The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Our Trusting Faith!
'Our Trusting Faith.'
1 Corinthians 2:5.
a) Our Faith.
b) Should not stand.
c) In the Wisdom of men.
d) But it should stand.
e) In the Power of God.
(This QT encourages My Trusting Faith)
'God's Mighty Power.'
Psalm 79:11.
a) Lord, let the groaning and sighing of the prisoner come before you.
b) According to the Greatness of Your Power.
c) Preserve those prisoners.
d) Who are appointed to die.
(This Second one reveals to me the Passion of the Lord: God's Mighty Power)
Our Faith should stand in the Power of God. God's Power is initially revealed through His Word. We know that Faith comes to us from the Word of God. If our lives are not exposed to the Word of God, our Faith will never grow. When the Power of God and the Word of God are foundational in our Faith, then our Faith can grow stronger and stronger.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
God With Us!
'God With Us.'
Matthew 1:23.
a) Behold.
b) The Virgin shall become pregnant.
c) The Virgin shall give birth to a Son.
d) They shall call His Name Emmanuel.
e) Emmanuel, when translated means: 'God With Us.'
(This QT causes me to Thank God for God With Us - Emmanuel)
'They Ruled.'
a) Genesis 10:8. Nimrod - a mighty hunter.
b) Judges 21:25. Everyone ruled - there was chaos.
c) Ruth 1:1. The Judges ruled.
d) 2 Samuel 8:15. David ruled all Israel with fairness and justice.
e) 1 Kings 11:25. Rezon, the Ruler of Syria, loathed Israel.
f) Psalm 74:12. Our God and King ruled.
g) Romans 3:9. Jews and Gentiles are ruled by sin.
h) Romans 6:14. We are ruled by God's Kindness and not by the Law.
i) Romans 8:5. Everyone who is ruled by the Holy Spirit thinks about spiritual things.
j) 2 Corinthians 5:14. We are ruled by Christ's Love for us.
(This Second one calls me to come closer to God: They Ruled)
Emmanuel, when translated means 'God with us'. Emmanuel is one of the Names that has been given by the Heavenly Father to His Son, Jesus Christ. His Name is Immanuel. Christ has several Names, all of them are meaningful and wonderful. Let us never forget that He is Emmanuel.
Friday, January 29, 2016
A Glorious And Holy City!
'A Glorious And Holy City.'
Revelation 21:10-11.
a) The Angel carried John away in the Spirit.
b) He carried him to a large and high mountain.
c) He showed John the Holy City Jerusalem.
d) Coming down from God.
e) Out of Heaven.
f) The City had the Glory of God.
g) It's Light was:-
1-Like a valuable gem.
2-Like grey quartz.
3-As clear as crystal.
(This QT reveals to me A Glorious And Holy City)
'Our Old Nature.'
Ephesians 2:3.
a) All of us once lived as unbelievers.
b) We lived amongst unbelievers.
c) We followed the desires of our corrupt nature.
d) We did what our corrupt thoughts and desires wanted us to do.
e) So, because of our nature.
f) We deserved God's Wrath.
g) Just like everyone else.
(This Second one calls me to remember My Old Nature and to Thank God for His Grace)
Everything to do with the Eternal part of our Eternal Life has come to us directly from Heaven. We need to remember that our New Life in Christ is a Miracle. This is not just something we learn from a book in Church, this is New Life! The New Life is God's Grace Gift to us, it comes from and by the Holy Spirit and it comes as we Hear and Believe the Word of God.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
A Wind Too Strong!
'A Wind Too Strong.'
Jeremiah 4:11-12.
a) At a specific time of disaster.
b) God's City will be told.
c) God's People will be told.
d) That a scorching wind.
e) From the barren heights.
f) In the desert.
g) Blows towards God's People.
h) This wind is not to winnow.
i) This wind is not to cleanse.
j) A wind that is too strong.
k) Will come from the Lord.
l) This wind is to do with God's Judgments towards His People.
(Through this QT I am in awe of A Wind Too Strong)
'The Gracious Gift Of God.'
Romans 5:16-18.
a) Romans 5:16. The Gift of God.
b) Romans 5:16. Cannot be compared.
c) Romans 5:16. With the result of one man's sin.
d) Romans 5:16. The Judgement followed one sin.
e) Romans 5:16. It brought condemnation.
f) Romans 5:16. The Gift.
g) Romans 5:16. Followed many trespasses.
h) Romans 5:16. And brought Justification.
i) Romans 5:17. For if, by the trespass of one person.
j) Romans 5:17. Death reigned through that one man.
k) Romans 5:17. Much more.
l) Romans 5:17. Shall those people that receive abundance of Grace.
m) Romans 5:17. And of the Gift of Righteousness.
n) Romans 5:17. Reign in life.
o) Romans 5:17. Through the One Man, Jesus Christ.
p) Romans 5:18. So then, as through one trespass.
q) Romans 5:18. Condemnation came to all people.
r) Romans 5:18. So also, one righteous act.
s) Romans 5:18. Resulted in Justification and Life.
t) Romans 5:18. For all people.
(Through this Second one I more appreciate The Gracious Gift Of God)
As I prepare and ponder over this QT I am so grateful for the Gracious Gift of God. If it was not for this Gracious Gift, given by God, I would not be enjoying Life as a True Believer today. The Gracious Gift, the Gospel, has the Power to change any life of any person anywhere.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
To God The Son!
'To God The Son.'
Hebrews 1:8.
a) These Words are from God the Father.
b) He is speaking to Jesus Christ - God the Son.
c) He says:
d) "Thy Throne Oh God."
e) "Is for ever and ever."
f) "You will rule Your Kingdom with Fairness."
g) "You will rule Your Kingdom with Righteousness."
(This QT reveals to me the words spoken To God The Son from God The Father)
'How Did Jesus Destroy The Devil?'
Hebrews 2:14.
a) God's Children took on flesh and blood.
b) Jesus Christ Himself.
c) God's Own Son.
d) Also took on Himself these same things.
e) That through death.
f) He might destroy.
g) The one who had the Power of death.
h) That is ...
i) The Devil.
(This Second one answers my question: How Did Jesus Destroy The Devil?)
We need to remember that The Lord's Throne is for ever and ever. It is a Throne that will never come to an end. The Servant King - Jesus Christ - now sits back on His Throne eternally. He will not come off it anymore. From His Throne He judges Nations and individuals. From His Throne He rules Eternally. The place where He sits now, is on His Throne.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Angels Are Also Guides!
'Angels Are Also Guides.'
Revelation 21:9
a) One of the seven Angels came to John.
b) This Angel had a bowl.
c) Full of one of the last plagues.
d) The Angel spoke to John.
e) The Angel's Message:-
2-I will show you.
3-The Bride.
4-The Wife of the Lamb.
(This QT reminds me that Angels Are Also Guides)
'We Should Not Answer Back To God.'
Romans 9:20.
a) Who are you O (proud) man?
b) To answer back to God.
c) Will what is moulded.
d) Say to its Moulder?
e) Why have you made me like this?
(This Second one clearly tells me that I Should Not Answer Back To God)
The Angel had a Message to give to John, and something for John to do. God is a good communicator! He uses various means to ensure that we know what He may be saying to us. Our problems are: A-We do not want to hear what He says. B-We do not take time to listen to His Word. C-We try to make Him speak to us in ways in which we want Him to speak and not regard Him. How does God want to speak to us? Please remember that God is a good communicator.
Monday, January 25, 2016
The Lord's Way!
'The Lord's Way!'
Jeremiah 4:9-10.
a) This happened on a specific day.
b) It was spoken by the Lord.
c) Courage failed both king and officials.
d) The priests were appalled.
e) The prophets were astounded.
f) Jeremiah then spoke out:-
1-Ah, Lord God.
2-Surely You have utterly deceived this people.
3-Surely You have utterly deceived Jerusalem.
4-You said that "it shall be well with you".
6-The sword.
7-Has reached their very lives.
(This QT teaches me more about The Lord's Way)
'A Compassionate Purpose Of Jesus' Physical Body.'
Hebrews 2:14.
a) God's Children all have flesh and blood.
b) Jesus Himself had the same. (John 1:14)
c) That, through his death.
d) He might destroy. (1 John 3:8)
e) The one who has the power of death. (1 Corinthians 15:54-55)
f) That is, the Devil.
(This Second one reveals A Compassionate Purpose Of Jesus' Physical Body)
The prophets were astounded! We need to remember that the Word of God says about itself that it is "a more sure Word of Prophecy". Sometimes prophets bring forth "words" that are not really what God says. Maybe all people with a prophetic gift are in danger of doing this sometimes, some prophets more than others. This is why we have the Word of God, it helps us to discern the prophecy. We are not told to judge the prophet but we can judge the prophecy.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Take Responsive Action!
'Take Responsive Action.'
2 Corinthians 7:1.
a) The Promises, from 2 Corinthians 6:16-18:-
1-God's Presence.
2-God's Welcome.
3-God's Fatherhood.
b) Because of these Promises.
c) As the Beloved Children of God.
d) We are to cleanse ourselves.
e) From every defilement of body and spirit.
f) We are to bring holiness to completion.
g) In the Fear of God.
(This QT encourages me to Take Responsive Action when necessary)
'Recovery Is Possible.'
2 Timothy 2:26.
a) We can come to our senses.
b) We can escape from the snare of the Devil.
c) We do not have to live being captured by the Devil.
d) We do not have to do the Devil's will.
(This Second one Teaches me that Recovery Is Possible)
The Promises of God are Real and easily understood. We should always respond to God's Promises in the way(s) in which He calls us to respond. In this QT there are practical Promises that can help us to live a life that is pleasing to God. We are not governed by fate! We should be led by the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Their Part Is In The Second Death!
'Their Part Is In The Second Death!'
Revelation 21:8.
a) The people who are:-
b) Their part shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.
c) Which is the Second Death.
(This QT teaches me that Their Part Is In The Second Death)
'Before We Knew Jesus Christ.'
Ephesians 2:2.
a) We were living in the ways of this present world system.
b) We were doing the pleasure of the wrong 'lord'.
c) The Lord of the Power of the Air (Satan)
d) This is the evil spirit that is now working.
e) In those people.
f) Who go against living in the Purposes of God.
(This Second one reveals my life Before I Knew Jesus Christ)
Here is a word that generally should not be found in a QT, the word: "murderer". The only reason I mention it is because the Bible also mentions it. Jesus frankly spoke about people who hated other people - He said that they were the equivalent of murderers. If we are True Believers we need to live with our hearts and lives free from hatred.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Responding To The Anger Of The Lord!
'Responding To The Anger Of The Lord.'
Jeremiah 4:8.
a) Put on sackcloth.
b) Mourn.
c) Lament.
d) Wail.
d) Because the fierce anger of the Lord.
e) Is not turned away from us.
(This QT teaches me how to be Responding To The Anger Of The Lord)
'A Relevant Instruction.'
1 Corinthians 11:34.
a) A hungry person should not be partaking in Church Fellowship Meals. (Especially Holy Communion meal)
b) By doing this the Church will not bring Judgement on itself.
c) All the other instructions and directions. Apostle Paul would set in order on his arriving in Corinth.
(This Second one reveals A Relevant Instruction)
When we have the Fear of the Lord it must include the Fear of His Fierce Anger. When the Fear of the Lord begins to lack in the Church, all kinds of wrong, careless and sinful things begin to take place. For the success of any Church there must be the Fear of the Lord inside the door.
Let Us Cleanse Ourselves!
'Let Us Cleanse Ourselves.'
2 Corinthians 7:1.
a) Because we have good Promises from the Word of God.
b) We are "loved ones" and "beloved of God".
c) Let us cleanse ourselves.
d) From all defilement.
e) Of body and spirit.
f) Perfecting Holiness.
g) In the Fear of God.
(This QT challenges me: Let Us Cleanse Ourselves)
'The Devil's Children.'
John 8:44.
a) Want to do what the Devil desires.
b) The Devil is a murderer from the Beginning.
c) He does not stand in the Truth.
d) There is no Truth in him.
e) Whenever he speaks lies, he is just being himself.
f) He is a liar.
g) He is the father of lies.
(This Second one gives me understanding of who are The Devil's Children)
What many people fail to recognise is the fact that both our body and our spirit may become defiled. It is easy to understand about the defilement of our body. Sin can easily defile our body as we do something "sinful". The defilement of our spirit is also not difficult to understand. It occurs when we wiling expose our spirit to evil spirits and evil practices and then we become defiled by them. Fortune telling and pornography are just two of the many things that will defile our spirit.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
The Person Who Overcomes!
'The Person Who Overcomes.'
Revelation 21:7.
a) The person who overcomes.
b) Shall inherit all things.
c) The Lord.
d) Shall be his God.
e) The overcomer shall be God's son or daughter.
(This QT reveals about The Person Who Overcomes)
'They Are Not Of God.'
1 John 3:10.
a) Here it is evident.
b) These are God's Children.
c) Whoever does not practice Righteousness.
d) Is not of God.
e) Nor is the one who does not love his brother.
(Here, in this Second one, I am clearly taught, They Are Not Of God)
It is a wonderful privilege to be able to meaningfully say that the Lord God is my God. This is such a powerful and positive proclamation. When we are able, truthfully, to make this proclamation then we are building ourselves up healthily in God's Truth and also the Truth about God. People in the World system can be delivered by this Gospel Message and through our confidence in it as we share it with them.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
The Lord's Merciful Judgment!
'The Lord's Merciful Judgment.'
Jeremiah 4:27.
a) Thus says the Lord. This is what the Lord says.
b) The whole land.
c) Shall be a desolation.
d) Yet.
e) He will not make a full end.
(This QT reveals The Lord's Merciful Judgment)
'Original Blame.'
Genesis 3:12.
a) Adam is indirectly blaming God.
b) As well as blaming the woman.
c) It was the woman YOU gave me.
d) She game me the fruit of the tree.
e) I ate.
(This Second one clearly shows me Original Blame)
The Lord said that He would not make a full end. Here is Merciful Judgment. It is obvious in the context that the land deserved a full end Judgment from God. Yet, God was so merciful! He said that He would not make a full end. This is something that I have both experienced and witnessed: The Lord's Merciful Judgment.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
For The Common Good!
'For The Common Good.'
1 Corinthians 12:7-11.
a) 1 Corinthians 12:7. The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit is for the common good.
b) 1 Corinthians 12:7. This is for every True Believer.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:8. The Holy Spirit gives utterance of Wisdom.
d) 1 Corinthians 12:8. The Holy Spirit gives utterance of Knowledge.
e) 1 Corinthians 12:9. The Holy Spirit gives Faith.
f) 1 Corinthians 12:9. The Holy Spirit gives Gifts of Healing.
g) 1 Corinthians 12:10. The Holy Spirit gives:-
1-Working of miracles.
3-The ability to distinguish between spirits.
4-Various kinds of tongues.
5-The interpretation of tongues.
h) 1 Corinthians 12:11. All these are empowered by the same Holy Spirit.
i) 1 Corinthians 12:11. He apportions to each person individually.
j) 1 Corinthians 12:11. As He wills.
(This QT teaches me about something For The Common Good)
'Justification And Life For All People.'
Romans 5:18.
a) The trespass of one person.
b) Led to condemnation for all people.
c) One act of Righteousness.
d) Leads to Justification.
e) And Life for all people.
(Through this Second one I am grateful to God for Justification And Life For All People)
The manifestation of the Holy Spirit is for the common good. This means that every True Believer can be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience His Manifestations working through them, especially with the purpose of being a Blessing to other people. The invitation that we have been given to be Filled with the Holy Spirit is something that can make us wonderfully selfless.
Water As A Gift!
'Water As A Gift.'
Revelation 21:6.
a) This is what the Lord said.
b) It is done.
c) I am the Alpha and Omega.
d) The Beginning and the End.
e) To the thirsty people.
f) I will give water as a gift.
g) From the spring of the Water of Life.
(This QT makes me very grateful for Water As A Gift)
'The Fallen Nature.'
Ephesians 2:3.
a) Is expressed by living in the passions of our flesh.
b) Is expressed in carrying out the sinful desires of the body.
c) Is expressed in carrying out the sinful desires of the mind.
d) Makes us by nature children of wrath.
e) Just like everyone else.
(This Second one gives me more understanding of The Fallen Nature)
There are some places that I visit where I find genuinely thirsty people - spiritually thirsty - people with a longing for God. Spiritual thirst can only be quenched in a pure way by the Rivers of Living Water - these "Rivers" mean the Holy Spirit. The Gift of the Holy Spirit is for every True Believer. All of us need Him to fill our lives.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Those Who Conquer!
'Those Who Conquer.'
Revelation 21:7.
a) Those people who conquer.
b) Those people who overcome.
c) Will have a wonderful heritage.
d) God will be their God.
e) They will be His Children.
(This QT teaches me about Those Who Conquer)
'The Whole World Accountable To God.'
Romans 3:19.
a) We know that.
b) Whatever the Law says.
c) It speaks to those people who are under it.
d) So that every mouth.
e) May be silenced.
f) And the whole World.
g) Be held accountable to God.
(This Second one reveals The Whole World Accountable To God)
This is a very certain Promise from God - they will be His Children. That should surely encourage us to find out who the "they" are! We can see here simply that "they" are the people who conquer and overcome. Whatever the situation of our lives, if we need to, we can conquer and overcome because of the Lord's Grace.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
God Sent Devastation!
'God Sent Devastation.'
Jeremiah 4:23-26.
a) Jeremiah 4:23. Jeremiah looked on the Earth. It was:-
b) Jeremiah 4:23. Jeremiah looked to the heavens and they had no light.
c) Jeremiah 4:24. Jeremiah looked on the mountains and they were quaking.
d) Jeremiah 4:24. All the hills moved to and fro.
e) Jeremiah 4:25. Jeremiah looked, there was no one at all.
f) Jeremiah 4:25. All the birds of the air had fled.
g) Jeremiah 4:26. Jeremiah looked, and the fruitful land was a desert.
h) Jeremiah 4:26. All its cities lay in ruins.
i) Jeremiah 4:26. All this was before the Lord, before His fierce anger.
(This QT makes me understand God Sent Devastation)
'The Folly Of Legalism.'
Galatians 3:10.
a) All people who rely on the works of the Law.
b) Are under a curse.
c) For it is written.
d) Cursed is everyone who does not:-
3-Continue to do.
4-Abide by.
e) All things written in the Book of the Law.
(This Second one makes clear to me The Folly Of Legalism)
The Earth was formless. God showed this to Jeremiah when He was angry with its inhabitants. This was not the initial plan of God to Bless His Obedient People, this came because of their disobedience. It was going back to the beginning as well as showing a picture of the End. When I read such Scriptures and ponder on them I am more and more convinced that our God Is A Living God.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Serving And Loving!
Serving And Loving.'
Romans 12:4-9.
a) Romans 12:4. There are many parts in one body and each part has a special function.
b) Romans 12:5. We, who are many people, are one Body in Christ.
c) Romans 12:5. Individually, we are members one of another.
d) Romans 12:6. Having Gifts that differ according to the Grace given to us, let us use them.
e) Romans 12:6-8. Gifts mentioned here:-
1-Prophecy, with as much Faith as God has given to us.
2-Serving other people, well.
3-Teaching, well.
4-Exhorting and encouraging other people, well.
5-Contributing and giving, with generosity.
6-Leadership, take it seriously.
7-Mercy, with cheerfulness.
f) Romans 12:9. Let Love be genuine.
g) Romans 12:9. Abhor what is evil.
g) Romans 12:9. Hold fast to what is good.
(This QT teaches me more about Serving And Loving)
'God Is Greater.'
1 John 3:20.
a) Whenever our heart condemns us.
b) We feel guilty.
c) God is Greater than our:-
d) God knows everything.
(Through this Second one I proclaim: God Is Greater)
As members of a local Church, whatever denomination or type of Church it is, that Church is our local Body of Christ, also a body of True Believers. It is One Body! It is never the Will of God for His Church and Body to be broken up by dissenters, rather, it is His Will for the Church to be a place of Restoration, Healing and Spiritual Growth.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Words From The Throne!
'Words From The Throne.'
Revelation 21:5.
a) He Who was seated on the Throne said:\
b) Behold.
c) I am making all things new.
d) Also He said:
e) Write this down.
f) For these words are Trustworthy and True.
(This QT reveals to me Words From The Throne)
'The Free Gift From God.'
Romans 5:12-17.
a) Romans 5:12. Just as sin came into the World through one man.
b) Romans 5:12. And death came in because of sin.
c) Romans 5:12. Death then spread to all people, because all sinned.
d) Romans 5:13. Sin was in the World before the Law was given.
e) Romans 5:13. Sin is not held against a person when there is no law.
f) Romans 5:14. Death reigned from Adam to Moses.
g) Romans 5:14. Death was reigning, even over those people whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam.
h) Romans 5:14. Adam was a type of the One Who was to come.
i) Romans 5:15. The Free Gift is not like the trespass.
j) Romans 5:15. For if many people died.
k) Romans 5:15. Through one man's trespass.
l) Romans 5:15. Much more, have the Grace of God.
m) Romans 5:15. And the Free Gift by the Grace of that One Man Jesus Christ.
n) Romans 5:15. Have abounded for many people.
o) Romans 5:16. The Free Gift is not like that result of that one man's sin.
p) Romans 5:16. The Judgment following one trespass brought condemnation.
q) Romans 5:16. The free Gift following many trespasses brought Justification.
r) Romans 5:17. If, because of one man's trespass.
s) Romans 5:17. Death reigned through that one man.
t) Romans 5:17. Much more will those who receive:
u) Roman 5:17. The abundance of Grace.
v) Romans 5:17. And the Free Gift of Righteousness.
w) Romans 5:17. Reign in life.
x) Romans 5:17. Through that One Man Christ Jesus.
(This Second one clearly explains to me The Free Gift From God)
There was just one channel through which sin came into this World, by one man the Scripture tells us, so all humanity stands in sin today before God. It does not help us by blaming other people for our sin, if we now take responsibility for our sin, it can be forgiven through and by the Grace of God. We can be free and forgiven and have a clean conscience all because of what Jesus Christ has done on the Cross for us.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
When God Calls His People Foolish!
'When God Calls His People Foolish.'
Jeremiah 4:22.
a) It is because they do not know Him.
b) It is because they are silly children.
c) It is because they have no understanding.
d) It is because they are wise to do evil.
e) To do good they have no knowledge.
(This QT Teaches me When God Calls His People Foolish)
'Whatever The Law Says.'
Romans 3:19.
a) We know that.
b) Whatever the Law says.
c) It speaks to those people who are under the Law.
d) That every mouth may be stopped. (Psalm 107:42)
e) And that all the World.
f) May be held accountable to God.
(This Second one makes me think about Whatever The Law Says)
Cunning is not a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Cunning is sin. There are times that I hear of, or read of, people in Churches being cunning. This occurs sometimes when Churches are trying to give their Pastors or Leaders a difficult time. Being cunning is not a Spiritual Gift or Fruit, being cunning is sin. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is, at heart, a Servant Body, serving the Lord and the people of the World in Spirit and in Truth. There should be no cunning PLEASE!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Keep A Soft And Pure Heart!
'Keep A Soft And Pure Heart.'
Romans 2:5-6.
a) When my heart is hard and impenitent.
b) I store up wrath for myself.
c) On the Day of God's Wrath.
d) On that Day.
e) God's Righteous Judgment shall be revealed.
f) God will repay each person.
g) According to what they have done.
(This QT strongly Reminds me to Keep A Soft And Pure Heart)
'The Word Came First.'
Hebrews 13:22-25.
a) Hebrews 13:22. The writer appealed to the Hebrew Church.
b) Hebrews 13:22. To bear with his Word of Exhortation.
c) Hebrews 13:22. The writer explained his letter.
d) Hebrews 13:22. It was a brief one.
e) Hebrews 13:23. Timothy had been released from prison.
f) Hebrews 13:23. The writer had a desire to visit the Hebrew Church together with Timothy.
g) Hebrews 13:24. The writer greeted all the Hebrew Church Leaders and the Lord's People there.
h) Hebrews 13:24. The Italian Believers sent their Greetings to the Hebrew Believers.
i) Hebrews 13:25. The Blessing of Grace.
(This Second one Teaches me that The Word Came First)
God's Righteous Judgment shall be revealed. This particular revelation shall surely happen. It will happen on the Day of God's Wrath. Personally, I desire that my heart shall be pure and soft to face that day. I do not want to be numbered amongst the "unsaved" or "scarcely saved". I want to, and I need to, be ready to face the Lord on His Return or on the event of my going to Him.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
God's Desired Dwelling Place!
'God's Desired Dwelling Place.'
Revelation 21:3-4.
a) John heard.
b) A loud Voice.
c) From the Throne.
d) Saying:
e) Behold, the Dwelling Place of God is with man.
f) God will dwell with them.
g) They will be His People.
h) God Himself.
i) Will be with them as their God.
j) He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
k) Death shall be no more.
l) Neither shall there be any more:-
m) For the former things have passed away.
(Through this QT I am looking forward to 'God's Desired Dwelling Place)
'The Wrath Of God Is Revealed.'
Romans 1:18.
a) The Wrath of God.
b) Is revealed.
c) From Heaven.
d) Against all ungodliness.
e) Against all unrighteousness of men.
f) Who, by their unrighteousness.
g) Suppress the Truth.
(This Second one assures me that The Wrath Of God Is Revealed)
When the Bible tells us directly what God says, or is saying, from Heaven, we need to read and digest it, to take it in. Surely what He says are the most important Words for us to heed. Our problems in life increase when we do not heed what God is saying.
Monday, January 11, 2016
The Lord Fully Understands Pain!
'The Lord Fully Understands Pain.'
Jeremiah 4:19-21.
a) Jeremiah 4:19. He knows what anguish is.
b) Jeremiah 4:19. He knows what it is to writhe in pain.
c) Jeremiah 4:19. The walls of His heart were affected because His Heart was beating wildly.
d) Jeremiah 4:19. He could not keep silent.
e) Jeremiah 4:19. He heard the sound of the trumpet.
f) Jeremiah 4:19. The alarm of war.
g) Jeremiah 4:20. Crash follows hard on crash.
h) Jeremiah 4:20. The whole land is laid waste.
i) Jeremiah 4:20. The home disappears in a moment.
j) Jeremiah 4:21. How long must I look at the enemy's battle flag?
k) Jeremiah 4:21. How long must I hear the sound of the trumpet?
(This QT assures me that The Lord Fully Understands Pain)
'Believe And Obey The Son Of God.'
John 3:36.
a) Whoever Believes in the Son of God.
b) Has Eternal Life. (John 3:15; 5:24; 6:40)
c) Whoever does not obey the Son of God. (Romans 2:8)
d) Whoever does not Believe in the Son of God.
e) Shall not see or have Eternal Life.
f) The Wrath of God remains on that person.
(Through this Second one I desire to Believe And Obey The Son Of God)
The Lord knows what anguish is. It is extremely hard to bring comfort to a person in anguish. Such pain cannot be talked away or counseled through! Because the Lord suffered such pain and anguish we can come to Him and receive consolation when we are going through it. Remember the friends of Job when they first came to him. They just sat in silence, that was really, 100%, the best and correct thing to do. It was when they tried to comfort Job that they messed up.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
A Very Simple Test!
'A Very Simple Test.'
Matthew 7:20.
a) You will recognise.
b) Them.
c) By their fruit.
(This QT teaches me A Very Simple Test Of People)
'Which One Am I?'
Mark 16:16.
a) Whoever.
b) Believes.
c) And is Baptised.
d) Will be Saved.
e) Bot the one.
f) Who does not Believe.
g) Will be condemned.
(This Second one causes me to ask myself: Which One Am I?)
Which one am I? This is surely one of the easiest questions to answer. This has nothing to do with the word "Christian", that was a convenience word by which True Believers in the days of the Book of Acts called themselves. The question that I need to ask myself is: Am I a True Believer? The person, under normal circumstances, who Believes and is Baptised is the one who is and will be Saved.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Dan's Voice!
'Dan's Voice.'
Jeremiah 4:15-18.
a) Jeremiah 4:15. There is a voice from Dan.
b) Jeremiah 4:15. There is a proclamation of malice from Mt. Ephraim.
c) Jeremiah 4:16. The Nations are to be warned.
d) Jeremiah 4:16. Proclaim to Jerusalem.
e) Jeremiah 4:16. Those people who besiege are coming from a distant land.
f) Jeremiah 4:16. They raise their voices against the cities of Judah.
g) Jeremiah 4:17. They have Judah surrounded.
h) Jeremiah 4:17. Just like those people who guard a field.
i) Jeremiah 4:17. This happens because Judah's people rebelled against the Lord.
j) Jeremiah 4:17. This is the Lord's declaration.
k) Jeremiah 4:18. Judah's way of life and actions have brought this upon them.
l) Jeremiah 4:18. This is Jerusalem's punishment.
m) Jeremiah 4:18. It is very bitter.
n) Jeremiah 4:18. Because it reaches the heart of Jerusalem.
(This QT makes me in awe of Dan's Voice)
'The Sanctifying Grace From A Believing Spouse.'
1 Corinthians 7:14.
a) The unbelieving husband is set apart for God.
b) He is set apart by his Believing wife.
c) The unbelieving wife is set apart for God.
d) She is set apart by her Believing husband.
e) Otherwise the children would be unclean.
f) But in such a family as mentioned here, they are holy children.
(This Second one reveals to me The Sanctifying Grace From A Believing Spouse)
There is a Voice from Dan. This Voice was very obviously the Lord's Voice because it says in the Passage of Scripture that it is the Lord's declaration! All Judah and Jerusalem would hear the Lord's Voice. This Voice was neither mysterious or mystical, it was very real and to be clearly understood by the people of Judah. We can Thank God that He still speaks today!
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The Christian Life!
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