The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Acts 10:1-48.
a) Acts 10:1. Was a man who had military authority.
b) Acts 10:2. He:-
1- Was devout.
2- Feared God together with his household.
3- Gave much alms to the people.
4- Prayed regularly to God.
c) Acts 10:3. He was spiritually sensitive.
d) Acts 10:4-8. An Angel of the Lord came to him and he obeyed what the Angel said.
e) Acts 10:9-20. The Lord prepared Peter to receive Cornelius’ team.
f) Acts 10:21-22. Cornelius’ team delivered the message to Peter.
g) Acts 10:23. Peter invited them to stay the night.
h) Acts 10:24. Cornelius prepared a gathering to listen to Peter.
i) Acts 10:25-26. Peter insisted that only God would get Glory.
j) Acts 10:27-29. Peter’s sensitivity to God again. He had no bigotry.
k) Acts 10:30-33. Cornelius tells Peter the whole story.
l) Acts 10:34-43. Peter preached the Gospel.
m) Acts 10:44-46. The Holy Spirit came upon everyone.
n) Acts 10:47. There was a season of Christian Baptism.
o) Acts 10:48. Cornelius wanted more, he wanted Peter to remain there for several days.
(Through this QT I am so Blessed by the spiritual hunger of Cornelius and I desire to maintain the spiritual hunger that the Lord has given to me)
‘Our Faith.’
1 Peter 1:7.
a) Will be tested as to its being genuine.
b) Is precious.
c) Will be refined and made pure.
d) Will be rewarded by Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of the preciousness of My Faith)
We should maintain our spiritual hunger through our personal relationship with God. Personal devotional time, otherwise known as QT, is a very necessary part of the life of every True Believer. If anyone claims to be a True Believer and yet neglects this part it causes me to doubt the authenticity of their claim to be a True Believer. Our lifeline to God is through our personal relationship with Him.
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