The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
a) Proverbs 20:11. Are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure and right.
b) Psalm 34:11. Need to listen and be taught the fear of the Lord. The first place for this is the home.
c) Proverbs 1:8. Need to listen to their parents.
d) Proverbs 4:2-4. Need to be given good guidance by their fathers.
e) Proverbs 4:10-11. Need to be led in straight paths.
f) Proverbs 4:20. Need to pay attention.
g) Proverbs 13:1; 15:5. A wise child accepts a parent’s discipline.
h) Proverbs 23:19. Need to keep their heart on the right course.
(This QT causes me to pray for the Children of the Church)
‘When God Judges The Babylon World System.’
Revelation 18:9-24.
a) Revelation 18:9-10. World rulers and leaders will face Judgment.
b) Revelation 18:11-19. The businesspeople and the business world will face Judgment.
c) Revelation 18:20. God’s People and God’s Ministers will rejoice in Him at the time of Judgment.
d) Revelation 18:21. The Babylon World system will be thrown down and found no more.
e) Revelation 18:22. The music of the World system will be heard no more.
f) Revelation 18:22. Many people will become jobless.
g) Revelation 18:23. World system marriages shall cease.
h) Revelation 18:23. The prevailing power of witchcraft will be broken.
i) Revelation 18:24. There will be much bloodshed at that time.
(This Second one gives just a glimpse of what will happen When God Judges The World System)
In the current World situation parental guidance of their children is most important. This means not only guidance on their study track but also guidance in their spiritual lives. This guidance is not just the mother’s responsibility but the father’s also. The children need to grow up well and have a good relationship with God if they are going to do well and live in victory over the World system.
The Christian Life!
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