Monday, October 4, 2010

In Response To The Victory That God Gives Us!

‘In Response To The Victory That God Gives Us.’
1 Corinthians 15:58.
a) We should be steadfast and unmovable.
b) We should give ourselves to the Work of the Lord.
c) We should know that our work is not in vain in the Lord.
(This QT teaches me how to be In Response To The Victory That God Gives Me)
‘Humility Then Fullness.’
Ephesians 2:11-22.
a) Ephesians 2:11-12. We Gentiles need to humbly remember that in the past we were without Christ. We could not claim to be God’s People. We:-
1-Had no part in God’s Covenant.
2-Had no Hope.
3-Were without God in this World.
b) Ephesians 2:12-13. Now that we are in Christ we are made near to God by His Blood.
c) Ephesians 2:14-16. Christ is our Peace Who breaks down every wall between Believing Jews and Gentiles.
d) Ephesians 2:17. Christ brings us Peace both individually and corporately.
e) Ephesians 2:18. Christ brings us access to God by the Holy Spirit.
f) Ephesians 2:19. We become part of the Family of God.
g) Ephesians 2:20-22. Now we are being built together into a habitation of God in the Holy Spirit,
(Through this Second one I find a good pathway for life: Humility Then Fulness)
There can be no Biblical fullness without Humility being in our lives first. There are some people who pretend fullness and there are some churches and missions that pretend fullness. This kind of pretend fullness is just noise and fleshly exhibitionism. True Biblical fullness is always preceded by humility.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...