The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Facing The Challenge!
'Facing The Challenge.'
Mark 10:17-21.
a) Mark 10:17. The young man who wanted to inherit Eternal Life by doing something good.
b) Mark 10:18. Jesus turned him away from Himself and towards God and His Word.
c) Mark 10:19. Jesus reminded him of the Commandments of God.
d) Mark 10:20. The young man claimed to have kept those Commandments and probably he was not lying.
e) Mark 10:21. Jesus then:-
1-Looked at him.
2-Loved him.
3-Spoke to him.
f) Mark 10:21. Jesus told him what he needed to do, the challenges he faced as a rich young ruler:-
1-Sell whatever you have.
2-Give to the poor people.
3-Live life with a Heavenly perspective.
4-Follow Jesus.
5-Take up His Cross.
(This QT calls me to be Facing The Challenge)
'It Is Time To Repent.'
a) John 3:7. We need to be born again.
b) Matthew 4:17. For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
c) Luke 5:32. Jesus came to call sinners to repentance.
d) Matthew 12:41. Repentance follows the Ministry of Preaching or Teaching God's Word.
e) Luke 13:3 & 5. If we do not repent then we perish.
f) Luke 3:8. Repent is proven by its fruit.
g) Luke 5:32. Jesus Christ came specifically to call sinners to repentance.
(This Second one clearly reminds me that It Is Time To Repent)
Jesus spoke to this young man even though He knew that the young man would reject Him. This is truly amazing Grace. God's Love is beyond the level of our human boundaries. All of us have limits and boundaries and when someone breaches those boundaries it makes our lives very difficult. Let us be careful in the way that we live towards other people, even our friends, and be in awe of God's Love and Grace as revealed by Jesus Christ.
The Christian Life!
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