The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Simple Reminder!
‘A Simple Reminder.’
Matthew 28:19.
a) We are to go. We should not just expect or pray for the un churched people simply to come to Church. We need to go and show and then tell them the Message of the Gospel.
b) We are to make Disciples of all Nations. God has now made many ways possible for Disciples to be made and we should utilise these. Whether they be:-
1- Local.
2- National.
3- International.
c) We are to baptise them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Introduce new Believers into Church life as soon as possible.
(Through this QT I have A Simple Reminder)
‘We Need To Hear It Before Baptism.’
Acts 2:36-41.
a) Acts 2:36. Everyone should hear this Message.
b) Acts 2:36. God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
c) Acts 2:36. The Jewish people had Jesus crucified.
d) Acts 2:37. The Message brought conviction to the hearers, they were pricked in their heart, their guilty consciences became alive.
e) Acts 2:37. In their guilt they wanted to know what they should do.
f) Acts 2:38. Peter taught them the next steps:-
1- Repent.
2- Be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins.
3- Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Meaning the Person not His Gifts)
g) Acts 2:39. The Promise of the Holy Spirit for those people who receive Christ is for all people of all generations from that time. Everyone whom the Lord calls to Salvation.
h) Acts 2:40. Peter taught the new Believers that they need to live different kinds of lives from the people around them who were as yet unregenerate.
i) Acts 2:41. Those people who received the Word that Peter brought from the Lord, about three thousand of them, were Baptised and added to the Church.
(Through this Second one, I know We Need To Hear It Before Baptism, the clear Teaching of the Word of God)
The Bible tells us of the Promise of the Holy Spirit. Every person who follows the Biblical basic requirements about the receiving of Salvation in Jesus Christ has the indwelling Holy Spirit. Upon receiving Christ as our Lord and Saviour the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and our lives should begin to change from the inside out because of what God is doing in us.
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