'Saints Restored And Put In Order.'
Ephesians 4:12.
a) Saints equippied for the Work of Ministry.
b) So that the Body of Christ will be:
1-Built up.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of Saints Restored And Put In Order)
PRAY: That Saints will be Restored And Put In Order.
'A Strong Word.'
2 Corinthians 13:10.
a) I already gave you a warning.
b) When I was with you the second time.
c) I now repeat it while absent:
d) On my return
e) I will not spare those who sinned earlier
f) Or any of the others.
(This Second one reveals A Strong Word)
PRAY: To heed Strong Words spoken to us.
Time does not restore people - Jesus Christ does. This restoration takes place primarily within the Church - the Body of Christ. One of the aims of a Biblical Ministry is to bring restoration into the Church. This means that there needs to be an emphasis on preaching and teaching about Jesus Christ.