The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Words From The Throne!
'Words From The Throne.'
Revelation 21:5.
a) He Who was seated on the Throne said:\
b) Behold.
c) I am making all things new.
d) Also He said:
e) Write this down.
f) For these words are Trustworthy and True.
(This QT reveals to me Words From The Throne)
'The Free Gift From God.'
Romans 5:12-17.
a) Romans 5:12. Just as sin came into the World through one man.
b) Romans 5:12. And death came in because of sin.
c) Romans 5:12. Death then spread to all people, because all sinned.
d) Romans 5:13. Sin was in the World before the Law was given.
e) Romans 5:13. Sin is not held against a person when there is no law.
f) Romans 5:14. Death reigned from Adam to Moses.
g) Romans 5:14. Death was reigning, even over those people whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam.
h) Romans 5:14. Adam was a type of the One Who was to come.
i) Romans 5:15. The Free Gift is not like the trespass.
j) Romans 5:15. For if many people died.
k) Romans 5:15. Through one man's trespass.
l) Romans 5:15. Much more, have the Grace of God.
m) Romans 5:15. And the Free Gift by the Grace of that One Man Jesus Christ.
n) Romans 5:15. Have abounded for many people.
o) Romans 5:16. The Free Gift is not like that result of that one man's sin.
p) Romans 5:16. The Judgment following one trespass brought condemnation.
q) Romans 5:16. The free Gift following many trespasses brought Justification.
r) Romans 5:17. If, because of one man's trespass.
s) Romans 5:17. Death reigned through that one man.
t) Romans 5:17. Much more will those who receive:
u) Roman 5:17. The abundance of Grace.
v) Romans 5:17. And the Free Gift of Righteousness.
w) Romans 5:17. Reign in life.
x) Romans 5:17. Through that One Man Christ Jesus.
(This Second one clearly explains to me The Free Gift From God)
There was just one channel through which sin came into this World, by one man the Scripture tells us, so all humanity stands in sin today before God. It does not help us by blaming other people for our sin, if we now take responsibility for our sin, it can be forgiven through and by the Grace of God. We can be free and forgiven and have a clean conscience all because of what Jesus Christ has done on the Cross for us.
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