The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
The Second Beast!
'The Second Beast.'
Revelation 13:11-17.
a) Revelation 13:11. The Second Beast came out of the Earth.
b) Revelation 13:11. It had two horns like a lamb.
c) Revelation 13:11. It spoke like a dragon.
d) Revelation 13:12. The Second Beast exercised all the authority of the First Beast on its behalf.
e) Revelation 13:12. The Second Beast made the /earth and all its inhabitants worship the First Beast.
f) Revelation 13:12. The First Beast's fatal wound had been healed.
g) Revelation 13:13. The Second Beast performed great signs.
h) Revelation 13:13. The Second Beast caused fire to come down from Heaven to Earth in full view of the people.
i) Revelation 13:14. Because of the signs.
j) Revelation 13:14. The Second Beast was given power to perform on behalf of the First Beast.
k) Revelation 13:14. The Second Beast deceived the inhabitants of the Earth.
l) Revelation 13:14. The Second Beast ordered the people of the Earth to set up an image.
m) Revelation 13:14. This image was set up in honour of the Beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
n) Revelation 13:15. The Second Beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast.
o) Revelation 13:15. So the First Beast image could speak.
p) Revelation 13:15. The image of the First Beast caused all beings who refused to worship it to be killed.
q) Revelation 13:16. The First Beast image forced all people to receive a mark on their right hands or foreheads.
r) Revelation 13:16. All people:-
s) Revelation 13:17. The people could not buy or sell unless they had the mark.
t) Revelation 13:17. The mark is the name of the Beast or the number of its name.
(Through this QT I understand more about The Second Beast)
'I Do Not Want To Fail Christ.'
Philippians 1:20.
a) Apostle Paul:-
1-Eagerly expected.
3-Hoped for.
b) He did not want to be ashamed.
c) He did not want to fail Christ in anything.
d) He desired the courage, then and always.
e) To show the Greatness of Christ in his life on the Earth.
f) Paul wanted to do this whether he died or lived.
(This Second one causes my echo with Apostle Paul: I Do Not Want To Fail Christ)
We should not despise people that are small. Whether small in stature, or small in importance, we should esteem them just as much as we would esteem others. The secular world has a bad habit of despising people who are small in importance, this is really a bad habit that needs to be forsaken. There have been some mighty achievements made by people who seemed small in importance.
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