‘The Right Time Is Now.’
2 Corinthians 6:2.
a) God says that at the right time He heard us.
b) God says that on the Day of Salvation He helped us.
c) The right time is now.
d) Today is the Day of Salvation.
(Through this QT I know that The Right Time Is Now and that I am not to put off until tomorrow the things I should do today)
‘Go And Do It.’
Matthew 28:19.
Because Jesus Christ is given all Authority and He gives us His Name in which to pray and because we have the Holy Spirit, We should heed this Scripture:-
a) We are to go.
b) We are to make Disciples of all Nations.
c) We are to Baptise them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I know that I am to Go And Do It)
We should not procrastinate but we should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes the Lord was us to quick and calm in our response to obey Him and His leading in our lives. God never creates panic amongst His Children but sometimes His Will is urgent. When God tells us “Today” we should not put it off until tomorrow.