The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Nobody Has Ever Seen God!
'Nobody Has Ever Seen God.'
John 1:18.
a) Nobody has ever seen God.
b) The only begotten God,
c) Who is intimately close to the Father -
d) He has brought Him to Light.
(This QT Biblically reminds me that Nobody Has Ever Seen God)
PRAY: To walk with God by Faith.
'Daily Life Of The New Testament Church.'
Acts 2:46.
a) Day by day
b) They were all together
c) Attending the Temple.
d) They broke bread in their various houses
e) And ate their food with glad and sincere hearts.
(This Second one shows me something about the Daily Life Of The New Testament Church)
PRAY: For the Daily Life of your Church.
When the Principles of action in the local Churches are Bible-centered, then the Holy Spirit will work in the Churches. Gimmicks to try to make the Church grow will not be successful in a lasting way. In many modern-day Churches, the way ahead needs to be based on back to the Bible.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
A Ratio Of Seven To Two!
'A Ratio Of Seven To Two.'
Genesis 7:2.
a) Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal,
b) A male and its mate,
c) And one pair of every kind of unclean animal,
d) A male and its mate.
(This QT teaches me a ratio from God: A Ratio Of Seven To Two)
PRAY: That in our personal lives, we will always follow God's Instructions.
'Building And Worship.'
Genesis 8:20.
a) And Noah built an altar unto the Lord,
b) And took of every clean beast,
c) And of every clean fowl,
d) And offered burned offerings on the altar.
(Through this Second one, I find Noah's worshipful mind: Building And Worship)
PRAY: To be Obedient to the Lord, like Noah.
God's instructions to Noah were very clear and specific. Usually, when He has something to say to us, it is not in riddles, it is clear and specific. If we are True Believers, He will surely speak to us directly. We should have a clear and meaningful, personal relationship with Him.
Compassion And Hospitality!
'Compassion And Hospitality.'
Acts 16:33-34.
a) At the same hour of the night
b) He took them and washed their wounds;
c) Then he and his entire family
d) Were baptized without delay.
e) He brought them up into the house
f) And set food before them;
g) And he and his entire household
h) Rejoiced that he had become a Believer in God.
(In this QT I find a lovely response to baptism: Compassion And Hospitality)
PRAYER: For Compassion and Hospitality to be in our hearts and Churches.
'A Radical Expression Of Christianity.
(In today's situations in many Nations this expression is no longer needed, but I know that there are still some "corners of the World" where it is appropriate. International "Mercy Ministry" is still necessary in various places.)
Acts 2:45.
a) The Early Church
b) Sold their possessions and substance,
c) And distributed them to all
d) According as anyone might have need.
(This Second one reveals to me A Radical Expression Of Christianity)
PRAYER: For any "Mercy Ministry" involvement of your Church.
One of the really practical ways to practice evangelism and real fellowship in the Church is through Compassion and Hospitality. Any Church, anywhere that Preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and practices evangelism and real fellowship will be Blessed by God. May Compassion and Hospitality be priorities in our Outreach.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Law, Grace And Truth!
'Law, Grace And Truth.'
John 1:17.
a) For the Law was given by Moses,
b) But Grace and Truth
c) Came by Jesus Christ.
(This QT reveals to me the sources of Law, Grace And Truth)
PRAYER: That we will understand God's Law Grace And Truth.
'Early Church Togetherness.'
Acts 2:44.
a) All who believed
b) Were together
c) And had all things
d) In common.
(This Second one shows me the Early Church Togetherness)
PRAYER: That certain things about Early Church Togetherness will encourage our thoughts and actions towards Unity in our local Churches.
It is vitally important for God's Word to be taught as best as possible to our local Churches. As well as having well-equipped Pastors and Bible Teachers, there needs to be other facilities for reading and watching the Teaching of God's Word. Local Church Pastors should not feel 'threatened' by Bible Teaching Ministers, rather they can invite them into their Churches and have them serve alongside, and under the supervision of, the Local Churches.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
A Reward For Righteousness!
'A Reward For Righteousness.'
Genesis 7:1.
a) Then the Lord said to Noah:
b) "Go into the ark,
c) "You and your whole family,
d) "Because I have found you righteous
e) "In this generation."
(This QT reveals to me A Reward For Righteousness)
PRAYER: That the Lord will find us Righteous.
'Filled With Awe.'
Acts 2:43.
a) Everyone was filled with awe
b) At the many wonders and signs
c) Performed by the Apostles.
(Through this Second one I can see that everyone was Filled With Awe)
PRAY: For Wonders, Signs and a Holy Awe to fill the Church again today.
The major reason that Noah was instructed by God to go into the ark was that he was Righteous. If Noah was not taken into the ark, it would have been the end of all created beings, including mankind. This was exceptional, Noah was an exceptional person. Today, it is the Blood of Jesus Christ that makes us Righteous, we should never forget this fact. We are alive today, and seen as pure in God's Sight only because of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Maybe Peter Could Help?
'Maybe Peter Could Help?'
Acts 9:37-38.
a) At that time, however,
b) She became sick and died,
c) And her body was washed,
d) And placed in an upper room.
e) But the Believers had heard that Peter was nearby at Lydda,
f) So they sent two men to beg him:
g) "Please come as soon as possible!"
(Through this QT I can see that Maybe Peter Could Help?)
PRAYER: That we will be ready to help when needed and we are available.
'The Four Basic Internal Early Church Activities.'
Acts 2:42.
a) Apostles' Teaching.
b) Fellowship.
c) Breaking of Bread. (Meals and Holy Communion).
d) Prayer.
(This Second one teaches me The Four Basic Internal Early Church Activities)
PRAYER: For our Churches to follow this Early Church pattern.
Our Churches should be ready today to help their members in every situation where they need help, and give advice where necessary. In this case, someone had died. This is definitely a situation that most members, outside of the dead one's family, would not really like to assist in. It is something that they would not be ready to assist in, except a few. Maybe we need more training in Churches for the practical issues in life. This training could be entitled: "How can we help?". It would mean that the Church would be ready to help in many situations. An entire book could be written on this subject, and probably has been!
Monday, June 24, 2019
Abundant Supply Of Grace!
'Abundant Supply Of Grace.'
John 1:16.
a) From His Fulness
b) We have all received,
c) Grace upon Grace.
(Through this QT I discover an Abundant Supply Of Grace)
PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING: For An Abundant Supply Of Grace.
'They Gladly Received The Word Of The Lord.'
Acts 2:41.
a) Then they that gladly received Peter's word
b) Were Baptized:
c) And the same day
d) There were added to them
e) About three thousand souls.
(This Second one teaches me about the response of these New Testament new Christians -They Gladly Received The Word Of The Lord)
PRAYER: For the citizens in the district where you live to Gladly Receive The Word Of The Lord.
God has Fulness, God is Full and God is the Source of an Abundant Supply. The early New Testament Believers were very aware of and Believed these facts. Our Churches would be different in many ways if those who attend them would believe these true and Biblical facts. Church Leaders should pray regularly for those people who attend to Believe the Truths about God from His Word.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Noah Did This!
'Noah Did This...'
Genesis 6:22.
a) Noah did this...
b) He did all
c) That God commanded him.
(This QT reveals Noah's heart to obey God)
PRAYER: That we will obey God as Noah did.
'Be Saved!'
a) Acts 2:40. From this crooked generation.
b) Numbers 10:9; 2 Samuel 22:4; Psalm 18:3. From your enemies.
c) Psalm 80:3, 7 & 19. When God's Face shines upon us.
d) Proverbs 28:18. Because we walk blamelessly.
e) Isaiah 30:15. Because we return to the Lord and rest.
f) Isaiah 64:5. Because we need to be Saved.
g) Jeremiah 4:14. Evil thoughts hinder us from being Saved.
h) Matthew 10:22. Endure to the end and be Saved.
i) Mark 16:16. Believe and be Baptized ... you will Be Saved.
j) Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13. Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be Saved.
k) Acts 15:11. Through the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
l) Romans 5:10. By the Life of God's Son.
m) Romans 10:9. Because we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and Believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead.
n) 2 Thessalonians 2:10. Because we receive the Love of the Truth.
o) 1 Timothy 2:4. God desires all men to be Saved.
(Through this Second one I affirm it is necessary to Be Saved)
PRAYER: To be Saved, if we have no assurance of Salvation.
Believe and be Baptized, you will be Saved! If you attend a Church, or need to attend a Church and have already received Christ as your personal Saviour, please ask the leaders of the Church about being Baptized. It is the "next step" after receiving Him as your Lord and Saviour.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Another Thought About Water Baptism!
'Another Thought About Water Baptism.'
Acts 22:16.
a) And now
b) Why do you wait?
c) Rise and be Baptised
d) And wash away your sins,
e) Calling on His Name.
(This QT gives me Another Thought About Water Baptism)
PRAYER: That Water Baptismal candidates will truly understand what they are doing.
'A Necessary Message.'
Acts 2:40.
a) Then Peter continued preaching for a long time.
b) Strongly urging all his listeners,
c) "Save yourselves
d) "From this crooked generation."
(This Second one reveals A Necessary Message)
PRAYER: For Salvation that includes deliverance from the lifestyle of a crooked generation!
Why do you wait? There are many different times in our lives as Christians that God calls us, by various means, to do certain things. Here we find the Message from Ananias to Paul: "Why do you wait?" One of the most prevalent sins of the modern day Church, and also individual Believers, is procrastination. When we know it is right to do something, or to say something, we should be led by God as to the time and then do or say what is necessary. To pray and then do at the appropriate time is the correct way. Doing nothing, when we know that we should do something is sin.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
This Is The One!
'This Is The One.'
John 1:15.
a) John testified about Jesus when he shouted to the crowds.
b) "This is the One I was talking about when I said,
c) "Someone is coming after me who is far greater than I am,
d) "For He existed long before me."
(This QT reminds me that This Is The One)
PRAY: For clear teaching in our Churches about Jesus Christ.
'The Promise Of The Holy Spirit.'
Acts 2:39.
a) This Promise is to you,
b) And to your children,
c) And to all who are afar off,
d) As many as the Lord our God will call.
(This Second one proclaims The Promise Of The Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To receive the Promise of the Holy Spirit.
It is most important, if we are to live as a real Christian that we have a clear understanding of Who Jesus Christ is! The teaching of the Word of God can help us in this. Not only in Church, but through good books, tapes and seminars we can clearly discover Who Jesus Christ is!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Noah The Storekeeper!
'Noah The Storekeeper.'
Genesis 6:21.
a) You (Noah) are to take every type of food that is to be eaten.
b) And store it away
c) As food for you and for them.
(This QT reveals to me Noah The Storekeeper)
PRAYER: That in our daily lives we will be simply obedient to God.
'God Knows And Remembers Us.'
Psalm 103:14.
a) For He knows how we are formed,
b) He remembers
c) That we are dust.
(Through this Second one I know that God Knows And Remembers Us)
PRAYER: To trust God day by day.
God provided food for Noah and all the Creation that was in the Ark. This is still the Heart of God today. The ministry of feeding hungry and poor people is a ministry that God is pleased with. Let us not forget this practical way of preaching the Gospel.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Beautiful Worship!
'Beautiful Worship.'
Luke 7:38.
a) She knelt
b) Behind Jesus,
c) At the feet of Jesus.
d) She was weeping,
e) Her tears fell on His Feet.
f) She wiped them off with her hair.
g) She kept kissing His feet
h) And putting perfume on them.
(This QT reveals to me Beautiful Worship)
PRAY: For our Churches and Homes to have Beautiful Worship.
'To Personally Receive The Gift Of The Holy Spirit.'
Acts 2:38.
a) Repent of your sins,
b) Turn to God,
c) Be Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins,
d) Then you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me how To Personally Receive The Gift Of The Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To personally receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit if you have not done so already.
Her tears fell on His Feet. This was a very unique and special time recorded in the Scripture. Personal love for Jesus and Worship of Him. We may have some very wonderful times of Public Worship in our public assemblies week by week, but sometimes the most meaningful, pure and genuine Worship may the times that we privately Worship in adoration at the Feet of Jesus in our own home, room, or place of personal prayer.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
The Father's One And Only Son!
'The Father's One And Only Son.'
John 1:14.
a) So the Word became human and made His home among us.
b) He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness
c) And we have seen His Glory,
d) The Glory of the Father's One and only Son.
(This QT makes me grateful for The Father's One And Only Son)
PRAY: To make the Son of God as our personal Lord and Saviour, if we have not already done so.
'Lord, Have Mercy!'
Luke 10:11.
a) We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet
b) To show that we have abandoned you
c) To your fate.
d) And know this -
e) The Kingdom of God is near.
(Through this Second one I exclaim and pray: Lord have Mercy)
PRAY: Lord, Have Mercy when we need to.
The One and Only Son of God and our Lord, Jesus Christ came from the Father in Heaven and historically made His Home among us. This means that God identified with the Creation. Not only did He make mankind in His Image, He also identifies with us now. We can thank God that He is a Living and a Loving God.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Noah Was To Keep Them Alive!
'Noah Was To Keep Them Alive.'
Genesis 6:20.
a) Birds according to their kinds,
b) Animals according to their kinds,
c) Every creeping thing of the ground,
d) According to its kind,
e) Two of every sort shall come into you
f) To keep them alive.
(This QT teaches me that Noah Was To Keep Them Alive)
PRAY: To be a life giver.
'The Compassionate Lord.'
Psalm 103:13.
a) As a father
b) Has compassion on his children,
c) So the Lord has compassion
d) On those who fear Him.
(This Second one reminds me of The Compassionate Lord)
THANK GOD: For the Compassionate Lord. The Holy Communion helps us to remember The Compassionate Lord.
Noah's job was to keep God's Creation alive. This was indeed an important job, it is still important today. Mankind is bent on destroying Life for its own purposes in these days in which we live. As True Believers, we need to be aware of the times that we need to 'speak up' for the Life which God has created. I am thinking today about unnecessary destruction of trees and fields simply to further the plans of mankind.
Jesus' Creative Mind!
'Jesus' Creative Mind.'
(He has the Perfect Mind)
Luke 5:2-3.
a) Jesus saw two boats at the edge of the lake;
b) The fishermen had left them
c) And were washing their nets.
d) Jesus got into one of the boats,
e) Which belonged to Simon,
f) And asked him to put out a little from the land.
g) Then He sat down
h) And was teaching the crowds from the boat.
(This QT reveals to me Jesus' Creative Mind)
PRAY: For our thinking minds to be creative for God's Glory)
'A Good Initial Response To The Gospel.'
Acts 2:37.
a) When they heard this
b) They were pierced to the heart
c) And said to Peter
d) And the rest of the Apostles:
e) "Brothers, what should we do?"
(In this Second one I find A Good Initial Response To The Gospel)
PRAY: That through our Ministries, or in our Churches, there will be A Good Initial Response To The Gospel.
Jesus did some very practical things to fulfill the Will of the Father. In the above incident, He commissioned a boat that He might fulfill the Father's Will. After going 'off-shore', He sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. Sometimes, today, we expect people to come inside our Church buildings, (and there is nothing wrong with that), but there maybe also times that the Lord wants His Church to be practically involved in some kind of 'mission' too.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Born Of God!
'Born Of God.'
John 1:13.
a) They are reborn -
b) Not with a physical birth
c) Resulting from human passion or plan,
d) But a birth that comes from God.
(This QT makes me grateful for the fact that I am Born Of God)
PRAY: That friends and family members can be Born Of God.
'Lord And Messiah.'
Acts 2:36.
a) So let everyone in Israel
b) Know for certain
c) That God has made this Jesus,
d) Whom you crucified,
e) To be both Lord and Messiah.
(Through this Second one I have confidence that Jesus is Lord and Messiah)
PRAY: To have Faith in Jesus.
There are very few "you must" instructions in the Bible, one of these few tells us that "we must" be Born Again. Personally, I do not like using this expression because it needs explanation, it is not a clearly understood phrase. If the Messenger, whoever he or she is, clearly explains what it means, then it is fine. If we are conversing with, or preaching to, unbelievers, and the Words Born Again arise, it is necessary for us to explain them. The picture shows good food, when we are Born Of God, we can enjoy good food and fellowship with other people who are Born Of God.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
God's Plan To Preserve!
'God's Plan To Preserve.'
Genesis 6:19.
a) And of every living thing of all flesh,
b) Found on land,
c) You shall bring two of every sort
d) Into the Ark,
e) To keep them alive with you;
f) They shall be male and female.
(This QT teaches me God's Plan To Preserve)
PRAY: To make our daily decisions in line with God's Plan To Preserve.
'It Is Happening To My Lord.'
Acts 2:34-35.
a) For David did not ascend into the heavens;
b) Yet he, himself says,
c) "The Lord said to my Lord:
d) "Sit at My Right Hand
e) "And share My Throne
f) "Until I make Your enemies
g) "A footstool for Your Feet.
(This Second one is taking place now: It Is Happening To My Lord)
PRAY: To enter the Lord's Victory daily, through Prayer, Faith and Lifestyle.
God's way was: "everybody into the Ark"! It was really the best and safest way at that time. Surely, the Ark was created for such a purpose. I am sure that God always creates the best and safest way for His People. Sometimes, we might not understand God's way at the time He reveals it to us, that is when we need to Trust Him and Obey Him! When God creates a way for us, it is good for us to 'go with the flow', just like it is in the picture above.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Calmness Alleviates Great Offenses!
'Calmness Alleviates Great Offenses.'
Ecclesiastes 10:4.
a) If a Ruler's temper rises against you,
b) Don't leave your post,
c) Because calmness
d) Alleviates great offenses.
(This QT reminds me that Calmness Alleviates Great Offenses)
PRAY: To remain calm when we need to.
'The Blessing Which Can Be Seen And Heard.'
Acts 2:33.
a) Therefore, having been exalted to the Right Hand of God,
b) And having received from the Father
c) The Promise of the Holy Spirit,
d) He has poured out this Blessing
e) Which you both see and hear.
(Through this Second one I greatly esteem The Blessing Which Can Be Seen And Heard)
PRAY: To receive The Blessing Which Can Be Seen And Heard.
When the boss, ruler, leader, or the one who leads our family loses their temper and rises against us, the best thing that we can do is remain calm, even though it may be difficult to do so. Calmness does alleviate great offenses! If we remain calm, then the situation of normality can be restored sooner. If this authority figure has a real control problem with their anger, we need to, with maturity:- Hide or Quit.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Receive And Believe!
'Receive And Believe.'
John 1:12.
a) But as many as received Him
b) To them
c) He gave the Right
d) To become Children of God,
e) Even to them
f) That believe on His Name.
(This QT teaches me the importance of Receive And Believe)
PRAY: For more people in your locality to Receive And Believe.
'The Resurrection Was Witnessed'
Acts 2:32.
a) This Jesus
b) Did God raise up,
c) Whereof we are all witnesses.
(This Second one reminds me that The Resurrection Was Witnessed)
PRAY: For the Resurrection Life and Power of Christ to be in our Churches.
Reading the Gospel of John helps us to understand how to live as a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. There are very clear instructions in John's Gospel about our lifestyle as Believers in God's Community. To be a Believer, we are not meant to be an isolated individual, we are a part of the Family of God which stretches throughout the World, to which, for most of us, there is a local expression, we may even be able to eat together, as in the picture. The big problem is simple acceptance, this makes it difficult in some cultures, for some people to Worship and Fellowship together. It is wrong for us to calculate and judge each other.
I have been in Churches, in the past, where there was no calculating or judging, it was really a beautiful and lovely experience. There was genuine and real acceptance.
Monday, June 10, 2019
A Secure Covenant!
'A Secure Covenant.'
Genesis 6:18.
a) "I will establish My Covenant with you,
b) "And you will enter the Ark -
c) "You and your sons
d) "And your wife
e) "And your sons' wives with you."
(This QT reveals to me the beginning of A Secure Covenant)
PRAY: For our Belief in the Covenants of God - A Secure Covenant.
'Peter's Resurrection Message.'
Acts 2:31.
a) David was looking into the future
b) And speaking of the Messiah's Resurrection.
c) He was saying that God would not leave Him among the dead
d) Or allow His Body to rot in the grave.
(This Second one shows us a part of Peter's Resurrection Message)
THANK GOD: For the Resurrection of Messiah.
Our God is a "Covenant Making God" - He keeps His Promises and Covenants! Our problems around this stated Truth are several-fold. We may have grown up in a family where major covenants have been abused or broken; we, ourselves, may have suffered from a broken marriage covenant. There can be a whole list of 'broken covenant' situations that may have hurt or damaged our lives in some way. The only way that such brokenness can be restored in our hearts is through the Cross of Jesus Christ. His Cross is the beginning of a New Covenant for us. There is no healing for old brokenness apart from New Promises and a New Covenant from God.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
The Spirit Of Jealousy Does Not Help!
'The Spirit Of Jealousy Does Not Help.'
Numbers 5:14.
a) And if the spirit of jealousy comes over him
b) And he is jealous of his wife
c) Who has defiled herself,
d) Or if the spirit of jealousy comes over him
e) And he is jealous of his wife,
f) Though she has not defiled herself
(This QT reminds me that The Spirit Of Jealousy Does Not Help)
PRAY: For families in our Churches to be relationally healthy.
'God's Promise Does Not Fail.'
Acts 2:30.
a) But he was a prophet
b) And he knew that God had promised
c) With an oath
d) That one of David's own descendants
e) Would sit one his throne.
(Through this Second one I know that God's Promise Does Not Fail)
PRAYER: To Believe the Promises of God.
There is a saying that 'The family that prays together stays together'. I believe that family prayer should be a part of the spiritual life of every True Believer family. This is very basic and necessary. This kind of prayer is like a spiritual 'fortress wall' around our family in normal circumstances. There may be situations and circumstances when it cannot be, if that be the case, God's Grace covers everything. It is important, however, that, if it is possible, we should not neglect family prayer and sometimes family Holy Communion. This is especially important for the families of the Lord's Servants.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
They Did Not Receive Him!
'They Did Not Receive Him.'
John 1:11.
a) He came to His Own,
b) And His Own People
c) Did not receive Him.
(This QT reminds me that, until these modern days, intercession for Jewish people is necessary)
PRAY: For the Salvation of Jewish people world-wide.
'David: Dead And Buried.'
Acts 2:29.
a) "My brothers,
b) "I can talk very plainly to you
c) "With confidence about the patriarch David
d) "That he both died and was buried,
e) "And his tomb is with us to this day."
(This Second one explains to me about the condition of David, from the Bible)
THANK GOD: For the Biblically revealed life of King David.
It is necessary for us to intercede for various people groups, whatever their religious inclination, that they may come to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Savior. Even the Jewish people should be included in this intercession. The Jews were Blessed that through them the Messiah came into this World, but they rejected Him and generally continue to do so until this day. This kind of intercession for people groups and the Nations is necessary, even until these days. The picture shows the fast flowing river and the sea, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit should flow into and out from us into the Nations. May we be filled with the out-flowing Holy Spirit during this Pentecostal Season.
Friday, June 7, 2019
The Flood Judgment!
'The Flood Judgment.'
Genesis 6:17.
a) I, even I,
b) Do bring the flood of waters on this Earth,
c) To destroy all flesh
d) Having the breath of Life
e) From under the sky.
f) Everything that is in the Earth shall die.
(This QT reminds me of Awesome God - The Flood Judgment)
PRAY: For God's Mercy before Judgment in this generation.
'How Wonderful!'
Acts 2:28.
a) You made known to me
b) The ways of Life.
c) You will make me
d) Full of gladness
e) With Your Presence.
(This Second one gives me a joyful exclamation: How Wonderful!)
PRAY: For God's Presence to give us Gladness.
When we read the Book of Genesis, we can read many of the Wonderful Works of God. Some of these Works were creative and others were restorative. From the Beginning, it has been God's Desire that mankind should both Fear Him and Love Him.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
The Holy Spirit Residing In Us!
Romans 8:11.
a) If the Spirit of the One Who resurrected Jesus from the dead
b) Lives inside of you,
c) Then you can be sure
d) That He Who raised Him
e) Will cast the Light of Life
f) Into your mortal bodies
g) Through the life giving Power
h) Of the Spirit residing in you.
(This QT gives me more understanding of The Holy Spirit Residing In Us)
PRAY: To esteem the indwelling Holy Spirit.
'The Holy One Saw No Corruption.'
Acts 2:27.
a) An amazing Prophecy from King David.
b) "You will not abandon Me
c) "To experience the suffering of a miserable after-life,
d) "Nor leave Your Holy One
e) "To rot alone."
(Through this Second one I am reminded that The Holy One Saw No Corruption)
PRAY: That the Promise of Resurrection will always be real to us.
Through and by the Holy Spirit the Light of Life is cast into our mortal bodies. This Light of Life is a part of the Gift of Eternal Life that is given to us by the Lord as we Believe in Him and His Promises.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
The World Did Not Recognize Him!
John 1:10.
a) He was in the World,
b) And though the World
c) Was made through Him,
d) The World did not recognize Him.
(This QT reminds me that, right from the beginning, The World Did Not Recognize Him)
PRAY: For the people in both your spiritual community and natural community to recognize The Lord.
'A Good Condition To Be In.'
Acts 2:26.
a) " heart is glad
b) "and my tongue rejoices;
c) "my body will also rest in Hope.
(This Second one reveals A Good Condition To Be In)
PRAY: To be in this condition: A Good Condition To Be In.
The Gospel of John is both inspirational and instructional. If we are not in the good spiritual habit of regular Bible reading, it is a good place to start. Reading God's Word helps us to know daily what the Lord is saying to us. We should read God's Word! Even the birds of the air are subject to God, how much more should we be.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...