The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, June 19, 2015
a) Revelation 5:5. Jesus Christ is the Lion of Judah.
b) Revelation 10:3. Roars loudly.
c) 1 Samuel 17:34. Shepherds protect their flocks from them.
d) 2 Samuel 17:10. Brave soldiers have hearts like them.
e) 1 Kings 13:28; 20:36. May have a part in Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
f) Job 4:11. Perish for lack of prey.
g) Psalm 7:2; Jeremiah 5:6. Tears people apart.
h) Psalm 10:9. The lion:-
1-Lies in wait to catch the helpless.
2-Catches the helpless.
3-Drags the helpless off in his net.
i) Psalm 17:12. May be fierce and crouching in cover.
j) Psalm 91:13. May be trodden on.
k) Proverbs 19:12. The rage of a Nation's Leader is like the roar of a lion.
l) Isaiah 11:7. In coming days the lion will eat straw like an ox.
j) Jeremiah 4:7. Comes out of its lairs.
k) Hosea 11:10. The Lord will roar like a lion.
(This QT teaches me about Lions in the Scripture)
'Fully Proclaiming The Gospel Of Christ.'
Romans 15:19.
a) Is in the Power of signs.
b) Is with wonders.
c) Is through the Power of the Spirit of God.
d) Is spreading the Message out from the "Home Church."
e) This is fully Proclaiming and Preaching The Gospel Of Christ)
The Lion seems to be such an awful and powerful creature. Definitely this is a flesh eater. It is a destructive and angry creature. It is cunning to catch its prey. Yet The Bible calls Jesus "The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, this title reveals His Title and His Power. The Lion can also be defeated. A simple read through the New Testament will give the True Believer Faith to overcome the Lion, who is also called Satan.
The Christian Life!
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