the Church when they are impressed by individual Witness or Testimony. This kind of Witness may take place in the neighbourhood, workplace or place of education. It is really the most effective Witness.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
The Harvest Festival!
'The Harvest Festival.'
Leviticus 23:39.
a) On the fifteenth day of the seventh month. (It was a specific day)
b) After gathering the fruit of the land.
c) You shall keep the Feast of the Lord for seven days.
d) On the first day there shall be a Sabbath rest.
e) On the eighth day there shall be a Sabbath rest.
(This QT teaches me the Biblical basis for The Harvest Festival)
'Consider The Day Of Atonement.'
Leviticus 23:26-32.
a) Leviticus 23:26. This was what the Lord said. (It was not man's idea)
b) Leviticus 23:27. There was to be a set Day of Atonement.
1-A time of Holy Convocation.
2-A time for afflicting of self.
3-A time for presenting a Food Offering to the Lord.
c) Leviticus 23:28. There was to be no work done on that day, people were to be humble before the Lord. (Probably with fasting)
d) Leviticus 23:29. Whoever of God's People who did not join this Convocation would be cut off.
e) Leviticus 23:30-31. Whoever of God's People worked during this Convocation would be destroyed.
f) Leviticus 23:32. It was a day of Holy Solemnity.
(This Second one causes me to Consider The Day Of Atonement)
Work was something that originated in the days of Adam and Eve. God provided much for His Old Testament People, and He also still provides for us, from the land. Farmers are still planting crops across the land and the people benefit from the farmers' hard work. Rest was an important part of the farmer's life, it was not meant to be just 'rest' but Sabbath rest. God-given rest is just as important today - a Sabbath Rest.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
When King David Wore Sackcloth!
'When King David Wore Sackcloth.'
Psalm 69:11.
a) He wore it as a choice.
b) At a time of seeking His God.
c) Other people who did not understand.
d) They made jokes about him.
e) Malicious witnesses rose up against him.
f) These witnesses questioned him about things that he had no answer for.
(This QT teaches me about a time When King David Wore Sackcloth)
'The New Covenant.'
Hebrews 8:8.
a) God found fault with His Old Testament People.
b) He made a Declaration about the days that were coming.
c) He Promised a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah.
(Through this Second one I find God's clear plan about The New Covenant)
Malicious witnesses are not true witnesses and never can be! Malicious witnesses have hearts that are hateful and for some reason they tell lies. There are several different bad motives why their hearts are hateful. Malicious witnesses destroy other people and are trying to protect themselves and their reputation.
Monday, January 9, 2017
An Orderly Account!
'The Bible Is An Orderly Account.'
Luke 1:1-2.
a) In New Testament times.
b) Many people tried to set fort an Orderly Account of the events.
c) These events transpired amongst the people.
d) Those people who were eyewitnesses from the Beginning wrote the Gospels.
e) They were known as "Servants of the Word".
(This QT reminds me that The Bible Is An Orderly Account - It Is God's Truth and Word)
'Incredible Truth And Affirmation.'
Hebrews 1:8.
a) The Heavenly Father God is speaking of and to His Son:
b) Your Throne Oh God is forever and ever.
c) The Scepter of Your Kingdom.
d) Is a righteous Scepter.
(This Second one teaches me Incredible Truth And Affirmation from The Heavenly Father God)
This morning I am amazed at the Reality of the Word of God. When we are reading the Bible we are not simply reading a story, we are reading God's Own Precious Word! It is interesting that those who wrote the New Testament wrote as Servants of the Word. Much of the Old Testament was written and spoken by Anointed Kings, Prophets and True Men of God. Both Old And New Testaments are the inspired Word of God.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
These Were Regular!
'These Were Regular.'
Leviticus 23:38.
a) Sabbaths.
b) Gifts.
c) Vow Offerings.
d) Freewill Offerings given to the Lord.
(This QT teaches me that In Old Testament Worship These Were Regular)
'More Truth About Jesus.'
John 8:58.
a) Jesus Himself was explaining Himself to hostile Jews.
b) Jesus said that He was telling them the Truth.
c) Before Abraham was born.
d) I Am.
(Through this Second one I find More Truth About Jesus)
There were certain things in Old Testament Worship that were regular. Every time that God's People Worshipped they would do these things. This QT teaches me about the Offering part of their Worship. It seems that the Lord wanted them to enjoy everything they did in their Worship, it was like a Festival!
Saturday, January 7, 2017
I Will Show You What To Do!
'I Will Show You What To Do.'
1 Samuel 16:3.
a) Samuel simply had to obey the Lord.
b) Samuel was a Prophet and a King-maker.
c) His obedience to the Lord needed to be step-by-step.
d) He was to invite Jesse to the Sacrifice.
e) Then the Lord would show him what to do.
f) He was to anoint the person that the Lord showed him then.
(This QT gives me confidence in God: I Will Show You What To Do)
'God Sometimes Chooses Places.'
Micah 5:2.
a) Bethlehem was a small city.
b) But out of this small city was going to come One Who would be Ruler over Israel.
c) This Ruler's origins were and are:-
1-From old.
2-From ancient times.
3-From antiquity.
4-From eternity.
(This Second one reminds me that God Sometimes Chooses Places)
Samuel simply had to obey the Lord. He was a Prophet and a King-maker but for his ministry to be effective and meaningful he had to obey the Lord. For those of us who serve the Lord in any capacity, even simply serving the Church on the Lord's Day, the key to effective service is simply obeying the Lord.
Friday, January 6, 2017
The Priest - A Consistent Servant Leader!
'The Priest - A Consistent Servant Leader.'
Ezekiel 45:25.
a) At a specific time the Priest was to be ready.
b) It was consistent and lasted seven days.
c) He was to provide for the people.
d) Everything that they needed for their offerings.
(This QT reveals to me The Priest - A Consistent Servant Leader)
'The Creator.'
Hebrews 1:10.
a) You Lord.
b) Laid the foundations of the Earth in the Beginning.
c) The Heavens.
d) Are the work of Your Hands.
(This Second one draws my attention to The Creator)
Here is a lovely picture of the modern-day Spiritual Servant Leader. The modern day Spiritual Servant Leader should always be ready to carry out their duties of leadership. Whatever the situation, this Leader is a good Shepherd/Provider for the flock
Thursday, January 5, 2017
The Lord's Appointed Festivals!
'The Lord's Appointed Festivals.'
Leviticus 23:37.
a) They were to be celebrated every year.
b) They were official days for Holy assembly.
c) They were days for presenting special gifts to the Lord.
d) Each on its proper day:-
1-Burnt Offerings.
2-Grain Offerings.
4-Liquid Offerings.
e) Each on its proper day.
(This QT reminds me about Worship: The Lord's Appointed Festivals)
'Streams Are A Blessing.'
a) Deuteronomy 8:7. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land of flowing streams.
b) Job 29:6. My cows produced milk in abundance, and my groves poured out streams of olive oil.
c) Psalm 23:2; Jeremiah 31:9. The Lord leads me by peaceful streams.
d) Psalm 78:16. The Lord made streams pour from the rock.
e) Psalm 104:10. The Lord makes streams gush down from the mountains.
f) Psalm 126:4. Streams renew the desert.
g) Isaiah 32:2. The Lord will give His People streams of water in the desert.
h) Isaiah 35:6. Streams will water the wasteland.
(This Second one simply teaches me that Streams Are A Blessing)
Grain offerings were a part of the Worship of God's Old Testament people. Grain could be used in the making of bread for the use of Worship and also bread for the people to eat. Grain was an important crop in Old Testament days. This makes me think of Jesus - the Bread of Life and also makes me pray for the grain farmers who live in the countryside not far from our home.
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The Christian Life!
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