The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Instead Of Peace - A Sword!
'Instead Of Peace - A Sword.'
Jeremiah 4:10.
a) To Jeremiah, as the Lord's Messenger, this was an embarrassing time.
b) It was as if God had deceived His People and His City Jerusalem. (But actually He had not)
c) God's Message was that they would have Peace.
d) The reality became that they suffered by the sword.
(Through this QT I find Instead Of Peace - A Sword)
'Presumptuous Judging Is Not Good.'
John 1:46.
a) Nathanael spoke to Philip.
b) Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?
c) Philip simply replied: "Come, and see".
(This Second one reminds me that Presumptuous Judging Is Not Good)
This is a common situation between people, peoples and Nations, instead of Peace - a Sword. Personally I do not like conflicts, I never have done, since I was a small child. Without any conflicts of my own, I am constantly meeting people who are living in conflict, it may be family issues, it may be national issues or other kinds of issues. People get hurt, damaged and exhausted by living in conflict. This New Year let's pray that any conflict issues in our lives can be solved. The Sword can be taken away and then Peace can come.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
The Book Of Life Opened!
'The Book Of Life Opened.'
Revelation 20:12.
a) John saw the dead, both great and small, important and unimportant, standing before the Throne.
b) Then scrolls and books were opened.
c) Then the Book of Life was opened.
d) Then the dead people were judged by what they had done.
e) What they had done was all recorded in the books and scrolls.
(This QT reveals to me of a most awesome time: The Book Of Life Opened)
'Rejected From The Start.'
John 1:11.
a) Jesus came into the World that was His own.
b) His own homeland.
c) His own country.
d) His own people did not accept Him.
(This Second one teaches me that Jesus was Rejected From The Start)
The dead people were judged by what they had done. This what I call "just judgement"! There are some people who teach that as long as we have "received Jesus Christ" it is enough. I cannot accept this. Jesus spoke about Fruit as well as Faith. There should be evidence of a new life in Jesus Christ in our lives when the time comes for us to face eternity. We will be judged according to our works as True Believers. We are responsible to the amount of Light (understanding) that we have.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
A National Clean Up!
'A National Clean Up.'
Haggai 2:13.
a) Haggai was speaking the Word of the Lord.
b) If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body.
c) Touches any:-
5-Kind of food.
d) Does it become unclean?
e) The answer is 'Yes' - it becomes unclean.
(This QT reminds me that in UK it is time for A National Clean Up)
'A Merciful And Faithful High Priest.'
Hebrews 2:17-18.
a) Jesus Christ had to be made like His brothers in every respect.
b) So He may become a Merciful and Faithful High Priest.
c) In the Service of God.
d) To make propitiation for the sins of the people.
e) Because He Himself suffered when tempted.
f) He is able to help those people who are being tempted.
(This Second one reveals to me A Merciful And Faithful High Priest)
Oil was also used in the culinary preparations of Bible days, usually it was olive oil, or something very similar. It was very much a part of the healthy eating of the Israeli people. Today, also, healthy oil is used in many Nations of the World for cooking, following the pattern that we read about in the Word of God. True Believers should not be people who have 'food fads'. If we have normal health we should be able to eat in a happy and wholesome way.
Monday, December 28, 2015
A Sad Day!
'A Sad Day.'
Jeremiah 4:8 & 9.
a) God's people were to put on rough cloth:-
3-Mourning clothes.
b) They were to show how sad they were:-
3-Cry loudly.
c) The terrible and fierce anger of the Lord had not turned away from them.
d) When this happened.
e) The Lord said that the king and the officers shall lose their courage.
f) Their hearts will fail.
g) The priests were to be terribly afraid and desolate.
h) The prophets were to be:-
(This QT tells me of, and I learn about, A Sad Day)
'It's Simply True.'
Colossians 2:9.
a) All of God lives fully in Christ.
b) In Him all the Fullness of Deity dwells.
c) In a human body.
(I Believe this Second one because It's Simply True)
The People of God were to show how sad they were! This was an unusual request from God for His People and they needed to obey it simply because it came from God and it was correct. It was a time for mourning because they were under God's Hand of Judgement. Even the Priests and Prophets were involved, they were not omitted or given some 'special Grace'. How awesome it would be today if Christian Leaders had the same kind of heart towards God, then leading the people into New Life in Him.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Seated On The Great White Throne!
'Seated On The Great White Throne.'
Revelation 20:11.
a) John saw a Great White Throne.
b) John saw Him Who was seated on it.
c) From His Presence.
d) Earth and sky fled away.
e) No place was found for them.
(This QT is Awesome to me: Seated On The Great White Throne)
'God Has Given Us A Spirit.'
2 Timothy 1:7.
a) God has given to us.
b) A Spirit. (The Holy Spirit)
c) Not of fear.
d) But of:-
(Through this Second one I Rejoice because God Has Given Me A Spirit)
This is one of the most awesome scenes in the Holy Scriptures. When Jesus is seen on His Great White Throne, no place was found for the Earth and the sky. Jesus, sitting on His Great White Throne fills everything. There are times when it does us good to ponder upon the Eternal Things. Surely the Awesome Character of God becomes very real to us as we do that.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Positive Words For The New Year!
'Positive Words For The New Year.'
John 15:7.
a) If we abide in Christ.
b) If His Words abide in us.
c) We can ask for whatever we wish.
d) It will be done for us.
(This QT reveals Positive Words For The New Year)
'Church Discipline Should Be Compassionate.'
2 Corinthians 2:6-8.
a) 2 Corinthians 2:6. Punishment by the Church Majority is enough.
b) 2 Corinthians 2:6. This punishment is only for the one found guilty - not just a suspect.
c) 2 Corinthians 2:7. Now, after the punishment, forgive the person.
d) 2 Corinthians 2:7. Now, after the punishment console the person.
e) 2 Corinthians 2:7. It is not good for the punished person to be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.
f) 2 Corinthians 2:8. The Church needs to reaffirm their love for the punished person.
(This Second one teaches me that Church Discipline Should Be Compassionate)
This is almost a New Year - 2016. When we see the news on the television, or read it in the newspaper, most of the news that we read is not good news. Newspapers and TV channels thrive on bad news, or news about bad people. We should never forget that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News - and it is good news for the whole World.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Beware Of The Lion!
'Beware Of The Lion.'
Jeremiah 4:7.
a) A lion has come out of his den. (Or lair)
b) The lion is a destroyer of Nations that has begun to march.
c) The lion has left his home.
d) The lion has come to destroy our land.
e) Our towns will be destroyed and devastated.
f) No one will be left to live in our towns.
(This QT urges me to look at history, national flags and symbols, Beware Of The Lion and Pray)
'Do It Well.'
1 Corinthians 14:40.
a) In the Church.
b) Everything should be done.
c) In a way that is:-
(This Second causes me to say to and Pray for Churches: Do It Well)
We have to consider the Bible Prophecies of the future. As yet most of them are unclear and their meaning cannot be easily understood. This means that the time of their fulfilment is still some way off. We still have to consider them. If we are not ready when the time comes for their manifestation then it will really not be easy for us.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Satan's Eternal Torment!
'Satan's Eternal Torment.'
Revelation 20:10.
a) The Devil, who is the Deceiver, deceiving the Nations.
b) Was thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur.
c) The beast was already there.
d) The false prophet was already there.
e) They all will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
(This QT gives me Relief and a sense of Victory: Satan's Eternal Torment)
'Authority Given By The Lord.'
2 Corinthians 13:10.
a) Apostle Paul is explaining why he wrote this Epistle.
b) He did not want to be:-
c) When he came to Corinth again.
d) The Lord had given Paul authority over the Corinthian Church.
e) He was the Apostle.
f) This authority was for building up (edification).
g) This authority was not for tearing down or destroying the Church.
(This Second one helps me to understand Authority Given By The Lord)
The Devil, who is the Deceiver, deceived the Nations. The vast majority of Nations on the planet Earth are deceived by the Deceiver. They are deceived in the areas of War and Peace. They are deceived in the areas and standards of Morality. They are deceived as to their concepts of Lifestyle Values. These deceptions will be ended. Christ is the Eternal Victor.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
They Can Be Raised!
'They Can Be Raised.'
a) Genesis 41:44; Deuteronomy 32:40. A hand or foot.
b) Genesis 46:32; Isaiah 7:21. Livestock.
c) Deuteronomy 18:15. A prophet.
d) Judges 18:25; Isaiah 24:14; 40:9. A voice.
e) 1 Samuel 2:35. A faithful priest.
f) 1 Kings 14:14. A king.
g) 1 Chronicles 15:16. Voices with Joy.
h) 1 Chronicles 17:11; Matthew 3:9; 22:24. A descendant.
i) Psalm 41:10. Myself.
j) Isaiah 49:22; 62:10. The Lord's Banner.
k) Jeremiah 6:1. A smoke signal.
l) Jeremiah 6:6. A siege ramp.
m) Jeremiah 7:29. A dirge.
n) Jeremiah 9:10 & 18. Weeping and lament.
o) Jeremiah 23:4; Zechariah 11:16. Shepherds.
p) Jeremiah 23:5. A Righteous Branch of David.
q) Jeremiah 30:9. King David.
r) Jeremiah 50:2. A signal flag.
s) Jeremiah 50:15; Ezekiel 21:22; Hosea 5:8. A war cry.
t) Ezekiel 26:3. Many Nations.
u) Ezekiel 26:8. A wall of shields.
v) Ezekiel 26:19. The deep.
w) Ezekiel 33:25; Luke 18:13. Eyes.
x) Daniel 11:11. A large army.
y) Matthew 10:8. Dead people.
z) John 6:39. The Lord's People on the Last Day.
(This QT: They Can Be Raised, gives me confidence in the Lord's Mercy and Power)
'The Lord Who Declares His Word.'
Zechariah 12:1.
a) This was concerning Israel.
b) It was a Declaration of the Lord.
c) The Lord Who stretched out the Heavens.
d) The Lord Who laid the foundations of the Earth.
e) The Lord Who formed the spirit of man within him.
(This Second one reveals to me The Lord Who Declares His Word)
The Lord tells His People at times to raise up a siege ramp. This speaks about times of battle, when a city needs to be taken. If a siege ramp is raised it means that there is some kind of invasion strategy taking place. I know that, the city where I presently live, and also many (not all) of our cities, need to be taken for the Lord. Cities are so spiritually significant. May we all know the Lord's strategy for our city.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Take Refuge!
'Take Refuge.'
Jeremiah 4:6.
a) Raise a standard towards Zion. (Jeremiah 51:27)
b) Flee for safety.
c) Take refuge.
d) Do not delay.
e) Disaster is descending from the North.
f) And great destruction.
(Through this QT I understand more about God's call to us to Take Refuge)
a) Genesis 5:3. Lived to a very old age.
b) Genesis 5:4. Fathered children.
c) Job 15:7; 1 Timothy 2:13. Was the first person.
d) Job 31:33. Tried to cover his transgressions.
e) Psalm 90:3. His descendants were returned to the dust.
f) Psalm 115:16. His sons have been given the Earth.
g) Luke 3:38. Was the son of God.
h) Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. Adam's sin brought death into the World.
i) Romans 5:14. Death reigned from Adam to Moses.
(This Second one causes me to ponder upon the life of Adam)
Disaster is descending from the North. As soon as I read this phrase and this passage I prayed for the Peace of God and the Will of God to come firmly into the Nation of North Korea. I believe that God loved and loves North Korea and that it is His Will for many people in North Korea to be partakers of His Salvation.
Monday, December 21, 2015
When The Thousand Years Are Ended!
'When The Thousand Years Are Ended.'
Revelation 20:7-9.
a) Revelation 20:7. When the Thousand Years are ended.
b) Revelation 20:7. Satan will be released from his prison.
c) Revelation 20:8. Satan will come out to deceive the Nations that are at the four corners of the Earth.
d) Revelation 20:8; Ezekiel 38:2; 39:1. Gog and Magog.
e) Revelation 20:8. These Nations will be gathered for battle.
f) Revelation 20:8. These Nations will be like a mighty host, as numberless as the sand on the sea shore.
g) Revelation 20:9; Ezekiel 38:16. They will march up, along the broad plain of the Earth.
h) Revelation 20:9; Hebrews 13:13. They will surround the camp of the Saints.
i) Revelation 20:9; Psalm 132:13. They will surround the Beloved City.
j) Revelation 20:9; 13:13. Fire came down from Heaven and consumed them.
(Through this QT I learn what happens When The Thousand Years Are Ended)
'We Need A Second Birth.'
John 3:6.
a) That which is born of the flesh is flesh.
b) That which is born of the Spirit (Holy Spirit) is spirit.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:50. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:50. The perishable cannot inherit the imperishable.
e) John 6:63. It is the Spirit Who gives life.
f) John 6:63. The flesh is no help at all.
g) John 6:63. The Words that Jesus speaks to us are Spirit and Life.
(This Second one makes me realise that I Need A Second Birth)
Satan will come out to deceive the Nations. This is happening on the Earth right now, at this time. The Nations are being deceived. Human values are becoming more and more corrupted. This is due to two things, the ever increasing sinfulness of humanity and Satan deceiving the Nations.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Things That Were Entered!
'Things That Were Entered.'
a) Acts 23:16. The barracks.
b) Acts 25:23. The audience hall.
c) Hebrews 4:10. God's Rest.
d) Hebrews 9:12. The Holy Places.
e) Genesis 7:13. The Ark.
f) Genesis 43:30. Chamber room.
g) Exodus 24:18. The cloud.
h) Exodus 33:9. The tent.
i) Joshua 2:3. Your house.
j) Joshua 8:19; 10:20; 1 Chronicles 19:15. The city.
k) Judges 9:46. The stronghold.
l) 1 Samuel 14:26. The forest.
m) 1 Samuel 16:21. Saul's service.
n) 1 Kings 20:30. An inner chamber.
o) 2 Kings 6:20. Samaria.
p) 2 Kings 10:21. The house of Baal.
q) 2 Kings 12:9; 2 Chronicles 31:16. The House of the Lord.
r) 2 Kings 19:23. The farthest lodging place.
s) 1 Chronicles 27:24. The Chronicles of King David.
t) 2 Chronicles 15:12. A Covenant to seek the Lord.
u) Nehemiah 2:15. The Valley Gate.
v) Esther 6:4. The outer court of the King's Palace.
w) Jeremiah 52:12. Jerusalem.
x) Ezekiel 43:4. The Temple.
y) Daniel 10:3. Daniel's mouth.
z) Matthew 8:5. Capernaum.
(This QT fuels my Prayer for Wisdom: Things That Were Entered)
'A Devastating Result Of Sin.'
2 Chronicles 6:36.
a) Sin is not a question of 'if', but rather of 'when'.
b) Sin causes God to be angry.
c) Sin may cause us to be carried off by an enemy.
d) It maybe to a land afar off.
e) It maybe to a land that is near.
(This Second one Teaches me A Devastating Result Of Sin)
I delight in entering my inner chamber (personal room) to Pray, to come to God, and to Rest. For some people, their concept and style of the Christian Faith is always public. This concept and style does not suit me at all! Whereas I agree that our Faith is something that we can share with other people, to be totally public is something that even Jesus Christ did not do on Earth. We need balance, and not to forget our inner chamber.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
A Time To Protect Ourselves!
'A Time To Protect Ourselves.'
Jeremiah 4:5.
a) Declare this in Judah.
b) Publish this in Jerusalem.
c) Tell them to blow the trumpet in the land.
d) Cry.
e) Gather together.
f) Say: Assemble yourselves.
g) Say: Let us go into the defensed cities.
(This QT reveals A Time To Protect Ourselves)
'A Part Of The Result Of Original Sin.'
Genesis 3:19.
a) In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread.
b) Then you shall return into the ground.
c) You were originally taken out of the ground.
d) You are dust. (Genesis 2:7) (Psalm 103:14)
e) To dust you shall return. (Job 34:15) (Psalm 104:29) (Ecclesiastes 3:20)
At times of urgency or emergency it is wise for God's People to gather together in various forms. It may be physically, in a conducive environment, or it may be through communication of some form, but being together is important. When God's People stand united together the enemy cannot overcome their Faith and Steadfastness.
Friday, December 18, 2015
a) Revelation 20:5-6. There is a first Resurrection, those people who are a part of it are pure and holy.
b) Matthew 22:23; 1 Corinthians 15:12. Some people believe that there is no Resurrection.
c) Matthew 22:31. We can read what God says about it.
d) Matthew 27:53. After Christ's Resurrection other people resurrected.
e) Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8. The Sadducees said that there is no resurrection.
f) Luke 14:14. There will be repayment at the Resurrection of the Just.
g) Luke 20:35. There is no marriage after Resurrection.
h) Luke 20:36. There are sons of the Resurrection.
i) John 5:29. There is more than one type of Resurrection.
j) John 11:24. There is a Resurrection on the Last Day.
k) John 11:25. Jesus said that He is the Resurrection.
l) Acts 17:32. Caused interest for some religious people.
m) Acts 23:6; 24:21. Apostle Paul believed in it.
n) Acts 24:15. Of both the Just and the unjust.
o) Philippians 3:10. The Resurrection of Christ has Power.
p) Philippians 3:11. Has to be attained.
q) 2 Timothy 2:18. Has not already happened.
r) Hebrews 6:2. Is basic Biblical Truth.
s) Revelation 20:6. Is for Blessed and Holy people.
(This QT reminds me about the Resurrection.
'The Authority Of Biblical Church Leaders.'
Hebrews 13:17.
a) We need to obey our Church Leaders.
b) We need to have confidence in our Church Leaders.
c) We need to act under, and submit to, their authority.
d) They keep watch over us. (Acts 20:28)
e) They are responsible for us.
f) They will give account to God for our souls.
g) We need to follow them so that they can do their work with Joy.
h) We should not cause them to be burdened by their Ministry.
i) If we give them a hard time it will not be good for us.
(This Second one teaches me again about The Authority Of Biblical Church Leaders)
Apostle Paul clearly believed in the Resurrection, not only the Resurrection of Christ Himself but also the Resurrection of True Believers. We need to emulate the Apostle in his belief. Belief in the Resurrection gives us much Hope. We know that we have Eternal Life and this Life in manifested in the Resurrection.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Sin Entered The World!
'Sin Entered The World.'
Romans 5:12.
a) Sin entered the World.
b) Through one man.
c) Death entered the World by sin.
d) Death spread to all people.
e) For all people sinned.
(This QT teaches me the result of Sin Entering The World)
'The Free Gift From God.'
Romans 6:23.
a) The wages of sin is death.
b) The free gift of God.
c) Is Eternal Life.
d) In Christ Jesus our Lord.
(This Second one makes me thankful for The Free Gift From God)
All people sinned. This is the common denominator of all humanity across the whole Earth. It does not paint a 'pretty picture', but it is frank Bible Truth. This means that all people need an answer for their penalty from God for their sin. This answer is very simple and yet wonderful, it is found in receiving and believing in Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord and Saviour, receiving the Gift of Eternal Life and Forgiveness of sin that comes through Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us on the Cross.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A Time To Turn From Evil!
'A Time To Turn From Evil.'
Jeremiah 4:3-4.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) To every man of Judah and Jerusalem.
c) Break up your fallow ground.
d) Do not sow among thorns.
e) Circumcise yourselves to the Lord.
f) Take away the foreskins of your heart.
g) This was to every man of Judah and Jerusalem. (Emphasised)
h) If they did not do this.
i) The Lord's fury would come forth like fire.
j) It would burn so that no one could quench it.
k) This was because of the evil of their doings.
(This QT teaches me that it is A Time To Turn From Evil)
'See Cautiously.'
Genesis 3:6.
a) The woman saw that the tree was good for food.
b) The tree was a delight to the eyes.
c) The tree was to be desired to make one wise.
d) She took of its fruit and ate it.
e) She also gave some to her husband, who was with her.
f) He also ate it.
(This Second one reminds me to See Cautiously)
The Lord told His People to circumcise themselves to Him. They were in prosperity and it was the time for them to turn back to Him meaningfully. This was the only way left to them to prevent desolation. Religious circumcision was not something merely to be proud of, it had a deep spiritual significance.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
They Reign With Christ For A Thousand Years!
'They Reign With Christ For A Thousand Years.'
Revelation 20:4.
a) John saw Thrones.
b) Seated on the Thrones were those to whom authority to Judge was committed.
c) John saw the souls of those people who had been beheaded.
d) Beheaded for the Testimony of Jesus.
e) Beheaded for the Word of God.
f) They were those people who had not worshipped the beast or its image.
g) They had not received the beast's mark on their foreheads or hands.
(Through this QT I know that They Reign With Christ For A Thousand Years)
'Our Mighty Lord.'
Psalm 93:4.
a) Mightier than the thunders of many waters.
b) Mightier than the waves of the sea.
c) The Lord on High is Mighty.
(This Second one extols Our Mighty Lord)
There have been many people, who, over the centuries, have been beheaded for the Word of God. These are people who have maintained a pure testimony for the Lord and implicitly obeyed His Word. The Church in Scotland, I live in Scotland, has in its history the Scottish Martyrs, who, as recently as the 1700's died for the sake of a pure Church and a pure Gospel, not interfered with by State or by evil people wishing to control it.
Monday, December 14, 2015
a) Matthew 3:6; 1:5. Their sins before being Baptised by John Baptist.
b) Daniel 9:20. Daniel, confessing his own sins plus the sins of his people at a time of Prayer.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:3. Confessing that Jesus is Lord - by the Holy Spirit.
d) 1 John 4:2. Confessing that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is a sign of spiritual health.
e) Romans 10:9. In order to experience Salvation we need to Confess with our mouth and Believe in our heart the Truth of Jesus Christ the Lord.
f) Matthew 10:32. Confess Christ before the people and Christ confesses us before the Father.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of Confessing)
'Martha's Firm Faith.'
John 11:27.
a) Martha said 'Yes' to the Lord.
b) Martha Believed that Jesus was the Christ.
c) Martha Believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
d) Martha Believed the Word of God regarding Jesus coming into the World.
(This Second one reveals Martha's Firm Faith)
The Truth of Jesus Christ the Lord is something that we need to clearly and strongly Believe personally in our heart. To be a True Believer, there can be no compromise with this statement. There are several definitions I have heard in response to the question: "What is a Christian?" There can be nothing that contradicts this statement of Faith: The Truth of Jesus Christ the Lord is something that we need to clearly and strongly Believe personally in our heart.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Returning To The Lord!
'Returning To The Lord.'
Jeremiah 4:1-2.
a) It means coming back to Him, returning to Him, not just going to Church.
b) It means that we need to remove our idols, (of every kind), which God hates.
c) It means that we are not to wander away from Him any more.
d) It means that we are not to waver about this decision which we have made.
e) It means that, when we make a promise, we can say: "As surely as the Lord lives."
f) It means that we can say this in a way that is:-
g) Then the Nations will be Blessed by the Lord.
h) The Nations will Praise the Lord for what He has done.
(This QT reveals to me the importance of Returning To The Lord)
'Until Christ Came.'
Genesis 49:10.
a) Men from Judah's family would be kings.
b) Someone from Judah would always be on the Throne.
c) Judah would rule until the real King comes.
d) All the Nations would obey the real King.
(This Second one explained the rule of God's People Until Christ Came)
When we make a Promise we can say: "As surely as the Lord lives." When we make a Promise, we should mean it! It is a deep thing and not a glib thing to make a Promise. If we have to break, or have recently broken, a Promise, we need to honestly apologise, giving a reason. If we fail to do this then we may be rightfully known as a "promise breaker".
Saturday, December 12, 2015
The Serpent Locked Up!
'The Serpent Locked Up.'
Revelation 20:1-3.
a) Revelation 20:1. John saw an Angel come down out of Heaven.
b) Revelation 20:1. The Angel had the key to the bottomless pit. (The Abyss)
c) Revelation 20:1. In His Hand the Angel held a large and heavy chain.
d) Revelation 20:2. The Angel grabbed the Dragon (that old snake).
e) Revelation 20:2. The Ancient Serpent who is the Devil and Satan.
f) Revelation 20:2. The Angel tied Satan up and bound him for a thousand years.
g) Revelation 20:3. The Angel threw Satan into the bottomless pit. (The Abyss)
h) Revelation 20:3. The Angel:-
1-Closed the pit.
2-Locked the pit.
3-Sealed the pit.
i) Revelation 20:3. The Angel did this so that the people of the Earth could not any more be:-
3-Led astray.
j) Revelation 20:3. This would happen until the thousand years were:-
k) Revelation 20:3. After all this Satan would be set free for a short time.
(This QT helps me to understand The End times more: The Serpent Locked Up)
'Dealing With Necessary Church Matters.'
1 Corinthians 5:13.
a) The people who are outside of the Church, not part of it, are not the responsibility of Church Leaders.
b) God will Judge those people.
c) It is the Church Leaders' responsibility to Judge those people who are a part of the Church. (Inside the Church)
d) The Scripture says that the Church must properly deal with the evil person inside the it:-
1-Get rid of them.
2-Expel them.
3-Remove them.
(This Second one is something painful for the Church: Dealing With Necessary Church Matters)
There is a time-frame for all things in the Plans of God. This speaks about the thousand years being ended. Different scholars have differing ideas about what all this really means, it is sometimes difficult to fully understand the Book of Revelation. These scholars, will be amazed and astounded as these last days begin to be fulfilled. When this unfurls and begins to happen, True Believers will clearly understand and the Teaching of the scholars, where correct, and most of it is, will be clearly understood.
Friday, December 11, 2015
To Turn Or Not To Turn!
'To Turn Or Not To Turn.'
a) Joshua 1:7. Be strong and courageous, do not turn away from the Word of God.
b) Joshua 23:6. Do not turn aside from the Law of Moses.
c) 1 Kings 13:17. When the Lord says we should not turn, then do not turn.
d) 1 Kings 17:3. Turn eastward and hide.
e) 2 Chronicles 7:14. We are to turn from our wicked ways.
f) 2 Chronicles 29:10. When we make a Covenant with Jehovah then His Anger may be turned away from us.
g) 2 Chronicles 30:8. God's Counsel:-
1-Do not harden your necks.
2-Yield yourselves to Jehovah.
3-Come to Jehovah's Sanctuary.
4-Jehovah has Sanctified His Sanctuary forever.
5-Serve Jehovah our God.
6-The fierceness of His Anger will turn away from us.
h) 2 Chronicles 30:9. Jehovah our God is Gracious and Merciful. He will not turn His Face away from us if we return to Him.
i) Psalm 119:39. Turn away my reproach, which I fear, for Thy Judgements are good.
j) Psalm 119:132. Turn to me and be Gracious to me, as you are to those people who love Your Name.
k) Psalm 125:5. We should not turn aside to our wicked ways.
l) Psalm 126:4. Turn our captivities Oh Lord, as streams in the South.
m) Proverbs 4:27. Do not turn to the Right or to the Left, we are to remove our feet from evil.
n) Proverbs 13:14. The Teaching of a wise man is a fountain of Life, to turn people away from the snares of death.
o) Proverbs 29:8. Wise men turn away anger in a City.
p) Jeremiah 26:3. When we turn from our evil way, then God repents of the evil which He planned to do to us.
q) Jeremiah 29:14. God says that His People will find Him. Then:-
1-He will turn their captivity. (Jeremiah 30:3)
2-He will gather them from all the Nations.
3-He will gather them from all the places where He had driven them.
4-He will bring His People into their place.
r) Jeremiah 33:11. The Lord will turn again the captivity of the Land, as at the Beginning.
s) Jeremiah 33:26. The Lord will turn the captivity of His People and have Mercy upon them.
t) Ezekiel 3:20. Righteous people should not turn away from their righteousness.
u) Daniel 12:3. If we turn many people to Righteousness, we shall be like shining stars.
v) Joel 2:13. It is time to:-
1-Rend our hearts.
2-Not our garments.
3-Turn to Jehovah our God.
4-For He is:-
C-Slow to anger.
D-Of great loving-kindness.
w) Matthew 24:18. The one who has been in the field should not turn back to take his garment.
x) Luke 1:16. John Baptist shall turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God.
y) Luke 1:17. The hearts of the fathers need to be turned to their children.
z) Acts 15:19. People from the Nations turn to God.
(This QT challenges me: To Turn Or Not To Turn)
'Taught By Discipline.'
1 Timothy 1:20.
a) Apostle Paul disciplined Hymenaeus and Alexander.
b) By delivering them over to Satan.
c) To teach them not to blaspheme.
(Through this Second one I know that sometimes, in certain situations the Church needs to be Taught By Discipline)
When we turn to what is correct and away from what is wrong it should be a really genuine turning that comes from our repentant heart. It is a heart issue and not a "garments" issue. We do not make any public show, attempting to show people how much our lives have changed, rather we calmly and simply walk with the Lord.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Result Of Long Term Disobedience!
'The Result Of Long Term Disobedience.'
Jeremiah 3:25.
a) We lie down in our shame.
b) Our Disgrace covers us like a blanket.
c) Because we have sinned against the Lord.
d) We and our ancestors.
e) From our youth until now.
f) We have not obeyed the Lord our God.
(This QT reveals to me The Result Of Long Term Disobedience)
'Necessary Strong Discipline.'
1 Corinthians 5:3-5.
a) Apostle Paul was not with the Corinthian Church in person at the time of writing.
b) He was with them in spirit.
c) He had already judged the man who sinned as if he were there, present with them.
d) When the Church was to meet together in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
e) Apostle Paul would meet with them in Spirit and in the Power of the Lord Jesus.
f) Hand the guilty man over to Satan.
g) His sinful self will be destroyed.
h) His spirit will be saved on the Day of the Lord.
(This Second one teaches me about Necessary Strong Discipline)
When we have been living in disobedience and that disobedience has in some way been exposed by the Lord, we should respond by lying down in our shame. What has taken place is shameful so we need to respond to the exposure of it in the correct way and not try to hide it. When we respond in the correct way, we can experience an abundance of God's Grace.
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