Friday, January 29, 2021

A Clear Instruction!

 'A Clear Instruction.'

Exodus 5:1.

a)  Moses and Aaron went to the King of Egypt and told him:

b)  "The Lord God says:

c)  " 'Let My people go into the desert

d)  'So that they can honour Me 

e)  "With a celebration there.'"

(This QT reveals A Clear Instruction fom the Lord)

PRAY: To obey and to honour God. 


'A Narrow Minded Statement,'

Exodus 1:9. 

a)  The new Pharaoh told the Egyptians:

b)  "There are too many of those Israelites in our Country

c)  "And they are becoming more powerful than we are."

(This Second one is clearly A Narrow Minded Statement)

PRAY: For our Churches to be free from Narrow Minded Statements.



One of the things that the Book of Exodus can teach us is how we should respond when we are moving out of one environment into another. There are many different ways in which God may make "A Way" for us. When He makes that way, it is up to us to follow Him by Faith. It is good for us to read Exodus when the move is on!

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...