The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
The Serpent Locked Up!
'The Serpent Locked Up.'
Revelation 20:1-3.
a) Revelation 20:1. John saw an Angel come down out of Heaven.
b) Revelation 20:1. The Angel had the key to the bottomless pit. (The Abyss)
c) Revelation 20:1. In His Hand the Angel held a large and heavy chain.
d) Revelation 20:2. The Angel grabbed the Dragon (that old snake).
e) Revelation 20:2. The Ancient Serpent who is the Devil and Satan.
f) Revelation 20:2. The Angel tied Satan up and bound him for a thousand years.
g) Revelation 20:3. The Angel threw Satan into the bottomless pit. (The Abyss)
h) Revelation 20:3. The Angel:-
1-Closed the pit.
2-Locked the pit.
3-Sealed the pit.
i) Revelation 20:3. The Angel did this so that the people of the Earth could not any more be:-
3-Led astray.
j) Revelation 20:3. This would happen until the thousand years were:-
k) Revelation 20:3. After all this Satan would be set free for a short time.
(This QT helps me to understand The End times more: The Serpent Locked Up)
'Dealing With Necessary Church Matters.'
1 Corinthians 5:13.
a) The people who are outside of the Church, not part of it, are not the responsibility of Church Leaders.
b) God will Judge those people.
c) It is the Church Leaders' responsibility to Judge those people who are a part of the Church. (Inside the Church)
d) The Scripture says that the Church must properly deal with the evil person inside the it:-
1-Get rid of them.
2-Expel them.
3-Remove them.
(This Second one is something painful for the Church: Dealing With Necessary Church Matters)
There is a time-frame for all things in the Plans of God. This speaks about the thousand years being ended. Different scholars have differing ideas about what all this really means, it is sometimes difficult to fully understand the Book of Revelation. These scholars, will be amazed and astounded as these last days begin to be fulfilled. When this unfurls and begins to happen, True Believers will clearly understand and the Teaching of the scholars, where correct, and most of it is, will be clearly understood.
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