The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Message Of A True Ambassador Of Christ!
'The Message Of A True Ambassador Of Christ.'
2 Corinthians 5:20.
a) The True Ambassador of Christ is a part of a team of ministers.
b) God appeals to people through the Ambassador.
c) The True Ambassador of Christ entreats other people in the Name of the Lord.
d) The Message of the True Ambassador of Christ calls people to make their peace with God.
(Through this QT I know more about The Message Of A True Ambassador Of Christ)
'Earth's Tank Was Full.'
Genesis 6:1-12.
a) Genesis 6:1. Human families began to spread all over the Face of the Earth.
b) Genesis 6:2. It seems that relationships began that were in some way displeasing to God.
c) Genesis 6:3. God set the maximum age for human beings at 120 years here.
d) Genesis 6:4. The children of these human relationships became mighty and strong warriors. (Aggressive fighters)
e) Genesis 6:5. People's hearts were continually set on evil and God saw it.
f) Genesis 6:6. God was so sad, He regretted He had put human beings on the Earth and He does until today.
g) Genesis 6:7. God repented of putting human beings on the Earth.
h) Genesis 6:7. God wanted to blot out humanity from the Earth.
i) Genesis 6:8. Noah found favour in the Eyes of the Lord.
j) Genesis 6:9. Noah:-
1-Was a Righteous man.
2-Was a Blameless man.
3-Walked with God.
k) Genesis 6:10. Noah had three sons.
l) Genesis 6:11. The World was corrupt in God's Sight and filled with violence.
m) Genesis 6:12. God saw that this World was so corrupt and all Creation had lost its way.
(This Second one brings to my attention the time when Earth's Tank Was Full)
God is concerned about our relationships. In the days of Noah relationships began that were displeasing to God. We read God's Warnings about these wrong relationships right through the thread of Scripture in both Old and New Testaments even until today. There are still strong warnings to True Believers about these wrong relationships. The Bible is very clear, if we are into wrong relationships, we need to get out of them.
The Christian Life!
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