The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Truly God's Holy People!
'Truly God's Holy People.'
1 Corinthians 1:2.
a) The Church of God in Corinth
b) Were called by God to be His Own Holy People.
c) They were made Holy by means of Christ Jesus.
d) He did this for all people everywhere who call on the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
e) Their Lord and ours.
(This QT teaches me that the Corinthians were Truly God's Holy people)
PRAY: Calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
'The Letter To The Thessalonian Church.'
2 Thessalonians 1:1.
a) The Letter was from:
b) They wrote to the Thessalonian Church.
c) The Thessalonians belonged to God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This Second one teaches me who the authors of 2 Thessalonians were)
PRAY: For your local Church.
Silas was an early Church leader. He was sent as a messenger by the early Church. He was also a prophet with a public ministry. He encouraged the Faith of the Believers. As a messenger of God, he was prayed for by the local Church. He traveled together with Apostle Paul. Even though Paul and Silas were sometimes imprisoned, they kept praising the Lord.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Thunder And Lightning!
'Thunder And Lightning.'
a) 2 Samuel 22:14-15. Can be used by God.
b) Mark 3:17. Some people were like thunder.
c) Mark 4:35-41. Jesus calms the storm.
(This QT reminds me that God sometimes sends Thunder And Lightning to speak to His People)
PRAY: That we would hear what God is saying when He sends Thunder And Lightning.
'The Lord Loves His Flock.'
Jeremiah 23:3.
a) The Lord will gather the remnant of His Flock
b) Out of all the Countries where He had driven them,
c) He will bring them again to their folds;
d) And they shall be fruitful and multiply.
(Through this Second one I know that The Lord Loves His Flock)
PRAY: For the flocks of the Lord in your locality.
The Lord will gather the remnant of His Flock. This gathering surely gives Him great pleasure! There can be several meanings to this Scripture: Firstly, scattered Israel. Secondly, when God's people are living and working in a region where it is difficult to openly Worship Him. Thirdly, when a Church has been scattered or broken. Surely the Lord will gather the remnant of His People.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Eliab's Pride!
'Eliab's Pride.'
1 Samuel 17:28.
a) Eliab was angry with David, Eliab did not understand God's Will.
b) Eliab accused David of:
3-Evil heart.
c) Eliab was the next in line for the royal throne.
(This QT reveals to me Eliab's Pride)
PRAY: For our National Leaders to be free from pride and to understand God's Will.
'Seek The Lord.'
1 Chronicles 16:11.
a) Seek the Lord
b) And the Strength He gives!
c) Seek His Presence continually
(This Second one urges me to Seek The Lord, His Presence and His Strength)
PRAY: Seeking The Lord.
Seeking the Lord is not something vague and mystical. Seeking the Lord is an important part of our Christian life. There are specific goals in seeking the Lord. In this Second one we read of
Seeking the Lord, Seeking His Strength and Seeking His Presence. Surely this should be a priority in the prayer life of every True Believer. The picture reminds me of the result of seeking the Lord... His Presence flows into our life.
Colossians 1:7.
a) He was a Teacher of the Good News.
b) He was a beloved co-worker with Apostle Paul's team.
c) He was Christ's Faithful Servant.
d) He served the Colosse Church.
(This QT teaches me about the good man Epaphras)
PRAYER: For more men like Epaphras to be raised up to help the Churches.
a) Exodus 28:1&3; 40:13. Aaron was to minister to the Lord.
b) Exodus 28:41. All priests that minister to the Lord need to be Sanctified.
c) Exodus 29:30. Sons may take on the priesthood mantle of their fathers.
d) Exodus 30:20. Need to be clean.
e) Exodus 30:30; Leviticus 16:32. Need to be anointed and consecrated.
f) Exodus 39:26 & 41. Need to be known when they are present.
g) Deuteronomy 17:12. Had Authority.
h) 1 Samuel 2:11 & 18. Were sometimes young of age.
i) 1 Kings 8:11. Were sometimes overwhelmed by the Presence of God.
j) 1 Chronicles 16:4. Some has a 'Praise and Worship' Ministry.
k) 1 Chronicles 16:37. Had a committed and daily Ministry.
l) 1 Chronicles 23:13. Had the authority to Bless in the Lord's Name.
m) Ezekiel 45:4. Need somewhere to live.
n) Acts 26:16. Are made by the Lord.
o) 2 Corinthians 3:6. Are enabled by God.
p) 2 Corinthians 6:4. May suffer many things.
q) Colossians 1:23. Are made by God.
r) Colossians 4:7. Need fellowship with fellow ministers.
(This Second one teaches me something more about Ministers)
God's Ministers are especially made by the Lord. There can be no self-appointed 'ministers'. Although the person may study hard to become a Minister, the Anointing and 'spiritual equipping' must come from the Lord. The Minister brings the Presence of the Lord with them in a special way because the Minister has a private and personal devotional life as well as a public ministry.
Friday, December 28, 2018
To God Be The Glory!
'To God Be The Glory.'
Philippians 4:20.
a) To our God and Father
b) Be Glory
c) For ever and ever.
d) Amen.
(This QT reminds me of the endless theme: To God Be The Glory)
PRAYER: That we will always give Glory to God when it is appropriate.
'A Prayer For Renewed Fellowship.'
1 Thessalonians 3:11.
a) Now may our God and Father Himself,
b) And our Lord Jesus,
c) Direct our way to you.
(This Second one is simply A Prayer For Renewed Fellowship)
PRAYER: That we can always have appropriate Fellowship.
God never leads us out of fellowship with other True Believers. Even if He moves us from one place to another, in His Will He will always provide fellowship for us. Fellowship was an essential part of the Life of the New Testament Church and it remains so today. Good fellowship is really important for every True Believer.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
The Reubenites!
'The Reubenites.'
Numbers 26:7.
a) These are the clans of the Reubenites;
b) The number of those enrolled
c) Was 43,730.
(This QT reminds me of the Strength of God's People; The Reubenites)
PRAYER: For the Strength of God's People today.
'The Chronicled Journeys Of The Children Of Israel.'
Numbers 33:1-2.
a) These are the Journeys of The Children of Israel,
b) Who went forth out of the Land of Egypt
c) With their armies
d) Under the Hand of Moses and Aaron.
e) And Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys
f) By the Commandment of the Lord,
g) And these are their journeys according to their goings out.
(Through this Second one I find the introduction to The Chronicled Journeys Of The Children Of Israel)
All the instructions during the earliest days of the Children of Israel were given to them by the Lord through Moses and Aaron. This gives us a pattern for Church and Mission today. The Lord will surely call Godly Leaders whom He Loves and Trusts to lead His People. God does not easily give the Gift of Leadership to people and then Trust them with it.
Hope In The Lord!
'Hope In The Lord.'
Psalm 130:7.
a) Let Israel hope in the Lord:
b) For with the Lord there is Mercy,
c) And with Him
d) There is plenteous Redemption.
(This QT encourages me to Hope In The Lord)
PRAYER: Hoping in the Lord.
'There Is No Need To Strive.'
Matthew 6:32.
a) Only those people who do not know God
b) Are always worrying about such things.
c) Your Father in Heaven
d) Knows you need all of these.
(Through this Second one I know that There Is No Need To Strive)
PRAYER: To be free from striving.
Only the people who do not know God strive about their prosperity and their needs. If we know God, we learn to Trust Him, even though our environment may be somewhat difficult. The old Chorus goes: 'Trust And Obey, For There Is No Other Way....!
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
All Needs Supplied!
'All Needs Supplied.'
Philippians 4:19.
a) My God
b) Will supply
c) All your needs
d) According to His Riches in Glory
e) In Christ Jesus.
(This QT tells me: All Needs Supplied)
PRAY: With Thanksgiving to God about our needs.
'Calling Upon And Crying To The Lord.'
2 Samuel 22:7.
a) In my distress
b) I called upon the Lord,
c) And cried to my God:
d) And He did hear my voice
e) Out of His Temple,
f) And my cry did enter into His Ears.
(This Second one reminds me about Calling Upon And Crying To The Lord)
PRAY: Calling upon and crying to the Lord when we are in distress.
There are some times when we need to cry to our God in our Prayer. This is definitely not the 'norm', but there are such times. When we face such times, we should not refrain, rather we should deeply enter into that needed Prayer, I am sure that God answers such prayers.
Monday, December 24, 2018
a) Numbers 26:6. Was the Head of a clan.
b) 1 Chronicles 4:1. Was a descendant of Judah.
c) 1 Chronicles 2:7. Was the father of a thief.
(By this QT I understand more of individual's responsibility before God.)
PRAY: For our Churches to be filled with honest people.
'The Unique Place Of The Holy Spirit.'
Isaiah 40:13.
a) Who has directed
b) The Spirit of the Lord?
c) Or instructed Him as His Counselor?
(This Second one teaches me The Unique Place Of The Holy Spirit.)
PRAYER: To be increasingly sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Both the Word and the Spirit were in the Beginning with God the Father. We need to remember this when we come to God. We are coming to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All the different persons of the 'God-head' were involved in Creation and all still function together until this day. There is no way that Believers, or non-Believers should be telling God what to do. We should be doing what God wants us to do.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Being Hungry!
'Being Hungry.'
a) Philippians 4:12. Is something that most of the readers of this need to learn, it is not natural for us.
b) Job 24:10. Greedy people take away the sheaves from the hungry people.
c) Psalm 107:5. May cause our soul to faint.
d) Psalm 107:9. God fills the hungry soul with goodness.
e) Proverbs 16:26. The hungry person is driven to work by their hunger.
f) Proverbs 25:21; Romans 12:20. Serve your hungry enemy with food.
g) Isaiah 44:12. When we are hungry, our strength fails.
h) Isaiah 65:13. Hunger is sometimes a punishment from God.
i) Jeremiah 42:14. There was no hunger in Egypt.
j) Matthew 4:2; 21:18; Mark 11:12. The Lord Jesus Himself experienced hunger.
k) Matthew 12:1-3. The Disciples of Jesus were sometimes hungry.
l) Matthew 15:32; Mark 8:3. Jesus did not want to send the crowds away hungry.
m) 1 Corinthians 11:34. Should prevent us from taking Holy Communion publicly.
(Through this QT I understand that there is no sin in Being Hungry)
PRAYER: For the hungry people in our Church and Community, and, if possible, help to feed them.
'God Anointed Jesus Of Nazareth.'
Acts 10:38.
a) God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
b) With the Holy Spirit and with Power,
c) Who went about doing good
d) And healing all who were oppressed by the Devil,
e) For God was with Him.
(Through this Second one I can see how God Anointed Jesus of Nazareth)
PRAYER: For the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on our lives as we serve God.
If we are to do the Will of God day-by-day we will need the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on our lives. It is futile to attempt to serve God without the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. God has a Plan for us, a Ministry for us and this can only really be properly fulfilled when we are Anointed by the Holy Spirit.
Friday, December 21, 2018
More Than Enough!
'More Than Enough.'
Philippians 4:18.
a) I have received full payment
b) And have more than enough.
c) I am amply supplied
d) Now that I have received from Epaphroditus
e) The gifts you sent.
f) They are a fragrant offering,
g) An acceptable sacrifice,
h) Pleasing to God.
(This QT teaches me that Apostle Paul sometimes had More Than Enough)
PRAY: Thanking God for His Provision.
'Gracious God.'
Philippians 4:19.
a) And my God
b) Shall supply every need of yours
c) According to His Riches in Glory
d) In Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I give thanks to Gracious God)
PRAY: Giving Thanks to Gracious God.
God wants to be personal with us, so that we can refer to Him as 'my God'. Apostle Paul knew Him in this way, it is obvious from his Teaching that he wants all of us to have the same personal experience of God too. When we can claim that God is 'our God', that really encourages our Faith.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
A Very Clear Command!
'A Very Clear Command.'
Exodus 6:13.
a) Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron,
b) And gave them a Command for the Children of Israel
c) And for Pharaoh, King of Egypt,
d) To bring the Children of Israel
e) Out of the Land of Egypt.
(This QT is A Very Clear Command)
PRAY: To for Grace to obey God's Very Clear Commands.
'Prophecies That Initiate.'
1 Timothy 1:18.
a) This charge I commit to you,
b) Son Timothy,
c) According to the Prophecies previously made concerning you,
d) That by them
e) You may wage the good warfare,
(Through this Second one I find Prophecies That Initiate)
PRAY: That God will give His People Prophecies That Initiate.
Timothy was not Apostle Paul's natural son, he was a 'spiritual son'. Some of the people who read this QT may have 'spiritual sons and daughters', these people should never forget their responsibilities to their 'spiritual sons and daughters'. This is not just some title of convenience, but it has real meaning of responsibility.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Pure Partnership!
'Pure Partnership.'
Philippians 1:5.
a) Because of your partnership
b) In the Gospel
c) From the first day
d) Until now.
(This QT reveals to me what is Pure Partnership)
PRAY: For our Pure Partnerships.
'Biblical New Testament Devotion.'
Acts 2:42.
a) They were continually devoting themselves
b) To:
1-The Apostles' Teaching.
3-Breaking of Bread.
(This Second one teaches me what is Biblical New Testament Devotion)
PRAY: For Biblical New Testament Devotion to be restored to the Churches.
The Apostles' Teaching is still something that needs to be taught to the Churches today. We need to go back into the Bible, to the Book of Acts of the Apostles, and to rediscover what the Apostles taught and then teach it with relevance for today.
I Want You To Receive A Reward!
'I Want You To Receive A Reward.'
Philippians 4:17.
a) I do not say this
b) Because I want a gift from you.
c) Rather,
d) I want you to receive a reward
e) For your kindness.
(This QT reveals the pure heart of Apostle Paul again, I Want You To Receive A Reward)
PRAY: For God's Blessing upon others, especially other True Believers.
'God Does Know About It.'
Acts 10:4.
a) Cornelius stared at the Angel in fear
b) And asked: "What is it Lord?"
c) The Angel answered:
d) "Your prayers and gifts to the poor
e) "Have been received by God
f) "As a Memorial Offering."
(This Second one teaches me that God Does Know About It)
PRAY: To be led by the Lord in our Prayers and Giving.
How wonderful! An Angel spoke to Cornelius! This is a very encouraging Scripture. It makes me realize and reminds me that God still speaks to His People today. This Message was specifically regarding Cornelius' giving. Whenever we give with a pure motive, this is surely pleasing to God. How wonderful to know that God always sees and knows.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Moses' Fear And Doubt!
'Moses' Fear And Doubt!'
Exodus 6:12.
a) Moses said to the Lord:
b) "Behold, the people of Israel have not listened to me.
c) "How, then, shall Pharaoh listen to me,
d) Exodus 6:30. "For I am of uncircumcised lips?"
(This QT reveals Moses' Fear And Doubt)
PRAY: For the Lord to deliver us from Fear and Doubt.
'The Wrong Sound.'
Exodus 32:18.
a) But Moses said:
b) "It is not the sound of shouting for Victory,
c) "Or the sound of the cry of defeat,
d) "But the sound of singing I hear."
(Through this Second one I understand that Moses heard The Wrong Sound)
PRAY: That the Church will not be making The Wrong Sound.
Moses could clearly hear The Wrong Sound! The People of God had gone astray. They were involved in selfish entertainment rather than in coming to God. Sound really has a part in the Life of the Church, but it needs to be the appropriate sound at the right time! There needed to be a "victory sound" for the People of God but instead of that, they were having a secular style party. Let us learn the lesson from the people of God in Moses' time and not allow our Churches to be making inappropriate sounds, especially during the Christmas and New Year Season.
Saturday, December 15, 2018
A Minister's Challenge!
'A Minister's Challenge.'
2 Timothy 2:3.
a) Share in suffering
b) As a good soldier
c) Of Christ Jesus.
(This QT helps me to understand A Minister's Challenge)
PRAY: For your Ministers.
'A Further Challenge.'
2 Timothy 4:5
a) You be watchful in all things.
b) Endure afflictions.
c) Do the work of an evangelist.
d) Fulfill your Ministry.
(This Second one reveals A Further Challenge for Timothy)
PRAY: For your Ministers.
The Minister has to be watchful both inside and outside of the Church environment. Being watchful inside for those in need and also having to handle people who have 'issues' that make them difficult members. The Minister also needs to be watchful in Prayer for the needs of Church Members. The Minister needs to lead the Church well.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Consistent And Persistent Giving!
'Consistent And Persistent Giving.'
Philippians 4:16.
a) Even when Apostle Paul was far away in another place,
b) There in the Thessalonian Church
c) The Philippians continued to help him, giving to him.
d) They did this more than once.
(This QT teaches me about Consistent And Persistent Giving of the Church)
PRAY: That our Churches will participate in Consistent And Persistent Giving.
a) Matthew 6:8. Are known about by our Heavenly Father.
b) Luke 5:31. Sick people need a Doctor.
c) Luke 19:34. The Lord Jesus needed a donkey.
d) Acts 2:45. Needs were met in the early Church.
e) Acts 4:35. The Church Leaders were responsible for allocating gifts to the poor and needy.
f) Acts 20:34. Apostle Paul sometimes met his own needs through his work.
g) Acts 28:10. If possible, all needs should be met for a mission trip before it begins.
h) Romans 12:13; Philippians 4:16. Be ready to help God's people in need.
i) Ephesians 4:28. Hard workers may be able to give generously to those people in need.
j) Titus 3:14. Meeting needs is something that we need to learn to do.
(This Second one reveals to me about meeting people's needs and how to do it if it is possible)
PRAY: That just and real Needs of God's People be met as and where necessary.
Hard workers may be able to give generously! We need to realize that God sometimes puts us in situations, as True Believers, where we have to work hard, even sometimes for long hours. In the modern World most people, not in Third World Nations, who work hard, receive appropriate reward for their work. This can be one of the ways that God gives Blessing, some of which can be passed on appropriately to those people who may need it.
Go And Do It!
'Go And Do It.'
Exodus 6:11.
a) Go
b) And tell Pharaoh King of Egypt
c) To let the Israelites
d) Go out of his land.
(This QT reminds me that God can give simple instructions to His Leaders: Go And Do It)
PRAY: For our Spiritual Leaders to obey God.
'They Wondered And They Glorified God.'
Matthew 15:31.
a) The crowd wondered,
b) When they saw the mute speaking,
c) The crippled healthy,
d) The lame walking,
e) And the blind seeing.
f) And they Glorified the God of Israel.
(Through this Second one I pray for the people of God that again they will Wonder And Glorify Him)
PRAY: For genuine miracles from God to again be manifested both inside and outside the Churches.
When blind people can see again that is a very special miracle for them. It is like giving them their life back again. We should be praying for all the medical-related workers in our Churches, they do a tremendous work, prayer for them is important. We can also pray for God to manifest Himself in Gifts of Healing to the Church.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Live Right!
'Live Right.'
Proverbs 12:3.
a) Sin cannot offer security!
b) But if you live right,
c) You will be as secure
d) As a tree with deep roots.
(This QT encourages me to Live Right)
PRAY: For Wisdom and Strength to Live Right.
'God Placed The Man.'
a) Genesis 2:8&15. In the Garden.
b) 1 Kings 10:9; 2 Chronicles 9:8. The king on the throne.
c) Romans 13:1. The Governing Authorities in power.
d) 1 Corinthians 7:17. Us in our living situation.
(This Second One tells me that God Placed The Man)
PRAY: For Faith to accept God's Placement.
We need to understand more about God placing people where they are. This also applies to us personally. God still places people, He places us where we can best bring Glory to His Name. When we sense that God is leading us, or, if we are a family, leading our family, it is best for us to follow that leading.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Very Faithful Philippians!
'Very Faithful Philippians.'
Philippians 4:15.
a) Moreover, as you Philippians know,
b) In the early days of your acquaintance with the Gospel,
c) When I set out from Macedonia,
d) Not one Church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving,
e) Except you only.
(This QT reveals to me the Very Faithful Philippians)
PRAY: For our Churches to be very Faithful.
'Grateful To The Givers.'
Philippians 4:18.
a) I have received full payment and have more than enough.
b) I am amply supplied. Now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent.
c) They are:
1-A fragrant offering,
2-An acceptable sacrifice,
3-Pleasing to God.
(Through this Second one I am reminded to be Grateful To The Givers)
PRAYER: For God to Bless those people who give to the Churches and to the Servants of the Lord.
We should always remember that Christian Giving is different to secular giving. Christian Giving is i) A fragrant offering; ii) An acceptable sacrifice; iii) Pleasing to God. This means that if and when we participate in Christian Giving, God is also involved. It is sometimes referred to as an Act of Worship.
The Lord Told...!
'The Lord Told...!'
a) Exodus 9:22; 10:12; 14:26. Moses.
b) Numbers 22:28. The donkey.
c) Joshua 3:7; 5:9; 8:1. Joshua.
d) Joshua 13:14. The Levites.
e) Judges 6:23; 7:5. Gideon.
f) 1 Samuel 10:18; 15:10, 16 & 18. Samuel.
g) 2 Samuel 7:27. David.
h) 1 Kings 17:8. Elijah.
i) 2 Kings 8:10. Elisha.
j) 2 Kings 17:13, 15 & 35. Israel and Judah.
k) Jeremiah 13:5. What to do.
l) Jeremiah 36:5. Jeremiah not to go to the Lord's Temple.
m) Jeremiah 42:19. His people not to go to Egypt.
(This QT teaches me about what and to whom The Lord Told)
PRAYER: To be sensitive to the Lord in every way.
'Be Sincere Towards Our Brother.'
1 Thessalonians 4:5-6.
a) True Believers should be pure and not be deceivers or defrauders.
b) We should not exploit our brother.
c) The Lord is an Avenger in such matters.
d) This Message had already been solemnly taught by Apostle Paul and his team.
(This Second one reminds me to Be Sincere Toward My Brother)
PRAYER: That we would always Be Sincere Towards Our Brother.
If we are True Believers then we have God given standards in our hearts. God gives us a 'new heart' when we become "born again"! We have a New Life in Jesus Christ. In this condition, with a 'new heart' and a renewed thinking mind, we can live a life that is going to Glorify the Lord.
Monday, December 10, 2018
The Lord Our Protector!
'The Lord Our Protector.'
a) Psalm 116:6. The Lord protects simple folk.
b) Psalm 145:20. The Lord protects those people who love Him.
c) Psalm 146:9. The Lord protects immigrants.
(Through this QT I thank The Lord My Protector)
PRAY: Thanking God that He is our Protector.
'Armour For The Day.'
1 Thessalonians 5:8.
a) Faithfulness.
b) Love.
c) Hope of Salvation.
(Because of this Second one I want to put on my Armour For The Day)
PRAY: Thanking God for the Armour that He has given to us.
Faithfulness goes from our lives in three directions. God gives us Faithfulness as a Fruit of the Holy Spirit and the first direction that it goes is surely towards Him. We are Faithful to Him. Secondly, we are surely to be Faithful family members if it is possible. Thirdly, within God's Church, we can and should be Faithful Worshipers, bringing Glory to God each time that we congregate.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Genuine Partners In Faith!
'Genuine Partners in Faith.'
Philippians 4:14.
a) Still,
b) You did well
c) By partnering with me
d) In my hardship.
(This QT reveals Genuine Partners In Faith)
PRAY: For more Genuine Partners In Faith To Be Evident in God's Church.
'Time For The Lord To Act.'
Psalm 119:126.
a) It is time
b) For the Lord to act,
c) For they have
d) Violated Your Instruction.
(This Second one reveals that it is Time For The Lord To Act)
PRAY: For the Lord to act when and where He needs to act.
When the Lord acts, His acts are not mystical or secretive, they are very clear. They are manifest for all to see. Primarily, the Lord acts for His Glory, that He will be Glorified in whatever He does. Secondly, God acts on behalf of His People, so that He Will be Glorified in and through them. Thirdly, He may act on behalf of those people who do not know Him, bringing them to Himself.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
When It Is Hard To Listen!
'When It Is Hard To Listen.'
Exodus 6:9.
a) Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel,
b) But they did not listen to Moses,
c) Because of their broken spirit
d) And harsh slavery.
(This QT reveals When It Is Hard To Listen)
PRAY: For those people whom you may know that are suffering harsh treatment.
'A Prayer Of The Lord's Servant.'
Psalm 119:125.
a) I am your servant;
b) Give me understanding,
c) That I may know Your Testimonies.
(Through this Second one I say: "Amen" to A Prayer Of The Lord's Servant)
PRAYER: For Understanding of the Word of the Lord.
Every True Believer has the desire to continually know and apply to themselves the Word of the Lord. This is a part of "normal" Christianity. If there is a person who professes to be a Christian, but has no desire for God's Word, there is something seriously wrong with their understanding of Christianity.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...