Monday, April 16, 2018

Jesus Clearly Says So!

'Jesus Clearly Says So.'
John 6:46. 
a)  But no person has seen My Father.
b)  The only One Who has seen Him is the One Who comes from God.
c)  He has seen My Father. 
(This brief QT makes it very clear! Jesus Clearly Says So)
PRAY: For our Church, family and self to be clear from all heresies.
'The Obedient People.'
John 17:6. 
a)  I have made Your Name known
b)  To the people You gave Me.
c)  They are from this World
d)  They belonged to You
e)  And You gave them to Me. 
f)  They have obeyed You. 
(Through this Second one I discover whom Jesus called The Obedient People)
PRAY: That we shall be recognised by the Lord as Obedient People.
Individual,  family and Church Prayer are all important forms of Prayer. It is said that the 'family that prays together stays together', I really believe that! Prayer unites us, not only to the Lord, but to one another in the Lord. Prayer is not something that is attractive to most people, it is not easy to be committed to come together and pray. 
I enjoy personal Prayer very much, also Prayer 'at home'! That is very good and effective. 
One of the Holy Habits of the New Testament Church was gathering together regularly for Prayer. Their prayer requests were quite obvious from the various situations that they were in. 
Today, all across the World, nations and people are facing situations where our Prayers can help them very much. God does listen and He hears our Prayers. It is for the "spiritual leaders" of the Church to Pray together and then to call the Church to pray together with them. It is incorrect to call a Church Prayer Meeting if the leadership of the Church do not Pray together! 'Inter-Church Prayer' is not the first priority, Local Church Prayer is the priority. 
One thing that True Believers can do is to Pray (at home, in Church or at the Prayer Centre/Mountain). As we Pray, something will happen, God will do something, it does not usually happen instantly, but it happens. 
A final point today: Prayer meetings/times are not a place for 'spiritual gifts' that control other people, or give "answers" to our Prayers that stop us Praying. The "answer" to our Prayer does not normally come through a 'spiritual gift', it through a calm assurance that God is answering our prayers (yes or no) and we are to continue to pray, or through an actual manifestation of the answer. 

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...