The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Remember Who Spoke!
'Remember Who Spoke.'
Exodus 20:1.
a) It was God
b) Who spoke
c) All these Words.
(This QT calls me to Remember Who Spoke)
PRAYER: To esteem the Words of God.
'The Word And Worship.'
Exodus 24:4.
a) Moses wrote down all the Words of the Lord.
b) Moses got up early the next morning.
c) Moses built an altar at the foot of the mountain.
d) Moses set up twelve stone pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
(This Second one teaches me that from the earliest Biblical times the Word of God and Worship of God accompanied each other)
PRAYER: For the Churches to be restored in The Word And Worship.
There is a tendency in the Body of Christ in these days to belittle, or even to treat with contempt, the Words of God. I know this is true because I have personally come across some people who do this. When I am faced with it, I really feel grieved. Christian people need to esteem the Words of God.
Jesus Does Not Accuse Us!
'Jesus Does Not Accuse Us.'
John 5:45.
a) Do not suppose that I (Jesus) will be the One to accuse you before the Father.
b) Your accuser is Moses
c) On whom you have set your hope.
(Through this QT I know that Jesus Does Not Accuse Us)
PRAYER: Thank God that Jesus Does Not Accuse Us.
'Keep Standing Strong.'
2 Corinthians 1:24.
a) We are not trying to control your faith.
b) You are strong in faith.
c) Because you have been standing strong in the Faith.
(Through this Second one I am exhorted to Keep Standing Strong)
PRAYER: For Grace to help us to Keep Standing Strong in the Faith.
This World system is quite exposed to accusation. Wherever I go, I can hear people accusing other people. Accusing other people really never resolves any situation. Accusation actually can break human relationships, it has negative power. One of the names of Satan is "the accuser of the brethren".
Friday, December 29, 2017
A Wonderful Promise!
'A Wonderful Promise.'
Genesis 18:18.
a) Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty Nation.
b) And all the Nations of the Earth
c) Shall be Blessed in Him.
(Through this QT I see A Wonderful Promise)
PRAYER: To Believe the Promises that God gives to us.
'A Stubborn Will.'
John 5:40.
a) They were not willing to come to Jesus Christ.
b) They were not willing to submit to Jesus Christ.
c) They refused to submit to Jesus Christ.
d) So they missed out on having real Life.
(This Second one reveals the condition of A Stubborn Will)
PRAYER: To be delivered from A Stubborn Will.
God gives us Promises because He means them. His Word is True. When God gives us a Promise, it is His Will and Plan for us to Believe and Receive that Promise. This does not mean that we try, in our own way, to "grab" a Scripture and try and make it apply to our life and situation! When God gives us a Promise, in some way He takes the initiative.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
The Only Way To Really Understand!
'The Only Way To Really Understand!'
Luke 24:45.
a) Then Jesus opened their minds
b) To understand
c) The Scriptures.
(Through this QT I desire To Really Understand)
PRAYER: To Really Understand the Scriptures.
'The Scriptures Testify Of Jesus Christ.'
John 5:39.
a) You study the Scripture in detail
b) Because you think
c) You have the source of Eternal Life in them.
d) The Scriptures testify on behalf of The Lord Jesus Christ.
(This Second one reminds me that The Scriptures Testify Of Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: To know more of Jesus Christ through the Scriptures.
Devotion is a key word when it comes to our understanding of the Scriptures. If we have no devotion to the Lord, we will never clearly understand the Scriptures well. The central figure in the Christian Faith is Jesus Christ Himself, and we need to put our focus on Him. It is through the Scriptures that we can learn about Him and learn more about Him.
Incorrect Glory!
'Incorrect Glory.'
John 5:44.
a) How can you Believe,
b) When you receive glory from one another?
c) And you do not seek the Glory that comes from the only God.
(This QT gives me an understanding about Incorrect Glory)
PRAY: That we will give all the Glory to God and not receive it for ourselves.
'The Indwelling Holy Spirit.'
Ephesians 1:14.
a) The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our Eternal inheritance as True Believers,
b) Until we acquire possession of that inheritance.
c) To the Praise of God's Glory.
(Through this Second one I thank God for The Indwelling Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To be filled with The Indwelling Holy Spirit.
We always need to be aware of the danger of only receiving Glory for ourselves. When we continue giving 'glory' to one another only, and give no Glory to God, or forget to give Glory to God, we are living on a 'dangerous slippery slope' spiritually. As True Believers, we need to be in the habit of giving all the Glory to God all the time.
Monday, December 25, 2017
God Trusted Abraham!
'God Trusted Abraham.'
Genesis 18:17.
a) The Lord said:
b) "Shall I tell Abraham
c) "What I am going to do now?"
(This QT teaches me that The Lord Trusted Abraham)
PRAYER: That the Lord will find us trustworthy.
'Giving Us A Clear Understanding.'
Ephesians 1:13.
a) When you heard The Message of Truth,
b) The Gospel of your Salvation,
c) And when you believed in Christ,
d) You were also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one it is Giving Me A Clear Understanding of Salvation)
PRAYER: That we will continue to receive A Clear Understanding of God's Word.
A relevant Prayer for us to Pray is that the Lord will find us trustworthy. However young or old we are, whether we are male or female and whether or not we have any practical participation in the Church, or in the Lord's Service, we need to be trustworthy. A person who is not trustworthy and yet actively serving in the Church, is a disgrace to the Lord's Testimony.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
a) Galatians 5:22. Is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
b) 1 Samuel 2:1. Hannah's heart found Joy in the Lord.
c) 2 Samuel 6:15; 1 Chronicles 15:28. The whole of Israel had Joy as they brought back the Ark of God from captivity.
d) 1 Chronicles 16:27. Where the Lord is, there is Joy.
e) 1 Chronicles 16:33. The trees of the forest will sing for Joy in the Presence of the Lord!
f) Nehemiah 8:10. The Joy you have from the Lord is your strength.
g) Esther 9:22. Their grief was turned to Joy.
h) Psalm 9:2. I will find Joy and be glad about You. I will make music to Praise Your Name O Most High.
i) Psalm 16:11. ... complete Joy is in Your Presence.
j) Psalm 20:5. We will Joyfully sing about Your Victory...
k) Psalm 27:6. ...I will offer Sacrifices with Joy in the Lord's tent...
l) Psalm 32:11; Psalm 33:1. Be glad and find Joy in the Lord you righteous people...
m) Psalm 33:21. In the Lord our hearts find Joy.
n) Psalm 35:9. My soul shall find Joy in the Lord.
o) Psalm 43:4. ...God, my highest Joy...
p) Psalm 84:2. ...My whole body shouts for Joy to the Living God.
q) Psalm 86:4. Give me Joy, Oh Lord, because I lift my soul to you.
r) Psalm 149:2. Let Israel find Joy in their Creator.
s) Psalm 149:5. Let Godly people triumph in Glory. Let them sing for Joy on their beds.
t) Proverbs 17:22. A Joyful heart is a good medicine.
u) Ecclesiastes 5:20 ... God keeps them occupied with Joy in their hearts.
v) Isaiah 12:3. With Joy you shall draw waters from the Wells of Salvation.
w) Isaiah 12:6. Shout loudly and sing with Joy...
x) Isaiah 13:3. God's mighty men find Joy in His Triumphs.
y) Isaiah 14:7. The whole Earth breaks out into shouts of Joy.
z) Isaiah 35:2. ...It will Rejoice and sing with Joy...
(This QT causes me to Thank God for Joy)
PRAY: For the Joy of the Lord to be your strength.
'More Joy.'
a) Isaiah 35:6. ...those people who cannot speak will shout for Joy. ...
b) Isaiah 35:10. The people ransomed by the Lord will come to Zion singing with Joy.
c) Isaiah 41:16; 61:10. will find Joy in the Lord...
d) Isaiah 49:13. Sing with Joy, you heavens...Break into shouts of Joy you mountains...
e) Isaiah 51:3. ...Joy and Gladness will be found in Zion...
f) Isaiah 51:11. They will come to Zion singing with Joy...
g) Isaiah 54:1. Sing and shout with Joy you childless women because you are going to give birth.
h) Isaiah 58:14. You will go out with Joy.
i) Isaiah 60:5. Your heart will be thrilled with Joy.
j) Isaiah 61:7. You will have everlasting Joy.
k) Jeremiah 15:16. The Lord God's Words are my Joy.
l) Jeremiah 31:7. Sing Joyfully for the Leader of the Nations.
m) Jeremiah 31:12. They will come and shout for Joy on the top of Mount Zion.
n) Jeremiah 31:13. I will turn their mourning into Joy. I will Comfort them. I will give them Joy in place of their sorrow.
o) Matthew 2:10. They were overwhelmed with Joy to see the star.
p) Matthew 28:8. They hurried away from the tomb with fear and great Joy.
q) Luke 1:44. As soon as I heard your greeting, I felt the baby jump for Joy.
r) Luke 1:47. My spirit finds its Joy in God my Saviour.
s) Luke 2:10. The angel said to them: "Do not be afraid! I have Good News for you, a Message that will fill everyone with Joy."
t) Luke 24:41. The Disciples were overcome with Joy.
u) John 15:11. Your Joy will be complete.
v) Acts 2:28. In the Lord's Presence there is complete Joy.
w) Acts 13:52. The Disciples at Antioch continued to be filled with Joy and the Holy Spirit.
x) Romans 15:13. May God, the Source of Hope, fill you with Joy and Peace...
y) 2 Corinthians 8:2. Joy made them generous.
z) Galatians 5:22. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is Joy.
(Through this Second one I know that there is more Joy from the Lord)
PRAY: For our personal Praise to God, family Praise to God and Church Praise to God to be an acceptable Sacrifice to Him.
When we read of, or hear about, Mount Zion in a Biblical concept, it is very natural and normal for our hearts to turn to Praising God. It should also stimulate our Prayers. Pray for Peace in the Middle East, especially between Arabs and Jews.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Jesus Christ Rejected!
'Jesus Christ Rejected.'
John 5:43.
a) I have come to you in My Father's Name,
b) And you have rejected Me.
c) Yet, if other come in their own name,
d) You gladly welcome them.
(Through this QT I find Jesus Christ Rejected)
PRAY: To gladly welcome Jesus Christ and His Words into our lives daily.
'Father, Son And Holy Spirit.'
John 16:15.
a) All things that the Father has also belong to Christ.
b) Because of this,
c) I said that He (the Holy Spirit)
d) Will take what is Mine,
e) And reveal it to you.
(This Scripture clearly reveals some different functions of the Triune God)
PRAY: To understand the things that God may want to reveal to us; whether as a Church, a family, or individually.
It is clear from the Scriptures that Jesus Christ had many different, and some difficult, experiences during the time that He physically lived in this World. Probably, one of the most emotionally painful experiences was the experience of rejection. He took our pains that we may be healed.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Abraham: Polite And Kind!
'Abraham: Polite And Kind.'
Genesis 18:16.
a) Then the men got up to leave.
b) As Abraham was walking with them
c) To see them off,
d) They looked toward Sodom.
(This QT reveals to me Abraham: Polite And Kind)
PRAY: For your Church to be a Polite And Kind place.
'Joyful News.'
Luke 2:10.
a) The Angel said to them,
b) "Do not be afraid!
c) "I have Good News for you
d) "Of great Joy
e) "Which will be for all the people."
(Through this Second one I rejoice at the Joyful News)
PRAY: For the Joyful News to be proclaimed clearly this Christmas and New Year Season.
We often think of, and hear teaching about Abraham - the man of Faith. Here, we have another aspect of Abraham's life: he was also polite and kind. There was a balance of Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit in his life. It is good for us, in our churches and our neighbourhood to be polite and kind.
Colossians 2:15.
a) God disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us;
b) God made a bold display of them,
c) God made a public example of them
d) In triumphing over them,
e) Through the Cross.
(Through this QT I know that the principalities and powers are Disarmed)
PRAY: To enter into the Victory that comes from the Cross.
'Life Giving Holy Spirit.'
Romans 8:11.
a) If the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead
b) Dwells in you,
c) He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead
d) Will also give Life to your mortal bodies
e) Through His Spirit Who dwells in you.
(This Second one causes me to give Thanks to God for the Life Giving Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To be filled with Life Giving Holy Spirit.
The Cross is a vital part of the Christian Faith! We need to believe all that Jesus Christ has done for us at the Cross. To lightly esteem the Message of the Cross is lightly esteeming the Gospel in its entirety. The Cross should be the central part of all Gospel Preaching and Teaching.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Jesus Simply Knew!
'Jesus Simply Knew.'
John 5:42.
a) Because I know
b) You don't have God's Love
c) Within you.
(Through this Second one I know that Jesus Simply Knew)
PRAY: To be filled with God's Love.
'Please Do Not Prayer.'
Psalm 51:11.
a) Do not cast me away
b) From Your Presence.
c) Do not take Your Holy Spirit
d) From me.
(This Second is a very sincere 'Please Do Not' Prayer)
PRAY: To keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit.
We need to pray to be filled with God's Love. This needfully means also being filled with Holy Spirit because it is the Holy Spirit Who pours God's Love into our hearts. When God's Love fills our lives we will have peace and confidence. When God's Love fills our family, then family life is a joy. When God's Love fills our Church, it becomes an attractive and welcoming place.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
She Was Afraid, So She Lied!
'She Was Afraid, So She Lied!
Genesis 18:15.
a) Sarah denied it, saying: "I did not laugh".
b) But the Lord said: "No,
c) "You did laugh."
(This QT reveals that She Was Afraid, So She Lied)
PRAYER: That God will help us not to tell lies when we are afraid.
'The Best Alternative.'
Ephesians 5:18.
a) Do not get drunk with wine,
b) For that is debauchery,
c) But be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I find The Best Alternative)
PRAYER: That we will always choose The Best Alternative.
We need to be on guard especially when we are afraid. That is the time when many 'good' people are tempted to tell lies. We sometimes think that a lie can hide something from other people, but, more importantly, a lie cannot hide something from God, because He knows all things.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Clearly From God!
'Clearly From God.'
Exodus 20:1.
a) And God
b) Gave the people
c) All these instructions.
(This QT teaches me that these Words are Clearly From God)
PRAYER: That we will receive what God clearly says to us.
'It Was Written.'
Luke 24:46.
a) That Christ the Messiah would suffer.
b) That Christ the Messiah would die.
c) That Christ the Messiah would rise from the dead on the third day.
(Through this Second one I am sure that It Was Written)
PRAYER: That we also will Believe that It Was Written.
We need to always be able to Pray with Faith. Prayer that is not accompanied by Faith is meaningless prayer, it is just a religious act! If we continually pray this kind of prayer we will eventually give up praying. Prayer is supposed the be the "breath" of the True Believer. If we have a real Faith, then we will surely Pray.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
A Clear Distinction!
'A Clear Distinction.'
John 5:41.
a) Jesus said: "I do not accept Glory
b) "From
c) "Human Beings."
d) {I do not accept Honour from People}
(This QT teaches me A Clear Distinction)
PRAYER: To understand A Clear Distinction.
'The Source Of The Ten Commandments.'
Exodus 20:1.
a) God spoke
b) All these Words.
c) All these Instructions.
(Through this Second one I understand The Source Of The Ten commandments)
PRAYER: Thank God that He is The Source Of The Ten Commandments.
We can learn very much from the Words and Examples of the Lord Jesus. He said that He did not accept Glory from Human Beings. We do sometimes face temptations to receive Glory and we should reject those temptations.
We Should Believe!
'We Should Believe.'
John 5:39.
a) You search the Scriptures
b) Because you think that they give you Eternal Life.
c) They are the very Words that testify about the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Believe)
PRAY: That many more people will Believe.
'Learn This From The Lord Jesus!'
John 5:41.
a) Jesus
b) Does not accept Honour,
c) Does not accept Glory,
d) From people.
(This Second one teaches me to Learn This From The Lord Jesus)
PRAY: That we will learn this from The Lord Jesus.
The main goal of every local Church should be that the Members and Visitors in the Services, should have a clear understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Message preached and read needs to be precise and welcoming for the non Believer to be able to respond to. The Gospel is the Power of God to bring Salvation.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Ready For Their Baptism!
'Ready For Their Baptism.'
Luke 3:12-13.
a) The tax collectors came to John the Baptist.
b) They wanted to be Baptised.
c) They asked John what they should do.
d) John told them not to overtax the people. (It means that they were taking some of the money for themselves.)
(This QT teaches me that adults need to be Ready For Their Baptism)
PRAYER: For 'New Believers' in your Church to be Ready For Their Baptism.
'Our Spiritual Nature.'
Galatians 5:25.
a) If we get our new lives from the Holy Spirit.
b) Then our lives
c) Need to conform
d) To our spiritual nature.
e) We need to follow the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I realise the importance of My Spiritual Nature)
PRAYER: To be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
The love of money, or the desire for more money when we have sufficient, has been, and is, the downfall of many good Believers, even some 'Servants of the Lord'. The sin of 'greed' has caused this downfall. This is something that can leave lasting damage in the Church and can even cause 'weak' Believers to fall.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Positive And True!
'Positive And True.'
Genesis 18:14.
a) The Lord's Word to Abraham:
b) "Is anything too difficult for the Lord?
c) "When I return to you about this time next year,
d) "Sarah will have a son."
(This QT teaches me that what the Lord says to His Beloved People is Positive And True)
PRAYER: That we will Believe the Positive And True Words that the Lord says to us.
'A Clear Explanation From The Lord.'
John 3:6.
a) A person is born physically
b) Of human parents,
c) But is born spiritually
d) Of the Spirit.
(Through this Second one I find A Clear Explanation From The Lord)
PRAYER: That we will all understand this Clear Explanation From The Lord.
What the Lord says to His Beloved People is Positive and True, even if His Word is a Word of correction! We can always Trust what the Lord says to us. Primarily, the Lord will speak to us from His Word, there are other ways in which He can and will speak to us, but our Reading of, and listening to, His Word is most important. We should read or listen with a prayerful mind, ready to receive what He says to us.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Luke 17:32.
a) Significant, short and important teaching of Jesus Christ:
b) "Remember
c) "Lot's wife."
(This QT reminds me to Remember)
PRAYER: That we will remember the Words of God as and when we need to remember them.
'At The Table They Recognised Jesus.'
Luke 24:29-31.
a) Luke 24:29. The Disciples urged this stranger strongly to stay with them because it was already evening.
b) Luke 24:30. At the table with them the stranger took the bread, He:
1-Took it.
2-Blessed it.
3-Broke it.
4-Gave it to them.
c) Luke 24:31. Their eyes were opened and they recognised Jesus.
d) Luke 24:31. Then He disappeared from them.
(This Second Encourages me to participate in Holy Communion; At The Table They Recognised Jesus)
PRAYER: That at the Communion Table we will always focus on recognising Jesus.
The act of remembering should not be difficult or strange for True Believers. We should remember the Words of God as part of our daily 'walk' with the Lord. As we do this the Holy Spirit can remind us of many more Scriptures as and when we need them. To neglect the Words of God causes spiritual starvation to come to us and cause us to have difficult bouts of negative or sinful thinking. We hide God's Word in our heart so that we will not sin against Him.
Monday, December 11, 2017
John's Message Of Repentance And Compassion!
'John's Message Of Repentance And Compassion.'
Luke 3:11.
a) John answered and said to the people:
b) Him who has two tunics,
c) Let him share with him who has none.
d) And he who has food,
e) Let him do likewise.
(This QT teaches me John's Message Of Repentance And Compassion)
PRAYER: That we and our Churches will follow this way taught by John, Repentance And Compassion.
'What The Lord Has Done For Us.'
1 Corinthians 6:11.
a) In Corinth especially, but also in our own modern-day cultures, this is relevant:
b) "Such were some of us (living in actual sin),
c) But you were washed,
d) But you were Sanctified,
e) But you were Justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
f) And in the Spirit of our God."
(This Second one reminds me of What The Lord Has Done For Me)
PRAYER: To thank God for what He has done for us.
Sometimes, for some of us, if we look into our clothing cupboard, wardrobe, or dressing room, we find that there some clothes that we never wear, nor is there any likelihood of our wearing them. Have we ever thought of sharing these clothes with a "Mercy Ministry"? This is not a pressure to give away all of our clothes, rather to think about clothes that we never wear, nor are we likely to wear them.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
God Knew About Sarah's Unbelief!
'God Knew About Sarah's Unbelief.'
Genesis 18:13.
a) The Lord asked Abraham:
b) "Why did Sarah laugh to herself?
c) "Saying:
d) " 'Shall I really give birth to a child when I am so old?' "
(This QT tells me that God Knew About Sarah's Unbelief)
PRAY: To always remember that God Knows and that He wants to help us.
'With The Holy Spirit's Help.'
1 Peter 1:2.
a) God the Father knew you long ago
b) And chose you to live Holy lives with the Holy Spirit's help.
c) So that you are obedient to Jesus Christ.
d) And are sprinkled with His Blood.
e) May:
2-Good will;
3-and Peace;
in increasing abundance,
Fill your lives.
(Through this Second one I see how God chose us to live With The Holy Spirit's Help)
PRAY: For the Holy Spirit to help us live day-by-day.
This QT reminds me that God knows even the secret things that come out of our mouths. Sarah laughed to herself because of her unbelief. God spoke to Abraham about this matter: His 'key point' in His question was "Why?" God helped Abraham and Sarah overcome this problem eventually and His Promise was fulfilled.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
We Should Not Test Jesus!
'We Should Not Test Jesus.'
Luke 10:25.
a) One day an expert in religious law
b) Stood up to test Jesus.
c) He asked Jesus this question:
d) "Teacher, what should I do to inherit Eternal Life?"
(This QT reveals a question that was not a genuine question but a test question: We Should Not Test Jesus)
PRAY: That we will Trust Jesus and not test Him.
'He Planned To Say It And He Said It.'
Luke 15:18-24.
a) Luke 15:18-19. The prodigal son's plan of confession because of his 'lost situation'.
b) Luke 15:20. The father saw him coming and ran to him with love and compassion.
c) Luke 15:21. The prodigal son made a humble confession before his father.
d) Luke 15:22-24. The father actively and practically showed his love to this son.
(This Second one teaches me that He Planned To Say It And He Said It)
PRAY: That we will say the things that we need to say when we need to say them.
There are times in our prayer life that we want to ask God questions with our prayers, that is fine, it is a part of prayer. The way that God answers us is up to Him and not up to us. Our responsibility is to continue faithfully in prayer.
Friday, December 8, 2017
A Practical Question!
'A Practical Question.'
Luke 3:10.
a) The crowds
b) Asked John,
c) "What then, shall we do?"
(This QT reveals A Practical Question)
PRAY: To express your questions well.
'Trustworthy Shepherds.'
Luke 2:8.
a) There were shepherds out in the fields.
b) It was night time
c) They were guarding the sheep.
(By this Second one I respect Trustworthy Shepherds)
PRAY: For the 'Shepherds' of our Churches.
Our prayers are a very important part of our walk with God. Prayer is something that should be taught to every new Believer. God hears the prayers of His sincere people. We need to trust God in our times of prayer, then our prayers become so meaningful.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Sarah's Hidden Mocking Unbelief!
'Sarah's Hidden Mocking Unbelief!
Genesis 18:12.
a) So Sarah laughed to herself, saying:
b) "After I am worn out,
c) "And my lord (husband) is old,
d) "Shall I have pleasure?"
(This QT reveals Sarah's Hidden Mocking Unbelief)
PRAY: That we will keep free from Hidden Mocking Unbelief.
'Loved By The Lord.'
2 Thessalonians 2:13.
a) But we always ought to give thanks for you,
b) Brothers beloved by the Lord,
c) Because God chose you as the First fruits to be Saved,
d) Through Sanctification by the Spirit
e) And belief in the Truth.
(Through this Second one I can see clearly how the Thessalonians were Loved By The Lord)
PRAY: To give Thanks to the Lord because we are Loved By Him.
God sometimes allows His Word to expose the weaknesses and sins of good people. This proves that there is no 'perfect Believer' and it also proves that God understands our weaknesses and He wants to help us. Surely we can 'hide' from other people, but, we cannot hide from our God.
Thank you for your prayers~~!
I am now fully recovered from my long journey and 'back on track' with QT!
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Simple Faith!
'Simple Faith.'
Mark 5:28.
a) She was thinking,
b) If I can just touch His Clothes,
c) I'll be healed.
(This QT teaches me an example of Simple Faith)
PRAY: For your Faith to be simple and pure.
'Wonderful Miracles.'
Acts 19:12.
a) Even the small towels and aprons that had touched his skin
b) Were taken to the sick,
c) And their diseases were cured,
d) And evil spirits left them.
(This Second one reveals to me Wonderful Miracles)
PRAY: For Wonderful Miracles to be restored to the Church.
Real Faith is not complicated, does not take a lot of 'teaching about' but is simple and pure. Educational ability and performance is not a prerequisite for Real Faith. Just simply being a good 'listener' to God's Word is the key to Real Faith. The Bible tells us that 'Faith comes' and it comes by our hearing of God's Word.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
The Ax Lies Ready!
'The Ax Lies Ready.'
Luke 3:9.
a) The words of John Baptist.
b) Even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees.
c) Every tree that does not produce good fruit
d) Will be cut down
e) And thrown into the fire.
(This QT reminds me that The Ax Lies Ready was a theme of John Baptist, not the Lord Jesus Christ)
PRAY: For Graceful and not threatening messages to be in our Churches.
'How It Should Be In Church Fellowship.'
Jeremiah 31:34.
a) No longer will they teach their neighbour,
b) Or say to one another,
c) "Know the Lord",
d) Because they will all know Me,
e) From the least of them to the greatest,"
f) Declares the Lord.
g) "For I will forgive their wickedness
h) "And remember their sins no more."
(This Second one reminds me of How It Should Be In Church Fellowship)
PRAY: For the Fellowship times in your Church.
We need to regard well the Word of the Scripture, whether Old or New Testament. For regular Church Members, the Bible Study is, and should be, an important part of Church activity. For all of us, reading and studying the Bible at home can be very useful too and also produce good fruit in our lives.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Very Old!
'Very Old.'
a) Genesis 18:11; 24:1. Abraham and Sarah were very old.
b) Genesis 35:29. Isaac died when he was very old.
c) Joshua 13:1; 23:1&2. Joshua was very old.
d) 2 Samuel 2:22. Eli was very old.
e) 2 Samuel 19:32. Barzillai was very old.
f) 1 Kings 1:1. King David was very old.
g) 1 Kings 14:4. Ahijah was very old.
h) Luke 1:36. John and Elizabeth were very old.
i) Luke 2:36. Anna was very old.
(This QT teaches me that God recorded when people were Very Old)
PRAY: For the very old people in your Church and local community.
'Especially For The Humble People.'
Proverbs 3:34.
a) God mocks those who mock,
b) But He gives Grace
c) To the Humble People.
(Through this Second one I know that God gives Grace Especially For The Humble People)
PRAY: For the Church, that the members will realise that God gives Grace Especially For The Humble People.
Many people whose lives are recorded in the Bible lived until they were very old. The Lord records the lives of both the living and the dead, however old or young they may be or may have been. It is correct that, in these days, the people who are very old should be well looked after by whoever appropriately can look after them well.
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