The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tasting The Lord's Fruit!
'Tasting The Lord's Fruit.'
a) Song of Solomon 2:3. A tree that is delightful and its fruit is sweet to the taste.
b) Song of Solomon 2:3. A tree that offers shade and comfort.
c) Proverbs 25:11. A tree that gives timely advice.
d) James 1:17. A tree that gives us what is good and perfect.
e) Psalm 89:6. No one can compare with this tree.
f) Hebrews 1:9. A tree from which flows the oil of Joy.
g) Psalm 94:19. A tree that comforts and gives new Hope and Cheer.
h) Mark 6:31. A tree that gives rest.
i) 1 Peter 1:8. A tree that can be trusted.
j) Psalm 121:5; Isaiah 4:6. A tree that is a protective shade.
k) Isaiah 25:4. A tree that is a tower of refuge.
l) Psalm 119:103. A tree that gives sweet words.
m) John 6:57. A tree from which we can feed.
n) 1 Peter 2:3. A tree that gives to us the Lord's kindness.
o) Revelation 2:7. A tree of Life that produces fruit.
(Through this QT I want to be Tasting The Lord's Fruit)
'If It Is Possible.'
Romans 12:17-18.
a) Repay no one evil for evil.
b) Have regard for good things in the sight of all people.
c) If it is possible.
d) As much as depends on us.
e) Live peaceably with all people.
(This Second one teaches me what to do If It Is Possible)
The Lord is like a tree that is a protective shade for those people who stand under its covering, especially in the heat of the day. For some of us life beats down on us like a fierce sunshine which makes us uncomfortable and weak. In such circumstances the Lord invites us to come under His shade and be protected in those difficult times.
The Pain That Jesus Bore For Us!
'The Pain That Jesus Bore For Us.'
a) Mark 14:34. In the Garden of Gethsemane His Pain was so painful. Even enough to cause Him death.
b) Isaiah 53:3-4. The pain of:-
c) Isaiah 53:12. He poured out His Soul unto death.
d) Lamentations 1:12. His sorrow was unique.
e) John 12:27. His soul was troubled.
(Through this QT I find The Pain That Jesus Bore For Me)
'This Is Only Possible For True Believers.'
Matthew 5:44.
a) Jesus said that we are to love our enemies.
b) Jesus said that we are to Bless those people who curse us.
c) Jesus said that we are to do good to those people who hate us.
d) Jesus said that we are to Pray for those people who despitefully use us.
e) Jesus said that we are to Pray for the people who persecute us.
(Through this Second one I know that This Is Only Possible For True Believers)
Sorrow is a painful emotion. The dictionary definition is mental suffering or pain caused by injury, loss or despair. There is much sorrow in the World today. Even True Believers may suffer sorrow, it has nothing to do with our sin, although the sin of another person may cause us sorrow. We can have hope because Jesus bore our sorrows.
b) Jesus said that we are to Bless those people who curse us.
c) Jesus said that we are to do good to those people who hate us.
d) Jesus said that we are to Pray for those people who despitefully use us.
e) Jesus said that we are to Pray for the people who persecute us.
(Through this Second one I know that This Is Only Possible For True Believers)
Sorrow is a painful emotion. The dictionary definition is mental suffering or pain caused by injury, loss or despair. There is much sorrow in the World today. Even True Believers may suffer sorrow, it has nothing to do with our sin, although the sin of another person may cause us sorrow. We can have hope because Jesus bore our sorrows.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Justified By His Grace!
'Justified By His Grace!
Titus 3:7.
a) Romans 3:24. If we are True Believers this is something that has already happened, having been Justified by His Grace.
b) Romans 8:17. We might become heirs.
c) Romans 8:24. Having the Hope of Eternal Life.
(Through this QT I thank God that I am Justified By His Grace)
'Prayer And Thanksgiving.'
Philippians 4:6.
a) Matthew 6:25-34. Do not be anxious about anything.
b) 1 Timothy 2:1. In every situation.
c) By:-
d) Present our requests to God.
(This Second one encourages me to continue in Prayer And Thanksgiving)
If we are True Believers then we are Justified by God's Grace. This is a very simple yet very meaningful statement. Such is the amazing nature of the Grace of God. This means that we have a new life, not just a new start in life. As True Believers we certainly look forward to the Promises of God that He wants to bring to pass for us. We look to the day today and thank God for His Salvation. Much, however, of what God has done for us has happened already. Happened in the past. We are Justified by God's is done!
A Lily Among Thorns!
'A Lily Among Thorns.'
a) Song of Solomon 2:2. Here the Lord sees the suffering Church a beautiful Church yet a Church in pain, especially caused by persecution.
b) Ezekiel 28:24. Pricking briers and thorns speak of persecution.
c) Matthew 5:10. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
d) Acts 13:50. Incited and stirred up persecution.
e) Acts 7:52; Galatians 4:29. Persecution is nothing new.
f) Romans 8:36. Persecuted for the Lord's sake.
g) Psalm 55:21. Persecuted with words.
h) Psalm 69:12. Persecuted by drunkards.
i) Psalm 35:11. Persecuted by malicious witnesses.
(This QT reveals to me the persecuted Church: A Lily Among Thorns)
'Correct Words And Attitudes.'
Ephesians 4:29-32.
a) Ephesians 4:29. We should not let any unwholesome words come out of our mouths.
b) Ephesians 4:29. We should speak what is helpful, building other people up according to their needs. This will benefit those people who listen.
c) Ephesians 4:30. We should not grieve the Spirit of God with Whom we were sealed for the day of Redemption.
d) Ephesians 4:31. We should get rid of:-
6-Every form of malice.
e) Ephesians 4:32. We should be kind and compassionate to one another.
f) Ephesians 4:32. We should forgive one another, just as God in Christ forgave us.
(This Second one urges me to have Correct Words And Attitudes)
We should get rid of bitterness. Bitterness can cause so many problems in both family and Church. Bitterness comes when we hold on to painful issues in our hearts. Bitterness may also come when other people may hurt us or damage our lives. It is almost like a negative way of protecting ourselves. Actually it does us no good at all. We should get rid of bitterness.
He Appointed Twelve!
'He Appointed Twelve.'
Mark 3:14.
a) These twelve were specifically chosen by Jesus Christ, it seems that their families were also following Jesus together in some way.
b) Jesus wanted these twelve to be with Him. The first step in Discipleship is being with Jesus.
c) Jesus sent them out to Preach.
d) Mark 6:30. They came back to Jesus, reporting all that they had done and taught.
(I am Blessed by this QT: He Appointed Twelve)
'Jesus Always Taught With Purpose.'
John 16:1.
a) In John 15 Jesus had been teaching about persecution and the Holy Spirit.
b) He taught it all with and for a purpose.
c) The main purpose was that the Disciples would not fall away.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Always Taught With A Purpose)
Jesus sent them out to Preach. The other signs and deeds that were done by the early Disciples and Apostles were subsidiary to the Ministry of Preaching. The primary purpose was to Preach. There is such an important emphasis in the Word of God, especially in the New Testament, on Preaching and Teaching the Word of God. When True Believers hanker for other things it is a sure sign that they are spiritually unhealthy.
Through Jesus Christ!
'Through Jesus Christ.'
Titus 3:6.
a) God our Saviour poured out the Holy Spirit upon us.
b) Romans 5:5. So that we can experience the Love of God.
c) He poured out the Holy Spirit generously.
d) All this happens through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
(This QT: Through Jesus Christ, teaches me more about the Holy Spirit)
'Be At Peace.'
a) Psalm 119:165. Because of loving God's Word.
b) Psalm 37:11. Because of our meekness.
c) Isaiah 26:3. From God because we Trust in Him.
d) Isaiah 26:12. Because the Lord establishes Peace for us.
e) Isaiah 32:17. It is the fruit of Righteousness.
f) Isaiah 57:19. Peace comes before healing.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to Be At Peace)
We need to understand more about the Holy Spirit. Churches and denominations need to search God's Word and establish Biblical Teaching about the Holy Spirit. There has been too much suspicion and fear, too much criticism and misunderstanding, yes, and even malice recorded about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God and I am sure that He is grieved by all the strife. It is the Work of the Holy Spirit to unite True Believers not to make us argue and accuse. Unity needs to prevail in all matters pertaining to God and extremism needs to be isolated.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Christ And The Rose Of Sharon!
a) Song of Solomon 2:1. The Church is the Blooming Rose of Sharon.
b) 1 Chronicles 27:29; Isaiah 65:10. Sharon was the place where sheep could be tended and fed well.
c) Isaiah 35:2. Sharon was a renowned and beautiful place.
d) Acts 9:35. It is a place of turning to the Lord.
(This QT gives me enthusiastic understanding about Christ And The Rose Of Sharon)
'We Should Not Forget The Persecuted Disciples.'
Matthew 5:12.
a) These are the instructions and counsels given to the Persecuted True Believers by the Lord Jesus.
b) They were to Rejoice and be glad.
c) They could look forward to a great reward in Heaven.
d) Persecution is nothing new - it happened to the Men and Women of God in the Old Testament too.
(Through this Second one I know that I Should Not Forget The Persecuted Disciples)
The Church is very precious to its Head - Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that He gave Himself for the Church. The Bible also tells us today that the Lord wants us to be a pure Church that gives Glory to the Lord. This means that Church Leaders have an awesome responsibility to care for the Church. We should be praying for our Church and its leaders.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Come And See!
'Come And See.'
John 1:39.
a) Jesus simply wanted to show the Disciples where He was staying.
b) That day the Disciples stayed with Jesus.
c) Because the time was getting late.
(Through this QT:Come And See, I can find the hospitable Heart of Jesus Christ)
'God Has Shone In Our Hearts.'
2 Corinthians 4:6.
a) It is God Who says.
b) Let light shine out of darkness.
c) God has shone in our hearts.
d) To give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God.
e) In the Face of Christ.
(Through this Second one I am so thankful that God Has Shone In My Heart)
God has shone in our hearts. This is a wonderful testimony of the Grace of God that Apostle Paul understands and shares. When God shines into our hearts all darkness has to go from them. There can be absolutely no dark corners in our hearts when God shines into them. This shining Light also leads us along life's pathway as we continue to trust in God.
He Saved Us!
'He Saved Us'
Titus 3:4-5.
a) The Goodness and Loving Kindness of God our Saviour appeared.
b) He Saved us.
c) We are not Saved by any works of Righteousness that we have done.
d) We are Saved according to His Mercy.
e) We are Saved through the water of New Birth.
f) We are Saved by Renewal by the Holy Spirit.
(Through this QT I can Thank God that He Saved Me)
'The People Who Are Saved And Blessed By The Lord.'
Psalm 118:25-29.
a) Psalm 118:25. The people who are Saved and Blessed by the Lord can Pray to Him to give them success.
b) Psalm 118:26. The people who are Saved and Blessed by the Lord are able to Bless other people in the House of the Lord.
c) Psalm 118:27. The people who are Saved and Blessed by the Lord live in the Light.
d) Psalm 118:27. The people who are Saved and Blessed by the Lord remember and celebrate what He has done for them.
e) Psalm 118:28-29. The people who are Saved and Blessed by the Lord give Thanks to Him and Praise Him. He is good and His Steadfast Love endures forever.
(Through this Second one I discover The People Who Are Saved And Blessed By The Lord)
We are Saved through the Water of New Birth. For those people who claim Salvation by or from the Lord there needs to be assurance of Salvation. The experience of a new life in Jesus Christ is very much a part of Salvation. For those people who claim to be True Believers, we all need to have this assurance of Salvation because we know what Christ has done for us and it is applied by Faith to our lives.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Church Loves The Lord And Praises Him!
'The Church Loves The Lord And Praises Him.'
a) Song Of Solomon 1:16-17. It is a beautiful and secure love song.
b) Psalm 45:2. Grace and Beauty in this Relationship between Christ and His Church.
c) Proverbs 3:17. The Church is filled with Pleasantness and Peace.
d) Psalm 23:2. The Church is calm.
e) Isaiah 41:17-19. This Church is being restored by her Lord.
f) Psalm 92:13. The Church is flourishing.
g) Ephesians 2:19. The Church is The Lord's Household. He is its Head.
h) Hebrews 3:6. We are His House.
i) Psalm 121:6. He protects our relationship with Himself.
(Through this QT I discover that The Church Loves The Lord And Praises Him)
'Dealing With Our Sins.'
a) Psalm 32:5. We should:-
1-Acknowledge them before the Lord.
2-Expose them.
3-Confess them.
b) Proverbs 28:13. Confess and forsake them.
c) 1 John 1:9. Confess them to the Lord and He will forgive us and cleanse us.
d) Psalm 118:27. By living in the Light.
(This Second one shows me that I should be Dealing With My Sins)
The Church that Loves the Lord and Praises Him is a Church that is being restored by Him. One of the Ministries of the Lord to His Church is the Ministry of Restoration. To me this is a very beautiful and Holy Ministry. This has nothing to do with an emotional manifestation, it is something that is very lovely and it glorifies God. It is God working amongst us with His Word and By His Spirit.
We See Christ We See God!
'We See Christ We See God.'
Colossians 1:15.
a) Christ is the Image.
b) Of the invisible God.
c) He is the First Born Son.
d) He is Superior to all created things.
(Through this QT I understand this: I See Christ I See God)
'God Has Fixed A Day.'
Acts 17:31.
a) God has fixed a day.
b) On which He will have the World.
c) Judged in Righteousness.
d) By a Man Whom He has appointed.
e) Of this He has given Assurance to all People.
f) By raising Him from the dead.
(This Second one causes me to remember that God Has Fixed A Day)
We, as True Believers believe in the Triune God. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God has revealed Himself to this World in the Person of Jesus Christ. We know that the Old Testament looks forward to the First Coming of Christ and the Gospels reveal to us the Person and Life of Christ. Here, in the Gospels and somewhat in the Book of Revelation, is our glimpse at God. Christ is the Image of the invisible God. We also believe in the Second coming of Jesus Christ and our future Eternal state - forever with the Lord.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Old Life Without Christ!
'The Old Life Without Christ.'
Titus 3:3.
a) We ourselves.
b) Were foolish.
c) Were disobedient.
d) Were led astray.
e) Were slaves to various passions and pleasures.
f) Were passing our days in malice.
g) Were passing our days in envy.
h) Were despicable.
i) Were hating one another.
(This QT is a word picture of The Old Life Without Christ)
'Amazing Forgiveness.'
Luke 23:33-34.
a) They came to the torture place that they called 'The Skull'.
b) They Crucified Jesus there with two criminals, one on His left and one on His right.
c) Then Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven to forgive His torturers for they did not know what they were doing.
d) They then cast lots to divide His clothing.
(In this Second one I find Amazing Forgiveness)
We ourselves were foolish before we really knew Christ. When I look back over the history of my life I think that I totally agree with this statement of the Apostle Paul. In my case there was a distinct difference between my former way of life and my New Life in Jesus Christ. Every True Believer has some kind of testimony that Glorifies Him.
The Beautiful Church!
'The Beautiful Church.'
a) Song of Solomon 1:15. Is seen by its Head as being Beautiful.
b) Matthew 16:18. Is a Victorious Church.
c) Matthew 18:17. Renders discipline when necessary.
d) Acts 2:41. Grows numerically by True Believers being added to it.
e) Acts 9:31. Grows stronger as the True Believers live in the Fear of the Lord.
f) Acts 11:26. Needs to be taught the Word of God.
g) Acts 12:5. Is a Church that prays.
h) Acts 15:4. Is a welcoming Church.
i) 2 Corinthians 1:1. Is God's Church.
j) Ephesians 5:23. Has Christ as its Head.
k) 2 Thessalonians 1:4. Endures and is Faithful in persecutions and hardships.
(Through this QT I find the Nature of the Beautiful Church)
'The Righteousness Of God.'
2 Corinthians 5:21.
a) For God made Christ, Who never sinned.
b) The Offering for our sin.
c) So that we might become the Righteousness of God.
d) Through Christ.
(This Second one teaches me how I can become The Righteousness Of God)
The Beautiful Church renders discipline when necessary. This does not refer to a Church where everyone is afraid of the Church Leaders, that would be a place of torment and religious legalism. What it does refer to is the loving Discipline instituted by the Lord through His Word. A Church that has no discipline will not be a beautiful Church.
No One Has!
'No One Has.'
John 1:18.
a) No one has.
b) Seen God at any time.
c) The only begotten Son.
d) Who is in the bosom of the Father.
e) He, Christ, has declared Him and made Him known to us.
(This QT makes it very clear, whatever the books may say: No One Has seen God)
'He Paid For Our Sins.'
1 John 2:1-2.
a) Apostle John was a father of Churches, he would often call them his children, especially in his older years.
b) He was writing this to the Church so that they would not sin.
c) If anyone sinned however.
d) There is One Who will go between the sinning person and the Father in Heaven.
e) He is Jesus Christ the Righteous One.
f) He paid for our sins with His Own Blood.
g) He did not pay for our sins only.
h) He also paid for the sins of the whole World.
(This Second one causes me to give Praise and Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ because He Paid For My Sins)
God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins. God so loved us that He made His only begotten Son to come to this Earth and be humbly born of Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit. God so loved us the He gave His only begotten Son as our Shepherd to lead us. God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to teach us how to live as True Believers and to show us the Way.
Sometimes We Need Reminding!
Titus 3:1-2.
a) We should be subject to rulers.
b) We should be subject to authorities.
c) We should obey the rulers and authorities.
d) We should be ready for every good work.
e) We should speak evil of no one.
f) We should be peaceable.
g) We should be gentle.
h) We should show all humility to all people.
(Through this QT I know that Sometimes I Need Reminding)
'Now We Know.'
John 17:7.
a) Now we know.
b) That all things.
c) Which the Heavenly Father.
d) Has given to Jesus Christ the Son.
e) Are really from the Heavenly Father.
(Through this Second one I understand and Now I Know)
We should be subject to Rulers. God gives every Nation its Rulers. It is not up to a 'bully' Nation to remove a Ruler from another Nation simply because they do not like the style of Government. Time after time in recent times we have seen 'bully' Nations interfere in Governments that have nothing to do with them and then they create chaos. A certain style of Government is not the answer for the Nations. Jesus Christ is the answer for the Nations. Pray along with me please that 'bully' Nations will stop their bullying.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Deep Love For The Lord!
'Deep Love For The Lord!'
a) Song of Solomon 1:14. Henna Blossoms are fragrant and beautiful.
b) Galatians 2:20; John 6:37. Responding in Faith to the Love of God given to us through Jesus Christ.
c) Psalm 27:13. Experiencing the Goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
(This QT encourages my Deep Love For The Lord)
'Motivated By The Holy Spirit.'
Judges 6:34.
a) The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon.
b) Gideon blew the trumpet.
c) The Abiezrites gathered behind him.
(Through this Second one I remember that the Abiezrites were Motivated By The Holy Spirit)
It is good for Servants of the Lord, and indeed all His Children, to be motivated by the Holy Spirit. When something is motivated by the Holy Spirit it just flows in God. I am convinced that many of the struggles that we go through in Churches and in the families of True Believers happen simply because we are not motivated by the Holy Spirit. We are trying to do it in our way and that makes things difficult, not only for us, but for other people too.
We Know!
'We Know.'
a) 1 Corinthians 13:9. In part.
b) Jeremiah 48:29. When other people are proud.
c) Hosea 6:3. If we follow on to know the Lord.
d) Matthew 22:16. About Jesus Christ that:-
1-He is sincere.
2-He is Who He professes to be.
3-He Teaches the Way of God Truthfully.
4-He is impartial.
e) John 4:42. That Jesus Himself is the Saviour of the World.
f) Romans 6:6. That our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives.
g) Romans 8:28. That God works all things together for the good of those people who love Him and are called according to His Purpose for them.
h) 2 Corinthians 5:6. That as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord.
i) 2 Corinthians 5:11. What it is to Fear the Lord.
j) 1 John 2:18. We know that it is the last hour.
k) 1 John 2:29. That Christ is Righteous.
l) 1 John 3:2. That when Christ appears we shall be like Him.
m) 1 John 3:10; 5:19. Who the Children of God are and who the children of the Devil are.
n) 1 John 3:14. That we have passed over out of death into Life by the fact that we love our fellow True Believers.
o) 1 John 3:16; 4:16. What real Love is because Jesus gave up His Life for us.
p) 1 John 3:24; 4:13. That God remains in us because of the Spirit He has given to us
q) 1 John 5:2. We love God's Children if we Love God and Obey His Commandments.
r) 1 John 5:15. That God listens to whatever we ask.
s) 1 John 5:18. That God's Children do not make a practice of sinning.
(This QT reminds me of important things that I Know)
'It Is Easy To Feel Lonely When We Are Down.'
1 Kings 18:22.
a) Even God's Ministers sometimes get 'down'.
b) I am the only one left, we begin to believe the wrong things.
c) Opposition seems so huge.
(This Second one makes me again realise that It Is Easy To Feel Lonely When We Are Down)
We know that Christ is Righteous. It is good to know this fact and remember it. It should be a central part in our Life of Faith. God does not bend to our requests, rather we should bend to His. If we know that Christ is Righteous we should be able to trust every decision that He makes for us. Sometimes God's People pray 'bent' prayers, trying to pull their own will out from God. It is far more beneficial to acknowledge that Christ is Righteous and then Pray in line with His Will.
Things That Every Church Leader Should Do Well!
'Things That Every Church Leader Should Do Well.'
Titus 2:15.
a) Teach.
b) Encourage.
c) Rebuke with all authority.
d) Live a wholesome life so that Church membership will not despise you.
(This QT teaches me Things That Every Church Leader Should Do Well)
'When The Battle Is The Lord's'
1 Samuel 17:47.
a) Everyone knows it.
b) The Lord does not save by our swords or spears.
c) The battle belongs to the Lord.
d) The Lord will win the victory for His People.
(Through this Second one I know what will happen When The Battle Is The Lord's)
There are certain things that every Church Leader should do well. These things are very basic and simple requirements that the Lord has for people who lead His People. It is not only the Teaching and Preaching of the Church Leader that is important, it is also their lifestyle. In many cases the Churches need a 'Biblical overhaul' dealing with basic and fundamental issues inside. When these issues are honestly dealt with, then the Church can Glorify the Lord.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
a) Song Of Solomon 1:13; Psalm 45:8. The beautiful healing Presence of the Lord.
b) Genesis 43:11; Matthew 2:11. Is a gift. The greatest gift is Jesus Christ.
c) Exodus 30:23. Speaks of the Lord's Presence and closeness, especially in Worship.
(Through this QT I can see some of the Beauty and Presence of the Lord in Myrrh)
'Come Down To Me.'
Genesis 45:9.
a) Joseph had an important message for his father.
b) His father needed to hear this message. (It was a difficult time for God's People at that time)
c) God made Joseph lord of all Egypt.
d) Father please come down here to Egypt.
e) Do not delay.
(Here is a message of Blessing in this Second one: Come Down To Me)
Joseph had an important message for his father, a message that was going to bring new hope for his family at that time. It was a time of great suffering and famine. Joseph's father needed to hear this message for it would bring God's Provision and deliverance for the entire family. God had placed Joseph in this high place of authority in Egypt so that His Purposes could be fulfilled. Sometimes we cannot understand God's Ways but we can trust Him.
God Is The One Who Is Important!
a) 1 Corinthians 3:5. Apollos and Paul were simply people who served the Lord and the Church.
b) 1 Corinthians 3:5. Apollos and Paul helped the Corinthian people to believe in Christ.
c) 1 Corinthians 3:5. The Lord gives each one of His Servants their own work to do.
d) 1 Corinthians 3:6. Apostle Paul planted the seed.
e) 1 Corinthians 3:6. Apollos watered the seed.
f) 1 Corinthians 3:6. God made the seed grow into something.
g) 1 Corinthians 3:7. The person who plants is not important.
h) 1 Corinthians 3:7. The person who waters is not important.
i) 1 Corinthians 3:7. It is God Who makes things grow.
j) 1 Corinthians 3:7. God is the One Who is important.
(This QT reminds me that God Is The One Who Is Important)
'Only God Knows.'
Genesis 40:8.
a) Two of Pharaoh's officials were in the prison together with Joseph.
b) They both had dreams.
c) They both wanted to know what their dreams meant.
d) Joseph told them that only God knew what their dreams could mean.
e) Joseph wanted to help them know from God what their dreams meant.
(This Second one helps me to Trust God: Only God Knows what dreams mean)
Apollos and Paul helped the Corinthian people to Believe in Christ. Joseph helped Pharaoh's imprisoned officials to find out from God about their dreams. Helping is the important word here. There is no 'gift' from God that makes coming to Him unnecessary! There is no gift from God where the 'prophet' or 'interpreter of dreams' takes the place of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. True Believers should never spiritually dominate other people or Churches with strange or un-biblical manifestations. Our place is to help and to serve.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Free And Pure!
'Free And Pure.'
Titus 2:14.
a) Jesus Christ gave Himself for us.
b) To set us free from every kind of lawlessness.
c) To purify for Himself a People who are truly His.
d) A People eager to do good.
(Through this QT I thank God that through Jesus Christ I can be Free And Pure)
'The Lord Is With Us When Things Go Wrong.'
Genesis 39:21-23.
a) Genesis 39:21. Joseph committed no crime or sin and yet he ended up in jail because of Potiphar's wife.
b) Genesis 39:21. The Lord was with Joseph in prison.
c) Genesis 39:21. The Lord showed Joseph kindness in prison.
d) Genesis 39:21. The Lord granted Joseph favour in the sight of the prison warden.
e) Genesis 39:22. The prison warden put all the prisoners under Joseph's care.
f) Genesis 39:22. Joseph was in charge of whatever the prisoners were doing.
g) Genesis 39:23. The warden did not concern himself with anything that was in Joseph's care.
h) Genesis 39:23. The Lord was with Joseph.
i) Genesis 39:23. Whatever Joseph was doing, the Lord was making successful.
(This Second one gives me Assurance: The Lord Is With Me When Things Go Wrong)
Jesus Christ gave Himself for us. This is a very wonderful Truth to ponder upon. Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ is God the Son. Jesus Christ is the Mighty King. Yet He is the One Who expresses God's Love to us. God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to be Crucified for us. Jesus Christ totally submitted Himself to that Crucifixion so that our sins can be forgiven and we can experience New Life in Him.
The Fragrance Of Perfume!
'The Fragrance Of Perfume.'
a) Song of Solomon 1:12; Revelation 8:3-4. The Prayers of the Church ascended to the Lord.
b) Exodus 30:25; Ruth 3:3. The Fragrance of the Anointing that has been given by the Holy Spirit returning to the Lord to Glorify Him.
c) Exodus 30:35. Careful Prayer made with our understanding and led by the Holy Spirit ascending to our Lord.
d) Exodus 30:37. This Prayer is always Holy to the Lord.
e) Matthew 6:17. Biblical Prayer with Fasting. (It means that no one else knows about it)
f) Matthew 26:7; John 12:5. Perfume in Worship. It is so valuable and precious.
(This QT reminds me of True Prayer And Worship: The Fragrance Of Perfume)
'Bringing The Blessing Of The Lord With Us.'
Genesis 39:2-5.
a) Genesis 39:2. The Lord was with the slave Joseph and he became a successful man.
b) Genesis 39:2. Joseph lived in the house of his master Potiphar.
c) Genesis 39:3. Potiphar saw that the Lord was with Joseph and that the Lord made Joseph successful in everything he did.
d) Genesis 39:4. Potiphar was very happy with Joseph and allowed him to be his personal servant.
e) Genesis 39:4. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of the house, trusting him with everything he owned.
f) Genesis 39:5. When this happened the Lord Blessed all the people who lived and served in the house.
g) Genesis 39:5. The Lord Blessed everything that belonged to Potiphar, both in the house and in the field.
(Through This Second one I want to be Bringing The Blessing Of The Lord With Me)
I love careful Prayer made with the understanding and led by the Holy Spirit. This is my favourite Prayer style. I have been hurt or offended by careless prayers made by people out of their strong opinions or hurting experiences. Prayer in a tongue or Prayer language from the Holy Spirit is something personal that the individual can Pray in private if they so desire. All of us should be careful how we pray when we are praying in front of other people.
All Things Belong To Us!
'All Things Belong To Us.'
1 Corinthians 3:21-22.
a) Let no one boast in respect to men.
b) All things belong to us.
c) Belonging to us are:-
1-Spiritual Leaders.
2-The World system.
5-Things present.
6-Things to come.
d) All things belong to us.
(This QT has me in amazement at the Grace Of God: All Things Belong To Us - meaning the Church - the Church is the 'us')
'Not Fate - But All God's Plan.'
Genesis 37:36.
a) The Midianite Ishmaelite traders sold Joseph, who had been rejected by his brothers, in Egypt.
b) Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar.
c) Potiphar was Pharaoh's officer.
d) Potiphar was the Captain of Pharaoh's bodyguard.
(Through this Second one we see something unfolding. Because of this we can proclaim that our life is Not Fate - But All God's Plan)
As the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ we can begin to realise and understand that God's Purposes for us are Eternal. We need to focus more on our Lord Jesus Christ and compare ourselves less with other Churches. All things belong to us, the Local Church. All things belong to us, the Area Church. All things belong to us, the Church Universal - the Body of Christ in the World.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Our Blessed Hope!
'Our Blessed Hope.'
Titus 2:13.
a) We are waiting for our Blessed Hope.
b) We are looking forward to our Blessed Hope.
c) The appearing of the Glory and the Glorious Appearing.
d) Of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
(This QT reminds me of My Blessed Hope)
'For Twenty Pieces Of Silver.'
Genesis 37:28.
a) The brothers of Joseph sold him to the Midianite Ishmaelite traders who passed by. (This was a regular trading route for the Midianites)
b) They brought up Joseph out of the pit to sell him.
c) The price was just twenty pieces of silver.
d) The Midianite Ishmaelites carried Joseph off to Egypt.
(This Second one shows me what jealous people will do For Twenty Pieces Of Silver)
I have a Blessed Hope and every now and again, in different ways, God reminds me of that Blessed Hope. It is a Blessed Hope that nothing and no one can take away from me. It is a Blessed Hope that I am really looking forward to. This Blessed Hope is the Glorious Appearing of my Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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