The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Jesus Is The Vine!
‘Jesus Is The Vine.’
John 15:1-5.
a) John 15:1. He is the True Vine and the Heavenly Father is the Gardener.
b) John 15:2. Every branch of the Vine that is fruitless is cut off and taken away.
c) John 15:2. Every branch that bears fruit is pruned so that it may bear more fruit.
d) John 15:3. The Word which the Lord Jesus – the Vine speaks to us makes us clean and pruned.
e) John 15:4. We need to abide in the Lord Jesus and He will abide in us.
f) John 15:4. The branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine. It is the same principle with us and Jesus Christ.
g) John 15:5. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. We need to stay united with and abiding in Him and then we can bear much fruit.
h) John 15:5. Without the Lord Jesus we can do nothing.
(Through this QT I have confidence because Jesus Is The Vine)
‘Those People Planted In The House Of The Lord.’
Psalm 92:13-14.
a) Will flourish in the courts of our God.
b) Even in their old age will still be vigorous.
c) They will be full of sap and bearing fruit.
(This Second one shows me Those People Planted In The House Of The Lord)
May God preserve us from being fruitless branches. It is surely God’s Plan that every True Believer bears much fruit. Being fruitful should be a normal part of every Believer’s life. Let us always be willing to submit to the Lord’s pruning in our lives, it makes us more fruitful!
Our Heart Can Freely Go Out!
‘Our Heart Can Freely Go Out.’
2 Corinthians 7:15.
a) To people who are obedient.
b) To people who receive us with reverence.
c) To people who receive us with respect.
(Through this QT I find people to whom My Heart Can Freely Go Out)
‘The Stem Is The Centre.’
a) Isaiah 11:1. He is Jesus Christ.
b) Exodus 25:31-36; 37:17-22. Of the candlestick in the Lord’s Tabernacle. (Jesus Christ is the One Who has cleansed us and enabled us to Worship God)
c) Ezekiel 19:12. God allowed it to be destroyed by fire. (God allowed Jesus to be slain on our behalf)
d) Jonah 4:7. God prepared a worm to eat through to the stem of Jonah’s shelter. (God wants us to trust in Him alone and to willingly obey Him)
(Through this Second one I understand the meaning of The Stem Is The Centre)
The Lord Jesus wants to be the Centre of our lives. All the doctrines of the Scripture which are held as being so precious by the theologians are meaningless unless they are lived out. The Word of God is lovely and True and it is given to us that we may live by it.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Poor Believers!
‘Poor Believers’
a) Proverbs 18:23. Should be free to use entreaties.
b) Ruth 2:7. Should be hard workers.
c) 1 Samuel 2:36. Need jobs.
d) 2 Kings 4:1. Are sometimes widows.
e) Isaiah 66:2. Need:-
1- Humble hearts.
2- Contrite hearts.
3- To tremble at the Word of God.
f) Matthew 5:3. Should realise their need for God.
g) James 1:9. Should be glad.
(Through this QT I understand that the Church should help the Poor Believers who qualify for its help)
‘Growing Into Salvation.’
1 Peter 2:2.
a) We are to be dependent on God just as a new born baby is dependent on its mother.
b) We are to thirst and long for the pure milk of the Word of God.
c) It is through our receiving the Word of God that we will grow into our Salvation.
(This Second one gives me more desire to be Growing Unto Salvation.
In our culture and society very often poor people struggle with shame and rejection. The fact that they are poor causes them to compare themselves with those people who have more than they do and so become jealous and bitter also. The Bible is very clear about helping the poor under certain conditions. It is important that the poor meet these conditions otherwise Church help is like pouring money down the drain rather than investing in God’s Kingdom.
The Beard!
‘The Beard.’
a) Isaiah 15:2; Jeremiah 41:1-5; 48:37. Was cut off as a sign of mourning.
b) Leviticus 19:27. The Jewish men were to wear them.
c) Leviticus 21:5. The priests must never trim them.
d) Ezekiel 5:1-4. To remove it was a response to God’s anger.
e) Psalm 133:2. The anointing oil for the priests would flow down over it.
f) 2 Samuel 19:24. They could be trimmed tidily.
g) Isaiah 50:6. Those people who tortured Jesus pulled out His beard.
h) 2 Samuel 10:4. David’s ambassadors were humiliated by Hanun, he shaved off their beards.
i) Genesis 41:14. In Egyptian culture it was clean and polite to shave off one’s beard.
(This QT reminds me of the cultural differences between God’s people of Israel and the Nations surrounding Israel and challenges me as how to behave in a multi ethnic environment for the Glory of God and the sake of the Gospel in this Gentile World system)
‘A Different Twelve Year Old Son.’
Luke 2:40-52.
a) Luke 2:40. Jesus as a growing boy:-
1- Became strong.
2- Was filled with Wisdom.
3- Had God’s special Favour upon Him.
b) Luke 2:41-42. Annually accompanied His earthly parents to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover memorial festival.
c) Luke 2:43. At the age of twelve, for the first time, when the parents went home with all the travellers together, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem.
d) Luke 2:43-45. Jesus’ parents thought that He was with some others in this large group that were travelling together, but in the evening, at bed time, He didn’t turn up. They could not find Him so Joseph and Mary went back to Jerusalem to search for Him there.
e) Luke 2:46. After three days they found Jesus in the Temple, He was discussing deep questions with the religious teachers.
f) Luke 2:47. All the people who heard Jesus were amazed at His:-
1- Insight.
2- Understanding.
3- Responses.
4- Answers.
g) Luke 2:48. Joseph and Mary spoke to Jesus strongly because of their fears. He acted totally out of character and culture for a twelve year old Jewish boy.
h) Luke 2:49-50. Jesus spoke to them about Him being in His Father’s house but they could not understand.
i) Luke 2:51. He then went back together with them obediently to Nazareth. Mary continued to ponder these things in her heart.
j) Luke 2:52. Jesus:-
1- Continued to grow physically.
2- Continued to grow in Wisdom.
3- Was loved by God.
4- Was loved by the people who knew Him.
(In this Second one I find A Different Twelve Year Old Son – Jesus Christ)
The Lord understands us very well. He is our Creator and He has revealed Himself to us in His Word. When we have personal issues to pray about that we cannot talk to other people about we can have confidence to talk to Jesus about these things in our prayers because He understands us. The Lord Jesus Christ is full of understanding and understands all things.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
In Truth!
‘In Truth.’
a) 2 Corinthians 7:14. Speak to other people.
b) Joshua 24:14; 1 Samuel 12:24. Serve the Lord.
c) Judges 9:16 & 19. Make our actions.
d) 1 Kings 2:4; 3:6; 2 Kings 20:3. Walk before the Lord.
e) Psalm 119:69. Obey the Lord’s Commands with all our heart.
f) Psalm 145:18. Call on the Lord.
g) Isaiah 10:20. Depend on the Lord.
h) Matthew 22:16; Mark 12:14. Teach the way of God.
i) John 4:23-24. Worship the Father.
j) John 17:8. Know that Jesus Christ has come from the Father.
k) John 17:19. Be sanctified.
l) Colossians 1:6. Know and understand the Grace of God.
m) 1 John 3:18; 2 John 1:1; 3 John 1:1. Love other people.
n) 2 John 1:3. From God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son with us will be:-
1- Grace.
2- Mercy.
3- Peace.
(Through this QT I see and understand the importance of living In Truth)
‘The Beginning And End Of The Earthly Ministry Of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53:2.
a) He grew up as a tender plant. (His personality was gentle)
b) He was like a root out of dry ground. (He had strength to endure)
c) He had no form or comeliness as He hung on the Cross.
d) There was no beauty that attracted us to Him at the Cross.
(This Second one shows me The Beginning and End Of The Earthly Ministry Of Jesus Christ)
We are to depend on the Lord in Truth. There are some “servants of the Lord today” who only depend on people first and do not depend on the Lord first. It means that they are not depending on the Lord in Truth. As radical changes are taking place in the fiscal and political environments all over the World, this is the time when we must depend on the Lord in Truth.
A Good Wife!
‘A Good Wife.’
a) Proverbs 18:22. Is a favour from the Lord.
b) Proverbs 19:14. Is given by the Lord.
c) Proverbs 31:10. Is worth more than precious rubies.
(Through this QT I pray for Christian young men to find A Good Wife in the Will of God)
‘More About The Ascended Christ.’
Ephesians 1:20-23.
a) Ephesians 1:20. He was raised by God the Father and seats now at His Right Hand in Heaven.
b) Ephesians 1:21. Christ is now far above every:-
1- Ruler.
2- Authority.
3- Power.
4- Dominion.
5- Name that can be named.
c) Ephesians 1:22. God has put all things under Christ’s rule.
d) Ephesians 1:22. Christ is appointed Ruler over everything for the Church.
e) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is Christ’s Body and is filled by Christ.
(This Second one teaches me More About The Ascended Christ)
A good wife is a favour from the Lord. We men will make better husbands if we see our wives given to us as the Lord’s favour. The choice of wife is very important. The choice of wife needs to be made prayerfully and carefully. We live in a secular society where marriage and marriage values are undervalued. As True Believers we should have marriages that are a good testimony to the World.
The Wonderful Foreknowledge Of God!
‘The Wonderful Foreknowledge Of God.’
Romans 8:29.
a) He has always:-
1- Known us.
2- Been aware of us.
3- Loved us.
b) He has destined us from the beginning and foreordained us.
c) We are being moulded into the Image of His Son and sharing His Likeness inwardly.
d) Jesus is now the Firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
(Through this QT I discover The Wonderful Foreknowledge of God)
‘The Result Of The Ascension Of Jesus Christ.’
Acts 2:33.
a) Jesus Christ is now ascended back to Heaven and is at Father God’s Right Hand where He makes intercession for us.
b) The Father has given the Holy Spirit to Jesus.
c) Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit upon God’s People.
d) Because God’s People have the Holy Spirit their lives should be lived as testimonies that are seen and heard by the World system.
(This Second one clearly shows me The Result Of The Ascension Of Jesus Christ)
God has always known us. He knew us even before we were created in our mother’s womb. We can and should have confidence in God because of this fact. Even though we may go through some difficult times in our lives or, even live a difficult life long term, God knows, and He is there to help us and show us the way.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Loving One Another In The Church!
‘Loving One Another In The Church.’
a) 2 Corinthians 7:12; Galatians 6:10; 1 John 3:16. Means caring about each other.
b) Deuteronomy 10:19. Should be multi – ethnic.
c) Psalm 133:1; Romans 15:5. Means that there is harmony.
d) Romans 14:21. Means not causing other Believers to stumble.
e) Romans 15:1-2. We should consider other Believers by:-
1- Pleasing them.
2- Helping them.
3- Building them up.
f) Romans 15:7. Means that we accept one another as Christ has accepted us.
g) 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Is adequately defined in Scripture.
h) 1 Corinthians 13:13. Is the great thing to do.
i) 1 Corinthians 16:14. Means doing everything with the motivation of love.
j) 2 Corinthians 1:4. Means comforting one another.
k) 2 Corinthians 1:6. Means encouraging one another so that we can endure suffering.
l) Galatians 5:13. Love is the motive for serving.
m) Galatians 5:22. Should not be difficult because Love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
n) Ephesians 4:2. Means that we:-
1- Are humble.
2- Are gentle.
3- Are patient with each other.
4- Making allowance for another Believer’s faults.
o) Philippians 2:2. Means that we:-
1- Agree wholeheartedly with each other.
2- Work together with one heart.
3- Work together with one purpose.
p) Colossians 1:4; 2:2. Because we trust in Christ.
q) 1 Thessalonians 2:8. Means more than just words.
r) 1 Thessalonians 3:12. Should be growing and overflowing.
s) 1 Thessalonians 4:9. As God Himself teaches us.
t) Hebrews 13:1. Should continue.
u) 1 Peter 1:22. Should be:-
1- Sincere.
2- Pure.
3- Intense.
v) 1 Peter 4:8. Is covering a multitude of sins.
w) 2 Peter 1:7. Should be godly and genuine.
x) 1 John 2:10. Is possible if we are living in the Light.
(Through this QT I understand that We Should Be Loving One Another In The Church)
a) 2 Peter 3:18. In Grace.
b) Psalm 92:12. Strong.
c) Hosea 14:5. And blossom.
d) Ephesians 4:15. More and more like Christ.
e) Colossians 1:10. In the knowledge of God.
f) 2 Thessalonians 1:3. In love for each other in the Church.
g) 1 Peter 2:2. Into the fullness of our Salvation.
(By this Second one I am encouraged to Grow)
Grow in Grace! A very magnificent Scripture! I thought of the seed sown and a tiny plant being nurtured until it is strong enough to be put into the ground and takes root. Even though it has become strong it still has to grow. We are the seed here and we should be rooted deeply in God through His Word and by His Spirit. If this is the case we can grow in Grace.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Consider Our Tongue!
‘Consider Our Tongue.’
Proverbs 18:20-21.
a) Our stomach will be filled with the fruit of it.
b) With what our lips produce we will be filled.
c) Death and life are in its power.
d) If we love our tongue we will enjoy its fruit.
(This QT makes me Consider My Tongue)
‘Growing In The Lord.’
Ephesians 4:13-15.
a) Ephesians 4:13. If we are, we will:-
1- Come to a place of unity in Him.
2- Come to know Him.
3- Have a high standard of maturity.
b) Ephesians 4:14. If we are we need not be tossed around by deceivers not teaching the Truth.
c) Ephesians 4:15. If we are we will speak the Truth in Love.
(This Second one gives me the strong desire to be Growing In The Lord)
Our tongues need to be respected and loved. We use them very much every day so what comes from them is very important. The Bible encourages us to have an honest and loving tongue. The Bible also calls us to watch our mouth and guard our tongue.
The Anointing Upon Aaron!
‘The Anointing Upon Aaron.’
Psalm 133:2.
a) Was upon his head. (His thinking)
b) Was upon his beard. (His talking)
c) Was upon his garments. (His going around)
(Through this QT I want to know the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on my life and on the ministry that the Lord may give to me)
‘The Good Ground Yields The Harvest.’
a) Mark 4:28. There is a process of growth that needs to start from good soil:-
1- The stalk.
2- The head.
3- The full grain in the head.
b) Mark 4:20. Our hearts need to be good ground for the Word of God.
c) Isaiah 55:11. God’s Word is the seed. Seed that:-
1- Is sent out by God.
2- Always produces fruit.
3- Accomplishes all that God wants it to accomplish.
4- Prospers everywhere that God sends it.
d) Mark 4:13. We need to understand this simple principle about being good ground.
(Through this Second one I know that The Good Ground Yields The Harvest)
It is clear from this teaching of Jesus Christ that He wants our hearts to be good ground to receive the pure seed of the Word of God. The Bible counsels us to break up the unopened ground of our hearts so that the good seed may be sown into them.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Godly Sorrow!
‘Godly Sorrow.’
2 Corinthians 7:8-11.
a) 2 Corinthians 7:8. May come when someone tells us the Truth about a situation that we are in.
b) 2 Corinthians 7:9. Should not harm us but may cause us to repent.
c) 2 Corinthians 7:10. Should lead us to Salvation.
d) 2 Corinthians 7:11. Should produce in us:-
1- Diligence.
2- Desire for a clean conscience.
3- Indignation with sin.
4- Fear of the Lord.
5- Desire for the Lord.
6- Readiness to put things right.
7- Blamelessness.
(Through this QT I greatly value Godly Sorrow)
‘Be Glad.’
a) Psalm 149:2. In our Maker.
b) Psalm 32:11. Because we Rejoice in the Lord and Obey Him.
c) Psalm 35:9. Because the Lord rescues us.
d) Psalm 68:3. In God’s Presence.
e) Psalm 97:8. Because of the Lord’s Justice.
f) Psalm 118:24. In the Lord today.
g) Psalm 122:1. When we go to the House of the Lord.
h) Proverbs 10:8. To be instructed.
i) Isaiah 65:18. In the Lord’s Creation.
j) Joel 2:21. Because the Lord has done great things.
k) Romans 12:12. For all that God is planning for us.
l) 1 Corinthians 12:26. When other parts of the Body of Christ are honoured.
m) 1 Corinthians 16:17. When helpers come to help us.
n) 2 Corinthians 12:9. About our weaknesses so that the Power of Christ may work within us.
o) James 1:9-10. Whether we are poor or rich.
p) 1 Peter 1:6; 4:13. When we face trials of our Faith.
q) Revelation 19:7. Rejoice and Honour the Lord.
(This QT exhorts me to Be Glad)
We are members of the Body of Christ and we should never forget this fact. The Bible tells us simply to rejoice with those members of the Body who are rejoicing and to weep with those people who are weeping. There should be no room for jealousy, gossip and condemnation in the Body of Christ.
Monday, January 24, 2011
About People!
‘About People.’
Proverbs 18:16-19.
a) Proverbs 18:16. In the World system in some countries, if we want to meet an important person, taking a gift can clear the way.
b) Proverbs 18:17. In court, the first person’s statement always seems correct until another person questions that first person.
c) Proverbs 18:18. Casting lots can settle the disputes of powerful people.
d) Proverbs 18:19. It is harder to win an offended brother than a strong city.
(This QT reminds me About People and how keeping relationships with some of them can be a very tiring and difficult procedure)
‘Our God.’
a) Psalm 146:10; Isaiah 52:7. Reigns forever.
b) Psalm 147:12. Is worthy of Praise.
c) Isaiah 12:6. Lives among us.
d) Isaiah 40:9. Is coming.
e) Joel 3:17. Has a Holy dwelling place.
(This Second makes me respond to My God Who is worthy of Praise)
Settling disputes can sometimes be a messy business. That is why, as True Believers, we can thank God that He guides us and helps us to settle disputes in a good way. There are many cases of settled disputes in the Bible and most of them were settled in different and various ways.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Lord's Home!
‘The Lord’s Home.’
Psalm 132:13-14.
a) He has chosen it.
b) He wants it.
c) It is His resting place.
d) He lives there because He wants to.
(Through this QT: The Lord’s Home, I see how my home should be)
‘The Lord’s Promises.’
a) Psalm 133:3. The Blessing of Eternal Life.
b) Genesis 4:1. Children.
c) Numbers 10:29; 14:40; Deuteronomy 8:1. A place to live.
d) Joshua 14:10. Life.
e) Joshua 23:15. Good things.
f) 2 Samuel 3:18. Rescue.
g) 2 Chronicles 6:10. Leadership succession.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to God for The Lord’s Promises)
God has desires! We can clearly read His Desires in the Scriptures. God is a Jealous God, not jealous in a worldly way but with pure jealousy. God is jealous for His Glory and for His People.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Macedonian Encouragement!
‘Macedonian Encouragement.’
2 Corinthians 7:5-7.
a) 2 Corinthians 7:5. When Apostle Paul and his team came into Macedonia they had no rest.
b) 2 Corinthians 7:5. They faced all kinds of problems.
c) 2 Corinthians 7:5. There were conflicts and altercations.
d) 2 Corinthians 7:5. They had fear in their hearts.
e) 2 Corinthians 7:6. God comforts the downcast and He comforted the team by sending Titus to them.
f) 2 Corinthians 7:7. Apostle Paul was also encouraged by the good news about the Corinthian Church and their personal concern for him.
(Through this QT I thank God for Macedonian Encouragement)
‘Praying To Overcome Our Enemies.’
a) Psalm 129:5. May they be thrown into confusion and shameful defeat.
b) Numbers 10:35. May they be scattered and flee before the Lord.
c) Deuteronomy 33:11. Crush their loins and strike them down.
d) Judges 16:28. Lord, please strengthen me against them.
e) Nehemiah 4:4. May their scoffing fall back on their own heads.
f) Job 27:7. May they be punished like the wicked people.
g) Psalm 5:10. Let them be caught in their own traps and drive them away.
h) Psalm 6:10. May they:-
1- Psalm 31:17. Be disgraced.
2- Be terrified.
3- Psalm 35:4. Suddenly turn back in shame.
i) Psalm 9:20. May they tremble in fear.
j) Psalm 28:4. Give them the punishment that they richly deserve.
k) Psalm 28:4. Pay them back for all of their evil deeds.
l) Psalm 28:4. Give them a taste of what they have done to other people.
m) Psalm 31:18. May their lying lips be silenced-- those proud and arrogant lips that accuse the godly.
n) Psalm 35:8. Let sudden ruin overtake them.
o) Psalm 35:8. Let them be caught in the snare that they set for me.
p) Psalm 35:8. Let them fall into destruction into the pit.
q) Psalm 35:26. May those who rejoice at my troubles be humiliated and disgraced. May those who triumph over me be covered with shame and dishonoured.
r) 2 Timothy 4:14-15. May the Lord Judge them for they fight against everything we say.
(Through this QT I understand that I should be Praying To Overcome My Enemies rather than simply being angry and upset by them. I trust God to deal with them)
Our enemies never think of the consequences of their actions. They are either too emotional or calculative with a hardened heart to realise what they are really doing. It is good to pray for their souls but we also need to pray to overcome them. Jesus teaches us to pray for them and to Bless them in our prayer. God is however a God of vengeance. He will repay…that is why it is right for us to pray to overcome them and to leave them in God’s Hands.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Gain Knowledge!
‘Gain Knowledge.’
a) Proverbs 18:15. It will make our lips like precious jewels.
b) Numbers 24:16; Proverbs 2:6; Ecclesiastes 2:26. From the Most High.
c) 1 Samuel 2:3. The Lord is a God of Knowledge.
d) 1 Kings 7:14. To do practical things.
e) 2 Chronicles 1:10; Psalm 119:66. We can pray to God for it.
f) Job 34:2. It will make us good listeners.
g) Psalm 82:5. Without it we are in the darkness.
h) Proverbs 1:4. Young people need it.
i) Proverbs 1:7. The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of it.
j) Proverbs 10:14. Wise people store it up.
k) Proverbs 15:14. A wise person is hungry for it.
l) Ecclesiastes 12:9. It can be imparted by the teacher.
m) Isaiah 11:2; 1 Corinthians 12:8; 1 John 2:20. May come from the Holy Spirit.
n) Jeremiah 3:15; Malachi 2:7; 2 Corinthians 6:6. To be a shepherd of God’s People.
o) Acts 18:24; 2 Timothy 2:25; Titus 1:1. Of the Scriptures.
p) Romans 15:14; 2 Corinthians 8:7. And be filled with it.
q) Colossians 1:9. Of the Will of God.
r) 2 Peter 1:5. And add it to our integrity.
(Through this QT I am urged to Gain Knowledge)
‘What A Joy.’
Psalm 126:1.
a) This was the Lord’s Work.
b) He rescued and still rescues the captives.
c) He brings them to Zion (the place of Worship)
d) This was so wonderful it was like being in a dream, bringing unbelievable joy.
(This Second one makes my heart echo with the hearts of God’s People: What A Joy)
The Lord’s Work means when the Lord works and does something. We read in the Scripture about the Lord’s Work, it is truly perfect. The Lord calls His Servants to be workers together with Him. If God’s Servants obey Him they will be conscious of the fact that the Lord will be working together with them.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Rule Well!
‘Rule Well.’
a) Psalm 110:2; Isaiah 14:2. Over our enemies.
b) Genesis 1:26-28. Over the:-
1- Animals.
2- Fish.
3- Birds.
c) Genesis 3:16. As husbands.
d) Genesis 4:7. Over sin.
e) Deuteronomy 15:6. Over many Nations in the Blessing of God.
f) 2 Samuel 3:21. Over the desires of our heart.
g) Proverb 17:2. As a wise servant over your master’s family.
h) Proverbs 25:28. Over our own spirit.
i) Hebrews 13:7. Giving a good example of Faith and behaviour.
(This QT encourages me to Rule Well in the areas to which I need to rule)
‘No Need To Be Shaken.’
a) Psalm 125:1. Because we Trust in the Lord.
b) Hebrews 12:27. And we will remain consistently.
c) Hebrews 12:28. In the Kingdom of God.
(This Second one reminds me that there is No Need To Be Shaken)
Husbands have a greater responsibility than simply being the supplier of the means for life of the family. Husbands are also supposed to take a priestly role in their homes, helping their wives and children to come closer to God and to walk with Him. May True Believer husbands be able to function in a Biblical way.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Restoration Of Difficult Human Relationships!
‘Restoration Of Difficult Human Relationships.’
2 Corinthians 7:2-4.
a) 2 Corinthians 7:2. Needs:-
1- Open hearts.
2- No wrong to have been done against another by deed or word.
3- No corrupting of another person’s mind.
4- No exploitation.
b) 2 Corinthians 7:3. Needs commitment to the relationship.
c) 2 Corinthians 7:4. Should have a foundation of:-
1- Confidence.
2- Affirmation.
3- Encouragement.
4- Joy.
(Through this QT I find the way to Restoration Of Difficult Human Relationships)
a) Psalm 102:16. The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem.
b) Numbers 21:23. Of the city may be necessary.
c) Joshua 6:26. Is not always the Way or Will of God.
d) 1 Kings 18:32. Sometimes the altar needs to be rebuilt.
e) Ezra 1:3 & 5; 5:2. Sometimes the Lord’s Temple needs to be rebuilt.
f) Ezra 5:3. Is sometimes opposed and hindered.
g) Nehemiah 2:17. Is needed sometimes for walls and boundaries.
h) Job 12:14. Is impossible if God has torn it down.
i) Job 22:21. God can rebuild a human life.
j) Isaiah 44:28; 45:13. Can take place at the Lord’s Command.
k) Isaiah 54:11. Of the afflicted people by the Lord.
l) Jeremiah 10:20. Is difficult if we are trying to do it alone.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Rebuilding)
It is impossible to rebuild something that God has torn down. We need to be very careful not to let sentimentality rule our decisions and overrule our obedience to God. If God has torn something down we need to leave it alone.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Christians In Business!
‘Christians In Business.’
a) Proverbs 20:14. Should not use deceptive worldly methods. This will make the Christian Witness of no effect.
b) Ecclesiastes 1:10. Should not blindly exaggerate.
c) Hosea 12:7. Should not cheat.
d) Hosea 12:8. Should not tell lies.
e) 1 Thessalonians 4:6. Should not be immoral. Alcohol and sex are not good foundations for Christian Business.
(This QT makes me pray for Christians In Business)
‘When God Helps.’
Psalm 102:13.
a) He arises.
b) He has Mercy.
c) He has pity.
d) His timing is perfect.
e) He keeps His Promises.
(Through this Second one I rejoice When God Helps)
There is much talk about evangelism and reaching the different unreached “worlds” with the Gospel. If this is really going to happen in the world of business and in the world of politics then the living witness of those who have the “vision” needs to be impeccable. These are the most difficult “worlds” to penetrate with the Gospel, especially in monetarist and capitalist systems.
Moving On!
‘Moving On.’
a) Psalm 84:7. Going from strength to strength.
b) Romans 1:17. Righteousness that is from Faith to Faith.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:18. Being changed by the Holy Spirit from Glory to Glory.
(Through this QT I know that it is good spiritually to be Moving On)
‘On Mount Zion – The Place Of Worship.’
Psalm 87:5
a) The psalmist sings and pens of a future time.
b) Everyone will be welcome to be there.
c) The Lord will personally Bless the City.
(This Second shows me the future Blessings on Mount Zion – this Blessing reminds me also of those people who Worship in Spirit and in Truth)
Moving on! For most of us in our lives we face the time to move on. Maybe it is a physical move that the Lord is calling us to and we have to prepare ourselves in a practical way. It may be a spiritual way, God challenging us about our spiritual growth. Whatever it may be, we should be ready to be moving on when the time comes.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Because Of The Promises!
‘Because Of The Promises.’
2 Corinthians 7:1.
At the end of Chapter 6 Apostle Paul gave three promises to the Corinthian Church if they came out of the wrong relationships that they were in.
1- The Promise of God’s Presence.
2- The Promise of God’s Acceptance.
3- The Promise of God’s Fatherhood.
Because of these promises there should be a response from the Church:-
a) Clean themselves from all evil of flesh.
b) Clean themselves from all evil of spirit.
c) Doing (living) Holiness with the Fear of the Lord.
(Through this QT I understand about responding to God Because Of The Holiness)
‘God’s Temporary Dwelling Places.’
Psalm 76:2.
a) God said that He would tabernacle in Salem – the place of Peace.
b) God said that He would tabernacle at Zion – the place of Worship.
c) This was God’s special Presence with His People.
d) God received His People’s Worship.
e) God was amongst His People at this time in a very real way.
(This Second one makes me give thanks to Him for God’s Special Dwelling Places amongst His People. I am amazed that the Bible tells me that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit)
How much Grace and how amazing God is that He actually receives His People’s Worship. This is surely another proof of the Love of God for us. True Worship is not for us – it is for God. True Worship is not just songs and music, True Worship is everything we do in God and especially our gathering together as True Believers.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Do Not Be A Lover Of Sleep!
‘Do Not Be A Lover Of Sleep.’
Proverbs 20:13.
a) A lover of sleep will become poor.
b) We should open our eyes and wake up.
c) Then we will be satisfied with bread.
(Through this QT I am urged: Do Not Be A Lover Of Sleep)
‘A Good Prayer For The Lord’s Day.’
Psalm 74:2.
a) Lord, please remember Your Congregation, Your band of Worshippers.
b) Lord, You have purchased Your Congregation by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
c) Lord, You have Redeemed us to be Your Heritage.
d) Lord, please dwell on Mount Zion today, this is Your resting place, the Place of Worship.
(Through this Second one I find A Good Prayer For The Lord’s Day)
A lover of sleep will become poor. Depressed people often sleep too much. They oversleep many times because they do not want to face the struggle of depression again on the new day. Lazy people often sleep unnecessarily they expect other people to do everything for them. Let us not be lovers of sleep but, rather, lovers of God and lovers of life.
God’s Plans For Zion
‘God’s Plans For Zion.’
a) Psalm 50:2. To be perfect in beauty.
b) Psalm 50:2. To shine forth His Light from there.
c) Joel 2:1. To sound the alarm for the Day of the Lord.
d) Isaiah 2:3. A place where He can teach us His Ways.
e) Isaiah 2:3. A place where we learn to obey Him.
f) Isaiah 2:3. A place where His Teaching and His Word will go out from.
g) Luke 24:47. A place from where the Gospel goes forth.
h) Hebrews 12:22. A place where Angels are in Joyful Assembly.
(Through this QT: God’s Plan For Zion, I find God’s Plan also for every Body of True Believers that worships the Father in Spirit and in Truth)
‘The Fruit Of Salvation.’
Psalm 53:6.
a) Lives changed by God.
b) Joy.
c) Gladness.
(This Second one gives me the desire for more of the Fruit Of Salvation in my life)
Worship is something that is supposed to be beautiful for the Glory of God. We need to remember that traditional Worship can be beautiful with all its forms and ceremonies. Modern style Worship can also be beautiful if carried out in a reverent way. What really makes Worship beautiful is the heart condition of the Worshippers.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Their Hearts Were Narrow!
‘Their Hearts Were Narrow.’
2 Corinthians 6:11-18.
a) 2 Corinthians 6:11. Apostle Paul and his team really loved the young Corinthian Church. All through two Epistles Paul kept reaffirming them in God’s Love and in his love.
b) 2 Corinthians 6:12. Apostle Paul knew that the Corinthian response to his team was not good – their hearts were narrow (meaning not so open).
c) 2 Corinthians 6:13. Apostle Paul urges them to open their hearts.
d) 2 Corinthians 6:14-16. Their problem was compromise. The sin of compromise was causing them to close their hearts. This compromise was mainly in the area of wrong human relationships:-
1- True Believers and non Believers can have no real fellowship.
2- Righteousness and unrighteousness can have no real fellowship.
3- Light and darkness can have no real fellowship.
4- Christ and Belial can have no real fellowship.
5- A person who has Faith and a person who has no Faith can have no fellowship.
6- The Temple of God and idols can have no fellowship.
e) 2 Corinthians 6:16. If God’s People in Corinth obeyed the above exhortation then God would be with them and give them assurance in a very real way. It is exactly the same promise for us if our hearts are narrow because of the above reasons.
f) 2 Corinthians 6:17. If the Corinthians (and ourselves) came out of their wrong relationships God would receive them – God’s acceptance.
g) 2 Corinthians 6:18. If the Corinthians (and ourselves) came out of wrong relationships God would be a Father to them.
(This QT shows me a good lesson to learn from the Corinthians – why Their Hearts Were Narrow and reminds me to have good relationships in the Body of Christ)
‘Zion As The Place Of Worship.’
Psalm 48:2-13.
a) Psalm 48:2 & 11. Is a Beautiful and Joyful place.
b) Psalm 48:3. Is the place for knowing God rather than just knowing about Him.
c) Psalm 48:4-7. Is the place where enemies are defeated.
d) Psalm 48:8. Is Eternal – it endures forever.
e) Psalm 48:9. Is a place where we can ponder upon the Loving Kindness of the Lord.
f) Psalm 48:10. Is a place where we can Praise the Lord in an environment of Righteousness.
g) Psalm 48:12-13. Is a place of wonder which we can tell the next generation about.
(This Second one has me in awe of Zion As The Place Of Worship)
True Worshippers come to know God. This is always and inevitably the case. We cannot “know” God just from receiving Teaching about Him alone. Of course it is good to receive that Teaching, however Jesus calls us to Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. God is a God of balance and we need the balance between the Word of God and the Holy Spirit if we are going to know God. We need to be Worshippers.
Our Eyes!
‘Our Eyes.’
a) Proverbs 20:12 Are made by the Lord.
b) Exodus 21:24-26. Should be well protected and never intentionally injured by another person.
c) 1 Samuel 18:9. Are sometimes jealous.
d) Proverbs 30:17. Should never mock or despise our parents.
e) Matthew 5:28. Should not be lustful.
f) Matthew 6:22-23. Should be pure.
g) Luke 6:41-42. Should not be hypocritical.
h) Acts 13:9. Can sometimes be used in ministry situations.
i) 1 Corinthians 15:52. Sometimes blink.
(This QT causes me to thank God for My Eyes)
‘Help And Strength From The Church Life.’
Psalm 20:2.
a) Help is something that we need to give one another sometimes.
b) Help should come from the Sanctuary – in other words our True Believer Brothers and Sisters.
c) Strength is something that comes from God Himself.
d) We gain strength in Zion – the place of Worship, as we Worship the Lord.
(This Second one reminds me that I should be able to Receive Help And Strength From The Church Life)
Our eyes should not be lustful. If we find that our eyes are inclined to lust it is something that we should seek the Lord to be set free from. Before being set free we need to repent. We are living in days when internet pornography and other forms of illicit sex are easily available to be seen, it is important for True Believers to avoid these kind of things. Then we can live with clean eyes.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Lord Is Our King!
‘The Lord Is Our King.’
a) Psalm 2:6. He reigns from Zion.
b) Psalm 45:6; 89:36. He is Just and His Throne is Eternal.
c) Psalm 89:27. He is God’s Firstborn Son, the mightiest King on Earth.
d) Psalm 110:1. He is sitting in Honour at the Father’s Right Hand until His enemies are humbled and made a footstool under His Feet.
e) Isaiah 9:6-7. For a child is born to us, a Son is given to us. And the Government will rest on His Shoulders. These will be His royal titles: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His ever expanding, peaceful Government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of His ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the LORD Almighty will guarantee this!
f) Daniel 7:14. He was given authority, honour, and royal power over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey Him. His rule is eternal--it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
g) Matthew 28:18. He is given complete authority in Heaven and on Earth.
h) Ephesians 1:22. God has put all things under the authority of Christ, and He gave Him this authority for the benefit of the Church.
(This QT clearly shows me that The Lord Is My King)
‘True Praises.’
Psalm 9:14.
a) Are clearly Praise and expressed with clarity.
b) May be made in God’s House and in fellowship with His People.
c) Cause gladness,
(Through this Second one I want to offer True Praises to God and be in fellowship with people who do so)
Jesus Christ is God’s Firstborn Son and He is the Mightiest King on the Earth. His Kingdom shall never fail and His Kingdom now is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. He is a King Who really cares about His Subjects and He has plans for all of our lives. Let us always Worship, Praise and Honour our King Jesus Christ.
Really God's Servant!
‘Really God’s Servant.’
2 Corinthians 6:3-10.
Through Apostle Paul’s testimony and life we find a good example for every Servant of the Lord.
a) 2 Corinthians 6:3. Gives no manner of offence in anything so that nobody can blame our work and ministry.
b) 2 Corinthians 6:4-5, In everything make it clear that we are Servants of God:-
1- In much endurance.
2- In troubles.
3- In needs.
4- In sorrows.
5- In blows.
6- In prisons.
7- In riots.
8- In hard work.
9- In watching.
10- In fasting.
c) 2 Corinthians 6:6. Having the heart in right condition:-
1- Clean.
2- Good knowledge.
3- Longsuffering.
4- In kindness.
5- Full of Holy Spirit.
6- In unfeigned love.
d) 2 Corinthians 6:7. Having a good spiritual life:-
1- In the Word of Truth.
2- In the Power of God.
3- With the Word of Righteousness.
e) 2 Corinthians 6:8-10. In our public life:-
1- In glory.
2- In shame.
3- In an evil name.
4- In a good name.
5- As untrue.
6- As true.
7- Unknown.
8- Well known.
9- Near to death but full of life.
10- Undergoing punishment but not put to death.
(Through this QT I am challenged by Apostle Paul who was Really God’s Servant)
‘The Lord Jesus Christ.’
a) Galatians 4:4. Was sent by God for us.
b) John 3:34. Speaks the Words of God and has a limitless supply of the Holy Spirit.
c) Acts 10:38. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
(Through this Second one I thank God for sending The Lord Jesus Christ)
It is good to be unknown and then we can really find out the condition of our lives before God. Sometimes well known people have many inconveniences and much suffering with little privacy because they are well known. For a person’s goal just to be well known is a vain goal. When we are unknown and geographically where we are unknown are circumstances where we can find our real heart and therefore our real life.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
a) Proverbs 20:11. Are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure and right.
b) Psalm 34:11. Need to listen and be taught the fear of the Lord. The first place for this is the home.
c) Proverbs 1:8. Need to listen to their parents.
d) Proverbs 4:2-4. Need to be given good guidance by their fathers.
e) Proverbs 4:10-11. Need to be led in straight paths.
f) Proverbs 4:20. Need to pay attention.
g) Proverbs 13:1; 15:5. A wise child accepts a parent’s discipline.
h) Proverbs 23:19. Need to keep their heart on the right course.
(This QT causes me to pray for the Children of the Church)
‘When God Judges The Babylon World System.’
Revelation 18:9-24.
a) Revelation 18:9-10. World rulers and leaders will face Judgment.
b) Revelation 18:11-19. The businesspeople and the business world will face Judgment.
c) Revelation 18:20. God’s People and God’s Ministers will rejoice in Him at the time of Judgment.
d) Revelation 18:21. The Babylon World system will be thrown down and found no more.
e) Revelation 18:22. The music of the World system will be heard no more.
f) Revelation 18:22. Many people will become jobless.
g) Revelation 18:23. World system marriages shall cease.
h) Revelation 18:23. The prevailing power of witchcraft will be broken.
i) Revelation 18:24. There will be much bloodshed at that time.
(This Second one gives just a glimpse of what will happen When God Judges The World System)
In the current World situation parental guidance of their children is most important. This means not only guidance on their study track but also guidance in their spiritual lives. This guidance is not just the mother’s responsibility but the father’s also. The children need to grow up well and have a good relationship with God if they are going to do well and live in victory over the World system.
It Is Wrong To Cheat God!
‘It Is Wrong To Cheat God.’
Malachi 3:8-12.
a) Malachi 3:8. We cheat God when we keep back from Him what is rightfully His.
b) Malachi 3:8. The area where we are tempted to cheat God most is in the area of tithes and offerings.
c) Malachi 3:9. When we try to cheat God we come under a curse.
d) Malachi 3:10. If we bring all the tithes into God’s storehouse then God will pour out a Blessing on us.
e) Malachi 3:11. God will look after what is ours.
f) Malachi 3:12. Other people will see that we are Blessed by the Lord.
(Through this QT I know that It Is Wrong To Cheat God)
‘At A Time Of Persecution.’
Acts 4:29-37.
a) Acts 4:29. It is a time to pray for boldness to do the Will of God.
b) Acts 4:30. It is a time for miracles to be done in the Name of Jesus.
c) Acts 4:31 & 33. It is a time to be filled with the Holy Spirit and boldly preach the Word of God.
d) Acts 4:32. It is a time for True Believers to practically love one another.
e) Acts 4:34-37. It is a time for all True Believers needs to be met.
(This Second one shows me the things that should happen At A Time Of Persecution)
We cheat God when we keep back from Him what is rightfully His. Here in Malachi it refers especially to the tithes of God’s People in the Old Testament times. There are other things that we should consider too. Our commitment is one. Our Worship is another. Our obedience to His Word and His Holy Spirit is yet another, and so we could go on. Let us not keep anything back from God.
The Right Time Is Now!
‘The Right Time Is Now.’
2 Corinthians 6:2.
a) God says that at the right time He heard us.
b) God says that on the Day of Salvation He helped us.
c) The right time is now.
d) Today is the Day of Salvation.
(Through this QT I know that The Right Time Is Now and that I am not to put off until tomorrow the things I should do today)
‘Go And Do It.’
Matthew 28:19.
Because Jesus Christ is given all Authority and He gives us His Name in which to pray and because we have the Holy Spirit, We should heed this Scripture:-
a) We are to go.
b) We are to make Disciples of all Nations.
c) We are to Baptise them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I know that I am to Go And Do It)
We should not procrastinate but we should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes the Lord was us to quick and calm in our response to obey Him and His leading in our lives. God never creates panic amongst His Children but sometimes His Will is urgent. When God tells us “Today” we should not put it off until tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Business Ethics For The True Believer!
‘Business Ethics For The True Believer.’
a) Proverbs 20:10. Unequal weights and measures are disgusting to the Lord. Being dishonest in business is disgusting to the Lord.
b) Proverbs 11:1. The Lord hates cheating but He delights in honesty.
c) Proverbs 16:3. Commit our work to the Lord and then our work plans will succeed.
d) Proverbs 16:11. The Lord demands fairness in every business deal; He sets the standard.
(Through this QT I find Business Ethics For The True Believer)
‘The Way That The Lord Sees People.’
1 Samuel 16:7.
a) The Lord does not see people by their appearance.
b) The Lord does not see people by their height.
c) The Lord sometimes refuses people.
d) The Lord does not see as people see.
e) People look at the outward appearance.
f) The Lord looks at the heart.
(Through this Second one I understand The Way That The Lord Sees People)
Sometimes I meet people who come to me and ask me to pray for their new business. They ask for Blessing from the Lord. It is good to pray for the new business of a True Believer but it is very important that the business be run in an ethical manner. There are now Bible Teachers teaching and writing about this subject and I urge all potential business people and current business people to expose themselves to this teaching.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Do Not Wait Until The Morning!
‘Do Not Wait Until The Morning.’
Acts 16:33-34.
Here is the continuation of the report about the Philippian jailor. After hearing the Word of God briefly spoken by Apostle Paul he responded and the following incident happened.
a) That same night.
b) The jailor gave attention to Paul and Silas medically, he washed their physical wounds.
c) Immediately after that, he and his family were baptised.
d) Then the jailor gave Paul and Silas hospitality – a meal.
e) The jailor was in Faith and full of Joy together with his family.
(Through this QT I understand Holy urgency is sometimes necessary: Do Not Wait Until The Morning)
‘To Live In Newness Of Life.’
Romans 6:3-4.
a) When we are Baptised into Christ Jesus we are baptised into His Death.
b) We are buried with Him in His Death when we are Baptised.
c) Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s Glory.
d) Now we can live a new life after our Baptism because we have a new life in Christ Jesus.
(This Second shows to me that it should be in the heart of every True Believer that they desire To Live In Newness Of Life)
Most Churches today hold Baptismal Classes and that is not wrong. Many Churches today give a stringent interview to all adult candidates for Baptism and that is not wrong. We live in a complex world system and many people’s lives are caught up in webs of bondage of different kinds that Jesus wants to free them from so that they can progress in their Christian life. Classes and interviews are necessary. There are however Divinely inspired exceptions, as in the case of the Philippian jailor and we need to be ready for these but they should not become the “norm”.
Working Together!
‘Working Together.’
a) 2 Corinthians 6:1; James 2:22. With God in His Ministry.
b) Mark 16:20. The Lord working together with us as we do His Will.
c) Romans 8:28. God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.
d) 1 Corinthians 16:16. Serving with devotion.
(This QT makes me think more about Working Together with God and with those people who are doing His Work with pure motivation)
‘After God Sent The Earthquake.’
Acts 16:29-31.
The man responsible for keeping the prisoners was really afraid. God had sent an earthquake and all the prisoners’ chains were loosed, including those of Paul and Silas. No prisoners ran away because God’s Hand was on the whole situation. The Holy Spirit was at work.
a) Acts 16:29. The jailor was trembling for fear. He would be severely punished if the prisoners fled.
b) Acts 16:30. The jailor privately spoke to Paul and Silas, what could he do to be saved?
c) Acts 16:31. Paul and Silas told him to Believe in the Lord Jesus, then he and all his family would be saved.
(Through this Second one: After God Sent The Earthquake, I am amazed at the working of God)
Working together with God! How awesome and what a privilege. There are so many Servants of the Lord who miss this because they are doing their own work rather than seeking to work together with Him. As we truly seek to do God’s Will He will surely work together with us if we invite Him to do it, if we give Him the space to do it and if we really want Him to do it.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
We All Need The Gospel Of Grace!
‘We All Need The Gospel Of Grace.’
a) Proverbs 20:9. None of us can make our own hearts pure and free from sin, only Jesus Christ can do that for us.
b) 1 Kings 8:46. Who has never sinned?
c) Psalm 51:5. Sin is a constant struggle for us.
d) Ecclesiastes 7:20. There is not a single person in all the Earth who is always good and never sins.
e) James 3:2. If we learn to control our tongues that will really benefit us.
f) 1 John 1:8-10. We need to confess our sins to God so that we can enjoy forgiveness and a good relationship with Him.
(This QT reminds me that I Need The Gospel Of Grace continually)
‘Travelling Along Salvation Road.’
a) John 3:16. We need to live believing in Jesus Christ.
b) Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:26-27. We need to have repented and been baptised.
c) Ephesians 2:8. We need to understand that by Grace we have been Saved through Faith.
d) 1 Peter 3:21. We need to live with a clean conscience.
(Through this Second one I want enjoy my journey Travelling Along Salvation Road)
None of us can make our own hearts pure and free from sin. When we live a balanced and normal life we realise this. People who live in hurt or sin often neglect their own condition and blame other people. They are spiritually blinded as to their own condition. When we realise the Truth of the Gospel and start walking along Salvation Road we begin to understand how much we need to live in the Gospel of Grace ourselves.
We Are Sinners That Need God’s Salvation!
‘We Are Sinners That Need God’s Salvation.’
a) Isaiah 64:6. Without Grace even our “righteous acts” are sinful.
b) Galatians 3:22. The Scripture has concluded that all people are under sin.
c) Romans 3:23. All people have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.
d) John 3:16. The answer for our sin problem is found only in God’s Love for us expressed through Jesus Christ.
e) Luke 24:47. We need to repent of our sins and be forgiven.
f) Acts 2:38. The Holy Spirit begins to work in our lives after we:-
1- Have repented.
2- Been Baptised.
3- Had our sins forgiven.
(This QT reminds me that I Am A Sinner That Needs God’s Salvation, I thank God for the free Grace that has been given to me. Now I am being Saved)
‘The Way Of The Father.’
Luke 15:20.
In this parable told by Jesus we can really see the Heart of Father God revealed.
a) Even though the prodigal son had it in his heart to go back to his father, the father took initiative.
b) The father saw the son while he was still a long way off.
c) The father had fullness of compassion on his son.
d) The father ran to his son.
e) The father threw his arms around his son.
f) The father kissed his son.
Through this Second one I find The Way Of The Father)
Real repentance is really important if we are going to grow spiritually as True Believers. Without repentance it is impossible for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. Without repentance it is impossible to have any QT or relationship with God. QT must be based on Truth and not imagination, it is Truth that brings Freedom to our lives.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Really A New Creation!
‘Really A New Creation.’
2 Corinthians 5:21.
a) God has made Jesus Christ to be sin for us at the Cross.
b) Jesus Christ knew no sin - He never knew what it was like to sin.
c) So that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Jesus Christ.
(Through this QT I have great encouragement and confirmation that I am Really A New Creation)
‘We Need To Mourn When Necessary.’
a) Ecclesiastes 3:4. There is a time to weep and mourn.
b) Psalm 116:15. We also need to remember God’s perspectives.
c) Revelation 21:4; John 14:2-4. There will be no crying and mourning in Eternity.
d) John 14:1. We should not allow our hearts to remain in a troubled condition for a long time.
e) Matthew 5:4. Those people who mourn should be Blessed with Comfort – both from God and the fellow True Believers.
(Through this Second one I know that I Need To Mourn When Necessary)
Really a New Creation. This is a statement that is totally according to Scripture and it oozes with assurance of Salvation. It is God’s Purpose and Plan that every True Believer has this confident assurance. It is when we have a confident assurance of Salvation that we can confidently respond to God’s leading and calling in our lives.
Three Types Of Good People!
‘Three Types Of Good People.’
Proverbs 20:6-8.
a) Proverbs 20:6. A trustworthy person.
b) Proverbs 20:7. A person who lives in integrity.
c) Proverbs 20:8. A ruler who carefully weighs all evidence, distinguishing the bad from the good.
(Through this QT I pray for the manifestation of good people in the Church: Three Types Of Good People)
‘In Christ We Have A New Life.’
a) Romans 6:18. We become enslaved to Righteousness.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:21. We are made right with God through Him.
c) Romans 7:15-8:1; 1 John 3:7. We have a strong desire to do right.
d) Romans 1:1. We are set apart for God’s Purpose.
(Through this Second one I thank God because I know that In Christ I Have A New Life)
We need to pray for the manifestation of good people in the Church. God loves the Church that He has given to Jesus Christ His Son Who is now its Head. The Church recently has had bad publicity because it has been plagued by different kinds of bad people in leadership (both professional and laity). Now is the time for the purification of the Church, and that has to begin with the Leadership.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Confidence Of A True Believer!
‘The Confidence Of A True Believer.’
John 6:67-69.
a) John 6:67. Will be tested by the Lord.
b) John 6:68. Knows that the Lord is the only One to turn to in difficult spiritual times.
c) John 6:68. Trusts in the Words of Truth that come from the Lord.
d) John 6:69. Has Faith.
e) John 6:69. The True Believer has confidence and is certain that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of the Living God.
f) 1 John 2:3. The True Believer keeps the Word of God.
(Through this QT I thank God that He has given to me The Confidence Of A True Believer)
‘Really Knowing Jesus.’
Philippians 3:10.
a) Means knowing the Power of His Resurrection.
b) Means knowing the fellowship of His Sufferings.
c) Means becoming conformed to His Death.
(This Second one shows me what it means to be Really Knowing Jesus and not just knowing about Him)
I love the Teachings of Jesus through John’s Gospel, they are both very clear and also life changing if we apply them by Faith. We should, as True Believers, freely and willingly Thank God for His Grace. The reading through of John’s Gospel must surely make us better Believers.
On Being In Christ!
‘On Being In Christ.’
2 Corinthians 5:17-20.
a) 2 Corinthians 5:17. If we are in Christ we become a new creation.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:17. Old things come to an end, the new has truly begun.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:18. All this comes from God.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:18. God has made us at Peace with Himself through Christ.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:18. God has given us the task of being peacemakers, reconciling people to Him.
f) 2 Corinthians 5:19. God was in Christ, reconciling the World to Himself.
g) 2 Corinthians 5:19. If we are in Christ, God now does not count our sins against us.
h) 2 Corinthians 5:19. God has given to us the Message of Reconciliation.
i) 2 Corinthian 5:20. As representatives of Christ and speaking for Him, we plead on Christ’s behalf that all hearers and readers be reconciled to and at Peace with God.
(This QT gives me much to ponder On Being In Christ)
‘To Have Faith Is Important.
a) Revelation 6:15; 19:18. Without Faith on the Day of God we will want to hide from Him. Whether we be:-
1- Kings.
2- Rulers.
3- Military Chiefs.
4- Rich and powerful.
5- Servants.
6- Free people.
b) Habakkuk 2:4. The upright person will have Life through their good Faith.
c) Galatians 2:20. True Believers live now by Faith in the Son of God Who loved us and gave His Life for us.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:7. Our life is a matter of Faith and not of sight.
(Through this Second one I see that To Have Faith Is Important)
Military Chiefs are powerful people. They may sometimes be the best form of National Leadership for a Nation, especially in a time of national crisis. Good Military Chiefs have self control and self discipline and may also expect the same qualities to be in the lives of the people that they lead. It is good to pray for our national Military Chiefs.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Communicated Wisdom!
‘Communicated Wisdom.’
a) Proverbs 20:5. Gives good advice.
b) Proverbs 1:5. Causes other people to become wiser if they listen to it.
c) Proverbs 1:6. Comes from exploring the depths of the Word of God. (It is Biblically based)
(Through this QT I highly value Communicated Wisdom)
‘Melchizedek – A Type Of Christ.’
Hebrews 7:1-2.
a) He was King of Salem. (Salem = Peace)
b) He was Priest of the Most High God. (Jesus Christ has an Eternal Priesthood)
c) He Blessed Abraham in Abraham’s time of Victory.
d) Abraham gave him tithes.
e) His name means King of Righteousness.
f) Revelation 1:5. Jesus Christ is Ruler over the Kings of the Earth.
g) Revelation 3:14. Jesus Christ is Ruler over God’s Creation.
(Through this Second one I find Melchizedek – A Type Of Christ)
In South Korea, where we live, the people love to watch TV historical dramas. There are always emperor kings and leaders involved. We should also be thanking and praising God that, if we are True Believers, we have a King to whose rule we submit, King Jesus. This King is not just an historical King but He is a King Who reigns today – the King of kings.
Wonderful Jesus!
‘Wonderful Jesus.’
Colossians 1:15-22.
a) Colossians 1:15. He is the Image of the invisible God, the Firstborn of all Creation.
b) Colossians 1:16. All things were and are Created:-
1- By Him.
2- Through Him.
3- For Him.
c) Colossians 1:16. Things Created:-
1- In Heaven.
2- On Earth.
3- Visible.
4- Invisible.
5- Thrones.
6- Dominions.
7- Rulers.
8- Authorities.
d) Colossians 1:17. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
e) Colossians 1:18. He is the Head of the Body, the Church.
f) Colossians 1:18. He is the Firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.
g) Colossians 1:19. For in Christ all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.
h) Colossians 1:20. Through Christ:-
1- God reconciled all things to Himself.
2- Things both on Earth and in Heaven.
3- Peace has been made by the Blood of His Cross.
i) Colossians 1:21-22. Jesus Christ has reconciled us to God by His Death.
j) Colossians 1:22. The Plan of God is that through Jesus Christ we are presented to Him:-
1- Holy.
2- Blameless.
3- Above reproach.
(This QT makes me want to exalt Wonderful Jesus)
‘Jesus Saves.’
Hebrews 5:9.
a) He is perfect.
b) He is the Source of Eternal Salvation.
c) In order to be Saved we need to obey Him.
(Through this Second one I can boldly proclaim that Jesus Saves)
Jesus Christ’s shed Blood has amazing power. It is through the Blood of Jesus that we can be made blameless. Hurting, angry and irresponsible people are always looking for someone to blame. Perfectionists also are looking for someone to blame. Sometimes we do or say things that make us worthy of blame but we can be made blameless by the Blood of Jesus.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Not From A Worldly Viewpoint!
‘Not From A Worldly Viewpoint.’
2 Corinthians 5:15-16.
a) Because we a living for the Resurrected Christ.
b) We do not look at other people from a worldly viewpoint.
c) We do not look at Jesus Christ from a worldly viewpoint.
d) We now begin to look at other people in a different way.
(This QT urges me to consider other people correctly and Not From A Worldly Viewpoint)
‘We Need To Get The Sequence Correct.’
1 Corinthians 15:23.
a) Every person in the right order.
b) Christ the Messiah is the First-fruits.
c) Then those who belong to Him.
d) Will be revealed at His Coming.
(This is very clear and simple, I understand from this Second one that I Need To Get The Sequence Correct)
Not from a worldly viewpoint! An incorrect worldview can do great damage to the Church and also if taught strongly it may corrupt people’s good Faith. It is very important to look into our Bible to establish our worldview and not look at the model of any national identity. The Biblical worldview is not left, right or centre – it is exclusively based on the pure Word of God.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Reject Sluggard Life!
‘Reject Sluggard Life.’
Proverbs 20:4.
a) The sluggard or hater of work will not plough because of the Winter.
b) At harvest time he will look for a harvest but ends up requesting food from other people.
c) From his own lack of effort he will get nothing.
(This QT reminds me to Reject Sluggard Life)
‘The Family Of God.’
Romans 8:29.
a) The Father knew us before we came into existence.
b) He predestined us to be conformed to the Image of His Son Jesus Christ.
c) Jesus Christ is the firstborn amongst many siblings.
(Through this Second I realise that The Family Of God is His idea and not ours)
We need to reject sluggard life. All human beings face the common temptation to become a sluggard. The sluggard may cause those people around them to become frustrated because the sluggard does not do the fair share of their work. Because of this reason, relationships are usually very difficult for the sluggard.
Look To The Lord!
‘Look To The Lord.’
a) Colossians 1:15. When we look at the Lord Jesus Christ we see the Image of the unseen God.
b) Colossians 2:9. For in Him all the wealth of God’s Being has a living form.
c) Hebrews 1:2. God now speaks directly to us through Him.
d) John 17:3; 3:16. He is sent to give the Knowledge of God and Eternal Life to us.
e) John 5:21; 10:10; 11:25-26. Because He is the Life Giver.
f) John 7:37-39. He can fill us with the Holy Spirit.
g) John 1:12. He gives us the right to become Children of God.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to Look To The Lord)
‘If We Knew.’
John 4:10.
a) These Words of the Lord Jesus as a reality.
b) The generosity of God.
c) Who Jesus is.
d) Then we would ask Him for a drink. (John 7:37-39)
e) He would give us fresh and living water.
(Through this Second one: If We Knew, I am so Blessed to experience the Fullness and Life of the Holy Spirit)
Jesus Christ came to this World as Saviour – to save us because of God’s Love for us. He also came to give us the Knowledge of God. Correct teaching of the Scripture will lead people to know God through Jesus Christ.
Monday, January 3, 2011
A Result Of Christ’s Death!
‘A Result Of Christ’s Death.’
2 Corinthians 5:15.
a) Christ died for all people. (Even though they may not accept the fact)
b) So that people should no longer be living to themselves.
c) So that they might live to Him Who died for their sake.
d) So that they might live to Him Who is now resurrected.
(This QT clearly shows me A Result Of Christ’s Death)
‘The Birth Of Jesus Christ Prophesied.’
Micah 5:2.
a) The birth place – Bethlehem.
b) The unimportance of the city of Bethlehem. A humble birth.
c) The Ruler will be born. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.
d) His goings have already been planned – All the Ministry of Jesus Christ was perfectly planned by Father God.
e) His Eternal Nature.
(Through this Second one I see The Birth Of Jesus Christ Prophesied)
If we are True Believers we should be living to Jesus Christ. This means that He and His Will for us becomes the priority in our lives. We should be careful to behave as subjects of His Lordship. We need His Word and His Holy Spirit to be our guides. Let us be living to Jesus Christ and for His Glory.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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