Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Think Before We Worship!

'Think Before We Worship.'
Jeremiah 6:20.
a)  It is no use offering to the Lord sweet insence from Sheba.
b)  It is no use offering to the Lord sweet cane from a distant land.
c)  The Lord will not accept His Peoples' burnt offerings.
d)  The Lord's People's sacrfices were not pleasing to Him.
(This Qt reminds me to Think Before I Worship)
'The Wise Men.'
Matthew 2:7-12.
a)  Matthew 2:7. Summoned by Herod.
b)  Matthew 2:8. Sent to Bethlehem.
c)  Matthew 2:9. Guided to Bethlehem.
d)  Matthew 2:10. Rejoiced with great joy.
e)  Matthew 2:11. Worshipped Jesus.
f)  Matthew 2:12. Warned and departed.
(This Second one shows me the Wisdom of The Wise Men)
It is important that we never take Worship for granted. Jesus teaches us to Worship in spirit and in truth. Worship is not merely singing nice Christian songs, it is something that is Godly and Holy, we are to Worship in Spirit and in Truth. It is lovely to enjoy Worship but we should always remember that Worship is also sacrifice.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...