‘Knowing The Father.’
John 14:7-9.
a) John 14:7. Because we know Christ, we know also the Father.
b) John 14:7. In seeing Christ we see also the Father. The Father reveals Himself in and through the Son.
c) John 14:8. Philip’s incorrect concept. “Show us the Father.”
d) John 14:9. This is a common mistake. Jesus reminded Philip again that if Philip saw Christ, he had also seen the Father.
(Through this QT I am helped in Knowing The Father)
‘God Revealed.’
John 1:1-14.
a) John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The Word here is Jesus Christ)
b) John 1:2. The Word was with God from the beginning.
c) John 1:3. Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things.
d) John 1:4. In Jesus Christ is Life and this Life is the Light of mankind.
e) John 1:5. This Light shines into darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it.
f) John 1:6-8. John came as a witness to the Light that many people would believe in the Light.
g) John 1:9. Jesus is the True Light that gives Light to everyone entering the World.
h) John 1:10-11. Many people rejected the Light – Jesus Christ.
i) John 1:12. But to as many as did receive Him, to those who put their trust in His Person and Power, He gave the right to become Children of God.
j) John 1:13. These people experience a Spiritual birth by the Will of God.
k) John 1:14. The Word became flesh and dwelt on the Earth. Visible in Him were:-
1- The Glory of the Father’s only Son.
2- Fullness of Grace.
3- Fullness of Truth.
(Through this Second one I see God Revealed in Jesus Christ)
Since the very earliest days of the New Testament people have been rejecting the Light. This fact should stimulate two major things in the Church. Firstly, intercession for those who have not yet received the Light, and secondly, Biblical and loving Evangelism especially through friendship.