The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Righteousness That Comes From God!
'Righteousness That Comes From God.'
Philippians 3:9.
a) And be found in Him,
b) Not having a righteousness of my own
c) That comes from the Law,
d) But that which comes
e) Through Faith in Christ -
f) The Righteousness that comes from God
g) On the basis of Faith.
(Through this QT I thank God for Righteousness That Comes From God on the basis of Faith)
PRAYER: To Thank God for the Righteousness That Comes From Him.
'Our Compassionate Lord.'
Psalm 40:11.
a) You, Oh Lord,
b) Will not withhold Your Compassion from me;
c) Your Lovingkindness
d) And Your Truth
e) Will continually preserve me.
(This Second one reveals Our Compassionate Lord)
PRAYER: To Thank God for His Compassion, Lovingkindness and Truth.
Righteousness that comes from God comes through Faith in Christ. This is a very important statement about the Life of Faith. It is very necessary for every Christian to understand this. The Righteousness that comes from God does not come through Church attendance alone! We need to have the real Faith that comes as we receive the Words of God. Receiving the Word of God means more than listening to a sermon, or just reading the Bible, it comes as we apply God's Word to our lives. Faith and Life Application go hand-in-hand.
I like the Biblical statement that we are "made right with God" through what Christ has done for us. It is not about us ... it is about Him!
What amazes me about Grace is that God sees us as Righteous because of what Christ has done for us. "What Christ has done for us" is an incredibly important statement about the Christian life. We are Redeemed by the Blood of Christ, we are "called, chosen and precious" to God. This is far beyond a full explanation here, it can only be received through Faith in the Word of God which we hear or read. It is not about us ... it is about Him!
In our listed PRAYER requests above we can see how important it is not just to Pray, but also to Thank God! There are so many things and people that we can Thank God for!
Sunday, April 29, 2018
A Difficult Life-Long Circumstance!
Genesis 19:37.
a) The older daughter of Lot had a son,
b) She named him Moab;
c) He is the father of the Moabites to this day.
d) Deuteronomy 2:9. The Children of Lot were especially looked after by God.
e) Deuteronomy 23:3. The Children of Lot were not allowed to enter the Congregation of the Lord.
(This QT teaches me that although the Children of Lot were especially looked after by God, they were not allowed to enter the Congregation of the Lord)
PRAYER: For the Salvation of the Peoples and Tribes who, as yet, have been unable to respond to the Gospel.
'A Minister's Openness.'
Psalm 40:10.
a) I have not hidden Your Righteousness within my heart.
b) I have declared Your Faithfulness and Your Salvation.
c) I have not concealed Your Loving-Kindness and Your Truth
d) From the great congregation.
(This Second one explains A Minister's Openness)
PRAYER: For the Ministers of God's People to openly declare the Truths of God's Word with a prayerfully received anointing of the Holy Spirit.
History cannot be changed. Once something is done, it is done. Once something is signed and sealed, it cannot be changed. The passage of Scripture says that Moab is the father of the Moabites: "to this day". One of the results of the mistake of a speedy and prayer-less important decision is that, so often, it cannot be changed. The results of it are frustration and regret.
It is amazing Grace that we can see and learn from the lives of God's Old Testament People, how that God so often gave amazing and undeserved Grace to them. If and when we make mistakes we are tempted to hide them, that does not help.
We can be more careful with our decisions and make fewer mistakes, we can include other people to help us with them. Important decisions can have a life-long effect on our lives, so we need to be making the right ones.
However, there are some people who cannot, or will not, make decisions for themselves. These people go to others to make decisions for them, this is disastrous and many times ends in broken relationships because of the incorrect advice that was given.
There is a difference in including other people in our decisions and going to other people to make decisions for us.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
It Became Very Clear!
'It Became Very Clear.'
John 6:52.
a) Then the Jews debated among themselves,
b) Asking,
c) How can this man give us His flesh to eat?
(Through this QT question I know about the answer: It Became Very Clear)
PRAYER: For non-Believers to come to Church and clearly understand the Message of the Gospel.
'Gathering Together To Glorify God.'
Psalm 40:9.
a) I have told the Glad News of Righteousness
b) In the great congregation,
c) Behold, I have not restrained my lips,
d) As you well know,
e) Oh Lord.
(This Second one reminds me of the Joy of Gathering Together To Glorify God in a Biblical way)
PRAYER: That each Lord's Day, if we can gather together, we are Gathering Together To Glorify God.
Some religious people so often prefer debate and chatter more than simple Worship. They assume that they 'already know' more than the preacher, and often decry or belittle his sermon. There are times that God actually wants our preachers to be somewhat 'repetitive', so that we really get the Message. We get what God is trying to say to us and we hide it in our hearts. Through this QT, I think of the various ways in which the Churches should be able to respond to the Word of the Lord that they hear. The non-Believers in the Church should be able to question, be convinced and be convicted by the Word. The 'secular-minded Christians' should be revived by the Word. The faithful Believers who are in fellowship with the Lord and each other should be edified by the Word that they hear.
I believe the Working of the Holy Spirit in the Church ceases, albeit temporarily, when debate and chatter take over the Worship service. (They have their place in fellowship times but not in the Worship service.) We need to get back to the basic purposes of the Church: to Worship and Praise God; to learn the Bible from another person's perspective (usually the Preacher, but also in small group from one another); and corporate prayer.
Evangelism should be spontaneous, 'organized' evangelism never occurred in the New Testament Church - it usually does not produce lasting results, and incurs unnecessary expense and time.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Right With God Through Christ!
'Right With God Through Christ.'
2 Corinthians 5:21.
a) For God made Christ,
b) Who never sinned,
c) To be the offering for our sin,
d) So that we could be made right with God
e) Through Christ.
(This QT opens the possibility of our being made Right With God Through Christ)
PRAYER: For our family members and friends to be made Right With God Through Christ if they are not already.
'Christ Came To Do The Will Of God.'
Psalm 40:7-8.
a) This is written of Christ:
b) "Then I said: 'Look,
c) "I have come.
d) "As is written about Me in the Scriptures:
e) "I take joy in doing Your Will, My God,
f) "For Your instructions are written on My heart."
(Through this Second one I know that Christ Came To Do The Will Of God)
PRAYER: Give thanks to God for His Son, Jesus Christ, Who Came To Do The Will Of God.
This possibility of being made Right With God Through Jesus Christ is at the very heart of the Gospel. God made the Way for us to be right with Him because of His initiative and motive of Love. The ultimate Sacrifice for our sins was made through the Life-Blood of Jesus Christ His Son, which was shed on the Cross for us. We need to receive, by Faith, what God has done for us. We could and can do nothing for ourselves, God did it all for us through Christ.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
A Dysfunctional Rationale!
'A Dysfunctional Rationale.'
Genesis 19:31-36.
a) Genesis 19:31. Lot's older daughter's dysfunctional plan.
b) Genesis 19:32. Lot's like for wine did not help!
c) Genesis 19:33-35. The sinful act of both daughters. (Distorted thinking caused the sinful act)
d) Genesis 19:36. So both Lot's daughters were pregnant by their father.
(This QT exposes A Dysfunctional Rationale)
PRAYER: For our families to be Righteous and Pure before the Lord.
'God Wants Us To Listen To Him.'
Psalm 40:6.
a) You do not delight in sacrifice.
b) You do not delight in offering.
c) You open our ears to listen.
d) You do not ask for a whole burnt offering or sin offering.
(Through this Second one I find that God Wants Us To Listen To Him more than simply giving our sacrifices and offerings)
PRAYER: Ask the Lord to help us to listen to Him.
Because of the fallen nature of a World System without God, many bad fruits result. We read of the sinful rationale and result of a dysfunctional rationale in this QT. This sinful rationale, and others similar to it, still prevail in this World today. Human thinking becomes perverted because of sin. The fallen nature of humanity is a "sinful nature".
We do not, however, just analyze this problem, accept it and just walk away from it, thinking that 'it is not my responsibility'. That is a secular response, not a Christian one! Our Christian responsibilities, according to God's Word, are:
1-Prayer and Intercession. God's Church is supposed to be a 'sweet fragrance' into the location where the Church is situated. The City, the "back street", the residential area, the shopping precinct, or even, sometimes, the family home which has been opened as a Church. Whatever kind of God's Christian Church it is, it is supposed to be a place of Prayer and Intercession.
2-Partaking regularly of Holy Communion. This was a part of the life of the early Church and should be a regular part of Church life today. The focus of Holy Communion is remembering! Remembering what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us on the Cross. We should come away from the Communion Worship service with grateful hearts assured of God's Love and Forgiveness.
3-Studying God's Word together. This is one of the foremost ways in which the Church can really grow together as a "Fellowship"! Bible Study IS important, whichever way it is done. The best way to have Bible Study together as a Church. The "small group" should then be able to discuss the Bible Study together and relevant questions could be answered there. Small groups could be held immediately after Worship Service on a Sunday, or during the week in different ways and formats. Personal Bible Reading/Study and Prayer at home are also very important ways in which we can grow as a Believer.
4-Living our daily lives for the Glory of God.
These few responsibilities will surely help our believing family and Church to be living witnesses of the Grace of God.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Bread From Heaven!
'Bread From Heaven.'
John 6:49-51.
a) John 6:49. Your ancestors ate manna in the desert and died.
b) John 6:50. This is the Bread that comes from Heaven
c) John 6:50. So that whoever eats it will not die.
d) John 6:51. I am the Living Bread that came from Heaven.
e) John 6:51. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
f) John 6:51. The Bread I will give
g) John 6:51. To bring life to the World
h) John 6:51. Is My flesh.
(Through this QT I learn more about Bread From Heaven)
PRAYER: That our friends and family members can partake of the Bread From Heaven.
'The Father's Invitation.'
Psalm 2:8.
(These are Words spoken by the Heavenly Father to His Son ... Jesus Christ.)
a) Ask Me
b) And I will give You the Nations as Your inheritance
c) And the ends of the Earth as Your Own possession.
(These beautiful Words reveal to me the Heavenly Father's Invitation to His Son ... Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: That we also Pray for the Salvation of the Nations. Ask our Heavenly Father!
This morning I awoke and considered my ancestors, most of them (not all) did not have Faith. This made me so grateful for my Salvation, and for the Church people and friends who invited me to come to the Church and the Lord. It is good for us to Pray for our non-believing family members and to be a living testimony in front of them when we are with them. We cannot 'save' our family members spiritually, but we can be a living testimony when the opportunity arises. Only the Lord can bring people, including our families, into Saving Faith, we cannot do that, as much as we may want to do it! But, we can Pray for them in our personal prayers. I really want to encourage us today to Pray for our non-believing family members. We are the ones who are given that privilege and (sometimes) pain. Remember that, with God, all things are possible!
There may be times when it is difficult to pray for our families because of painful past experiences. I am sure that God understands that and I am sure that God does not harshly push us into 'painful prayer'. He is the Restorer of our Lives, He is our Good Shepherd, He is our loving and pure Heavenly Father, He is the One who brings us into Wholeness and Healing (process). God never manipulates us by making us feel guilty! Regarding all of our Prayers, apart from "emergency" prayers, we should be led by the Holy Spirit, He leads us into Prayers and He does not push us by making us feel guilty.
This is an important fact, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin but He does not control us by making us feel guilty. People sometimes do that control bit, but God NEVER does.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Wonderful Times!
'Wonderful Times.'
Jeremiah 33:16.
a) In that day
b) Judah will be Saved,
c) And Jerusalem will live in safety.
d) And this will be its name:
e) "The Lord Is Our Righteousness."
(This QT tells me of future Wonderful Times)
PRAYER: For our family to experience Wonderful Times from the Lord.
'They Were Always Yours.'
John 17:6.
a) "I have revealed You
b) "To the ones You gave Me from this world.
c) "They were always Yours.
d) "You gave them to Me,
e) "And they have kept Your Word.
(This Second one confidently reminds me that They Were Always Yours)
PRAYER: For God's Grace and our willingness to Keep God's Word in our hearts.
"The Lord is Our Righteousness" is both a fact and a Name. The only way that we can experience "The Lord Is our Righteousness" is by first receiving and accepting Him as our Lord and Saviour. Whether it is the Chosen City or a Chosen and Faithful person, this is a wonderful name to be given. When a family has this as a family theme, this family will surely be living for the Lord. I want to consider this today; the family that entitles itself: "The Lord Is our Righteousness.
With this title, the family surely needs to be trusting in and living in God's Grace. This family attempts to live lives that are filled with the Holy Spirit and submissive to the the Word of God. There is 'joy in the Lord' and not mere 'miserable religion' here! The family members spend times before the Lord when they are together! Even when they are living apart there is still the commitment to a personal and living walk with God, and prayers for each other as well as for others.
When a family has this title, they will also live with the Fear of the Lord as an excellent daily motivation. As a result of this, their lives become living testimonies for the Lord. When this title becomes a reality in the lives of families in the Church, the condition of the Church will surely improve in every way. It will become a worshipful and joyful community, where the Lord Jesus is Glorified.
Sometimes we are the answers to our Prayer Meeting Prayers, not only do we have the answer but we are the answers! When God works in our lives and families, He will surely also begin to work in the Church. When God revives us, we bring that revival into the Church with us! Our mere presence in the Church, living in our "revived state", can surely help bring revival into the Church.
A note of caution, when a Church is not yet in revival, and yet we are, a critical attitude is an easy temptation to fall into. We need to avoid that and just keep on praying for the Church.
Monday, April 23, 2018
The Original Cave Dwellers!
'The Original Cave Dwellers.'
Genesis 19:30.
a) Lot went up from Zoar and dwelt in the mountains,
b) And his two daughters were with him;
c) For he was afraid to dwell in Zoar.
d) And he and his two daughters dwelt in a cave.
(This QT reveals The Original Cave Dwellers, and also the reason that they lived in a was fear)
PRAYER: For those people today who are living in fear because of their environment.
'According To His Own Purpose And Grace.'
2 Timothy 1:9.
a) God has Saved us.
b) God has called us with a Holy Calling. (Romans 8:28; 11:29)
c) Not according to our works, (Ephesians 2:9)
d) But according to His Own Purpose and Grace,
e) Which was given to us in Christ Jesus
f) Before time began.
(This Second one gives me a heart full of Thanksgiving to God; because He has Saved us According To His Own Purpose And Grace)
PRAYER: For Saved people to understand that they are Saved by God According To His Own Purpose And Grace.
Sometimes people move their dwelling place because of fear. If we are True Believers, we should never have to do that ... we move, if we move, in the Will of God. Unless we are living in a 'war zone', when we have to move for physical safety, we should only prayerfully and carefully move our home in the Will of God. We should remember that, wherever we are living, our dwelling place is God's Provision and not just 'our property'.
Especially in the Gospels, we can read about various people's dwelling places and how those places were sometimes used for the Glory of God in different ways, Jesus was welcomed physically into several people's homes.
Having lived in and visited different parts of the world, I have had the privilege of entering many types of home. I have also lived in areas where certain people would never open their homes to anyone, places where most of the windows are just narrow slots in a wall. I was really surprised to see that, even entire villages and communities 'living behind slots.'
Whatever the external environment, may God be Glorified in our dwelling places, whether we live in a 'dorm' room, or have our own home, whether we live behind 'narrow slots', or have big windows.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
The Bread Of Life!
'The Bread Of Life.'
John 6:48.
a) I am the Bread of Life.
b) The Living Bread,
c) Which gives and sustains life. (All life is from Him, even the lives of the cattle in the picture!)
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Christ is The Bread Of Life)
PRAYER: That we will understand what it means to partake of The Bread Of Life.
'The Life Which God Already Promised'
Titus 1:2.
a) Resting in the Hope of Eternal Life,
b) Life which the ever truthful God,
c) Who is Truthful and cannot deceive
d) Promised before the World or the Ages of Time began.
(Through this Second one I am grateful for The Life Which God Already Promised)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Life which He has already Promised.
To those of us who love the Lord Jesus Christ, we can understand what Partaking of the Bread of Life means. The Lord gives us "Life support", He also gives us "Relief". He supplies us with sustenance so that we can keep going. He buoys us up when we need it. We are called to Partake of the Bread of Life, and we remember Him whenever we partake of Holy Communion.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
In Christ Jesus!
'In Christ Jesus.'
1 Corinthians 1:30.
a) But it is from Him that you are in Christ Jesus.
b) Christ Jesus became to us Wisdom from God
c) Revealing God's Plan of Salvation,
d) And Righteousness
e) Making us acceptable to God,
f) And Sanctification
g) Making us Holy and Setting us apart for God,
h) And Redemption
i) Providing our ransom from the penalty for sin.
(Through this QT I discover what it means to be In Christ Jesus)
PRAYER: Thank God that In Christ Jesus we are made acceptable to God.
'God's Eternal Purpose.'
Ephesians 3:11.
a) This is in accordance with
b) The terms of the Eternal Purpose
c) Which He carried out
d) In Christ Jesus our Lord.
(This Second one teaches me about the circumstances of God's Eternal Purpose)
PRAYER: That we will trust God's Eternal Purpose in every way.
It is from God, not ourselves, that we are in Christ Jesus. Our life in Christ Jesus is totally different from life in the World system. It is in Christ Jesus that we have Hope! This is amazing, that in every circumstance of our life on this Earth, we can have Hope. Some of us may suffer difficulties that no-one else know about, they see our face, maybe every day, or once a week, and they have no idea what we may have been through.
It is Christ, and all that He has done for us, that makes us acceptable to God. There are times that we may ask God "why do we go through such circumstances?" Frankly no-one really has the answer to such, and similar, questions. What we can do is to thank God that He has given to us the Faith and Trust in Himself to keep going along life's road.
God is Faithful and He is able to help us finish the race that He has set before us. Everyone of us has a different race from God, that is why we should not compare ourselves with other people around us. That can really "pull us down". Our focus needs continually to be set upon Jesus, Who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. With this focus, we receive the strength and Grace to complete this race. We should keep running and allow God to direct our race.
Church should be a place where we find other people running the same race. We strengthen and encourage each other to keep running when we are in a Church environment. Notice I put that 'Church should be a place...', frankly, sometimes it is not. Sometimes our race may be hindered by other people's jealousy or problems, when we face such situations and dangers in the race, we may have to detour, or run around, avoiding those situations, and continue to run the race.
God gives us the Grace to run the race!
Friday, April 20, 2018
God Remembered Abraham!
'God Remembered Abraham!'
Genesis 19:29.
a) So it was that
b) When God destroyed
c) The cities of the valley,
d) God remembered Abraham
e) God sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow
f) When He overthrew the cities
g) In which Lot had lived.
(This QT is a reminder of the Faithfulness of God...God Remembered Abraham)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Mercy day-by-day.
'Our Lord Jesus.'
Hebrews 13:20.
a) The God of Peace brought Him again from the dead. Acts 2:24: It was impossible that death should hold Him prisoner.
b) He is the Great Shepherd of the sheep.
c) He shed His Blood of the Eternal Covenant.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to God for Our Lord Jesus)
PRAYER: Thank God for our Lord Jesus and pray for more people to come to know Him as their Lord and Savior.
There is a wonderful example here of God's Compassion. For the sake of Abraham, and His Promises to Abraham, God had Mercy on Lot. Compassion and Mercy are two of the many great attributes of God. Our calling is to Believe the Word of God! If we do not Believe the Word of God, we will continually live in a spiritual desert or a fantasy "wonderland". God sent Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah in order to save his life. Here was Lot's weakness and insecurity, even though these cities were on God's demolition list, Lot wanted to stay there. It was his "home town". No one wants to leave any home unless it is for a clear purpose.
There are some people who miss God's best plan for their lives because they are so comfortable or 'attached' to their home town, the place where they have settled and lived for a number of years, or deeply committed to their local Church. Even though God is speaking to them, they 'cannot bear' the thought of moving. If it is God's Will for us to move, even though we may hesitate, God will make it clear and confirm the matter to us.
We have much more to consider about 'moving' than Lot did, our home, our furniture, our future life in a new abode, school for the children, our parents who may live with us now, the list goes on and on! Even our work and ministry may be affected. (Sometimes work and ministry call us to move!)
If our Compassionate God is calling us to move it will be for a purpose, it could be a new job or ministry, it could even be to get our family out of a difficult situation and to give us a new start in life, or it could simply be to reward us with a lovely place to live in for the latter stages of our life.
From this QT we can see that God is concerned and interested about practical things in our lives, not just the 'spiritual' things!
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Anyone Who Believes!
'Anyone Who Believes.'
John 6:47.
a) Truly, truly,
b) I say to you,
c) Whoever Believes
d) Has Eternal Life. (John 3:36)
(This QT reminds me that Eternal Life is a free gift for Anyone Who Believes)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Gift of Eternal Life.
Ephesians 1:11.
a) In God the Father
b) We have obtained an inheritance,
c) Having been Predestined
d) According to the Purpose of Him
e) Who works all things
f) According to the counsel of His Will,
(Through this Second one I thank God that I have been Predestined)
PRAYER: Thank God for our Divine Inheritance - Eternal Life.
Eternal Life is a free gift from God for anyone who Believes. It does not say that Eternal Life is a free gift for everyone who has ever lived on this Earth, the key word is Believes. We need to be Believers in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in order to inherit Eternal Life. The basis and foundation of the Gospel is Love - God's Love. The Gospel is not some kind of "Divine Favor" given by a grudging God, it is intense and sacrificial Love. It is incredibly easy to receive and believe the Message of the Gospel and the response in our hearts to the Gospel is found clearly in the New Testament: when we Believe it, we begin to follow Jesus. If we understand the Gospel then surely we will be grateful, very grateful, to God.
The Promise of God is not only to give us a place in Heaven forever, it is also to give us a transformed life now! When we lived in South East and East Asia there was much emphasis on the New Life in Christ, a very real change took place in the New Believer's heart - transformation of heart and life.
In the Western Church, when teaching about the Gospel, we tend to neglect the word, (and actions of) Life. Within most Gospel believing Churches in East and South East Asia, the Believers knew about and experienced Eternal Life. They lived out this "new life" joyfully and gratefully after they received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. "Faith" is an active word for them!
We, also, need to understand that Faith is an active Word. Faith is more than just "thought", it is belief put into action. We do not "do God, or the Church, a favor" when we receive Jesus Christ. We receive Him, and the transformation that He brings into our lives because we really need Him. More than anything, or anyone, else in this World, we need Jesus Christ personally as Lord of our lives.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
How Do We Know That God Lives In Us?
'How Do We Know That God Lives In Us?
1 John 3:24.
a) Those people who obey God's Commands
b) Remain joined to Him.
c) And He remains joined to them
d) How do we know that God lives in us?
e) We know it because of the Holy Spirit He gave us.
(This QT answers my question: How Do We Know That God Lives In Us?)
PRAYER: For our obedience to God and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
'The Promise Of Eternal Life.'
Titus 1:2.
a) Faith and understanding
b) Rest on the Hope of Eternal Life.
c) Before time began,
d) God Promised to give that Life.
e) And He does not lie.
(Through this Second one I trust in God's Promise Of Eternal Life)
PRAYER: For Faith in the Hope of Eternal Life.
We know that God lives in us because of the Holy Spirit He gave us. Assurance is a very important part of our daily Faith life! John answers a question here that many new Believers ask: "How do we know that God lives in us?" It is a valid and understandable question asked by the new Believer. John, here, links this question with obedience. The people who endeavour to obey God have an assurance that they are in some way joined with Him and that He is joined to them. This is what is called the Believer's Assurance.
This assurance is a part of 'normal spiritual life' for the Christian. When we live with this assurance we can participate freely in that life. The basic participation of life as a Believer is: 1-Reading (or listening to) the Bible. 2-Praying; personally to God. 3-Attending (where possible) Christian Worship Services and normal Church activities. 4-Telling other people about Jesus Christ as the opportunities arise to do so.
Reading the Bible for ourselves is like eating the best 'spiritual meat'! We feed ourselves and grow well. If we do not know how to read the Bible, we can find material in Church, or on the internet, to help us. If we are not sure about how to read or study the Bible from the internet, we can ask our spiritual leader, pastor or mentor. If our sight is impaired, there are good Scripture reading tapes and CDs that are available.
Taking time to Pray is something that is initially best aided by a 'personal prayer list'. Make a note of the people that you are praying for and what you are praying about. That list will grow as you add to it and gradually there will be two sources for our prayer: our prayer list and also spontaneous requests that come to our mind as we are quietly spending time alone with God.
Being a part of a church family where we can be spiritually and emotionally "at home" is very helpful for our growth in the Lord. A healthy Church in the town or city should be: 1-Multi ethnic (where appropriate). 2-Serving all ages. 3-Bible focused. 4-Not 'driven' but caring. 5-A place for and of Prayer and Worship. 6-Consistently welcoming to all. 7-Having some kind of involvement in Mission (local and world-wide).
The Ministry of Jesus Christ on this Earth historically was both balanced and comprehensive. The Church and also the individual Believer should follow this example in these days.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Looking Back From The Safe Place!
'Looking Back From A Safe Place.'
Genesis 19:28.
a) When Abraham looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah
b) And all the land in the plain,
c) He saw smoke rising from the land
d) Like the thick smoke from a furnace.
(Through this QT I understand that Abraham was Looking Back From A Safe Place)
PRAY: Only to be Looking Back From A Safe Place. (Just look back - do not necessarily go back!)
'The God Of Peace Did It.'
Hebrews 13:20.
a) The God of Peace
b) Brought the Great Shepherd of the Sheep,
c) Our Lord Jesus,
d) Back to life
e) Through the Blood of an Eternal Promise.
(This Second one reminds me that The God Of Peace Did It)
PRAY: That we will always be grateful for and remember the Blood of an Eternal Promise - the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Abraham was very careful about looking back. Remember Lot's wife, she looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt! The only reason that we may look back is to learn, definitely it should not be just to reminisce! People who are comforted only by looking back cannot move forward well. They are stuck in what was. Many of us who are getting older lose much of our vision and spiritual alertness if we spend too much time looking back. When we reach our 'safe place' it is the place where we should be preparing to move on into the future and not looking back.
God has a life for all of His Children to live, and He wants us to live it 'to the full' and for His Glory. It really does not matter how young or old we are, we simply need to be getting on with what God wants us to do. Abraham was already an elderly man at the time of this incident, but he was an elderly man with Faith!
When we are moving forward with Faith, whether it be Believing natural family, Church family or individual Believer, we will surely be pleasing to the Lord.
The emotional (and sometimes spiritual) 'pull' of home can sometimes be very strong, but the leading of the Holy Spirit, and not our emotions, should always be the determining factor of home visits for the Servant of the Lord.
If we need to 'learn lessons' from our past experiences, let us learn them, teach them to others when appropriate, and move on with God!
Monday, April 16, 2018
Jesus Clearly Says So!
'Jesus Clearly Says So.'
John 6:46.
a) But no person has seen My Father.
b) The only One Who has seen Him is the One Who comes from God.
c) He has seen My Father.
(This brief QT makes it very clear! Jesus Clearly Says So)
PRAY: For our Church, family and self to be clear from all heresies.
'The Obedient People.'
John 17:6.
a) I have made Your Name known
b) To the people You gave Me.
c) They are from this World
d) They belonged to You
e) And You gave them to Me.
f) They have obeyed You.
(Through this Second one I discover whom Jesus called The Obedient People)
PRAY: That we shall be recognised by the Lord as Obedient People.
Individual, family and Church Prayer are all important forms of Prayer. It is said that the 'family that prays together stays together', I really believe that! Prayer unites us, not only to the Lord, but to one another in the Lord. Prayer is not something that is attractive to most people, it is not easy to be committed to come together and pray.
I enjoy personal Prayer very much, also Prayer 'at home'! That is very good and effective.
One of the Holy Habits of the New Testament Church was gathering together regularly for Prayer. Their prayer requests were quite obvious from the various situations that they were in.
Today, all across the World, nations and people are facing situations where our Prayers can help them very much. God does listen and He hears our Prayers. It is for the "spiritual leaders" of the Church to Pray together and then to call the Church to pray together with them. It is incorrect to call a Church Prayer Meeting if the leadership of the Church do not Pray together! 'Inter-Church Prayer' is not the first priority, Local Church Prayer is the priority.
One thing that True Believers can do is to Pray (at home, in Church or at the Prayer Centre/Mountain). As we Pray, something will happen, God will do something, it does not usually happen instantly, but it happens.
A final point today: Prayer meetings/times are not a place for 'spiritual gifts' that control other people, or give "answers" to our Prayers that stop us Praying. The "answer" to our Prayer does not normally come through a 'spiritual gift', it through a calm assurance that God is answering our prayers (yes or no) and we are to continue to pray, or through an actual manifestation of the answer.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
The Roots Of Real Peace!
1 Peter 1:2.
a) According to the foreknowledge of God the Father
b) In Sanctification of the (Holy) Spirit
c) That you may obey Jesus Christ
d) And be sprinkled with His Blood:
e) Grace to you and Peace be multiplied.
(In this QT I find The Roots Of Real Peace)
PRAYER: That we will understand and have Real Peace.
'From Far Away.'
a) Isaiah 49:12. The people come from far away.
b) Job 39:20. The eagle sees its prey.
c) Proverbs 31:14. Is prepared to go far away to do her shopping.
d) Jeremiah 51:50. Remember the Lord.
e) Job 39:25. The battle can be smelt.
f) Deuteronomy 28:49; Jeremiah 5:15. The Lord may bring a Nation against us from far away.
g) Nehemiah 12:43. The Joy of Jerusalem could be heard.
h) Isaiah 10:3. A storm of devastation can come.
i) Isaiah 30:27. The Name of the Lord comes.
j) Isaiah 60:4. Your sons will come.
k) Ezekiel 23:40. Immoral women call for men to come.
l) Habakkuk 1:8. Horses and horsemen come.
m) Acts 28:15. Brothers and sisters came for fellowship.
n) Ephesians 2:13. We have been brought near by the Blood of Christ.
o) 1 Corinthians 10:14. Keep clear of idolatry.
f) 2 Timothy 3:5. Avoid people who pretend to be Believers.
g) Exodus 33:7. Moses pitched his tent.
(This Second one reveals to me things that may happen From Far Away)
PRAY: For our shopping to glorify God and that we will see the things that we have bought as being from Him.
Grace and Peace from God are what we need to live our lives day by day. Grace and Peace was a lovely "sign off" in the Apostle's letters but it also was very meaningful. He really meant it! We need Grace and Peace from God every day, in a very real way - even today. In this QT we read about a battle that could be smelt. Some of us live in a battle of some kind day-by-day! (I am not going to elaborate on that, you know exactly what I mean) The most effective things that we can do if we are living in a battle is to pray for peace and refuse active participation - walk away from it if we can.
When there is conflict in the home, this can emotionally damage the children. It may be possible that they will grow up in a dysfunctional way. If Jesus Christ is Head of our home then we can pray for, and make, reconciliation.
The picture in this QT represents 'peace'. May God's Peace be with all of us today!
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Going Back To A Special Holy Place!
'Going Back To A Special Holy Place.'
Genesis 19:27.
a) Abraham started out
b) Early the next morning
c) To the place where he
d) (Only the day before)
e) Had stood before the Lord.
(Through this QT I see that sometimes we should be Going Back To A Special Holy Place)
PRAYER: To be sensitive to the Lord's Directions as we walk with Him.
'Another Lovely Promise.'
Isaiah 49:11.
a) I will make their going easy,
b) Level the mountain road
c) And smooth the path that leads them home.
(This Second one reveals Another Lovely Promise from God)
PRAYER: To trust the Lord's Leading in our life.
There may be times in our lives that we need to go back, as Abraham did, to a certain place where we encountered God. It seems, through reading the Scriptures, that many of the significant people of God had "certain places" where they met with God in a special way. There are two major meanings of this: 1-Physical: They return to a geographical location where they encountered God in that special way, or 2-Spiritual: They return to their "first love" to the Lord.
It says that Abraham 'stood before the Lord', there was a time specifically spent between the Lord and himself. (It happened more than once.) This kind of time seemed very important for Abraham and it surely should challenge all of us who are his children, people of Faith.
We need to make a regular time to come before the Lord and commune with Him, without that time it is difficult to live and walk with Him.
Some "group-minded" people like to come together to spend this time with God (sitting together but individually seeking Him in some way). This maybe helpful for new Believers, but in the long term I do not think it is so useful for spiritual growth. Time that we spend alone with God is always the most meaningful!
In the picture above there is just one cup-cake, it looks delicious to cake fans! In our spiritual life there is a place for us to commune with God, it is our place! It is more special than a cup-cake. If we ignore the cup-cake for just a day, it becomes stale! If we ignore our spiritual life and personal relationship with God we become just like the cup-cake, spiritually stale.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Taught By God!
'Taught By God.'
John 6:45.
a) It is written in the Scriptures:
b) "They will all be taught by God."
c) Everyone who listens to the Father
d) And learns from Him,
e) Comes to Me.
(In this QT Jesus teaches what it means to be taught by God)
PRAYER: To be a teachable Believer.
'Our Compassionate Leader.'
Isaiah 49:10.
a) They will not hunger or thirst,
b) Nor scorching wind or sun strike them,
c) For the Lord in His Mercy (the Compassionate One),
d) Will lead them
e) And guide them by cool springs of water.
(This Second one reveals the Lord: Our Compassionate Leader)
PRAYER: That we learn to submit to, and be led by, the Lord, Our Compassionate Leader.
There are many teachings about "Following the Leading of the Lord", or "Hearing God's Voice", but before we can do these things we simply have to come to Him. Jesus said that we need to 'come to Him' in order to begin to know God and be taught by God. There are some people who claim to 'hear God' but show no fruit of knowing Him or being taught by Him.
It is necessary for us, as a part of the Body of Christ, to have the Lord Himself as our Shepherd and His Called and Chosen "under shepherds" who truly care for His Flock. I am always so grateful to God that, on the day when I openly confessed and received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, that I had a minister to pray with me, and friends to help me keep walking in and with the Lord.
Whatever 'level' of Christianity we think that we are at, we all need to maintain a teachable and open mind. Being teachable is a pre-requisite to being led by the Lord.
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The Christian Life!
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