The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Bread From Heaven!
'Bread From Heaven.'
John 6:49-51.
a) John 6:49. Your ancestors ate manna in the desert and died.
b) John 6:50. This is the Bread that comes from Heaven
c) John 6:50. So that whoever eats it will not die.
d) John 6:51. I am the Living Bread that came from Heaven.
e) John 6:51. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
f) John 6:51. The Bread I will give
g) John 6:51. To bring life to the World
h) John 6:51. Is My flesh.
(Through this QT I learn more about Bread From Heaven)
PRAYER: That our friends and family members can partake of the Bread From Heaven.
'The Father's Invitation.'
Psalm 2:8.
(These are Words spoken by the Heavenly Father to His Son ... Jesus Christ.)
a) Ask Me
b) And I will give You the Nations as Your inheritance
c) And the ends of the Earth as Your Own possession.
(These beautiful Words reveal to me the Heavenly Father's Invitation to His Son ... Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: That we also Pray for the Salvation of the Nations. Ask our Heavenly Father!
This morning I awoke and considered my ancestors, most of them (not all) did not have Faith. This made me so grateful for my Salvation, and for the Church people and friends who invited me to come to the Church and the Lord. It is good for us to Pray for our non-believing family members and to be a living testimony in front of them when we are with them. We cannot 'save' our family members spiritually, but we can be a living testimony when the opportunity arises. Only the Lord can bring people, including our families, into Saving Faith, we cannot do that, as much as we may want to do it! But, we can Pray for them in our personal prayers. I really want to encourage us today to Pray for our non-believing family members. We are the ones who are given that privilege and (sometimes) pain. Remember that, with God, all things are possible!
There may be times when it is difficult to pray for our families because of painful past experiences. I am sure that God understands that and I am sure that God does not harshly push us into 'painful prayer'. He is the Restorer of our Lives, He is our Good Shepherd, He is our loving and pure Heavenly Father, He is the One who brings us into Wholeness and Healing (process). God never manipulates us by making us feel guilty! Regarding all of our Prayers, apart from "emergency" prayers, we should be led by the Holy Spirit, He leads us into Prayers and He does not push us by making us feel guilty.
This is an important fact, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin but He does not control us by making us feel guilty. People sometimes do that control bit, but God NEVER does.
The Christian Life!
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