The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Great Things In The Revelation!
'Great Things In The Revelation.'
a) Revelation 12:1; 15:1. Signs.
b) Revelation 12:2. Pain.
c) Revelation 12:3 & 9. Dragon.
d) Revelation 12:12. Wrath.
e) Revelation 12:14. Eagle.
f) Revelation 13:2 & 18:1. Authority.
g) Revelation 13:16. People.
h) Revelation 14:2. Thunder.
i) Revelation 14:2. Waters.
j) Revelation 14:8, 16:19 & 18:2. Babylon.
k) Revelation 14:19. Winepress.
l) Revelation 15:3. Deeds.
m) Revelation 16:1 & 17. Voice.
n) Revelation 16:9. Heat.
o) Revelation 16:12. River Euphrates.
p) Revelation 16:18. Earthquake.
q) Revelation 16:19; 17:18 & 18:10. City.
r) Revelation 16:21. Hailstones.
s) Revelation 17:1; 19:2. Prostitute.
t) Revelation 18:23. Men of the Earth.
u) Revelation 19:1. Multitude of people.
v) Revelation 19:17. Supper of God.
w) Revelation 20:11. White Throne.
x) Revelation 21:10. High Mountain.
y) Revelation 21:12. High Wall.
z) Revelation 22:2. Street.
a1) Revelation 22:16. Descendant.
(This QT teaches me about some Great Things In The Revelation)
'Never Test The Spirit Of The Lord.'
Acts 5:9.
a) Peter knew that Ananias and Sapphira conspired to test the Spirit of the Lord.
b) Peter commanded Sapphira to listen to what he had to say.
c) Those men who buried Ananias were now at the door.
d) They would do exactly the same to her.
(Through this Second one I know to Never Test The Spirit Of The Lord)
The Book of Revelation tells us about great and destructive hailstones that were to fall in the end times. I am in awe as I read these verses from Revelation. It seems that Heaven is a place of "Greats". I do not want to get involved with prophetic things here. I simply want to say that Heaven is a Great Place of "Greats"
The Christian Life!
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