The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Remain Holy!
‘Remain Holy.’
Exodus 13:3-14.
The True Story of the Exodus reminds God’s People to Remain Holy.
a) Exodus 13:3. Exodus day was to be remembered.
b) Exodus 13:3 & 9. By a powerful hand the LORD brought you out.
c) Exodus 13:3. Nothing leavened was to be eaten. Leaven speaks of un-holiness.
d) Exodus 13:4. This all began on a certain day – there was a definite and clear beginning.
e) Exodus 13:5-6. In the new land God’s People were always to remember and give celebration thanks to Him for they had been delivered and made Holy.
f) Exodus 13:7. Holiness needed to be maintained.
g) Exodus 13:8 & 14. This was to be passed down to the next generation.
h) Exodus 13:9. We should be Holy in what we:-
1- Do.
2- Think.
3- Say.
i) Exodus 13:10. We should continually remain in Holiness.
j) Exodus 13:11. God keeps His Promise.
k) Exodus 13:12-13; Romans 12:1-2. Our response to God.
(Through this QT I am strongly urged to remain in daily commitment to God and to Remain Holy)
‘When Things Are Not Going Well – Pray.’
Nehemiah 1:1-11.
This Chapter records the faithful Prayer of Nehemiah.
a) Nehemiah 1:1-2. Nehemiah’s love for Jerusalem, he asked the men that had just arrived from there how things were going in Jerusalem.
b) Nehemiah 1:3. Things were not going well in Jerusalem.
c) Nehemiah 1:4. Nehemiah wept, he sat down. For days before the God of Heaven he:-
1- Mourned.
2- Fasted.
3- Wept.
d) Nehemiah 1:5-11. In his Prayer to the God of Heaven he prayed:-
1. 1:5. Acknowledging that God is Great and Awesome.
2. 1:5. That God is Covenant keeping.
3. 1:5. That God is a God of unfailing Love which is appreciated by those people who love and obey Him.
4. 1:6. For God’s attention.
5. 1:6. He confessed sin of:-
A-His own.
B-His family.
C-His Nation.
6. 1:7. He confessed lack of Obedience.
7. 1:8-9. He claimed the Promises of God.
8. 1:10. He Proclaimed God’s Power to rescue His People.
9. 1:11. He Prayed for God to:-
A- Hear his Prayer.
B- Grant him success.
C- Give him favour with the authority figure.
(This Second one shows me very clearly I should respond in this way When Things Are Not Going Well – Pray)
When we pray we should remember that our Prayer is addressed to the God of Heaven. Whereas there is some understandable necessity to teach about our loving Heavenly Father, if we only have that concept it can endanger our theological understanding, also distort our image of God and prayer life. Firstly and foremost our prayer is to the God of Heaven.
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