The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
'King Solomon.'
a) 2 Samuel 12:24. Was loved by the Lord.
b) 1 Kings 1:43. Was made king by his father David.
c) 1 Kings 1:52. Made just decisions.
d) 1 Kings 2:12. His kingdom was established greatly.
e) 1 Kings 3:10. His requests pleased the Lord.
f) 1 Kings 4:21-22. He was well provided for as king.
g) 1 Kings 4:25. His kingdom was safe and peaceful.
h) 1 Kings 4:26. He had a large army.
i) 1 Kings 4:29. God gave to Solomon:-
1-1 Kings 10:4. Wisdom.
3-Largeness of heart.
j) 1 Kings 5:10-12. He knew how to maintain peace.
k) 1 Kings 6:11. Was sensitive to the Word of the Lord.
l) 1 Kings 8:22 & 54; 2 Chronicles 1:6. Was a man of Prayer and Worship.
m) 1 Kings 8:63. He dedicated the House of the Lord.
n) 1 Kings 9:26-28. He made a navy of ships.
o) 1 Kings 11:4. In his old age his heart was not perfect with the Lord.
p) 1 Kings 11:5-9. His family caused him to compromise.
q) 1 Kings 11:11. He was punished by God.
r) 1 Kings 11:42. He had a 40 year reign.
s) 2 Chronicles 1:7. God appeared to him.
t) 2 Chronicles 7:1. God answered his prayer.
u) 2 Chronicles 7:10. The Lord showed him His Goodness.
v) 2 Chronicles 7:12. The Lord appeared to Solomon by night and affirmed his Prayer.
(This QT teaches me some things about Solomon)
'It Was A Long Time Later.'
Acts 7:30.
a) Forty years later.
b) An Angel appeared to Moses.
c) In the flames of a burning bush.
d) As he was in the desert near Mount Sinai.
(This Second one reminds me that It Was A Long Time Later)
Solomon was a man of Prayer and Worship. God had given to him much, he was incredibly rich, the richest man who dwelt on the Earth up to that time. It was not his riches that turned him away from God, it was his wives. He had a lust problem and this caused him to fall, it was similar in the life of David his father. Solomon should have learned from the mistakes and sins of his father.
Friday, December 30, 2016
The Holiness Of Offerings!
'The Holiness Of Offerings.'
Leviticus 23:36.
a) There was to be seven days of giving offerings by fire to the Lord.
b) On the eighth day there was to be a Holy Gathering (Worship Service).
c) An offering by fire was to be presented to the Lord.
d) This Holy Gathering was a Solemn Assembly.
e) The people were to do no ordinary work.
(This QT reminds me of The Holiness Of Offerings)
'God Gave The Ten Commandments And The Law.'
Exodus 20:1.
a) And God
b) Spoke
c) All these Words.
(This Second one causes me to ponder on the fact that God Gave The Ten Commandments And The Law)
There were many times in the Old Testament when God said, at various different times of Worship, as well as the regular Sabbath, that His People were to do no ordinary work. God did not want any of His People to miss the Worship Service unless it was for a very important reason. Has God's heart changed? I think not.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Leaders Have Responsibilities!
'Leaders Have Responsibilities.'
Ezekiel 45:22.
a) On that (specific) day.
b) The Prince is to provide.
c) A bull.
d) As a sin offering.
e) For himself.
f) And for all the people of the land.
(This QT convinces me that Leaders Have Responsibilities)
'A Good Place To Come To.'
Exodus 3:1.
a) Moses was tending the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law.
b) Jethro was the priest of Midian.
c) Moses led the flock to the far side of the wilderness.
d) Moses came to Horeb.
e) The Mountain of God.
(This Second one reveals A Good Place To Come To)
Leaders need to consider their own condition, not just the condition of their flock(s). The Prince had to provide a bull as a sin offering not just for the people of the land, but also for himself. This principle has not changed! It is stated and read about all through the Scripture. The leader needs to consider their own life first, before the lives of their congregation members. The size of the congregation is irrelevant. Leaders first please!
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
In All Ways Special!
'In All Ways Special.'
Matthew 1:6.
a) In the long list of the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
b) There are many names named.
c) There are many names.
d) But only David is named: David the King.
(This QT reminds me that David was In All Ways Special)
Genesis 32:30.
a) Jacob then named the place "Peniel".
b) For he saw God Face to face.
c) And he had been delivered safely.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Peniel: encountering God)
There are so many ways in which King David was special, both as a boy and as a man. There are many good lessons that we can learn from his life. He made mistakes and sinned, just like all of us, but he always came to God for forgiveness, deliverance and new life. Let us consider and learn from the Life of King David.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
God Is Specific About Time!
'God Is Specific About Time!'
Leviticus 23:16.
a) Fifty days. (To the day)
b) After the seventh Sabbath.
c) Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain.
d) To the Lord.
(This QT simply reminds me that God Is Specific About Time)
'A Very Special Message.'
Genesis 22:15.
a) The Angel of the Lord.
b) Called to Abraham the Second time.
c) From Heaven.
(This Second one teaches me that Abraham received A Very Special Message)
Here is a timely reminder for me, maybe it is to all of us, that God is specific about time. We all grow up with different responses to the demands of time. Most of these responses actually come from our childhood experiences. I am not, here, going into a list of different experiences, but it is good to remember that if our responses to the demands of time are not positive, usually they come from negative childhood experiences, we may need to bring our responses to the Lord in Prayer so that we can receive His Healing Grace.
Monday, December 26, 2016
"The Passover Before Jesus Was Crucified."
a) Ezekiel 45:21. It was a Feast that was to last for seven days.
b) Matthew 26:22. It was the time when the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) was delivered up to be crucified.
c) Matthew 26:17-19. It was a simple feast, prepared by the Disciples of Jesus as per His Instructions.
d) Mark 14:14. It was originally held in someone's guest room.
e) Luke 22:7-8. It was celebrated with lamb.
f) Luke 22:15. This particular Passover was very significant.
g) John 11:15. It was a feast that had to be taken in cleanliness.
h) 1 Corinthians 5:7. Christ is now our Passover Lamb.
(This QT helps me know more about The Passover Before Jesus Was Crucified)
'When The Lord Appeared To Abraham.'
Genesis 18:1-14.
a) Genesis 18:1. The Lord appeared to Abraham when he was taking a rest.
b) Genesis 18:2-3. Abraham honoured and welcomed these unrecognised guests.
c) Genesis 18:4. The guests accepted Abraham's welcome and hospitality.
d) Genesis 18:5. Abraham fed these guests.
e) Genesis 18:6-8. The guests enjoyed the meal.
f) Genesis 18:8. Abraham did not eat with the guests, he stood by them (serving them) whilst they ate.
g) Genesis 18:9-10. The guests gave the Promise to Abraham and his wife Sarah.
h) Genesis 18:10-12. Sarah heard the guest talking and did not believe His Words.
i) Genesis 18:13-14. The guest told Abraham that: Nothing is too difficult for God.
j) Genesis 18:14. One year later Sarah was going to have a son.
k) Genesis 18:14. The Lord revealed Himself: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
(This Second one reminds me what happened When The Lord Appeared To Abraham)
The meaningful Passover Feast was celebrated with lamb meat. There was so much meaning in this Feast and yet the meaning was not yet fully revealed. This was a Prophetic Feast, looking forward to Jesus Christ's sacrifice of Himself on the Cross for us. He is our Passover Lamb. This time the feast was held in someone's guest room, Jesus had this special time with His Disciples. It was an intimate and private Feast, the Disciples had yet to understand the significance of this particular Feast at that
particular time.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
a) Matthew 1:5. Was a family man.
b) Ruth 2:1. He was a worthy (good) man.
c) Ruth 2:3. He was a land owner.
d) Ruth 2:4. He knew the Lord and was properly polite.
e) Ruth 2:5. He knew how to delegate authority.
f) Ruth 2:8. He was kind.
g) Ruth 2:11 & 14. He was compassionate and caring.
h) Ruth 4:13 & 21. He was a family man.
(This QT causes me to be impressed by Boaz)
'A Big Difference.'
1 Corinthians 15:47.
a) The first man (Adam).
b) Came from the dust of the Earth.
c) The Second Man (Jesus Christ).
d) Came from Heaven.
(This Second one teaches me about A Big Difference)
Boaz was kind! One of the marks of a person who is truly Godly, whether they are male or female is that they are kind. Kindness is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I like to see people who are kind and considerate in the Church. These people are displaying the Holy Spirit's fruit of kindness. Unkind people may hurt or even divide the Church.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
For Worship First!
For Worship First.'
Leviticus 2:8.
a) The first act in giving our Thanksgiving Offering.
b) Is our Choice. (Do it the way that we want to do it)
c) We are New Testament Priests.
d) We take it to the Altar. (Giving is a form of Worshipping the Lord)
(This QT teaches me That my Thanksgiving Offering is For Worship First)
'Christ's Glory Came From The Father.'
John 17:5.
a) Christ prayed for the Father to Glorify Him together with the Father again.
b) This was Christ's Heavenly state and personality.
c) Christ prayed for His Restoration to His Heavenly condition. (John 1:1)
d) Which He had before the World existed. (Philippians 2:5-11)
(This Second one reminds me that Christ's Glory came from the Father)
Every Thanksgiving Offering that you and I may give, because we are True Believers, is for Worship first. It means that whatever we may do with this Thanksgiving Offering we are doing with a worshipful heart and motive. It is the Lord, working through us, for His Glory. We Worship in Spirit and Truth, so we can be led by the Holy Spirit in our Offerings.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Unintentional Sin!
'Unintentional Sin.'
Ezekiel 45:20.
a) Unintentional sin must be atoned for.
b) Ignorance is not an excuse.
c) Then atonement can be made for God's Temple.
(This QT reminds me that Unintentional Sin is sin, not to be ignored)
'Eternal Jesus.'
John 8:58.
a) Jesus said to the Jews:
b) Answering them:
c) "I tell you for certain".
d) "Even before Abraham was",
e) "I Was",
f) "And I Am".
(This Second one gives me confidence in Eternal Jesus)
I believe in Eternal Jesus! I believe that He always has been, and He was in the Beginning, He is Now, and He always will be. I believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son, a member of the Triune God. I do not believe that Jesus Christ was just a good man sent from Heaven, and is somehow "less" than Father God.
Amminadab The Father Of Nahshon!
'Amminadab, The Father Of Nahshon.
Matthew 1:4.
a) Amminadab means "father of a vow".
b) Also means "father of willingness".
c) His daughter was married to Aaron.
(This QT teaches me of the meaningful name: Amminadab)
'A Clear Purpose.'
John 6:38.
a) Jesus came down from Heaven.
b) Not to do His Own Will.
c) But to do the Will.
d) Of Him Who sent Him. (He was sent by the Heavenly Father)
(This Second one shows that there was A Clear Purpose for Jesus' Life and Ministry)
For every True Believer, we need to know that there is a clear purpose for our Life and Ministry. This means that God has a Plan for all of our lives Now. This Plan may change through different "seasons" of our lives, but we should be aware that there is a Plan for both now and for the future and to be able to have assurance that we are in the Plan and following the Plan.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
When You Bring Your Offering To The Lord!
'When You Bring Your Offering To The Lord.'
Leviticus 1:2.
a) The Lord's People needed to be taught about this.
b) It was for everyone of the Lord's People when they brought their offering to the Lord.
c) The offering was always livestock.
d) From the herd or from the flock.
(This QT teaches me about the expectation: When You Bring Your Offering To The Lord)
He Who Comes From Above.'
John 3:31.
a) He Who comes from above is above all.
b) He who is of the Earth belongs to the Earth.
c) He who is of the Earth speaks in an earthly way.
d) He Who comes from Heaven is above all.
(This Second one calls me to Worship He Who Comes From Above)
There are several different forms of expectation that the Lord has for the lives of His People. We probably have to learn these things specifically if we do not come from a good Believing Family. One of these expectations is Offering. Offering in various ways was and is a part of life for both the Old and New Testament Believer. God expected it and will reward it. Without offerings the Work of God would cease.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The Covering Of The Blood!
'The Covering Of The Blood.'
Ezekiel 45:19.
a) The Priest took some of the Blood of the Sin Offering.
b) He put the Blood on the door posts of the House.
c) He put it on the four corners of the ledge of the Altar.
d) He put it on the posts of the gate of the Inner Court.
(This QT reveals to me the importance of The Covering Of The Blood)
'They Came To Be.'
John 1:17.
a) The Law was given through Moses.
b) Grace and Truth were realised.
c) Grace and Truth came to be.
d) Through Jesus Christ.
(This Second one reminds me that They Came To Be)
The Covering of the Blood of Jesus is not just superstition. The Power of the Blood of Jesus has a most important part to play in our lives. It is this Blood that can wash away our sins. It is this Blood which we may mention in our Prayers, covering many situations. We should never neglect the Covering of the Blood of Jesus.
Monday, December 19, 2016
The Sons Of Judah And Tamar!
'The Sons Of Judah And Tamar.'
Matthew 1:3.
(Meaning of Names is important)
a) Judah means "Praised".
b) Tamar means "Date Farm".
c) Their children mentioned here:-
1-Perez = Dawning and Shining.
2-Zerah = Burst Forth.
(This early picture of family and names reveals the meaning of the names of The Sons Of Judah And Tamar)
'The Son Of Man Came Down From Heaven.'
John 3:13.
a) No one has ascended to Heaven.
b) But He Who came down from Heaven.
c) That is:
d) The Son of Man Who is in Heaven.
(This Second one reminds me that The Son Of Man Came Down From Heaven)
Children are to be positively loved and valued much. Perez is a very lovely name. I am not looking at the character or life of the Child, that is developed in the family, as the Child grows up. I am looking at the name given to the child, because the Child grows up under the meaning of that name. The name for a Believer's child needs to be given prayerfully and carefully.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Giving An Offering To God's Work!
'Giving An Offering To God's Work.'
2 Corinthians 9:7.
a) Each member of the Church is included.
b) Decide in your heart what to give.
c) Do not give reluctantly.
d) Do not give under compulsion.
e) God loves a cheerful giver.
(This QT teaches me how to be Giving An Offering To God's Work)
'He Has Always Been.'
John 1:30.
a) John the Baptist introduced Jesus with: "This is He".
b) "A Man Who comes after me."
c) "Has surpassed me."
d) "Because He was before me."
(This Second one reminds me that He Has Always Been)
God loves a cheerful giver. Giving is very much a part of our Worship as True Believers. This does not just mean putting money in an offering bag on Sundays, it means, first of all, that we give our lives as a "living sacrifice to God" - which is an act of Worship. All our giving flows out from that relationship with, and closeness to, God.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
First Things First!
'First Things First.
Ezekiel 45:18.
a) This is what the Lord God said:
b) In the first month.
c) On the first day of that month.
d) Take a young bull without blemish.
e) Cleanse the Sanctuary.
(This QT teaches me the importance of the Sanctuary being cleansed and holy for our Worship to be pure. First Things First)
'John Baptist's Testimony.'
John 1:15.
a) John testified about the Lord Jesus.
b) John cried out saying:
c) This was He of Whom I said.
d) He Who comes after me.
e) Has a higher rank than I.
f) Because He existed before me.
(This Second one is a part of John Baptist's Testimony)
Cleanse the Sanctuary! This brief, but important, instruction was given by the Lord God, it was received and written by Ezekiel but it was given to Him to write by the Lord God. This was to be done at the beginning, before any form of Worship takes place. The Sanctuary may be made dirty by neglect: not keeping it as clean as possible. The Sanctuary, also may be made dirty by non-Christian activities taking place there. (Possibly by 'renting it out' for some non-Church activity) Physically and Spiritually the Sanctuary needs to be kept clean for Worship.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Father Abraham!
'Father Abraham.'
Matthew 1:2.
a) Abraham was the father of Isaac.
b) Isaac begat Jacob.
c) Jacob begat Judah.
d) Jacob begat Judah's brethren.
(This QT reminds me of Father Abraham)
'The Worthy Lamb.'
Revelation 5:12.
a) The Worthy Lamb was slain.
b) This was proclaimed by a huge crowd in Heaven.
c) The Lamb was to receive:-
(This Second one reveals to me The Worthy Lamb)
God is very careful to record genealogy in the Scripture. I think that this reveals God's Heart for families. We can see this as we read about the Jewish people in the Old Testament, and when we come to the New Testament we can find that, in the Ministry of Jesus that He has a Heart for families too. Yes, we can pray for our families to be Saved if they are not yet Saved.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
a) Genesis 25:27. As a boy had a quiet temperament, preferring to stay at home.
b) Genesis 25:28. Was loved especially by his mother.
c) Genesis 27:24. Told lies.
d) Genesis 27:27. Stole a Blessing from his father.
e) Genesis 27:36. Cheated his own brother.
f) Genesis 27:42. Was protected by his mother.
g) Genesis 28:7. Obeyed his parents.
h) Exodus 1:5. Had seventy descendants in Egypt.
i) Exodus 2:24. God had made a Covenant with him.
j) Psalm 14:7. Will shout with Joy.
k) Genesis 30:43. Became very wealthy.
l) Genesis 32:26-28. Craved for the Blessing of God.
m) Genesis 35:15. Named Bethel because God spoke to him there.
n) Genesis 45:26-28. His family was restored.
(Through this QT I learn more good things about Jacob)
'Focused Praise.'
Psalm 148:13.
a) Let them Praise the Name of Yahweh (the Lord).
b) His Name alone is exalted.
c) His Majesty covers Heaven and Earth.
(This Second one exhorts me to give Focused Praise to God)
We can read right through the Bible about dysfunctional families. We can find them in both Old and New Testaments. It was very obvious that Jacob came from a dysfunctional family. He was a cheat and yet he was protected by his mother - he was a "mother's favourite" boy. This showed right through until his adulthood. May God heal our dysfunctional families.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
The Responsibility Of The Prince!
'The Responsibility Of The Prince!'
Ezekiel 45:17.
a) He was to give:-
1-Burnt offerings.
2-Grain offerings.
3-Drink offerings.
b) He was to do this for the:-
2-New Moons.
4-All solemnities of the House of Israel.
c) To make atonement and reconciliation on behalf of the House of Israel, he was to provide:-
1-Sin offerings.
2-Grain offerings.
3-Burnt offerings.
4-Drink offerings.
(This QT teaches me about The Responsibility Of The Prince)
'The End.'
a) Daniel 8:17. Is a time when visions are understood.
b) Exodus 23:16; 34:22. Of the Harvest is a time of Celebration.
c) Psalm 40:5. We can never come to the end of reciting the Lord's Wonderful Deeds.
d) Psalm 90:14. May we sing with Joy to the end of our lives.
e) Psalm 119:33. We will keep the Lord's Decrees to the end.
f) Daniel 7:18. But in the end, the Holy People of the Most High will be given the Kingdom, and they will rule forever and ever.
g) Hebrews 3:14. For if we are Faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.
h) 1 Peter 4:7. The end of the World is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your Prayers.
(This Second one urges me to be ready for The End)
The Prince needed to provide for the people so that they could obediently and willingly offer to God. If the people could not offer their offerings they would be in a very difficult situation! They would be and would feel guilty before Him and their relationship with Him would be broken. God knows our hearts and our life situations, let us offer to Him with a willing heart if we are able.
Monday, December 12, 2016
The Lord Speaks To Overcomers!
'The Lord Speaks To Overcomers.
Revelation 3:5.
a) The person that overcomes.
b) Shall be clothed in white garments.
c) The Lord will not blot their name out of the Book of Life.
d) The Lord will confess their name before Heavenly Father.
e) The Lord will confess their name before God's Angels.
(In this QT The Lord Speaks To Overcomers)
'A Glorious Environment.'
Revelation 7:17.
a) The Lamb Who is in the midst of the Throne.
b) Will Shepherd God's People.
c) He will lead them to Living Fountains of Waters.
d) God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
(This Second one reminds me that Heaven is A Glorious Environment)
We will not be without a name in Heaven. The Bible tells us that every True Believer will have a New Name - that is a Heavenly Name. This is the Name that the Lord will confess before our Father in Heaven and also before His Angels.
The Record Of God's Great Plan!
'The Record Of God's Big Plan.'
Matthew 1:1.
a) The Bible calls it a Record. (It means something that is recorded)
b) It is the Historical Record of Jesus Christ.
c) Jesus Christ is the Son of David and the Son of Abraham.
(This QT gives me anticipation of reading and praying through more of The Record Of God's Big Plan)
'Great And Simple Faith.'
Matthew 9:18-19.
a) Jesus was teaching the people.
b) While He was teaching a Ruler came in and knelt before Him.
c) The Ruler said:-
1-My daughter has just died.
2-Come and lay Your Hand on her.
3-She will live.
d) Jesus rose and followed him, together with His Disciples.
(Through this Second one I see Great And Simple Faith)
Plans! Most people make plans. If we do not have plans we may live a very disordered life. Making plans should be done prayerfully and carefully. When we make plans we do not just consider ourselves but we also consider other people that may be closely involved in our lives. God made, and still makes, plans and we need to be sensitive to God's Plans, to other people's Plans - if they are involved in our lives, and to our own plans too.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Tax For All People!
'Tax For All People.'
Ezekiel 45:16.
a) All the people of Israel.
b) Must join.
c) They Are obliged to do this.
d) To bring their offering to the Prince.
(This QT teaches me that Tax For All People was normal for God's People in Bible Days)
'To The Leaders Of The Ephesian Church.'
Acts 20:28.
a) This was part of the Message at a special meeting.
b) Paul called for the Leaders of the Ephesus Church to come and meet him.
c) Paul was at Miletus.
d) On the way to Jerusalem.
e) "Guard yourselves."
f) "Guard God's People."
g) "Feed God's Flock."
h) "Shepherd God's Flock."
i) "It is God's Church."
j) "Purchased with His Own Blood."
k) "Over which."
l) "The Holy Spirit."
m) "Has appointed you as Elders."
(This Second one is clearly for the Church Leader(s): To The Leaders Of The Ephesian Church)
The people of God, even in the days of the Old Testament were to pay taxes to their Government. This was a decree made by God that continued into the days of the New Testament. Paying tax to the Government, when it is appropriate, is still a part of life today. Clearly, paying taxes for National use was, and is, a Biblically ordained way of helping the Nation to function as it should.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Paul's Words About Hospitality!
'Paul's Words About Hospitality.'
1 Corinthians 9:4-6.
a) 1 Corinthians 9:4. Sometimes visiting ministers will stay in the homes of Church Members and also eat food with them.
b) 1 Corinthians 9:5. Sometimes visiting ministers bring their wives with them.
c) 1 Corinthians 9:6. Sometimes visiting ministers are people who also support themselves with work.
(This QT reveals to me Paul's Words About Hospitality)
a) Jeremiah 29:31. We should not be believing lies.
b) Hosea 10:13. Believing the wrong things.
c) Matthew 13:21. God's Word.
d) Luke 8:12. And being Saved.
e) John 3:18. In God's One and Only Son.
f) Romans 10:10. Believing in our heart that we are made right with God.
g) 2 Corinthians 5:7. We live by Believing.
h) Hebrews 11:13. Believing what God has promised.
(Through this Second one I am Believing)
With work! The early Believers in New Testament days, especially the ministering Believers, looked after themselves by taking jobs. It seems that they did this when there was need to do it. They were not 'bound' or 'restricted' to taking a job, they did it because it was practical to do it. Today, the Church should be trying to support their ministering Believers so that they are not 'restricted' by having to take a job.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Many Other Things!
'Many Other Things.'
John 21:25.
a) There are many other things that Jesus did.
b) If every one of them was written down.
c) I suppose that the whole World would not have room.
d) For the Books that would be written.
(This QT reminds me that there are Many Other Things that Jesus did)
'They Did Not Understand.'
1 Corinthians 2:8.
a) None of the Rulers of that age (Calvary time),
b) Understood.
c) If they had understood.
d) They would not have crucified.
e) The Lord of Glory.
(This Second one teaches me that They Did Not Understand)
There were (and are) many other things that Jesus did, and still does. It is virtually impossible to record in print all the things that Jesus did during His brief Ministry on the Earth. There was so much. The Bible tells us that He never changes! Jesus no longer keeps the physical Form that He had when He was here, now He is returned to His Glorified state. He does, however, still do many wonderful things through and by the Holy Spirit and in His Name. Yesterday, today and forever Jesus Christ is the same.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
The Lord Decided!
'The Lord Decided.'
Ezekiel 45:13-15.
a) Ezekiel 45:13. The Lord told His People how to offer their "special offerings".
b) Ezekiel 45:13-15. The "special offerings" consisted of:-
3-Olive oil.
c) Ezekiel 45:15. These were to be used for:-
1-Grain offerings.
2-Fellowship offerings.
3-Burnt offerings.
d) Ezekiel 45:15. To make atonement for the people.
e) Ezekiel 45:15. Ezekiel reiterates that this was the Word of the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that The Lord Decided the amount of the offering, not the priest or the people)
'He Is Lord.'
Mark 2:28.
a) The Son of Man.
b) Is Lord.
c) Even of the Sabbath.
(This Second one reminds me clearly that He Is Lord)
The Lord told His People how to give their "special offerings". These "special offerings" were, very much, to do with their relationship with Him. They were giving these offerings because the Lord told them. This was "giving in obedience" to the Lord. When the people of God in the Old Testament gave in this way they lived in a good relationship with Him.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
These Can Bite!
'These Can Bite.'
a) Genesis 3:15; 49:17; Job 20:16. Serpents.
b) Deuteronomy 32:24. Lizards.
c) Micah 3:5. False prophets.
d) Galatians 5:15. Other people.
e) Revelation 9:19. Horses in the book of Revelation.
(This QT warns me that They Can Bite)
'No One Has Gone Up Into Heaven Yet.
John 3:13.
a) The only One.
b) Who has gone up into Heaven.
c) Is the One Who came down from Heaven.
d) The Son of Man Himself.
e) Whose home is in Heaven.
(This Second one convinces me that No One Has Gone Up Into Heaven Yet)
They can bite! 'Biting' does not only mean using our teeth to bite something, it can also mean the use of cutting and unpleasant words. One of my unpleasant experiences as a boy was being attacked and bitten by a neighbour's dog! It was shocking and painful. When other people use unpleasant words to attack us, whether confronting us, or, behind our backs, it can also be described as 'biting' us, this also can be unpleasant, shocking and painful.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
We Know What He Says Is True!
'We Know What He Says Is True.'
John 21:24.
a) This was written by the Disciple/Apostle John.
b) He told these things, then he wrote them down.
c) Everyone knew that everything John wrote and said was true.
d) He was a trusted man.
(This is an excellent Testimony: We Know What He Says Is True)
'Jesus Is The Son Of Man.'
John 5:27.
a) The Heavenly Father gave to Jesus.
b) The Power to Judge all people.
c) Because He is the Son of Man.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Is The Son of Man)
This was an excellent Testimony: everything that John wrote and said was True. He was a careful Disciple/Apostle and Minister of the New Testament Church! When a minister has a similar Testimony to that of John, that minister will be trusted, just as John was trusted. It appears here that everything that John said he also wrote down. He was a careful and caring Minister, careful with his words!
Monday, December 5, 2016
Jesus Fulfilled The Scripture!
'Jesus Fulfilled The Scripture.'
John 19:28.
a) Jesus knew that all things were accomplished.
b) So that the Scripture would be fulfilled.
c) Jesus said: "I thirst".
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Fulfilled The Scripture)
Matthew 1:23.
a) Behold, the Virgin shall conceive.
b) She shall bear a Son.
c) They shall call His Name:
d) Immanuel. (Isaiah 8:8 & 10)
e) It means:
g) God with us.
(Through this Second one I thank God for the coming of Immanuel)
Immanuel means: "God with us". This is one of the Names of the Lord Jesus Christ and we hear and read about this Name especially around the Christmas Season. We, True Believers can Rejoice at this! This Name and this Second part of the QT reminds us that truly God is with us. We can read this clearly through the Gospels and through the Life and Words of our Lord. From His Birthplace - to the place of His Crucifixion and on to His Resurrection and Ascension we need have no doubt - God is with us.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...