The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Privacy On The Mountain!
'Privacy On The Mountain.'
Matthew 8:1.
a) When.
b) Jesus had come down from the mountain.
c) Large crowds followed Him.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus found Privacy On The Mountain)
'The Eternal Reign Of Jesus Christ.'
Hebrews 1:8.
a) These are the Words of God the Father.
b) He is speaking to and about His Son Jesus Christ.
c) Your Throne, Oh God.
d) Will last forever and ever.
e) A Scepter of Justice and Righteousness.
f) Is, and always will be, the Scepter of Your Kingdom.
(This Second one causes me to be in awe of The Eternal Reign Of Jesus Christ)
The Bible, when referring to the Eternal Reign of Jesus Christ, tells this to True Believers: We are going to Rule and Reign with Him. This is going to be something completely Heavenly, it will be nothing like the political systems of this World. This will be when all is subject to Christ's Rule.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Great Peace!
Psalm 119:165.
a) Great Peace.
b) Have those people.
c) Who love God's Law.
d) Nothing.
e) Can make them stumble.
(This QT Teaches me how it is possible to have Great Peace)
'The Original Source Of Blessing.'
Matthew 16:17.
a) Jesus told Simon son of John.
b) That he was Blessed.
c) Because Heavenly Father.
d) Gave Simon the understanding and revelation.
e) Of Who Jesus really was.
(This Second one reveals to me The Original Source Of Blessing)
When we have the Peace from God then we will not stumble. Generally, the people who stumble are people who do not live with the Peace of God. We can receive Peace as the Gift of God, that is very wonderful. We receive this Peace, in the same way as every other Gift of God, through and by Faith.
Friday, July 29, 2016
When The Destroyer Comes!
'When The Destroyer Comes.'
Jeremiah 6:26.
a) The people wear suitable clothes.
b) The people roll in ashes.
c) The people make mourning, as for an only son.
d) There is most bitter lamentation.
e) For the Destroyer shall suddenly come.
(This QT describes what happens When The Destroyer Comes)
'Nathanael's Insight.'
John 1:49.
a) Nathanael answered Jesus.
b) Master.
c) You are the Son of God. (John 6:69; 11:27; 20:28)
d) You are the King of Israel. (John 12:13; Zechariah 9:9)
(This Second one reveals Nathanael's Insight)
The Destroyer shall suddenly come! When and how the Destroyer comes, it is always a sudden event. Jesus said that the enemy of our souls comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Just as in the times of Jeremiah in the Old Testament, so today, in the New Testament times, we should be prepared and take the appropriate action when the Destroyer comes.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Teach As Jesus Taught!
'Teach As Jesus Taught.'
Matthew 7:28.
a) When Jesus finished His Sayings.
b) The crowds were astonished at His Teachings.
c) For He taught them.
d) As One Who had Authority.
e) He did not teach like their (boring) scribes.
(This QT reminds me that I should Teach As Jesus Taught)
'These People Are Blessed.'
John 20:29.
a) Jesus questioned Thomas as to his Faith.
b) Thomas had Believed.
c) Because he had seen.
d) Jesus said that those people who had not seen.
e) And yet they Believe.
f) These people will be Blessed.
(Through this Second one I can see that These People Are Blessed)
Jesus did not teach like their boring scribes. One of the factors involved in the weakening of the Church today is its Teaching. We are encouraged to Teach the "whole Counsel of God" and yet it seems that many churches have their own favourite themes and the people attend those Churches because they like those themes. This is definitely not the Teaching of "the whole counsel of God" which the Church is called to Teach.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
A Peaceful Place!
'A Peaceful Place.'
Haggai 2:9.
a) The future Glory of the place.
b) Will be greater than the former Glory.
c) This is declared by the Lord.
d) Who rules over all.
e) And, in this place, He will give Peace.
(This QT reveals the Promise of A Peaceful Place)
'Thomas Understood.'
John 20:28.
a) Thomas answered Jesus after Jesus had showed Him the marks of Calvary.
b) My Lord.
c) And, my God.
(This Second one convinces me that Thomas Understood)
Peace is really a Gift from God. It does not matter what the environment is, or how beautiful the environment is, we can only have Peace, and live in a Peaceful place, because God gives it to us. If God does not give us Peace, there will be no Peace. Some people go in search of a "peaceful place" and move there, only to be disappointed. It is not our mind, or our environment, that creates the "peaceful place", it is God.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
A Time To Stay At Home!
'A Time To Stay At Home.'
Jeremiah 6:25.
a) Do not go out.
b) Into the field.
c) Do not walk.
d) On the road.
e) For the enemy has a sword.
f) Terror is on every side.
(This QT reveals A Time To Stay At Home)
'From The Israelites.'
Romans 9:5.
a) Are the Fathers of our Faith.
b) Comes the Christ.
c) According to the flesh.
d) Christ is The Messiah.
e) Who is God over all.
f) Forever Praised.
(This Second one teaches me Who comes From The Israelites)
The enemy has a sword! We read in the Bible that we have a sword. This sword is the Sword of the Spirit, which is God's Holy Word. I believe that there are many times in which we are to use this Sword to obtain the Victory that God gives to us. Let us not be afraid of the enemy's sword, but, rather, use the Sword that God has given to us.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Great Was Its Fall!
'Great Was Its Fall!'
Matthew 7:26-27.
a) Everyone.
b) Who hears the Words of Jesus but does not do them.
c) Will be like a foolish man.
d) Who built his house on the sand.
e) The rain fell.
f) The floods came.
g) The winds blew.
h) They beat against the house.
i) The house fell down.
j) Great was its fall.
(This QT shows me that Great Was Its Fall)
'The Fruit Of Believing.'
John 20:31.
a) John's Gospel was written.
b) So that we might Believe that Jesus is the Christ.
c) The Son of God.
d) And that by Believing.
e) We may have Life through His Name.
(This Second one Teaches me The Fruit Of Believing)
The rain fell! Rain can have great power and also bring great Blessing. Rain can cause the most costly and dirty devastation through creating flood conditions. When rivers flood, they can leave behind great damage to people's homes. Rain, when it is needed, can cause the fruit, herds, flocks and crops to flourish so that the people can be fed and refreshed.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Listen To God!
'Listen To God.'
Psalm 85:8.
a) I will listen.
b) To what God says.
c) Surely.
d) He will declare Peace.
e) To His People, His Godly Ones.
f) Let them not go back.
g) To foolish ways.
(This QT reminds me to Listen To God)
'An Important Reminder.'
1 John 5:21.
a) Little children. (John was writing to his own 'spiritual children')
b) Guard yourselves.
c) Keep yourselves.
d) From idols.
(This Second one is simply An Important Reminder)
God still speaks Peace today to His People. He desires us to have Peace in every part of our lives. Most important is 'Peace with God' which means that we have a clean conscience and we can come to Him in our Prayer at any time. He also wants us to be at Peace in our human relationships. When we are not at Peace in our relationships we can become very negative and unbelieving.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
The Power Of Rumour!
'The Power Of Rumour.'
Jeremiah 6:24.
a) It always comes to our ears.
b) Our hands fall helpless.
c) Anguish takes hold of us.
d) We become as painful as a woman in labour.
(This QT reveals The Power Of Rumour)
'Jesus - The Word Of God.'
Revelation 19:13.
a) He is clothed in a robe, not His Normal attire.
b) His robe is dipped in Blood.
c) His Name is called:
d) The Word of God.
(Through this Second one I am in awe of Jesus - The Word of God)
Rumour is never a constructive thing. It is often spread by people who are wanting revenge in some way, or by people who want to make themselves seem to be important. Rumour is one of the Devil's weapons of destruction, it can cause harm that lasts a lifetime, and maybe even shorten life itself.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Put Jesus' Words Into Practice!
'Put Jesus' Words Into Practice.'
Matthew 7:24-25.
a) Everyone who hears the Words of Jesus.
b) And Puts them into practice.
c) Is like a wise man.
d) Who built his house upon the rock.
e) The rain came down.
f) The floods came.
g) The winds blew and beat against the house.
h) Yet, the house did not fall.
i) Because it had its foundation on the rock.
(This QT encourages me to Put Jesus' Words Into Practice)
'The Word Became Flesh.'
John 1:14.
a) The Word (Jesus Christ), became flesh.
b) He made His dwelling among us.
c) We have seen His Glory.
d) The Glory of the One and Only Son.
e) Who came from the Father.
f) Full of Grace and Truth.
(This Second one reminds me that The Word Became Flesh)
We thank God for the rain when it comes! The rain refreshes our environment. The rain fills our reservoirs. The rain softens the ground so that it is safe to walk and run upon. The rain can make our beautiful flowers grow, and our delicious vegetables also. Clean rain also purifies our environment. True Believers thank God for the rain and do not complain.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
The Person Blessed With Peace!
'The Person Blessed With Peace.'
Psalm 37:37.
a) The Blameless Person.
b) The Upright Person.
c) The Person who seeks Peace.
(This QT reveals The Person Blessed With Peace)
'True Fellowship.'
1 John 1:3.
a) We proclaim to you what we have seen.
b) We proclaim to you what we have heard.
c) So that you also may have fellowship with us.
d) Our fellowship is with the Father.
e) Our fellowship is with His Son, Jesus Christ.
(This Second one Teaches me about the foundation of True Fellowship)
One of the major factors of Church Growth in the Early Church of the Book of Acts was that the Church continued in True Fellowship. I have been in certain Churches in certain Nations where I have experienced such Fellowship. It has nothing to do with numbers or systems, it has to do with the people's desire and commitment to Fellowship.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
The Enemies Of God's People!
'The Enemies Of God's People.'
Jeremiah 6:23.
a) They are armed with bows and spears.
b) They are cruel and show no Mercy.
c) They sound like a roaring see as they ride forward on horses.
d) They are set in array like a man for battle.
e) They plan to destroy beautiful Jerusalem.
(This QT teaches me about The Enemies Of God's People)
'The Word.'
John 1:1.
a) In the beginning the Word already existed.
b) The Word was with God.
c) The Word was God.
(This Second one gives me confidence in The Word - Jesus Christ)
The enemy of our souls, Satan, is also called "the Destroyer". He is never constructive but always destructive. The most effective army against this enemy is the Church. This is why so many Churches face some kind of spiritual attack! We need to keep ourselves victorious by being well armed with the weapons of spiritual warfare.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
The Importance Of Really Being The Lord's Disciples!
'The Importance Of Really Being The Lord's Disciples.'
Matthew 7:22-23.
a) On the Day of Entry to Heaven.
b) Many people will say to the Lord Jesus.
c) In Your Name we have:-
2-Cast out demons.
3-Done many wonders.
4-Done many deeds of power.
d) The Lord will declare to these people:-
1-I never knew you.
2-Go away from Me.
3-You evildoers.
(This QT teaches me The Importance Of Really Being The Lord's Disciples)
'A Correct Exercise For The Penitent Church.'
Nehemiah 9:1-3.
a) Nehemiah 9:1. It was a time for:-
b) Nehemiah 9:2. It was a time for God's People to:-
1-Separate themselves.
2-Confess their sins.
3-Confess generational sins.
c) Nehemiah 9:3. They spent the remainder of the day:-
1-Standing and reading the Word of God aloud.
2-Confessing their sin.
3-Worshipping the Lord.
(This Second one is A Correct Exercise For The Penitent Church)
Many people think that having done deeds of Power in the Name of the Lord will better qualify them for going to Heaven. They concentrate on doing "God's Work" and yet they neglect their own spiritual condition and special relationships with other people. The Lord teaches that the Important thing is really being His Disciple.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Gift And Blessing From The Lord!
'Gift And Blessing From The Lord.'
Psalm 29:11.
a) The Lord gives.
b) His People Strength.
c) The Lord Blesses.
d) His People with Peace.
(This QT reveals to me Gift And Blessing From The Lord)
'God Says.'
Hebrews 1:10.
a) To the Son (Jesus Christ).
b) In the beginning.
c) Lord.
d) You laid the foundation of the Earth.
e) You made the Heavens.
f) With Your Hands.
(This Second one is what God Says, therefore it is 100% True)
The Bible tells us that the Lord delights in His People. He Loves His People, He will help and care for His People. When we delight in something, that something is very precious and special to us. When the Lord delights in His People it means that they are very precious and special to Him.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
a) Jeremiah 6:22; 25:32. Is what the Lord says.
b) Jeremiah 7:8. You are trusting in deceptive words.
c) Jeremiah 40:4. The whole country lies before you, go wherever you want to go.
d) Ezekiel 44:5. Carefully, listen carefully and give attention to everything I tell you.
e) Matthew 18:12. For the lost sheep.
f) 2 Peter 3:12. Forward to the Day of God.
(This QT reminds me to Look)
'All Things Were Created By The Lord.'
Colossians 1:16.
a) In Him all things were Created.
b) Things in Heaven.
c) Things on Earth.
d) Visible things.
e) Invisible things.
f) Thrones.
g) Powers.
h) Rulers.
i) Authorities.
j) All things were Created through Him.
k) All things were Created for Him.
(This Second one assures me that All Things Were Created By The Lord)
Every True Believer, whatever our life experience on this Earth has been, can look forward to the Day of God. This is a Day when everything will change. It is far beyond our imagination but it is very real. We should be aware of the reality of that Day. It will be the Day when every True Believer will enter into their Eternal Reward.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
We Must Do God's Will!
'We Must Do God's Will.'
Matthew 7:21.
a) Not everyone who says to Jesus: "Lord, Lord".
b) Shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
c) Only the person who does the Will of the Heavenly Father,
d) That person shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
(This QT urges me that I Must Do God's Will)
'The Creator Of The World.'
John 1:10.
a) The Lord Jesus was in the World.
b) The World was made through Him.
c) The World did not know Him. (John 16:3; 1 John 3:1)
For every True Believer there is the urge to do God's Will, this urge comes from the Holy Spirit and motivates our daily lives, as well as motivating our thoughts for the future. Jesus Christ, in His Teaching, emphasises the importance and necessity of doing the Will of the Father, if He talks about it, then we need to take notice of it.
Friday, July 15, 2016
The Way For Good To Come To Us!
'The Way For Good To Come To Us.'
Job 22:21.
a) Submit to God.
b) Be at Peace with God.
c) Then Good shall come to us.
(This QT reveals to me The Way For Good To Come To Me)
'The Creator.'
John 1:3.
a) Through the Lord all things were made.
b) Without Him.
c) Nothing was made.
(Through this Second one I want to exalt The Creator)
The Creator! It is so wonderful to ponder upon the fact that when we go to Worship the Lord as a Church, especially on His Day, we go to Worship the Creator, our Creator. All of us may be disappointed by people in the Church at times, that is normal because people are mere human beings, but our Creator God does not disappoint us willingly.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Sacrifices That Cause Stumbling!
'Sacrifices That Cause Stumbling.'
Jeremiah 6:20 - 21.
a) God questions the purpose of His People's Offerings.
b) Their offerings to God were not:-
1. Acceptable.
2. Sweet.
3. Pleasing.
c) The Lord said that He would place stumbling blocks before His People.
d) Fathers and sons would stumble.
e) Neighbours and friends would perish.
(This Qt reveals to me Sacrifices That Cause Stumbling)
'A Very Patient Minister.'
Jeremiah 25:3.
a) For 23 years.
b) The Word of The Lord came to Jeremiah.
c) Jeremiah spoke to the people Persistently.
d) Late and early.
e) But the people did not listen or obey.
(This Second one gives the example of A Very Patient Minister)
I am sure that we are still living in days when the Lord wants our offerings to be pleasing to Him. When I read the New Testament, I can see that the offerings of the Lord's People are still both important and significant. Gifts and offerings were not just a part of the Old Testament and its typology, they are also a part of Practical Christianity today.
Jeremiah 6:20 - 21.
a) God questions the purpose of His People's Offerings.
b) Their offerings to God were not:-
1. Acceptable.
2. Sweet.
3. Pleasing.
c) The Lord said that He would place stumbling blocks before His People.
d) Fathers and sons would stumble.
e) Neighbours and friends would perish.
(This Qt reveals to me Sacrifices That Cause Stumbling)
'A Very Patient Minister.'
Jeremiah 25:3.
a) For 23 years.
b) The Word of The Lord came to Jeremiah.
c) Jeremiah spoke to the people Persistently.
d) Late and early.
e) But the people did not listen or obey.
(This Second one gives the example of A Very Patient Minister)
I am sure that we are still living in days when the Lord wants our offerings to be pleasing to Him. When I read the New Testament, I can see that the offerings of the Lord's People are still both important and significant. Gifts and offerings were not just a part of the Old Testament and its typology, they are also a part of Practical Christianity today.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
By Their Fruits We Shall Know Them!
'By Their Fruits We Shall Know Them.'
Matthew 7:15-20.
a) Matthew 7:15. Beware of false prophets, they come to us in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves.
b) Matthew 7:16. By their fruits we shall know them. Thorns and thistles do not produce grapes and figs.
c) Matthew 7:17. Every good tree brings forth good fruit.
d) Matthew 7:17. Every corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.
e) Matthew 7:18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
f) Matthew 7:18. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.
g) Matthew 7:19. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.
h) Matthew 7:20. Therefore by their fruits we shall know them.
(This QT reminds me that By Their Fruits I Shall Know Them)
'Time To Pray.'
Luke 6:12.
a) This was a specific time.
b) Jesus went out on to the mountain to pray.
c) He continued all night in prayer to God.
(This Second one shows me that Jesus knew the Time To Pray)
By their fruits we shall know them. We are clearly taught by Jesus that we can tell who are the true or false prophets by their fruits. This is not judging the person first, it is judging the fruits of a person's ministry. The Gift of prophecy in its simplest form is for edification, exhortation and comfort. It is 'forth telling' rather than foretelling.
Matthew 7:15-20.
a) Matthew 7:15. Beware of false prophets, they come to us in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves.
b) Matthew 7:16. By their fruits we shall know them. Thorns and thistles do not produce grapes and figs.
c) Matthew 7:17. Every good tree brings forth good fruit.
d) Matthew 7:17. Every corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.
e) Matthew 7:18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
f) Matthew 7:18. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.
g) Matthew 7:19. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.
h) Matthew 7:20. Therefore by their fruits we shall know them.
(This QT reminds me that By Their Fruits I Shall Know Them)
'Time To Pray.'
Luke 6:12.
a) This was a specific time.
b) Jesus went out on to the mountain to pray.
c) He continued all night in prayer to God.
(This Second one shows me that Jesus knew the Time To Pray)
By their fruits we shall know them. We are clearly taught by Jesus that we can tell who are the true or false prophets by their fruits. This is not judging the person first, it is judging the fruits of a person's ministry. The Gift of prophecy in its simplest form is for edification, exhortation and comfort. It is 'forth telling' rather than foretelling.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
He Wanted To See Jesus!
'He Wanted To See Jesus!
Luke 19:4.
a) Short in stature Zaccheus.
b) Really wanted to see Jesus.
c) He climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
d) Because Jesus was going to pass that way.
(This Qt reveals to me that He Wanted To See Jesus)
'An Entirely Wrong Motive.'
Luke 8:35.
a) They went to see Jesus.
b) Just to find out what had happened.
c) They found the man who had been set free from evil spirits.
d) They became afraid.
e) Because the man was:-
1. Sitting at Jesus feet.
2. Fully clothed.
3. Perfectly sane.
(This Second one reveals people who came to Jesus with An Entirely Wrong Motive)
There are some people today, just as there were in Bible Days, who only want to see or to experience something from Him. This is idolatry! Jesus desires something better for them, He wants them to become His Followers. It means that after we have come to Jesus, and begun to follow Him, we allow Him to train us, just as He trained His Disciples in Bible Days.
Luke 19:4.
a) Short in stature Zaccheus.
b) Really wanted to see Jesus.
c) He climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
d) Because Jesus was going to pass that way.
(This Qt reveals to me that He Wanted To See Jesus)
'An Entirely Wrong Motive.'
Luke 8:35.
a) They went to see Jesus.
b) Just to find out what had happened.
c) They found the man who had been set free from evil spirits.
d) They became afraid.
e) Because the man was:-
1. Sitting at Jesus feet.
2. Fully clothed.
3. Perfectly sane.
(This Second one reveals people who came to Jesus with An Entirely Wrong Motive)
There are some people today, just as there were in Bible Days, who only want to see or to experience something from Him. This is idolatry! Jesus desires something better for them, He wants them to become His Followers. It means that after we have come to Jesus, and begun to follow Him, we allow Him to train us, just as He trained His Disciples in Bible Days.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Pray For The Nations!
'Pray For The Nations.'
Jeremiah 6:1.
a) It was a time to flee for safety.
b) It was a time to blow the trumpet.
c) It was a time to raise a signal.
d) Evil loomed out of the North.
e) Great destruction loomed out of the North.
(This Qt reminds me to Pray for the Nations)
'The Preparedness For Victory.'
Joel 3:9-11.
a) Proclamation.
b) Preparation.
c) Coming Together.
d) Positive Attitude.
e) Readiness.
f) Maintained Fellowship.
(This Second one teaches me The Preparedness For Victory)
We should never forget to pray for our Nation and the Nations. True Believers have a distinctive part to play in the life of their Nation and the Nations through their prayers. It is much more important to pray for our Nation than to prophesy over it. Prophecy is important, bringing the Word of the Lord, but prayer is most important.
Jeremiah 6:1.
a) It was a time to flee for safety.
b) It was a time to blow the trumpet.
c) It was a time to raise a signal.
d) Evil loomed out of the North.
e) Great destruction loomed out of the North.
(This Qt reminds me to Pray for the Nations)
'The Preparedness For Victory.'
Joel 3:9-11.
a) Proclamation.
b) Preparation.
c) Coming Together.
d) Positive Attitude.
e) Readiness.
f) Maintained Fellowship.
(This Second one teaches me The Preparedness For Victory)
We should never forget to pray for our Nation and the Nations. True Believers have a distinctive part to play in the life of their Nation and the Nations through their prayers. It is much more important to pray for our Nation than to prophesy over it. Prophecy is important, bringing the Word of the Lord, but prayer is most important.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Entering God's Kingdom!
'Entering God's Kingdom.'
Matthew 7:13-14.
a) You can enter God's Kingdom.
b) Only through the narrow gate.
c) For the gate is wide.
d) And the road is easy.
e) That leads to destruction.
f) And there are many people that take it.
g) The gate is narrow.
h) And the road is hard.
i) That leads to life.
j) Only a few ever find it.
(This QT tells me about Entering God's Kingdom)
'A Root Problem.'
Matthew 13:21.
a) They don't have deep roots.
b) They don't last long.
c) They fall away as soon as they have problems.
d) Or are persecuted.
e) For believing God's Word.
(This Second one calls me to Pray for those who have A Root Problem)
There is a road that leads to destruction. That is a sombre statement that deserves a response from everyone who understands it. Our part is to ensure that we are on the correct road. The only way that we can be on the right road is by having faith in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour.
Matthew 7:13-14.
a) You can enter God's Kingdom.
b) Only through the narrow gate.
c) For the gate is wide.
d) And the road is easy.
e) That leads to destruction.
f) And there are many people that take it.
g) The gate is narrow.
h) And the road is hard.
i) That leads to life.
j) Only a few ever find it.
(This QT tells me about Entering God's Kingdom)
'A Root Problem.'
Matthew 13:21.
a) They don't have deep roots.
b) They don't last long.
c) They fall away as soon as they have problems.
d) Or are persecuted.
e) For believing God's Word.
(This Second one calls me to Pray for those who have A Root Problem)
There is a road that leads to destruction. That is a sombre statement that deserves a response from everyone who understands it. Our part is to ensure that we are on the correct road. The only way that we can be on the right road is by having faith in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
When God's People Persistently Displease Him!
'When God's People Persistently Displease Him!'
Jeremiah 6:21.
a) The Lord says that He will lay stumbling blocks against His People.
b) They shall stumble over these blocks.
c) These shall perish:
1. Parents.
2. Children.
3. Neighbours.
4. Friends.
(This Qt teaches me what happens When God's People Persistently Displease Him)
'Simply Making Disciples.'
Matthew 28:20.
a) Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.
b) The Lord was and is with disciple makers always.
c) To the end of the age.
(Through this Second one I value the Ministry of Simply Making Disciples)
Children are so very precious to the Lord. He simply loved them so much that He placed His Hand on them and Blessed them. The Lord's heart towards the Children has not changed. His desire is that parents and teachers, in the caring Christian environment, should be able to Bless the children.
Jeremiah 6:21.
a) The Lord says that He will lay stumbling blocks against His People.
b) They shall stumble over these blocks.
c) These shall perish:
1. Parents.
2. Children.
3. Neighbours.
4. Friends.
(This Qt teaches me what happens When God's People Persistently Displease Him)
'Simply Making Disciples.'
Matthew 28:20.
a) Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.
b) The Lord was and is with disciple makers always.
c) To the end of the age.
(Through this Second one I value the Ministry of Simply Making Disciples)
Children are so very precious to the Lord. He simply loved them so much that He placed His Hand on them and Blessed them. The Lord's heart towards the Children has not changed. His desire is that parents and teachers, in the caring Christian environment, should be able to Bless the children.
Friday, July 8, 2016
The Exaltation Of The Lord!
'The Exaltation Of The Lord.'
Isaiah 5:16.
a) The Lord Of Hosts.
b) Is exalted in Justice.
c) The Holy God.
d) Shows Himself.
e) Holy in Righteousness.
(This QT reveals The Exaltation Of The Lord)
'The Lord's Steadfast Love.'
Psalm 103:11.
a) For as high as the heavens.
b) Are above the earth.
c) So great is the Lord's Steadfast Love.
d) Towards those people who fear Him.
(This Second one gives me confidence in The Lord's Steadfast Love)
The Lord is Holy in Righteousness. This is a very clear fact that is repeated over and over again in God's Word. The Lord is also steadast in His love toward us. The One love that we can always trust is the Love of the Lord. We pray today especially for the United States of America and for Peace for the city of Dallas in particular. May God Save and Heal Dallas.
Isaiah 5:16.
a) The Lord Of Hosts.
b) Is exalted in Justice.
c) The Holy God.
d) Shows Himself.
e) Holy in Righteousness.
(This QT reveals The Exaltation Of The Lord)
'The Lord's Steadfast Love.'
Psalm 103:11.
a) For as high as the heavens.
b) Are above the earth.
c) So great is the Lord's Steadfast Love.
d) Towards those people who fear Him.
(This Second one gives me confidence in The Lord's Steadfast Love)
The Lord is Holy in Righteousness. This is a very clear fact that is repeated over and over again in God's Word. The Lord is also steadast in His love toward us. The One love that we can always trust is the Love of the Lord. We pray today especially for the United States of America and for Peace for the city of Dallas in particular. May God Save and Heal Dallas.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Doing To Others!
'Doing To Others.'
Matthew 7:12.
a) In everything.
b) Do to others.
c) As you would have them do to you.
d) For this is the law and the prophets.
(This Qt reminds me about my Doing To Others)
'Be Careful About Traditions.'
Mark 7:12.
a) Extreme legalism.
b) Prevents us.
c) Doing anything for our parents.
(This Second one teaches me discernment: Be Careful About Traditions)
Life is such today in the "western world" that we easily become hyper-competitive. This can harm relationships and friendships very much. We are taught in both Old and New Testaments of our Bibles that our relationships with others are really important for quite a number of reasons. Those people who really love the Bible are usually practical in their relationships with other people too.
Matthew 7:12.
a) In everything.
b) Do to others.
c) As you would have them do to you.
d) For this is the law and the prophets.
(This Qt reminds me about my Doing To Others)
'Be Careful About Traditions.'
Mark 7:12.
a) Extreme legalism.
b) Prevents us.
c) Doing anything for our parents.
(This Second one teaches me discernment: Be Careful About Traditions)
Life is such today in the "western world" that we easily become hyper-competitive. This can harm relationships and friendships very much. We are taught in both Old and New Testaments of our Bibles that our relationships with others are really important for quite a number of reasons. Those people who really love the Bible are usually practical in their relationships with other people too.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Think Before We Worship!
'Think Before We Worship.'
Jeremiah 6:20.
a) It is no use offering to the Lord sweet insence from Sheba.
b) It is no use offering to the Lord sweet cane from a distant land.
c) The Lord will not accept His Peoples' burnt offerings.
d) The Lord's People's sacrfices were not pleasing to Him.
(This Qt reminds me to Think Before I Worship)
'The Wise Men.'
Matthew 2:7-12.
a) Matthew 2:7. Summoned by Herod.
b) Matthew 2:8. Sent to Bethlehem.
c) Matthew 2:9. Guided to Bethlehem.
d) Matthew 2:10. Rejoiced with great joy.
e) Matthew 2:11. Worshipped Jesus.
f) Matthew 2:12. Warned and departed.
(This Second one shows me the Wisdom of The Wise Men)
It is important that we never take Worship for granted. Jesus teaches us to Worship in spirit and in truth. Worship is not merely singing nice Christian songs, it is something that is Godly and Holy, we are to Worship in Spirit and in Truth. It is lovely to enjoy Worship but we should always remember that Worship is also sacrifice.
Jeremiah 6:20.
a) It is no use offering to the Lord sweet insence from Sheba.
b) It is no use offering to the Lord sweet cane from a distant land.
c) The Lord will not accept His Peoples' burnt offerings.
d) The Lord's People's sacrfices were not pleasing to Him.
(This Qt reminds me to Think Before I Worship)
'The Wise Men.'
Matthew 2:7-12.
a) Matthew 2:7. Summoned by Herod.
b) Matthew 2:8. Sent to Bethlehem.
c) Matthew 2:9. Guided to Bethlehem.
d) Matthew 2:10. Rejoiced with great joy.
e) Matthew 2:11. Worshipped Jesus.
f) Matthew 2:12. Warned and departed.
(This Second one shows me the Wisdom of The Wise Men)
It is important that we never take Worship for granted. Jesus teaches us to Worship in spirit and in truth. Worship is not merely singing nice Christian songs, it is something that is Godly and Holy, we are to Worship in Spirit and in Truth. It is lovely to enjoy Worship but we should always remember that Worship is also sacrifice.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
A Lovely Song!
'A Lovely Song!
Isaiah 12:1-2.
a) A song of Praise.
b) A song of Comfort.
c) A song of Salvation.
d) A song of Trust.
e) A song of Fearlessness.
f) A song of Victory.
(This QT gives me A Lovely Song)
'A Song For Us To Sing.'
Isaiah 12:3-6.
a) A song of Joyful Salvation.
b) A song of Praise.
c) A song of Thanksgiving.
d) A song of Testimony.
e) A song of Exaltation.
(This Second one is a Song For Me To Sing)
I do thank God for the times that He gives to me a Song of Victory. This surely is the experience of every True Believer. We will be given Victory by the Lord in many and various situations in our lives. One of the most appropriate responses to this Victory is surely a song.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Giver Of Good Things!
'Giver Of Good Things!'
Matthew 7:11.
a) We sinful people.
b) Know how to give good gifts to our children.
c) How much more.
d) Will our Heavenly Father.
e) Give good gifts.
f) To those people who ask Him.
(This QT reminds me that My Heavenly Father is a Giver Of Good Things)
'They Sang In A Mighty Chorus.'
Revelation 5:12.
a) They sang in a mighty chorus:-
b) Worthy is the Lamb.
c) Who was slaughtered.
d) To receive:-
Our Heavenly Father is a Giver of Good Things! He is a Father, according to God's Holy Word, Who gives Good Things to His Children. Interestingly, this Holy Word says that He gives Good Things to those of His Children who ask Him. His Love is not mean or conditional, He gives Gifts to His Children even when we do not deserve it because gifts are gifts, not rewards.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Pay Attention To God's Words!
Jeremiah 6:19.
a) This is a Message for the whole Earth to hear.
b) God will certainly.
c) Bring calamity on the people.
d) The fruit of their thoughts.
e) Because they have not heeded God's Words.
f) Because they have not heeded God's Law.
g) They have rejected both.
(This QT calls me to Pay Attention To God's Words)
'A Good Final Prayer For Believers.'
Acts 7:59.
a) Stephen had been proclaiming God's Words to hostile hearers.
b) They were so hostile that they chased him out of the city.
c) They were stoning him to death.
d) Stephen was calling on God (Praying).
e) He said:
f) Lord Jesus.
g) Receive my spirit. (Psalm 31:5; Luke 23:46)
(This Second one is A Good Final Prayer For Believers)
It is vitally important for us to heed the Word of God. God takes many ways and people to give us His Word to read and to hear. We should be so grateful to God that we live in countries that allow God's Word to be read and preached. There are still many countries on this Earth that have banned the Bible and those people who Teach it. We should Pray for those countries that do not allow God's Word.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...