The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
People Of Integrity!
‘People Of Integrity.’
a) Proverbs 11:20. Are delighted in by the Lord.
b) Judges 9:16. Are needed in the political world as “kingmakers”.
c) 1 Kings 9:4; 1 Chronicles 29:17. Have integrity in their heart.
d) 2 Chronicles 19:7. Judge with it.
e) Job 1:1 & 8; 2:3. Job had it.
f) Job 8:20. Will not be rejected by God.
g) Psalm 25:21. Are preserved.
h) Psalm 26:1 & 11. Walk in it.
i) Psalm 41:12. Will be upheld by the Lord.
j) Psalm 101:2. Are so in their domestic life.
k) Psalm 119:1. Follow the instructions of the Lord and are Joyful.
l) Proverbs 2:7. Know the Lord as their Shield.
m) Proverbs 10:9. Walk safely.
n) Proverbs 10:29. Know the Way of the Lord as their stronghold.
o) Proverbs 28:18. Will be delivered.
p) John 1:47. Are known by Jesus Christ.
(This QT calls me to be a Person Of Integrity)
‘Catch And Go.’
(Blessed business people are also sometimes called to follow the Lord)
Luke 5:1-11.
a) Luke 5:1. One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on Him to listen to the Word of God.
b) Luke 5:2-3. Jesus used the boat for His Ministry even though the boat was a fishing vessel. The boat belonged to Simon Peter.
c) Luke 5:4. When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” Jesus was also interested in Simon Peter’s fishing.
d) Luke 5:5. Simon Peter obeyed Jesus even though he was disappointed at the efforts of the previous night. (Disappointment must be overcome so that we can freely obey the Lord)
e) Luke 5:6-7. There was a huge catch of fish – the Blessing of the Lord.
f) Luke 5:8-9. This experience caused Peter to be amazed and Worship the Lord.
g) Luke 5:10. Jesus introduced a change of life to Peter.
h) Luke 5:11. Peter, James and John left everything and followed Jesus.
(Catch and Go, this Second one teaches me that even Blessed and successful business people are sometimes called by the Lord to go)
Jesus was very rarely in a hurry, before sending Peter to go and catch fish Jesus finished His Teaching. Even though there was often a big crowd around Him Jesus was calm and orderly. I feel distressed sometimes when I see Servants of the Lord frantically trying to achieve something when they have no peace, calm or orderliness. Let us all learn from the good example of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Acts 10:1-48.
a) Acts 10:1. Was a man who had military authority.
b) Acts 10:2. He:-
1- Was devout.
2- Feared God together with his household.
3- Gave much alms to the people.
4- Prayed regularly to God.
c) Acts 10:3. He was spiritually sensitive.
d) Acts 10:4-8. An Angel of the Lord came to him and he obeyed what the Angel said.
e) Acts 10:9-20. The Lord prepared Peter to receive Cornelius’ team.
f) Acts 10:21-22. Cornelius’ team delivered the message to Peter.
g) Acts 10:23. Peter invited them to stay the night.
h) Acts 10:24. Cornelius prepared a gathering to listen to Peter.
i) Acts 10:25-26. Peter insisted that only God would get Glory.
j) Acts 10:27-29. Peter’s sensitivity to God again. He had no bigotry.
k) Acts 10:30-33. Cornelius tells Peter the whole story.
l) Acts 10:34-43. Peter preached the Gospel.
m) Acts 10:44-46. The Holy Spirit came upon everyone.
n) Acts 10:47. There was a season of Christian Baptism.
o) Acts 10:48. Cornelius wanted more, he wanted Peter to remain there for several days.
(Through this QT I am so Blessed by the spiritual hunger of Cornelius and I desire to maintain the spiritual hunger that the Lord has given to me)
‘Our Faith.’
1 Peter 1:7.
a) Will be tested as to its being genuine.
b) Is precious.
c) Will be refined and made pure.
d) Will be rewarded by Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of the preciousness of My Faith)
We should maintain our spiritual hunger through our personal relationship with God. Personal devotional time, otherwise known as QT, is a very necessary part of the life of every True Believer. If anyone claims to be a True Believer and yet neglects this part it causes me to doubt the authenticity of their claim to be a True Believer. Our lifeline to God is through our personal relationship with Him.
They Worked Hard!
‘They Worked Hard.’
a) Romans 16:6; Colossians 4:13. Mary, for the benefit of the Church.
b) Genesis 30:29. Jacob as a farmer.
c) Deuteronomy 28:33. God’s People in the Old Testament to grow their crops.
d) 1 Chronicles 22:14. To provide materials for the building of the Temple of the Lord.
e) 2 Chronicles 24:13; 32:5. At the restoration of the Temple of the Lord.
f) Psalm 119:94. At obeying the commands of the Lord.
g) Luke 5:5. At fishing.
h) Romans 16:12; Hebrews 6:10. For the Lord.
i) 2 Corinthians 11:27. Apostle Paul.
j) Philippians 4:3. In telling others the Good News.
k) 1 Thessalonians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8. In secular work so as not to be a burden to the Church.
l) 2 John 1:8. In making Disciples of Christ.
(This QT, They Worked Hard, reminds me that I should work hard as long as I live)
‘The Call Of Simon Peter And Andrew.’
Matthew 4:18-20.
a) Matthew 4:18. They were seen first by Jesus.
b) Matthew 4:18. They were earnest in doing their work, not lazy men.
c) Matthew 4:19. Jesus called them to follow Him.
d) Matthew 4:19. He had a Plan for their lives.
e) Matthew 4:20. They immediately responded to Jesus and His Calling.
(This Second one gently urges and reminds me to follow Jesus, The Call Of Simon Peter And Andrew)
Working hard for the Lord is both Biblical and correct. If we are people who claim to be called by Him then we should be working hard. If we are God’s workers and yet claim to be bored, then there is something radically wrong.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
We Reap What We Sow!
‘We Reap What We Sow.’
Proverbs 11:17-19.
a) Proverbs 11:17. Kind people do themselves a favour.
b) Proverbs 11:17. Cruel people bring trouble on themselves.
c) Proverbs 11:18. An evil person really earns nothing.
d) Proverbs 11:18. A good person will surely be rewarded.
e) Proverbs 11:19. Those people who are truly good will live.
f) Proverbs 11:19. Those people who chase after evil will die.
(This QT so clearly reminds me that I Reap What I Sow)
‘Get Into The Boat.’
Matthew 14:22-33.
a) Matthew 14:22. Jesus told His followers to get into the boat and go.
b) Matthew 14:23. After Jesus had sent them away, He went by Himself up into the hills to pray. It was late, and Jesus was there alone.
c) Matthew 14:24. The boat was being hit by waves. Jesus knew it, He knows all things, even before they happen.
d) Matthew 14:25-26. Jesus came to His followers in the boat walking on the rough sea. They could not recognise Him.
e) Matthew 14:27. Jesus quickly spoke to them, "Have courage! It is I. Do not be afraid."
f) Matthew 14:28. Peter wanted to be sure that it was the Lord, all the other Disciples were silent.
g) Matthew 14:29. Jesus called Peter to walk on the sea and he began to do it.
h) Matthew 14:30. Peter became afraid and cried out to the Lord.
i) Matthew 14:31. Jesus said that Peter’s Faith was small but at least he seemed to have some, more than the other Disciples at this point of crisis.
j) Matthew 14:32. Jesus and Peter got into the boat and the wind calmed.
k) Matthew 14:33. Those Disciples that were in the boat were restored by the Presence of Jesus – they worshipped.
(Through this Second one, Get Into The Boat, I can see simply that the best thing to so is to obey the instructions of Jesus)
Maybe this is something that the Lord is saying to someone who reads this:- “It is I, do not be afraid.” There are times when we go through experiences that we cannot understand. Our almost instant response to such experiences is to start blaming Satan or another person. Very often, it is the Lord.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Farmer's Faith!
‘Farmer’s Faith.’
Habakkuk was a farmer Prophet and his Faith can be a good lesson for all of us.
Habakkuk 3:17-19.
a) Habakkuk 3:17. Habakkuk was facing severe recession:-
1- No blossom on the fig trees.
2- No fruit on the vines.
3- Olive crop failed.
4- No food from the fields.
5- Flock are cut off.
6- No herd in the stalls.
b) Habakkuk 3:18. Yet Habakkuk continued to Rejoice and Joy in God.
c) Habakkuk 3:19. The Lord was Habakkuk’s strength in reality.
(This QT reveals to me Farmer’s Faith)
‘Follow Jesus.’
John 1:35-42.
a) John 1:35-36. He is the Lamb of God.
b) John 1:37-38. He will become our Teacher.
c) John 1:38. We will want to be with Him.
d) John 1:39. We will receive His Invitation.
e) John 1:40. As a response to the Words from God.
f) John 1:41. He will give us the motivation to encourage other people to follow Him.
g) John 1:42. And find our identity in Him.
(This Second one encourages me to continue to Follow Jesus)
Are there no fruit on your vines? This means that maybe you are facing some kind of disappointment or failure. There is a temptation in such experiences as these to fall into the sin of self pity. We need to reject self pity and shame. Note the good example of Habakkuk, he kept a positive attitude and was therefore having real Faith in his difficult situation.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Priscilla And Aquila – Wife And Husband Team!
‘Priscilla And Aquila – Wife And Husband Team.’
Romans 16:3-5.
a) Romans 16:3. Were appreciated by Apostle Paul.
b) Romans 16:3. They served Jesus Christ together with Apostle Paul.
c) Romans 16:4. They risked their lives for Apostle Paul.
d) Romans 16:4. Apostle Paul and the entire Gentile Church were grateful to God for them.
e) Romans 16:5. They shepherded a Church that met in their home.
(This QT reveals to me a good Biblical Ministry pattern – Priscilla And Aquila – Wife And Husband Team)
‘Arrogant People.’
a) Habakkuk 2:5. They:-
1- Are never satisfied.
2- Are more greedy than death itself.
3- Open their mouths as wide as the world of the dead and swallow everyone.
b) Deuteronomy 1:23; Psalm 119:85. Rebel against the Lord’s Command.
c) Deuteronomy 17:12. Reject the verdict of Spiritual Leaders.
d) Job 36:9. Will be confronted by the Lord.
e) Psalm 10:2; 140:5. Will be caught in the evil that they plan for others.
f) Psalm 31:18; 119:69 & 78 . Accuse the godly.
g) Psalm 31:23; 119:21. Will be harshly punished by God.
h) Psalm 101:5. Do not have to be endured.
i) Psalm 123:4. Have a contemptuous attitude.
j) Proverbs 16:5; Jeremiah 50:31. Are an abomination to the Lord.
k) Proverbs 21:4. Are evil people.
l) Proverbs 21:24. Are scoffers.
m) Isaiah 5:15. Will eventually be humiliated.
n) Isaiah 29:20; Zephaniah 3:11; Malachi 4:1. Will disappear.
o) Daniel 8:25. Are masters of deception.
p) Habakkuk 2:5. Are never at rest.
q) 1 Corinthians 4:18. Are presumptuous.
r) 1 Corinthians 13:4. Cannot love other people.
s) 1 Timothy 6:4. Cause division in Churches.
t) Titus 1:7. Cannot be Church leaders.
(Through this Second one I discover how God sees Arrogant People)
Arrogant people are scoffers. Whenever I hear people scoffing I feel difficult in my heart. Scoffing is a form of despising. God never scoffs, He either saves or condemns, He is the Way to Life but also has the keys of death and hell but He never scoffs. If we are given to scoffing we need to stop it and ask God to give us clean and pure hearts.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Be Gracious!
‘Be Gracious.’
a) Proverbs 11:16. A gracious woman gets honour.
b) Genesis 19:19. You may save someone’s life.
c) Genesis 33:11; Exodus 22:27; 33:19. It is God’s way.
d) Psalm 45:2; Proverbs 15:26; 16:24. In our words.
e) 2 Corinthians 8:6-7. In giving.
f) Philippians 4:8. In thinking.
g) 1 Peter 2:19. In enduring our sorrows and unjust sufferings.
(This QT reminds me to Be Gracious)
‘It Goes Forth.’
a) Habakkuk 1:4. Justice should.
b) Psalm 104:23. Man to his work.
c) Psalm 126:6. The sower with the seed.
d) Isaiah 55:11; Revelation 19:15. God’s Word out of His Mouth.
e) Isaiah 62:1. Jerusalem’s Righteousness brightly.
f) Daniel 2:5. The king’s decree.
g) Hosea 6:5. God’s Judgment.
(From this Second one, It Goes Forth, I clearly see the potency and necessity of going forth)
It is important that we learn to be Gracious. The World system is full of “fire brands”. These people are often careless in their speech and actions, so many other people are hurt by them or negatively influenced by them. As True Believers we should be Gracious.
The Result Of Finishing The Work!
‘The Result Of Finishing The Work.’
Nehemiah 6:15-16.
a) The Work was finished.
b) The enemies heard the news.
c) The heathen around saw.
d) The enemies and heathen became frightened and humiliated.
e) They realised that this Work had been done by the Help of the Lord God.
(This QT shows me that The Result Of Finishing The Work will give me a great victory)
‘Training For The Prophet.’
1 Kings 17:1-24.
a) 1 Kings 17:1. Beginning to serve in obedience to God. Do not wait until the “training programme” is finished, it never finishes.
b) 1 Kings 17:2-6. Trusting the Lord’s provision through ravens and a stream. He had to be humble.
c) 1 Kings 17:7. He faced an “in need” situation. All part of God’s training.
d) 1 Kings 17:8-16. A very pleasant environment of provision fro the Lord for the widow, her son and Elijah.
e) 1 Kings 17:17-18. Facing a difficult situation – the death of the son.
f) 1 Kings 17:19-23. An opportunity for Faith to be manifested. The Prophet’s life is a life of Faith.
g) 1 Kings 17:24. The Prophet had proved himself as a man of God.
(This Second one shows me God’s Training For The Prophet)
The Work that we are given by the Lord should be finished. If the Work is not given to us by the Lord it should never be started. When God gives us work to do He will make sure that we are enabled to complete it. If something “goes wrong” do not give up – but like Elijah, prove God through Faith.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
a) Romans 16:2. The person who is worthy of honour amongst God’s People.
b) Exodus 13:19; Deuteronomy 33:26; 1 Samuel 14:12. Comes from God.
c) Exodus 18:22. The Leaders carry the load.
d) Exodus 23:5. The person who hates us when they are suffering.
e) Deuteronomy 22:4. Our neighbour.
f) 1 Samuel 1:23. The Lord will help us to keep our promises.
g) Job 24:12. Wounded people cry for it.
h) Job 29:12. Orphans require it.
i) Acts 20:35. Those people in need by working hard.
j) Romans 5:3. Sometimes comes FROM problems and trials.
k) Romans 12:13; 2 Corinthians 8:14. God’s people in need.
l) Romans 15:2. Other people do what is right.
m) 1 Corinthians 12:7. Each other through Spiritual Gifts.
n) Galatians 6:1. If another Believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path.
o) Philippians 1:25. The Church continue to grow.
(Through this QT I find the necessity and Blessing associated with Help)
‘The Fish Gate.’
(It simply got its name because the fish market was nearby this gate)
a) Nehemiah 3:3. Was rebuilt by the sons of Haasenaah. They:-
1- Laid the beams.
2- Set up its doors.
3- Installed its bolts and bars.
b) 2 Chronicles 33:14. Was a strategic place in Manasseh’s rebuilding programme for Jerusalem.
c) Nehemiah 12:39. The work on it was observed as being completed.
d) Zephaniah 1:10. A place where alarms are sounded.
(This Second one, The Fish Gate, reminds me that in God’s sight details are important)
The beams needed to be laid before the doors could be set up. Sometimes we are in too much of a hurry to “get things done” in the Churches rather than following God’s perfect Plan. When we are in too much of a hurry many unnecessary problems arise.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Do Not Put Up Security For Another!
‘Do Not Put Up Security For Another.’
a) Proverbs 11:15. There is danger in doing for a stranger, in these days very real danger.
b) Proverbs 11:15. It is safer not to guarantee another person’s debt. (Even if the person is a Believer)
c) Proverbs 6:1-3. If we become security for our neighbour we should humbly go and plead with our neighbour to get us out of it.
(Through this QT I am warned: Do Not Put Up Security For Another)
a) Nehemiah 2:2. Of heart can make us look sad.
b) Genesis 3:17; Psalm 38:18; Isaiah 5:18. Is on the Earth because of sin.
c) Genesis 48:7. Comes when people we love die.
d) 1 Samuel 1:11 & 16. Childlessness for a married woman brings it.
e) 2 Chronicles 6:29. If we have it we should pray.
f) Esther 9:22; John 16:20. God can turn us from it into gladness.
g) Psalm 80:5; Isaiah 29:2; Jeremiah 45:3. Comes from God.
h) Psalm 88:9. Can affect our eye sight and eye attention.
i) Psalm 107:39. Can decrease us and make us impoverished.
j) Psalm 119:28; Isaiah 65:14. May cause us to weep.
k) Proverbs 10:1. A foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.
l) Proverbs 15:13. Can break our spirit.
m) Ecclesiastes 1:18. May come because of increased Knowledge.
n) Ecclesiastes 7:3. Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us.
o) Ecclesiastes 11:10. Needs to be removed from our heart.
p) Isaiah 5:8. Can come to wealthy people who are inconsiderate.
q) Isaiah 5:11 & 22. Belongs to alcoholics.
r) Isaiah 5:20. Will come to those people who love evil.
s) Isaiah 5:21. What sorrow for those people who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.
t) Isaiah 10:1. Awaits unjust judges.
u) Isaiah 14:3. The Lord can give us rest from it.
v) Isaiah 15:2; 22:12; Ezekiel 7:18. People may shave their heads because of it.
w) Isaiah 29:15. What sorrow awaits those people who try to hide their plans from the Lord.
x) Isaiah 32:12; Nahum 2:7. Can cause us to beat our breasts.
y) Isaiah 35:10; 51:11; Jeremiah 31:12. Praising God and Joy can make it flee away.
z) Isaiah 45:9. What sorrow awaits those people who argue with their Creator.
aa) Jeremiah 23:1; Ezekiel 34:2; Zechariah 11:17. Will come to negligent Shepherds of God’s People.
bb) Lamentations 3:15. May cause us bitterness.
cc) Ezekiel 13:18. Comes to false prophetesses.
dd) Hosea 7:13. Awaits those people who have deserted the Lord.
ee) Habakkuk 2:6. Awaits thieves.
ff) Habakkuk 2:9. What sorrow awaits you people who build big houses with money gained dishonestly! You believe your wealth will buy security.
gg) Matthew 18:7. What sorrow awaits the world system, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting.
hh) Matthew 26:38. Can cause death.
ii) John 16:21. May come during a mother to be having labour pains.
jj) 2 Corinthians 2:7. May overwhelm us.
kk) 2 Corinthians 7:11. Godly sorrow in us produces good results.
(Through this Second one I understand Sorrow more)
God is our Creator and surely He makes all things well. There are many intellectual Believers today who love to talk and teach about Creation. This is fine, but it is so much better to talk about the Creator.
Remain Holy!
‘Remain Holy.’
Exodus 13:3-14.
The True Story of the Exodus reminds God’s People to Remain Holy.
a) Exodus 13:3. Exodus day was to be remembered.
b) Exodus 13:3 & 9. By a powerful hand the LORD brought you out.
c) Exodus 13:3. Nothing leavened was to be eaten. Leaven speaks of un-holiness.
d) Exodus 13:4. This all began on a certain day – there was a definite and clear beginning.
e) Exodus 13:5-6. In the new land God’s People were always to remember and give celebration thanks to Him for they had been delivered and made Holy.
f) Exodus 13:7. Holiness needed to be maintained.
g) Exodus 13:8 & 14. This was to be passed down to the next generation.
h) Exodus 13:9. We should be Holy in what we:-
1- Do.
2- Think.
3- Say.
i) Exodus 13:10. We should continually remain in Holiness.
j) Exodus 13:11. God keeps His Promise.
k) Exodus 13:12-13; Romans 12:1-2. Our response to God.
(Through this QT I am strongly urged to remain in daily commitment to God and to Remain Holy)
‘When Things Are Not Going Well – Pray.’
Nehemiah 1:1-11.
This Chapter records the faithful Prayer of Nehemiah.
a) Nehemiah 1:1-2. Nehemiah’s love for Jerusalem, he asked the men that had just arrived from there how things were going in Jerusalem.
b) Nehemiah 1:3. Things were not going well in Jerusalem.
c) Nehemiah 1:4. Nehemiah wept, he sat down. For days before the God of Heaven he:-
1- Mourned.
2- Fasted.
3- Wept.
d) Nehemiah 1:5-11. In his Prayer to the God of Heaven he prayed:-
1. 1:5. Acknowledging that God is Great and Awesome.
2. 1:5. That God is Covenant keeping.
3. 1:5. That God is a God of unfailing Love which is appreciated by those people who love and obey Him.
4. 1:6. For God’s attention.
5. 1:6. He confessed sin of:-
A-His own.
B-His family.
C-His Nation.
6. 1:7. He confessed lack of Obedience.
7. 1:8-9. He claimed the Promises of God.
8. 1:10. He Proclaimed God’s Power to rescue His People.
9. 1:11. He Prayed for God to:-
A- Hear his Prayer.
B- Grant him success.
C- Give him favour with the authority figure.
(This Second one shows me very clearly I should respond in this way When Things Are Not Going Well – Pray)
When we pray we should remember that our Prayer is addressed to the God of Heaven. Whereas there is some understandable necessity to teach about our loving Heavenly Father, if we only have that concept it can endanger our theological understanding, also distort our image of God and prayer life. Firstly and foremost our prayer is to the God of Heaven.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Who Or What Are We Servants Of?
‘Who Or What Are We Servants Of?’
a) Romans 16:1; Ezra 7:24. The Church.
b) Genesis 9:25. Other servants.
c) Genesis 41:12. The Military.
d) Deuteronomy 34:5; Joshua 1:1 & 13; 8:31. The Lord.
e) 1 Samuel 29:3; Isaiah 49:7. The king.
f) 2 Kings 5:20; 8:4. Of the man of God.
g) Mark 9:35. All people.
h) 2 Corinthians 3:6. A new Covenant.
(Through this QT I am challenged as to Who Or What I Am A Servant Of?)
‘Worship The Lord.’
a) Exodus 12:31. If we say that we are going to, we should.
b) Exodus 10:7. The Lord our God.
c) Deuteronomy 12:31. In the correct way.
d) Joshua 22:27. At His Sanctuary.
e) 1 Samuel 12:14. And listen to His Voice.
f) 1 Samuel 12:20. With all of our heart.
g) 1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 29:2; 96:9. In all His Holy Splendour.
h) Psalm 2:11. With reverence.
i) Psalm 100:2. With gladness.
j) Ezekiel 46:9. During religious festivals.
k) Zephaniah 2:11. In our own land.
l) Zephaniah 3:9. Together with other people.
m) Matthew 4:10. And serve Him only.
n) Romans 14:6. To honour Him.
(This Second one calls me to Worship The Lord)
We need to consider who or what we are servants of. Some of us may be giving “lip service” to the Lord but in reality we are serving the things of this World system. To ponder upon the condition of our spiritual life and then to rectify anything out of place is a healthy thing to do.
Friday, September 18, 2009
a) Proverbs 11:14. Needs to be wise.
b) Numbers 7:8; 2 Chronicles 34:12. Is needed if work is to be done well.
c) Numbers 33:2. Is necessary for God’s People.
d) Romans 12:8. Is a God given ability.
e) 1 Corinthians 12:28. Is a Gift of God.
(This QT reminds me that Leadership is from God)
‘Do Not Give Up Asking.’
a) 1 John 3:22. Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His Commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.
b) Job 22:26. We should delight in the Almighty and lift up our face to God.
c) Matthew 7:7. We are to:-
1- Ask in Prayer, and it will be given to us.
2- Seek in Prayer, and we will find.
3- Knock in Prayer, and it will be opened unto us.
d) Matthew 21:22. All things we ask in Prayer, Believing, we will receive.
e) John 9:31. We know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears that person.
(This Second one exhorts me that I Do Not Give Up Asking)
Leadership is necessary for God’s People. Different Churches have different concepts and practises of Leadership but all Churches need to have Leadership. Jesus Christ Himself gave to us an excellent example of Leadership.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Forgiveness Of Sins – What It Means!
‘Forgiveness Of Sins – What It Means.’
Mark 2:5. (Amplified Bible)
a) It means Faith and Confidence in God that through Jesus our sins can be forgiven.
b) It means that we have Assurance that the Word of the Lord has told us that our sins are forgiven.
c) It means that our sins are put away.
d) It means that the penalty our sins deserve is remitted.
e) It means that the sense of guilt for our sins is removed.
f) It means that we are made upright and in right standing with God.
(This QT is so clear and dear to me: Forgiveness Of Sins – What It Means)
“The Truth.’
a) 1 John 5:6; John 16:13. The Holy Spirit is the Truth.
b) Genesis 42:16-20. Stands the test.
c) Joshua 7:19. Gives Glory to the Lord.
d) Joshua 22:22. The Lord God knows it.
e) 1 Kings 17:24. Should come out of the mouth of the Man of God.
f) Job 33:3. Spoken is sincerity.
g) Psalm 15:2. Is spoken from our heart.
h) Psalm 117:2. Of the Lord is everlasting.
i) Proverbs 22:21. Knowledge of it will cause us to send an accurate report to those people who send us.
j) Isaiah 26:2. Must be kept by the Nation.
k) Isaiah 32:4. Should be discerned.
l) Isaiah 45:19; Matthew 5:18 & 26; 6:2. Is spoken by the Lord.
m) Jeremiah 5:1. Should be sought.
n) Jeremiah 5:3. The Lord’s eyes are upon it.
o) Luke 20:21. The Way of God should be taught in accordance with it.
p) John 3:21. Should be practised.
q) John 8:32. Shall make us free.
r) John 14:16. Jesus is the Truth.
s) John 17:17 & 19. Has Power to Sanctify us.
t) Acts 17:11; Colossians 2:7. Needs to be taught.
u) Romans 9:1. Should be spoken in Christ.
v) 1 Corinthians 13:6; Ephesians 4:15. Love rejoices in it.
w) 2 Corinthians 6:7. Should be faithfully preached.
x) Galatians 3:1. Should be obeyed.
y) 1 Timothy 3:15. The Church is the Foundation of it.
(Through this Second one I esteem The Truth)
The Truth makes us free. This is a wonderful statement of Biblical fact. People are looking for their “freedom” in many ways but the only way that freedom can be found in Jesus Christ Who is the Truth.
The God Of Peace!
‘The God Of Peace.’
a) Romans 15:33. Be with us all.
b) Romans 16:20. Shall bruise Satan under our feet shortly.
c) Philippians 4:9. As we do the right things will be with us.
d) 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Sanctify us wholly.
e) Hebrews 13:20-21. He:-
1- Brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep through the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant.
2- Can make us perfect in every good work to do His Will.
3- Can work in us that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ.
(Through this QT I am in awe of The God Of Peace)
‘Responding To Emotional Pain.’
Lamentations 3:19-24.
a) Lamentations 3:19. Jeremiah had memories of:-
1- Affliction.
2- Misery.
3- Bitterness.
b) Lamentations 3:20. The memories of those pains humbled Jeremiah. Do we respond to inner pains and injustices like that?
c) Lamentations 3:21. The pain and humility opened a pathway to Hope.
d) Lamentations 3:22. Hope brought the revelation of the Lord’s Mercy and Compassion – not a complaint against God or anger with God.
e) Lamentations 3:23. Great is the Lord’s Faithfulness.
f) Lamentations 3:24. Hope is maintained through our soul proclaiming that the Lord is our portion.
(I find in this Second one a good way of Responding To Emotional Pain)
Christ Jesus is Lord. He is the only Way that we can have access to Father God. Christ said that no one can come to the Father except through Him. Through Christ we can know the God of Peace and through Christ we can find comfort in our times of emotional pain.
Faithful People!
‘Faithful People.’
a) Proverbs 11:13. Conceal secrets.
b) Numbers 12:7. Are so in God’s House.
c) 1 Samuel 2:35. Do what is in God’s Heart and Mind.
d) 1 Samuel 22:14. Are obedient to what is right.
e) Nehemiah 9:8. Are so in their hearts.
f) Nehemiah 13:13. Are needed as treasurers.
g) Psalm 31:23. Are preserved by the Lord.
h) Psalm 101:6. Are good to have fellowship with.
i) Proverbs 25:3. Are messengers who refresh the souls of their leaders.
j) Daniel 6:4. Have Daniel as their example.
k) Luke 16:10. Is so in big things and small.
l) 1 Corinthians 4:2. Are capable of being stewards.
m) 1 Timothy 1:12. Are counted so by the Lord.
n) 2 Timothy 2:2. Can teach other people.
o) Revelation 2:10. Should be so unto death.
(Through this QT I admire Faithful People)
Luke 19:1-10.
a) Luke 19:1. Jesus was going through Jericho.
b) Luke 19:2. Zacchaeus was there:-
1-A chief tax collector.
2-A farmer.
3-A rich man.
c) Luke 19:3. Zacchaeus made an attempt to get a view of Jesus, and was not able to do so, because of the people, for he was a small man.
d) Luke 19:4. Zacchaeus went quickly in front of them and got up into a tree to see Jesus, for He was going that way.
e) Luke 19:5. When Jesus came to the place, looking up, he said to him, Zacchaeus, be quick and come down, for I am coming to your house today.
f) Luke 19:6. Zacchaeus came down quickly, and took Jesus into his house with joy.
g) Luke 19:7. The crowd of people were angry and accused Jesus of going to Fellowship in the house of a sinner.
h) Luke 19:8. Zacchaeus became repentant upon encountering Jesus.
i) Luke 19:9. Jesus said that Salvation had come to Zacchaeus’ family.
j) Luke 19:10. Jesus then declared His Mandate: “For the Son of man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.”
(This Second one Blesses me greatly as I ponder upon Zacchaeus)
Zacchaeus quickly responded to Jesus. This is such a good example for us. When the Lord speaks to us from His Word we should respond to Him quickly. Never try to analyse what the Lord says – simply respond to it.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Effective Ministry Of Barnabas In Antioch!
‘Effective Ministry Of Barnabas In Antioch.’
Acts 11:22-26.
a) Acts 11:22. He was sent out by the Jerusalem Church to go to Antioch. He was not doing his own “thing”, he was sent by the Local Church.
b) Acts 11:23. When Barnabas arrived he was glad because he saw the Grace of God.
c) Acts 11:23. He exhorted the Antioch Church that with purpose of heart they should remain near to the Lord.
d) Acts 11:24. Barnabas was:-
1-A good man.
2-Full of the Holy Spirit.
3-Full of Faith.
4-Used by the Lord to add many people to the Antioch Church.
e) Acts 11:25-26. Barnabas brought Paul to Antioch and they stayed there a year, making many disciples.
(I am Blessed by this QT as I consider the Effective Ministry Of Barnabas In Antioch)
‘God Is The Same.’
1 Corinthians 12:4-6.
a) 1 Corinthians 12:4. He is the same Holy Spirit – but there are different times of gifts.
b) 1 Corinthians 12:5. He is the same Lord – but there are different ways of serving Him.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:6. He is the same God but He Works all things out and through in His Way.
(This Second one convinces me that God Is The Same)
God had a special plan for Barnabas and God has a special plan for all of our lives. Obviously Barnabas was well connected with the Jerusalem Church. The Church knew him and trusted him, that is why they chose him to go to Antioch. We should be well connected in our local Church, from there we can be released into the next steps in God’s Plan for our lives.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Apostle Paul’s Prayer Request Of The Roman Church!
‘Apostle Paul’s Prayer Request Of The Roman Church.’
Romans 15:30-32.
a) Romans 15:30. It was a pure and necessary request. Made in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the Love of the Holy Spirit.
b) Romans 15:30. It was a call for united Prayer for Apostle Paul.
c) Romans 15:31. It was a call for Prayer for Apostle Paul to be delivered from those in Judaea who were still disobedient to God.
d) Romans 15:31. It was a call for Prayer that Paul’s ministry to and for the Jerusalem Believers would be accepted by them.
e) Romans 15:32. It was a call for Prayer that Apostle Paul may come to Rome in Joy in the Will of God.
f) Romans 15:32. It was a call for Prayer that Apostle Paul, together with the Roman Believers would have rest.
(In this QT I discover a selfless Prayer, Apostle Paul’s Prayer request of the Roman Church)
‘There Is No Profit.’
Hebrews 13:9.
a) We are not to be carried away by different and strange teachings.
b) It is good for our hearts to be established by Grace.
c) Spiritual legalism is definitely not good for us.
d) People who occupy themselves in different and strange teachings are not profited by them.
(This Second one reminds me that There Is No Profit in different and strange teachings)
Praying for our Ministers and Missionaries that we and our local Churches have called or support is a very necessary part of our personal prayer life. If we are not praying for our ministers and missionaries, who will?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A Person Of Understanding! (2)
‘A Person Of Understanding.’
a) Proverbs 11:12; 17:28. Holds their tongue.
b) 1 Kings 4:29. Has it from God.
c) 1 Chronicles 27:32; Proverbs 1:5; 20:5. Generally knows how to counsel and write well.
d) Job 34:10. Will listen to the Truth of God.
e) Psalm 49:3. Ponders on it in their heart.
f) Proverbs 9:6. Goes on in its way.
g) Proverbs 10:23; 14:33. Has Wisdom.
h) Proverbs 14:6; 19:25. Easily gets Knowledge.
i) Proverbs 17:10. Receives rebuke well.
j) Proverbs 17:27. Has an even temper.
k) Proverbs 28:2. Brings stability to the Nation.
(Through this QT I esteem A Person Of Understanding)
a) 1 Timothy 3:3; 2 Timothy 2:24; 2 Corinthians 6:4. Is one of the qualifications for Church Leadership.
b) Ruth 3:18. Is a prerequisite to knowing the Will of God.
c) Proverbs 14:29. Leads to Understanding.
d) Proverbs 15:18. Calms a quarrel.
e) Proverbs 16:32. Is a virtue.
f) Micah 7:9. Is needed during times of the Lord’s Discipline.
g) Romans 2:4; 9:22. Is a part of God’s character.
h) Romans 12:12; 2 Corinthians 1:6. Is needed in our times of tribulation.
i) 1 Corinthians 4:12. Is needed when people do bad things to us.
j) 1 Corinthians 13:4; Ephesians 4:2. Is an ingredient of Love.
k) 1 Thessalonians 5:14. Is needed towards everyone.
l) Hebrew 10:36. Is needed to receive the Promises of God.
m) James 5:7-8. For the Coming of the Lord.
n) 2 Peter 1:6. Is a step towards Godliness.
o) Revelation 1:9. Is a part of our calling.
p) Revelation 2:2 & 19; 3:10. Is seen and noted by the Lord.
q) Proverbs 16:32. Is better than power.
r) Proverbs 19:11. Is a fruit of Wisdom.
s) Luke 8:15. We need it to become Fruitful in God’s Kingdom.
t) Galatians 5:22. Is a Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reminds me of my need of Patience)
We should not pick and choose to whom we are patient. The Bible teaches us that patience is needed towards everyone. We cannot love everyone, nor can we trust everyone but we cn be patient towards everyone.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
When It All Comes Out In Church!
‘When It All Comes Out In Church.’
1 Corinthians 11:17-19.
a) 1 Corinthians 11:17. Apostle Paul could not commend the Corinthian Church because when they came together it was not for the better but for the worse.
b) 1 Corinthians 11:18. Apostle Paul had heard about the disunity in the Corinthian Church and he believed the news that he had heard.
c) 1 Corinthians 11:19. At this stage in the maturing of the Corinthian Church there needed to be factions. In this way the people who were genuine Believers would be manifested and then the Church could continue to grow.
(Through this QT, When It All Comes Out In Church, I am reminded of the general Biblical principle that Church should be united in the Holy Spirit and that if True Believers have a disagreement they should be able to reconcile and everything will be resolved. In the Corinthian case it was different. This was a new Church and there were some factions in the Church that were not Believers at all. Through the factions the True Believers would be manifested and the trouble making factions would have to leave)
‘How Deaconship Began.’
Acts 6:1-7.
a) Acts 6:1. The Church was rapidly growing in numbers.
b) Acts 6:1. The Hellenists complained against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food.
c) Acts 6:2. The Apostolic team called the entire Church community together.
d) Acts 6:2. The Message of the Apostolic team was clear and correct: "It is not right that we should neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables.”
e) Acts 6:3. There needed to be selection of Deacons especially for the practical running of the Mercy Ministry of the Church and such like. The Biblical definition of the word “Deacon” is:-
1- One who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master.
2- A servant, attendant, minister. a deacon.
3- One who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use
f) Acts 6:3. Qualifications for appointed Deaconship:-
1- Good character.
2- Full of the Holy Spirit.
3- Full of Wisdom.
g) Acts 6:4. The Apostolic team would devote themselves to Prayer and Serving the Word of God to the Church.
h) Acts 6:5-6. The whole Church was pleased with this decision. They:-
1- Chose the people to be Deacons.
2- Had them stand before the Apostles.
3- The Apostles prayed for the seven Deacons.
4- Then the Apostles laid their hands on these seven.
i) Acts 6:7. As a result of this, God prepared the Church in Jerusalem for the next step:-
1- The Word of God continued to spread.
2- The number of Disciples increased greatly.
3- A great many of the Jewish priests became obedient to the Faith.
(This Second one shows me How Deaconship Began)
When officers are appointed in the Lord’s Church it is important that their lives measure up to the Biblical standard. The New Testament clearly states guidelines for the Church as to the appointing of Elders and Deacons in the Church, this standard also needs to be applied to lay people working in the Church too. Let us take heed to the Word of God.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Visiting Preacher!
‘A Visiting Preacher.’
Romans 15:28-29.
a) Does not leave things undone before they travel – is responsible.
b) Is aware how God is leading them and as much as possible travels practically – is practical.
c) Comes at the right time – is ready to serve.
d) Should come in the Fulness of the Blessing of Christ – imparts Blessing from God’s Word and by God’s Spirit to the people.
(Through this QT I find what God expects of A Visiting Preacher)
‘The Disciples.’
a) Matthew 26:19. Were Obedient to Jesus.
b) John 12:16. Knew and Remembered the Words that Jesus had spoken to them.
c) John 21:4. Became spiritually dull because of the retained disappointment in their hearts.
d) Acts 19:30. Cared about their spiritual leaders.
(This Second one teaches me some things from the lives of The Disciples)
Nations can be changed as God works through His Church. Where the Church is it should be having some kind of impact, whether visibly or invisibly, in the Nation. The Church’s purpose as the Body of Christ is to manifest Him in the Nations.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Righteousness And Uprightness!
‘Righteousness And Uprightness.’
Proverbs 11:4-11.
a) Proverbs 11:4. Righteousness keeps a person safe from death.
b) Proverbs 11:5. The Righteousness of a good person will make their way straight.
c) Proverbs 11:6. The Righteousness of the upright people will be their Salvation.
d) Proverbs 11:7. At the death of an Upright person their hope does not come to an end.
e) Proverbs 11:8-9. The Upright person is taken out of trouble through Knowledge.
f) Proverbs 11:10. When things go well for the Upright person, all the town is glad.
g) Proverbs 11:11. By the blessing of the Upright person the town is made great.
(This QT shows me the significance of Righteousness And Uprightness)
‘Dead To Sin.’
a) Romans 6:2. If we are dead to sin, how can we go on sinning.
b) Romans 6:11. We are to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
c) 1 Peter 2:24. Christ Jesus personally carried our sin in His Body on the Cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.
(This Second one teaches me the power of being Dead To Sin)
The death of an upright person is not something they should fear if they know that they have been made upright through and by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The person who is Biblically defined as upright has an Eternal Hope. The Hope of Eternal Life.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Simple Reminder!
‘A Simple Reminder.’
Matthew 28:19.
a) We are to go. We should not just expect or pray for the un churched people simply to come to Church. We need to go and show and then tell them the Message of the Gospel.
b) We are to make Disciples of all Nations. God has now made many ways possible for Disciples to be made and we should utilise these. Whether they be:-
1- Local.
2- National.
3- International.
c) We are to baptise them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Introduce new Believers into Church life as soon as possible.
(Through this QT I have A Simple Reminder)
‘We Need To Hear It Before Baptism.’
Acts 2:36-41.
a) Acts 2:36. Everyone should hear this Message.
b) Acts 2:36. God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
c) Acts 2:36. The Jewish people had Jesus crucified.
d) Acts 2:37. The Message brought conviction to the hearers, they were pricked in their heart, their guilty consciences became alive.
e) Acts 2:37. In their guilt they wanted to know what they should do.
f) Acts 2:38. Peter taught them the next steps:-
1- Repent.
2- Be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins.
3- Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Meaning the Person not His Gifts)
g) Acts 2:39. The Promise of the Holy Spirit for those people who receive Christ is for all people of all generations from that time. Everyone whom the Lord calls to Salvation.
h) Acts 2:40. Peter taught the new Believers that they need to live different kinds of lives from the people around them who were as yet unregenerate.
i) Acts 2:41. Those people who received the Word that Peter brought from the Lord, about three thousand of them, were Baptised and added to the Church.
(Through this Second one, I know We Need To Hear It Before Baptism, the clear Teaching of the Word of God)
The Bible tells us of the Promise of the Holy Spirit. Every person who follows the Biblical basic requirements about the receiving of Salvation in Jesus Christ has the indwelling Holy Spirit. Upon receiving Christ as our Lord and Saviour the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and our lives should begin to change from the inside out because of what God is doing in us.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Macedonian Believers!
‘Macedonian Believers.’
a) Romans 15:26-27. Were:-
1- 2 Corinthians 11:9; Philippians 4:15. Generous. (Philippi was a part of Macedonia).
2- Considerate.
3- Humble.
b) Acts 16:9-10. Were so loved by the Lord that their evangelisation was specifically led by the Holy Spirit.
c) Acts 19:21-22; 1 Corinthians 16:5; 2 Corinthians 1:16. Were pastorally cared for by Apostle Paul.
d) Acts 19:29; 27:2. Were mission minded – in Apostle Paul’s ministry team.
e) Acts 20:1-3. Was a safe and effective place of Ministry for Apostle Paul.
f) 2 Corinthians 7:5. Went through some difficult times.
g) 2 Corinthians 8:1. Really experienced the Grace of God.
h) 1 Thessalonians 1:7-8. They were teachable and learned good examples from the Church in Thessaloniki.
(Through this QT I am encouraged by the Macedonian Believers)
‘God Is Pleased With Humility.’
Matthew 3:1-17.
a) Matthew 3:1. John the Baptist preached in the desert – that is humility.
b) Matthew 3:2. John the Baptist spoke an unpopular Message of Repentance – that is humility.
c) Matthew 3:3. John’s ways were straight in a crooked generation and because of that could declare the straight ways of the Lord – that is humility.
d) Matthew 3:4. John dressed and ate humbly.
e) Matthew 3:5-6. Many Jewish people were touched by John’s:-
1- Life.
2- Ministry.
3- Humility.
f) Matthew 3:7-10. John was honestly frank with the Jewish priests, the Pharisees and Sadducees – that is humility.
g) Matthew 3:11-12. His Prophetic Message was all about Jesus Christ – that is humility.
h) Matthew 3:13-15. John humbly obeyed Jesus.
i) Matthew 3:16-17. John saw the affirmation of Jesus by the Father – a tremendous reward for his humility.
(This Second one reminds me that God Is Pleased With Humility)
How does our life influence and touch other people? The kind of influence we have, according to the Scripture, is important. John never offended people, he simply declared the Truth and lived out the Truth before them in humility.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Importance Of Good Character!
‘The Importance Of Good Character.’
Proverbs 11:2-3.
a) When pride comes then comes disgrace.
b) Wisdom is with the humble people.
c) The integrity of upright people guides them.
d) The crookedness of treacherous people destroys them.
(Through this QT I find The Importance Of Good Character)
‘Philip’s Mission.’
Acts 8:4-40.
a) Acts 8:4. Began in a time of persecution.
b) Acts 8:4. Was founded in proclamation of the Word.
c) Acts 8:5. Went to a hostile place to proclaim Christ.
d) Acts 8:6-7. He fully preached the Gospel.
e) Acts 8:8. His Mission brought Joy to the people.
f) Acts 8:9-13. His Mission touched important people.
g) Acts 8:14. There was an established sending Church behind Philip’s Mission.
h) Acts 8:14-17. Peter and John were sent down to help Philip in the Mission.
i) Acts 8:18-24. This was refining time for the new Church in Samaria.
j) Acts 8:25. Peter and John finished their Ministry in Samaria and went back to Jerusalem, preaching as they went.
k) Acts 8:26-39. The Lord clearly led Philip into the desert where he met and shared the Gospel with this important Ethiopian man who received Christ and was then baptised.
l) Acts 8:39. The Holy Spirit took Philip away and the Ethiopian man went on his way rejoicing.
m) Acts 8:40. Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he was passing through the region, he proclaimed the Good News to all the towns until he came to Caesarea.
(Through this Second one I learn much through Philip’s Mission)
We should make good use of the time that the Lord gives to us in the cultural context of where we are or live. After Peter and John had finished their Ministry in Samaria they did not treat it as being finished but made every opportunity to share the Gospel in the villages on their way back to Jerusalem. Let us be sensitive in our cultural context just as Peter and John were.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
a) Proverbs 27:5. Better is open rebuke than concealed love.
b) Deuteronomy 28:20; 2 Samuel 22:16; Job 26:11. The Lord has Power to.
c) Proverbs 13:1. Scoffers do not receive it.
d) Proverbs 17:10. Can really go deep into our hearts.
e) Proverbs 24:25; 28:23. We should not hold it back when it is needed and then we will be Blessed.
f) Ecclesiastes 7:5. From a wise person should be listened to.
g) Hosea 5:9. Can cause desolation.
h) Matthew 8:26. Jesus rebuked the high winds and rough sea.
i) Matthew 16:22; 19:13. Can sometimes be misdirected.
j) Mark 9:25; Luke 4:35. Jesus rebuked unclean spirits.
k) Luke 4:39. Jesus rebuked fever.
l) Luke 17:3. We can rebuke a sinning brother.
m) 1 Timothy 5:1. Should not be given sharply to an older man.
n) 1 Timothy 5:20. Rebuke publicly those Believers who continue in sin.
o) 2 Timothy 4:2. Ministers sometimes need to do it.
p) Jude 1:9. Rebuking Satan himself is the Lord’s responsibility – not ours.
(Through this QT I learn much about Rebuke)
‘A Good Lesson.’
Philippians 4:11-13.
a) Philippians 4:11-12. Learning to be content.
b) Philippians 4:13. Learning to be positive.
c) Philippians 4:13. Learning to Trust in the Lord.
(This Second one teaches me A Good Lesson)
We are daily given choices. One of the choices we have as adult True Believers is what we learn. Even though our age may be mature, we should still be learning. The Bible and the Holy Spirit have many a good lesson for us, so let’s be ready and willing to learn.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A True Vision Fulfilled!
‘A True Vision Fulfilled.’
a) Romans 15:25. I must go to Jerusalem to take a gift to the believers there. This vision was not for Paul’s benefit but for the Lord’s Glory and the benefit of poor Believers in Jerusalem.
b) Acts 19:21. Apostle Paul resolved in the Holy Spirit. This was a Vision from God. Not his own idea.
c) Acts 20:22. Apostle Paul was constrained by the Holy Spirit in this Vision. He was not even sure what was going to happen to him in Jerusalem.
d) Acts 21:15; 24:17. A True Vision has to be well prepared for.
e) Romans 15:31. Apostle Paul needed God’s Protection from Jewish unbelievers who were out to destroy him and his genuine desire was to give acceptable service to the True Believers.
(This QT shows me A True Vision Fulfilled)
‘Choose Your Friends Carefully.’
Proverbs 18:24.
a) In TNIV: “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin.”
b) In NLT: “There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other.”
c) In ESV: “A man of many companions may come to ruin.”
d) In HCSB: “A man with many friends may be harmed.”
(Through this Second one I want to Choose My Friends Carefully)
A True Vision has to be well prepared for. There may be years of preparation before a True Vision can show signs of beginning to be visibly coming to pass. Sometimes there will be several years of study and training to make the vision something viable and real. Sometimes there will be the careful selection of the team, if a team is needed for the execution of the Vision. Always a True Vision is bathed in Prayer. A True Vision is never a hasty thing.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Lord Delights In!
‘The Lord Delights In.’
a) Proverbs 11:1. Honest business.
b) Proverbs 11:20. People of blameless ways.
c) Proverbs 12:22. People who act faithfully.
d) Psalm 147:11. Those people who fear Him.
e) Psalm 149:4. His humble people.
f) Isaiah 62:4. The city He chooses.
(This QT shows me whom The Lord Delights In)
‘True Friends.’
a) Proverbs 17:17. Never stop loving us.
b) Proverbs 18:24. Can be even closer to us than our own family members.
c) Proverbs 27:10. We should be loyal to them.
d) Job 6:14. We should be kind to them.
e) Job 16:20. Can be intercessors for us.
(Through this Second one I understand the reality of True Friends)
The Lord delights in those people who Fear Him. Do we Fear the Lord? To Fear the Lord, the Bible tells us is the beginning of Wisdom. It is good and right to fear the Lord. If we desire the Lord to delight in us then we should Fear Him.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
We Are Chosen By God So!
‘We Are Chosen By God So.’
Colossians 3:12-14.
a) Colossians 3:12. Clearly tells us Believers that we are Chosen by God.
b) Colossians 3:12. God Loves us.
c) Colossians 3:12. God has made us Holy.
d) Colossians 3:12. We should care for one another.
e) Colossians 3:12. We should be kind people.
f) Colossians 3:12. We should not be proud but humble.
g) Colossians 3:12-13. We should be patient with each other and with all people.
h) Colossians 3:13. We should forgive the Believer that we have a complaint against.
i) Colossians 3:13. Christ has forgiven us.
j) Colossians 3:14. We must have Love because Love joins everything together as it should be.
(This QT teaches me that I Am Chosen By God So I should live in a specific way)
‘A Hospitable Family.’
2 Kings 4:8-13.
a) 2 Kings 4:8. Gives a meal to the man of God who is passing by.
b) 2 Kings 4:9. Discerns who is or who is not a Holy man of God. The Gift of Discernment often goes along with the Gift of Hospitality.
c) 2 Kings 4:10. Provides accommodation for the man of God who is passing by.
d) 2 Kings 4:11. Allows the man of God to rest, they are sensitive, not using the man of God or manipulating a favour from him to pray for their friends.
e) 2 Kings 4:12. Should be honoured and cared about considerately by the man of God who stays with them.
f) 2 Kings 4:13. Is well self supporting and does not do something beyond their means.
(Through this Second one I understand the Biblical concept of A Hospitable Family)
Being truly hospitable is a very lovely Gift from God. The family that know they have this Gift exercise it with love, care and discernment. It does not mean that they have an “open house” for all people, that is a completely different thing. The truly hospitable family opens their home to the man of God who is passing through or who has just moved to the City and needs some very temporary accommodation.
a) Romans 15:24; Psalm 55:14; 1 John 2:25. Is to be enjoyed.
b) Genesis 5:22-24; 6:9; 1 John 3:24. Can be had with God.
c) Luke 2:44. Is a part of the life of the Believing community.
d) Acts 2:42. Was very much an important part of the first Church.
e) Acts 2:47. Can be numerically added to by the Lord.
f) 1 Corinthians 1:9; 1 John 2:27-28. We are called into it with Jesus Christ.
g) 1 Corinthians 10:20 Should not be had with demons.
h) 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 John 1:6. Cannot be had between light and darkness.
i) 2 Corinthians 8:4; Galatians 2:9. Can also be a part of ministry to the Believers.
j) 2 Corinthians 13:14; Philippians 2:1. Can also be had with the Holy Spirit.
k) Ephesians 5:11. Should not be had with the unfruitful works of darkness.
l) Philippians 1:5. Believers’ fellowship is in the Gospel.
m) Philippians 3:10. Can be had with the sufferings of Jesus.
n) 2 Peter 2:13; Jude 1:12. Can include meals.
o) 1 John 1:3; 2:24. Believers’ fellowship should also be with the Father and the Son.
p) 1 John 1:7. Is in the Light of God.
(This QT reminds me of the meaning and importance of Fellowship)
‘Real Reconciliation Between Believers.’
Genesis 33:1-20.
a) Genesis 33:1-2. Can initially cause us a little fear.
b) Genesis 33:3. Must be done in humility.
c) Genesis 33:4. Should be done in love, not duty.
d) Genesis 33:5-7. Should include all family members if possible.
e) Genesis 33:8-11. Can include giving of gifts.
f) Genesis 33:12-15. Leads to agreement.
g) Genesis 33:16-20. Gives freedom without obligation to all concerned.
(This Second one shows me the result of Real Reconciliation Between Believers)
Reconciliation can only be done in Love, not duty. If the only reason that we attempt to reconcile with another Believer is because someone has told us to reconcile then it is not going to work. Real reconciliation comes from our heart and is done in humility and love.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
God Says It About People!
‘God Says It About People.’
Proverbs 10:24-32.
a) Proverbs 10:24. Wicked people will have their fears fulfilled.
b) Proverbs 10:24. Godly people will have their hopes granted.
c) Proverbs 10:25. Wicked people are taken away in the tempest.
d) Proverbs 10:25. The people who do right stand firm forever.
e) Proverbs 10:26. Lazy people irritate their employers just like vinegar in the teeth or smoke in the eyes.
f) Proverbs 10:27. People who respect the Lord will have a longer life.
g) Proverbs 10:27. Evil people will have their years cut short.
h) Proverbs 10:28. The people who do right can expect Joy.
i) Proverbs 10:28. Wicked people will have their expectations come to nothing.
j) Proverbs 10:29. Those people who do right will know the Way of the Lord leading them to a safe place.
k) Proverbs 10:29. Those people who do evil will be destroyed by the Way of the Lord.
l) Proverbs 10:30. Those people who do right will never be removed from the land.
m) Proverbs 10:30. Those people who do wrong will not remain in the land.
n) Proverbs 10:31. Those people who do right have mouths that produce Wisdom.
o) Proverbs 10:31. Those people who speak twisted words will have their tongues cut out.
p) Proverbs 10:32. Those people who do right know how to say the proper thing.
q) Proverbs 10:32. Those people who do wrong only speak twisted words.
(Through this QT I know that God Says It About People)
a) Genesis 32:9-12; 24:12, 21 & 56; 27:20. Is the Gift of God.
b) Genesis 24:40; 1 Samuel 18:14; 1 Chronicles 22:11. Comes when the Angel of the Lord is with us.
c) Deuteronomy 29:9; Joshua 1:7-8; 1 Kings 2:3. Comes as a result of Obedience to the Word of God.
d) Deuteronomy 30:3; 1 Samuel 26:25; Psalm 126:4. Is the Lord’s Blessing.
e) Deuteronomy 30:15. Comes together with Life from God.
f) 2 Samuel 23:5. Comes because of the Covenant that God makes with us.
g) 1 Kings 22:13. Cannot be manipulated.
h) 1 Chronicles 12:18. Comes when God helps us.
i) 2 Chronicles 20:20; Psalm 14:7; Jeremiah 29:7. Comes when we have Faith in the Lord.
j) 2 Chronicles 26:5; Nehemiah 1:11. Comes when we seek guidance from the Lord.
k) Job 5:12. Will not come to crafty people.
l) Proverbs 2:7. Is stored up by the Lord for honest people.
m) Proverbs 13:21. Is a reward for those people who do right.
n) Ecclesiastes 4:4. Must have the right motivation.
o) Jeremiah 29:11. Is planned by God for His People.
p) John 3:29. Brings Joy.
(This Second one teaches me a godly and Biblical concept of Success)
Crafty people will not enjoy success. Their scheming and manipulating will definitely not give them lasting success. They may seem at first to succeed but God knows all things and He will see to it that their seeming “success” will be doomed.
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