Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Confused And Bewildered Crowd!

‘A Confused And Bewildered Crowd.’
Acts 2:6.
a)  When this sound occurred,
b)  A crowd came together and was confused 
c)  Because each one heard them speaking in his own language.
(This QT reveals A Confused And Bewildered Crowd)
‘From Predestination To Glorification.’
Romans 8:30.
a)  Those He predestined,
b)  He also called;
c)  And those He called;
d)  He also justified,
e). He also glorified.
(Through this Second one I discover the way From Predestination To Glorification)
PRAY: For a good personal understanding of God’s Word.
When we understand that we are Saved, or Born Again, or whatever phrase we may like to use about our New Life in Christ, that understanding puts us on the pathway to Eternal Life where we can grow in Faith. This understanding is a work of the Holy Spirit within us, given us because we are Saved. We should always esteem God’s Presence within us, given to us because we are His Children.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...