The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Born Of God!
'Born Of God.'
John 1:13.
a) They are reborn -
b) Not with a physical birth
c) Resulting from human passion or plan,
d) But a birth that comes from God.
(This QT makes me grateful for the fact that I am Born Of God)
PRAY: That friends and family members can be Born Of God.
'Lord And Messiah.'
Acts 2:36.
a) So let everyone in Israel
b) Know for certain
c) That God has made this Jesus,
d) Whom you crucified,
e) To be both Lord and Messiah.
(Through this Second one I have confidence that Jesus is Lord and Messiah)
PRAY: To have Faith in Jesus.
There are very few "you must" instructions in the Bible, one of these few tells us that "we must" be Born Again. Personally, I do not like using this expression because it needs explanation, it is not a clearly understood phrase. If the Messenger, whoever he or she is, clearly explains what it means, then it is fine. If we are conversing with, or preaching to, unbelievers, and the Words Born Again arise, it is necessary for us to explain them. The picture shows good food, when we are Born Of God, we can enjoy good food and fellowship with other people who are Born Of God.
The Christian Life!
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