The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
For Everyone Who Is Thirsty!
‘For Everyone Who Is Thirsty.’
Isaiah 55:1-13.
a) Isaiah 55:1. Come to the water of life freely. There is water, wine and milk without payment – it is free.
b) Isaiah 55:2. Why spend money on things that really do not satisfy us?
c) Isaiah 55:2. If we listen carefully to the Lord we can eat well and be fully satisfied.
d) Isaiah 55:3. We will live if we open our ears and listen to the Lord.
e) Isaiah 55:3. The Lord will make an Everlasting Covenant with us according to the sure Mercies of David.
f) Isaiah 55:4. The Lord Jesus is our:-
1- Witness.
2- Leader.
3- Commander.
g) Isaiah 55:5. The Lord will work a special thing amongst His People and they will glorify Him. Because of this other Nations will be attracted.
h) Isaiah 55:6. Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him whilst He is near.
i) Isaiah 55:7. Let the wicked person forsake their ways and the unrighteous person their thoughts.
j) Isaiah 55:7. Return to the Lord our God – He will have Mercy and abundantly Pardon.
k) Isaiah 55:8-9. The thoughts and ways of wicked people are not the Ways of the Lord.
l) Isaiah 55:10. Consider the rain and snow that water the Earth. They bring forth:-
1- Bud.
2- Seed.
3- Bread.
m) Isaiah 55:11. The Word that goes forth out of God’s Mouth:-
1- Shall not return to Him void.
2- Shall accomplish that which He pleases.
3- Shall succeed in what He sends it to do.
n) Isaiah 55:12. God’s People shall go out with Joy.
o) Isaiah 55:13. Even the environment will be changed for the Glory of God.
(This QT is For Everyone Who Is Thirsty)
‘No Need To Be Weary.’
Isaiah 40:28-31.
a) Isaiah 40:28. We need to know and remember the:-
1- Lord.
2- Everlasting God.
3- Creator of the ends of the Earth.
b) Isaiah 40:28. Our God:-
1- Does not faint.
2- Never grows weary.
3- Has unfathomable understanding.
c) Isaiah 40:29. Our God gives Power to the people who are faint. To the powerless people He gives Strength.
d) Isaiah 40:30. Even young people get weary and fall down.
e) Isaiah 40:31. Those people who wait for and Hope in the Lord:-
1- Shall renew their strength.
2- They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
3- They shall run and not be weary.
4- They shall walk and not faint.
(This Second one reminds me that in God’s Kingdom there is No Need To Be Weary)
I meet some people today who are faint and powerless as far as their spiritual life and the things of God are concerned. There is a whole catalogue of reasons why this may be so, but it is not good to hold on to excuses. The fact is that the Lord can renew us and give us Strength.
The Christian Life!
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