The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, October 30, 2015
They Belong To Our God!
'They Belong To Our God.'
Revelation 19:1.
a) John heard the sound of a great crowd in Heaven.
b) Saying - Hallelujah!
c) Belonging to our God are:-
(This QT reminds me that They Belong To Our God)
'Take Courage.'
Acts 27:25.
a) These are the words of Apostle Paul at the time of crisis.
b) The crisis was a shipwreck.
c) He told the men to take courage.
d) He Believed God.
e) That it was just like He had already been told.
f) (By God).
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to Take Courage)
Glory belongs to God. He alone is Worthy of Praise and Glory. If we are convinced of this fact we will never seek or desire Glory for ourselves. Every True Believer has a story. Some have many stories! These stories always bring Glory to God and not to man. Whatever we do, we should do for the Glory of God!
Faith And Humility!
'Faith And Humility.'
Matthew 8:8.
a) The Words of the Centurion.
b) He was speaking to Jesus.
c) He called Jesus "Lord".
d) He declared that he was not worthy for Jesus to come under his roof.
e) He asked Jesus just to speak the Word.
f) He Believed that the Word Jesus Spoke would heal his servant.
(This QT reveals to me the Faith And Humility of a man of Authority)
'A Real Clean Up.'
Acts 19:18.
a) This was concerning many new Believers.
b) They confessed their practices.
c) They disclosed their practices.
d) They openly admitted their involvement with magical spells.
e) They told all the details.
(This Second one reminds me of the meaning of A Real Clean Up)
This Centurion, in his humility, simply asked Jesus just to speak the Word. It is obvious that he was a real and pure True Believer. When I read of this kind of Faith I am so encouraged. There was no mixture of trusting God and man. He was simply trusting God, and, of course, his Prayers were answered.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Things Defiled That Need To Be Cleansed!
'Things Defiled That Need To Be Cleansed.'
a) Jeremiah 3:1,2 & 9; 16:18;Leviticus 18:27. The Land.
b) Jeremiah 19:13. Houses.
c) Jeremiah 22:28. Pottery jar.
d) Jeremiah 31:40. The entire valley.
e) Lamentations 4:14; Ezekiel 20:7, 18 & 43; 22:4. People.
f) Ezekiel 20:26. The people defiled by the Lord.
g) Ezekiel 22:5. Name.
h) Ezekiel 22:11. Daughter-in-law.
i) Ezekiel 23:38; 28:18. Sanctuary.
j) Ezekiel 36:17. Soil.
k) Ezekiel 36:21-22; 43:8. The Lord's Holy Name.
l) Hosea 6:10. Israel.
m) Micah 4:11. Zion.
n) Zephaniah 3:1. Jerusalem.
o) Malachi 1:7 & 12. Offering.
p) Mark 7:2 & 5. Hands.
q) Acts 21:8. The Holy Place.
r) 1 Corinthians 8:7. Conscience.
s) Revelation 3:4. Garments.
t) Revelation 14:4; Genesis 34:2. Women by men.
u) Genesis 49:4. The father's bed.
v) Exodus 20:25. Chiselled stone for Worship.
w) Leviticus 19:31. People who seek after wizards.
x) Leviticus 21:7. A promiscuous woman.
y) Numbers 5:2. A dead body.
z) Numbers 5:20. An adulterous wife.
(This QT teaches me about Things Defiled That Need To Be Cleansed)
'Salvation By Grace Is For All.'
Acts 15:11.
a) We Believe.
b) That we will be Saved.
c) Through the Grace of the Lord Jesus.
d) Just as every Believing Gentile will be.
(This Second one reminds me that Salvation By Grace Is For All)
We need to have clean hands as well as a pure heart. This is made clear in God's Word. If our hands have been involved in anything that is not clean in any way then we really need to repent and be cleansed. God has given us hands with which to Worship Him and with which to Bless other people. Our hands are also to do our work with. Let us live with clean hands and a pure heart.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
God's Judgement Will Come On Sinful Cities!
'God's Judgement Will Come On Sinful Cities.'
Revelation 18:21-24.
a) Revelation 18:21. An Angel that was:-
b) Revelation 18:21. Took up a great millstone and threw it into the sea.
c) Revelation 18:21. The Angel then said that in this way the City of Babylon will be thrown down with great violence.
d) Revelation 18:21. It would never be found again.
e) Revelation 18:22. No more will there be:-
1-Heard the sound of:-
C-Flute players.
2-Revelation 18:22. Every craftsman of every trade will never be found in the City again.
3-Revelation 18:22. The sound of the mill will be heard no more.
f) Revelation 18:23. The light of a lamp will never shine in the City again.
g) Revelation 18:23. The voices of a Bridegroom and Bride will never be heard in the City again.
h) Revelation 18:23. The merchants of the City were the most important people of the Earth, because with their sorcery they deceived all the Nations.
i) Revelation 18:24. The City was guilty of the death of:-
1-The Prophets.
2-God's Holy People.
3-The innocents who had been slain on the Earth.
(This QT assures me that God's Judgement Will Come On Sinful Cities)
'A Wonderful Freedom.'
Acts 13:39.
a) By the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Everyone who Believes.
c) Is Justified and made Righteous.
d) From everything that the Law of Moses could not bring Freedom.
(This Second one makes me give Thanks to God for A Wonderful Freedom)
There are those True Believers who believe that now we are in the end times. I can understand their thought and belief although I may not fully agree with everything that they say. When I read that the sound of the mill will be heard no more it surely means that there will be a hunger crisis like never before in the last days.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
If God Were Your Father!
'If God Were Your Father.'
John 8:42.
a) Jesus was speaking to legalistic religious hypocrites.
b) He said to them.
c) That if God was their Father.
d) They would love Jesus Christ His Son.
e) Because Jesus Christ came from God the Father.
f) Jesus Christ was present then. (Now He is omnipresent by the Holy Spirit)
g) Jesus Christ did not come by His Own accord.
h) He was sent by God the Father.
(Through this QT I thank God that He is my Father)
'To Him All The Prophets Testify.'
Acts 10:43.
a) To the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) All the Prophets testify. (Or bear witness)
c) That through His Name.
d) Everyone who believes in Him. (Romans 10:11)
e) Receives forgiveness of sins. (Jeremiah 31:34; Acts 5:31)
f) Through His Name.
(By this Second one I know that To Him All The Prophets Testify)
Jesus spoke the Word of God freely to all who would listen, or to all who needed to hear its Message. In His speech and teachings He held nothing back. He always spoke relevant Truth. I am sure that God wants His Servants to follow the pattern that was set by Jesus in His Earthly Ministry. We are to speak the Word of God freely.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Judah's Big Mistake!
'Judah's Big Mistake.'
Jeremiah 3:1.
a) If a man divorces his wife.
b) Then she goes out from him.
c) Then she becomes another man's wife.
d) Will the first husband return to his wife again.
e) If he did he would defile the land.
f) It would be unclean.
g) Judah had prostituted themselves with many lovers.
h) The Lord asks Judah.
i) Why do you think that you can come back to Me?
(This QT reveals Judah's Big Mistake)
'Being Justified And Saved.'
Romans 10:10.
a) There is no distinction between any human beings.
b) The same Lord is Lord of all.
c) He bestows His Riches.
d) Upon all people who call on Him.
We live in days when, for many of us, our Nations needs cleansing because the inhabitants have defiled the land. The raising up of intercessors continues in different Churches, and this must surely be the Will of God. The way to cleanse the Nation is spiritual. Prayer and Intercession are vital ingredients for Nation cleansing. The Voice of the Church also needs to be heard in the towns and cities.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Rejoice Over Her!
'Rejoice Over Her.'
Revelation 18:20.
a) Rejoice over the defeated Babylon.
b) Babylon is the Arch-type of the World system.
c) Who rejoices?
d) Because God has pronounced judgement on Babylon with the judgement that she made on His People.
(This QT, Rejoice Over Her, reminds me to Rejoice more in God's Goodness and Grace)
'Believe And Be Baptised.'
Acts 8:37.
a) Philip spoke to the important eunuch.
b) If you Believe with all of your heart.
c) You may be Baptised.
d) The eunuch replied that he Believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
(This Second one reminds me of the simple Command: Believe And Be Baptised)
The Saints in Glory Rejoice over God's Victory over Babylon. Whenever and wherever we see or know about God's Victory we should be able to Rejoice. We know that one of the Names of Jesus Christ is The Victor. It is wonderful to be on the Victor's side, the Victory side. I am sure that it is God's Will for us to live in the Victory that Jesus Christ has purchased for us on the Cross.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Paul's Evangelism Strategy!
'Paul's Evangelism Strategy.'
1 Corinthians 9:19.
a) Although Apostle Paul was free from all.
b) He made himself a servant to all.
c) That he might win more of them. (To Christ)
(This QT teaches me Paul's Evangelism Strategy)
'A Radical Life From The Heart.'
Acts 4:32.
a) The group of those True Believers.
b) Were one heart and soul.
c) No one said that anything that belonged to them was their own.
d) But all things were theirs in common.
(This Second one reveals to me A Radical Life From The Heart)
If we are to live a radical life of Christian Discipleship it has to be something that flows from our heart, and not something forced or urged upon us. Because of the disillusionment that some people have regarding regular Church life they are turning to para Church groups and communities. Some of these are really fine and Biblical but many others go in the wrong direction and actually become a bondage and not a pathway to Freedom in Christ. We need to be aware of wrong or false doctrine or lifestyle teaching that may come from para Church groups and communities.
Friday, October 23, 2015
You Will Not Prosper Through Them!
'You Will Not Prosper Through Them.'
Jeremiah 2:36-37.
a) God's People were going around.
b) They were continually trying to change their ways.
c) By both Egypt and Assyria they were put to shame.
d) They will come away from Egypt and Assyria with their hands upon their heads.
e) Hands upon heads was an expression of mourning.
f) The Lord had rejected those people in whom God's People trusted.
g) God's People would not prosper through them.
(This QT teaches me that I Will Not Prosper Through Them)
'An Early Church Expression Of Unity.'
Acts 2:44.
a) All the True Believers.
b) Were in the same place.
c) Acts 4:32. They had everything and all things in common.
(This Second one reveals An Early Church Expression Of Unity)
When God's People in Bible times put their hands on their heads it was a sign of mourning. Something terrible had happened. It seems that God's People were very able to express themselves in the days of the Bible. Whatever was in their hearts was easily expressed. Maybe this is something that we can learn from them.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
In One Hour!
'In One Hour.'
Revelation 18:19.
a) Every:-
1-Ship Master.
b) They were:-
1-Throwing dust over their heads.
2-Crying out.
4, Mourning.
c) They cried out woe to the great city of Babylon.
d) All the sea-going people became rich because of Babylon's treasures.
e) In one hour Babylon was laid waste.
(Through this QT, In One Hour, I am amazed!)
'The Purpose Of The Gospels.'
John 20:31.
a) The purpose of John's Gospel.
b) It was written.
c) So that we can put our Faith in Jesus Christ.
d) He is the Son of God.
e) By Believing.
f) We may have Life in His Name. (John 11:25; 14:6)
g) That is True Life.
(This Second one reminds me of The Purpose Of The Gospels)
All the sea going people became rich because of Babylon's treasures. As I read this I can understand very well. I live in a Scottish City named Aberdeen at the present time. This is a fisherman's City that was converted into an oil City. Even though there is some kind of 'lull' in the oil industry at this time, it will surely pick up again. The kind of wealth that oil provides to a City is only temporal but it actually changes the lifestyle of the whole place.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
A Perfect Time!
'A Perfect Time.'
Galatians 4:4.
a) When the fullness of time had come.
b) God sent forth His Son.
c) Born of a woman.
d) Born under the Law.
(This QT reveals A Perfect Time)
'Doing The Works.'
John 14:12.
a) Jesus said "Truly truly".
b) He really wanted the people to understand this message clearly.
c) The person who Believes in Jesus Christ.
d) Will do the Works that Jesus Christ was doing.
e) This person will do even greater works.
f) Because Jesus was going to the Father.
(Through this Second one I want to be Doing The Works)
Time is important. It was important as a subject in the Teachings of Jesus and it is still important today. We need to be sensitive to God's Time in the matters of our life and ministry. We need to be punctual when we arrange a time to meet people. Our hearts need to be free from any negative or rebellious attitudes about time. Then we can be good stewards of the Time that God gives to us.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Claiming Innocence!
'Claiming Innocence.'
Jeremiah 2:33-35.
a) Jeremiah 2:33. Here was the practice of immorality.
b) Jeremiah 2:34. Here was the abuse of the poor and innocent people.
c) Jeremiah 2:35. God's People claim innocence.
d) Jeremiah 2:35. God's People claim that He is not angry with them.
(This QT teaches me about the times when God's People are Claiming Innocence when really they are guilty)
'Our Hearts Need Not Be Troubled.'
John 14:1.
a) Jesus told His Disciples not to have troubled hearts. (Meaning agitated)
b) They Believed in God.
c) They also were to Believe in Him.
(Through this Second one I thank God that My Heart Need Not Be Troubled)
We should never claim innocence in front of God if we know that we are still guilty, not just 'feeling' guilty, but actually guilty. Jesus told His Disciples to Believe in Him, to have Faith in Him. All that Jesus has accomplished on the Cross for us can make us innocent if we come to Him on His terms. His terms are Repentance and Faith.
They Are Called Great!
'They Are Called Great.'
a) Revelation 18:18. The City of Babylon.
b) Revelation 18:23. Men of the Earth who were merchants.
c) Matthew 2:10; 28:8; Luke 2:10. Joy.
d) Matthew 2:18. Mourning.
e) Matthew 4:16. Light.
f) Matthew 5:12; Luke 6:23. Reward in Heaven.
g) Matthew 5:19. Some persons in the Kingdom of Heaven.
h) Matthew 8:1 & 18; 15:33; Mark 3:8. Multitudes.
i) Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:9. Faith.
j) Matthew 8:24; Mark 4:37. Storm.
k) Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:39. Calm.
l) Matthew 24:24. Great deceptive signs and wonders.
m) Matthew 24:30. Glory.
n) Matthew 28:2. Earthquake.
o) Mark 13:1. Stones.
p) Mark 13:2. Buildings.
q) Mark 13:26. Power.
r) Luke 1:15. Person.
s) Luke 1:32. Son of God.
t) Luke 1:49. Great things that the Mighty One has done.
u) Luke 1:58. Mercy.
v) Luke 4:25. Famine.
w) Luke 5:29. Banquet.
x) Luke 7:16. Prophet.
y) Luke 8:37. Fear.
z) Luke 9:48. The one who is least among us.
(This QT amazes me: They Are Called Great)
'An Important Message.'
John 12:44.
a) Jesus cried out this Message.
b) Whoever Believes in Him.
c) Actually Believes not in Him.
d) But Believes in the Father Who sent Him.
(This Second one is An Important Message from our Lord)
All manifestations of the Lord's Power are Great Power. My mind goes first to our weather environments. There are so many extremes that He has Created in the realm of Weather. Then we can see earthquakes and volcanoes. No human being can withstand their power. The Lord has also Created huge and powerful creatures of land and sea. Yes, His Power is Great Power.
Monday, October 19, 2015
What Can Accompany Believing?
'What Can Accompany Believing?'
a) Mark 1:15. Repentance.
b) Mark 5:36. Freedom from fear.
c) Mark 9:24. Unbelief.
d) John 1:50. Greater things.
e) John 9:38. Worship.
f) John 10:37-38. The Works of Father God.
g) John 11:27. The Lordship of Christ.
h) John 12:36. Light.
i) John 20:31. Life in Christ's Name.
j) Acts 19:4. Water Baptism.
k) Romans 10:9. Confession with our mouth.
l) Philippians 1:29. Suffering.
m) 1 John 3:23. Loving one another.
(This QT answers my question: What Can Accompany Believing?)
'While You Have The Light.'
John 12:36.
a) Jesus taught this before He departed.
b) He was going to hide Himself from the people.
c) While you have the Light.
d) Believe in the Light.
e) Become sons (children) of Light.
(This Second one tells me what to do While I Have The Light)
If we are True Believers and we live daily Believing in the Lord and His Word then surely the Holy Spirit will put the desire to Worship in our hearts. Worship is a part of the life of every True Believer. The True Believer has time for the Lord as a high priority in their daily personal life. Let us Worship the Lord!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Forgotten - Days Without Number!
'Forgotten - Days Without Number.'
Jeremiah 2:32.
a) Can a young woman forget her ornaments?
b) Can a bride forget her attire?
c) God's People have forgotten Him for days without number.
(This QT challenges me: Forgotten - Days Without Number)
'A Proper Confession.'
John 9:38.
a) The man spoke to Jesus.
b) The man called Him Lord.
c) The man said that he Believed.
d) The man then Worshipped Jesus.
(This QT teaches me A Proper Confession)
A Proper Confession should be a part of the life of every True Believer. If we do not have a Proper Confession then our Faith is dysfunctional. The Church is supposed to be first a House of Worship and then a House of Prayer. Of course there is the social life of the Church but that is secondary to Worship, Prayer and Bible Teaching.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The Result Of The Fall Of Babylon!
'The Result Of The Fall Of Babylon.'
Revelation 18:9-17.
a) Revelation 18:9-10. The kings of the Earth are affected by the fall of Babylon:-
1-They will weep.
2-They will mourn.
3-They will be unable to live in sensuality.
4-They will stand far off.
5-They will see the torment and fall of Babylon.
b) Revelation 18:11-12. The merchants of the Earth will weep and mourn over Babylon. Trade will cease in:-
1-Revelation 18:11. Cargo and Merchandise.
2-Revelation 18:12. Gold; silver; precious stones; pearls; fine linen; purple cloth; silk; scarlet cloth; scented wood; ivory goods; precious wood; bronze; iron; marble.
3-Revelation 18:13. Cinnamon; Indian spices; incense; ointment; frankincense; wine; olive oil; wheat flour; wheat; domesticated animals; sheep; horses; carriages; slaves; human lives.
c) Revelation 18:14. The fruit of desire has departed from the people; luxury and splendour has perished from the people; the people will never find them any more.
d) Revelation 18:15. The merchants of all these things, who became rich from them, will stand far off, weeping and mourning because of the fear of Babylon's torment.
e) Revelation 18:16. The merchants will all say:-
1-Woe, woe, the Great City.
2-Dressed in fine linen, purple cloth, scarlet cloth.
3-Adorned with gold; precious stones; pearls.
f) Revelation 18:17. In one hour such great wealth was laid waste.
g) Revelation 18:17. Standing afar off were:-
1-Ship master.
4-Ship's labourers.
(This QT teaches me something about The Result Of The Fall Of Babylon)
'Rivers Of Living Water.'
John 7:38.
a) Whoever Believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) As the Scripture says.
c) Out of their heart.
d) Will flow rivers of living water.
(This Second one makes me long for Rivers Of Living Water)
When there is any genuine move of God, even the non-Believers are aware that something is going on. Revelation tells us here about all kinds of merchants and wealthy business people who were stunned by what God was doing in Babylon. It is exactly the same today. The possibility of the scene being repeated. As True Believers we need to follow and live for Jesus Christ.
a) Matthew 23:8. Should not be done just to be seen by other people.
b) Acts 7:22. Moses was mighty in his deeds.
c) Acts 26:20. We should perform deeds in keeping with our repentance.
d) Romans 4:7. Blessed are those people whose lawless deeds are forgiven.
e) Romans 8:13. By the Spirit we put to death the deeds of the body.
f) 1 Peter 2:12. Non Believers may see our good deeds and Glorify God.
g) Exodus 15:11; Psalm 40:5; 66:3. The Lord is Awesome in Glorious Deeds.
h) Psalm 26:7; 105:1; 145:12. We can tell of all of the Lord's Awesome Deeds.
i) Psalm 44:1. What deeds God performed in our father's days.
j) Psalm 71:16. I will come with the Mighty Deeds of the Lord God.
k) Psalm 71:17. I still proclaim God's Wondrous Deeds.
l) Psalm 75:1; 118:17. We recount God's Wondrous Deeds.
m) Psalm 77:11. I will remember the Deeds of the Lord.
n) Psalm 106:2; 150:2. Who can utter the Mighty Deeds of the Lord.
o) Psalm 141:4. Do not let me busy myself with wicked Deeds.
p) Psalm 141:5. My Prayer is continually against their evil deeds.
q) Ecclesiastes 9:1. The Deeds of the Righteous and the Wise are in the Hand of God.
r) Isaiah 1:16. Remove our evil deeds from before God's Eyes.
s) Isaiah 3:8. Jerusalem and Judah stumbled and fell because their speech and deeds were against the Lord.
t) Isaiah 3:10. The Righteous People shall eat the fruit of their deeds.
u) Jeremiah 11:15. Vile deeds disqualify us from God's House.
v) Jeremiah 18:11. If necessary, we should amend our ways and our deeds.
w) Jeremiah 21:2; 32:19. The Lord may deal with us according to His Wonderful Deeds.
x) Jeremiah 23:2. Behold, I will attend to your for all of your evil deeds.
y) Ezekiel 11:21. If our heart goes after detestable things, the Lord will bring our deeds upon our own heads.
z) Ezekiel 36:19. God Judged His People according to their ways and deeds.
(This QT causes me to ponder upon Deeds)
'The Bread Of Life.'
John 6:35.
a) Jesus said to the people.
b) I am the Bread of Life. (He talked about something that they understood.
c) Whoever comes to Me (He said), will never hunger.
d) Whoever Believes in Me shall never thirst.
(This Second one reminds me about The Bread Of Life)
The Lord may deal with us according to His Wonderful Deeds. I am sure that we cannot stipulate with God what to do or how to deal with us. It is extremely presumptuous if we think that we can. We need to fully trust Him and His Wonderful Deeds.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Listen! Do Not Go Away!
'Listen! Do Not Go Away.'
Jeremiah 2:31.
a) This generation.
b) Needs to respond to the Word of the Lord.
c) The Lord asks His People if He has been a desert to them.
d) Is He a land of great darkness to His People?
e) Why do God's People roam around freely?
f) Why do God's People reject coming back to Him?
(This QT challenges me: Listen! Do Not Go Away.)
'This Is The Work Of God.'
John 6:29.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ.
b) The Disciples were asking Jesus questions.
c) Jesus answered them.
d) This is the Work of God.
e) That you Believe in Him Whom God has sent.
f) That means Believe in Jesus.
(This Second one teaches me that This Is The Work Of God)
Why do God's People roam around freely? This was a question that God Himself was asking of His People. This is a common spiritual malady today. There is a strong spirit of independence amongst God's People today. There is not enough time spent in seeking God for His Will. There is so much of God's People doing their 'own thing'. God is calling His People back into fellowship with Himself.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Come Out From Her!
'Come Out From Her.'
Revelation 18:3-8.
a) Revelation 18:3. Babylon caused entire Nations to fall.
b) Revelation 18:3. Babylon was bound by sexual immorality and business that was full of sensual luxury.
c) Revelation 18:4. The Voice from Heaven to God's People in Babylon:-
1-Come out of there.
2-Do not participate.
3-Then you will not receive the terrible things.
d) Revelation 18:5. Babylon's sins have reached up to Heaven.
e) Revelation 18:5. God remembers Babylon's crimes.
f) Revelation 18:6. Babylon will be paid back double according to her evil deeds.
g) Revelation 18:6. Babylon must drink wine that is twice as strong as the wine she prepared for others.
h) Revelation 18:7. Babylon:-
1-Glorified herself.
2-Lived in luxury.
3-Says in her heart that she sits as a queen, not a widow.
4-Says that she will never see mourning or sadness.
i) Revelation 18:8. Because of this, terrible things will come to Babylon in one day.
j) Revelation 18:8. The Lord God Who passes Judgement on her is powerful, so:-
1-Death comes.
2-Mourning comes.
3-Famine comes.
4-Fire comes.
(This QT sends me a strong Message to pass on to others: Come Out From Her)
'A Clear Decision.'
John 3:36.
a) Whoever Believes in the Son.
b) Has Eternal Life.
c) Whoever does not obey the Son.
d) Shall not see Life because the Wrath of God remains on that person.
(Through this Second one I know that we all face A Clear Decision)
There are some people today who live in denial, just as Babylon lived in denial. The root of denial is pride. To face God and to face life we need to be humble. God calls us to humble ourselves before Him. Let us learn from Babylon any lessons that God wants us to learn.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
They Are Exalted!
'They Are Exalted.'
a) Matthew 23:12. The person who humbles themselves.
b) Luke 1:52. The people of humble estate.
c) 2 Samuel 5:12. The Lord exalted David's Kingdom.
d) 2 Samuel 22:47; Job 36:22; Psalm 18:46. God.
e) 1 Kings 8:13. The House of God.
f) 1 Kings 14:7. Jeroboam.
g) 1 Chronicles 14:2. David's Kingdom for Israel's sake.
h) 1 Chronicles 29:11; Psalm 21:13. The Lord, as Head above all.
i) 2 Chronicles 32:23. King Hezekiah.
j) Nehemiah 9:5. The Lord's Glorious Name.
(This QT teaches me that They Are Exalted)
'God's Love For The World.'
John 3:16.
a) God loved the World very much. (Meaning the people in the World)
b) 1 John 4:9. That He gave His One and Only Son.
c) So that everyone who Believes in Him.
d) Will not perish.
e) But will have Eternal Life.
(Through this Second one I proclaim God's Love For The World)
This is the Promise of the Word of God. This Promise was given by Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. This Promise still stands today. The person who humbles themselves before the Lord shall be exalted. The safest place for all True Believers to be is being humble in front of the Lord.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
When God Says That It Is In Vain!
'When God Says That It Is In Vain.'
Jeremiah 2:30.
a) In vain God struck the children of His People.
b) God punished His People but it did no good.
c) God's People accepted no discipline from Him.
d) God's People would not let Him correct them.
e) God's People's own swords devoured their prophets.
f) God's People behaved like ravening and raging lions. Lions that destroy.
(This QT teaches me When God Says That It Is Vain)
'We Need His Word.'
John 4:41.
a) Many more.
b) People Believed.
c) Because of Jesus Christ's Word and Message.
(This Second one reminds me that I Need His Word)
We live in days when, for many people involved in Pastoral Ministry, their times are perilous. There are several common reasons today why it is difficult to be an ordinary Pastor of an ordinary Church. Sometimes, because of their past experiences, the expectation that Church Members have of their Pastors is unfair. This is something that can affect the Ministry of the Church (not just the Pastor) ineffective.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
God's Judgement On Grossly Sinful Cities!
'God's Judgement On Grossly Sinful Cities.'
Revelation 18:1-2.
a) God sent an Angel.
b) Descending from Heaven.
c) This Angel had great authority.
d) The Earth was illuminated by the Angel's Splendour.
e) The Angel cried out with a powerful voice.
f) Saying:-
1-Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great.
2-It has become a dwelling place of demons.
3-It is a haunt of:-
A-Every unclean spirit.
B-Every unclean bird.
C-Every unclean and detested animal.
(This QT assures me of Grace before Judgement: God's Judgement On Grossly Sinful Cities)
'The Scripture.'
a) John 2:22; 7:38. Was taught by Jesus.
b) John 13:18; 17:12; 19:24. Will be fulfilled.
c) Acts 8:32; Romans 4:3. Portions of it can be read - until we read the entire Holy Bible.
d) Acts 8:35; Romans 10:11. Is the Foundation of the Good News about Jesus Christ.
e) Romans 9:17. May speak to anyone.
f) Galatians 3:22. Reveals our sinfulness and our need of Jesus Christ.
g) 1 Timothy 5:18. Uses practical illustrations.
h) 2 Timothy 3:16. It is all breathed out by God, and is profitable for:-
4-Training in Righteousness.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of reading The Scripture)
It is generally accepted by the True Church that we need to be rejecting every unclean thing and rebuking every unclean spirit, casting it out. There is no way that mixture between the clean and unclean can really dwell in the life of the True Believer, or in the Church. The Teaching of Jesus Christ is very clear. We are to cast out the unclean spirit. We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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