The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Ready For Their Baptism!
'Ready For Their Baptism.'
Luke 3:12-13.
a) The tax collectors came to John the Baptist.
b) They wanted to be Baptised.
c) They asked John what they should do.
d) John told them not to overtax the people. (It means that they were taking some of the money for themselves.)
(This QT teaches me that adults need to be Ready For Their Baptism)
PRAYER: For 'New Believers' in your Church to be Ready For Their Baptism.
'Our Spiritual Nature.'
Galatians 5:25.
a) If we get our new lives from the Holy Spirit.
b) Then our lives
c) Need to conform
d) To our spiritual nature.
e) We need to follow the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I realise the importance of My Spiritual Nature)
PRAYER: To be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
The love of money, or the desire for more money when we have sufficient, has been, and is, the downfall of many good Believers, even some 'Servants of the Lord'. The sin of 'greed' has caused this downfall. This is something that can leave lasting damage in the Church and can even cause 'weak' Believers to fall.
The Christian Life!
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