The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Be Righteous - The Lord Is!
'Be Righteous - The Lord Is.'
a) Genesis 6:9; 7:1. Noah was a Righteous man.
b) Judges 5:11. Musicians repeat the Righteous Triumphs of the Lord.
c) 1 Samuel 12:7. The Righteous deeds of the Lord that He performed for us.
d) 2 Chronicles 12:6; Psalm 11:7; 116:5. The Lord is Righteous.
e) Nehemiah 9:8. You have kept your promise, for you are Righteous.
f) Nehemiah 9:33. You have been Righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealt faithfully.
g) Psalm 7:9. The Righteous God establishes Righteous people.
h) Psalm 7:11; 9:4. God is a Righteous Judge.
i) Psalm 14:5. The Lord is with the generation of the Righteous.
j) Psalm 32:11; 97:12. Righteous people can be glad in the Lord and Rejoice.
k) Psalm 33:1; 64:10. Righteous people can shout for Joy in the Lord.
l) Psalm 34:15. The eyes of the Lord are toward the Righteous.
m) Psalm 34:17. When the Righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and He Delivers them out of all their troubles.
n) Psalm 34:19. Many are the afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord delivers the Righteous person out of them all.
o) Psalm 34:21. Those people who hate the Righteous shall be condemned.
p) Psalm 37:17. The Lord upholds the Righteous.
q) Psalm 37:21. The Righteous is generous and gives.
r) Psalm 37:30. The mouth of the Righteous utters Wisdom.
s) Psalm 68:3. The Righteous shall:-
1-Be Glad.
2-Exult before God.
3-Be jubilant with Joy.
t) Psalm 71:15 & 24. My mouth shall tell of the Lord's Righteous Acts.
u) Psalm 92:12. The Righteous flourish like a palm tree.
v) Psalm 97:11; 112:4. Light dawns for the Righteous.
w) Psalm 112:6. The Righteous person will never be moved and will be remembered forever.
x) Psalm 118:15. Glad songs of Salvation are in the homes of the Righteous.
y) Psalm 119:123. My eyes long for the fulfilment of the Lord's Righteous Promise.
z) Proverbs 9:9. Teach a Righteous Man and he will increase in learning.
(This QT stimulates me: Be Righteous - The Lord Is)
'Belief Is Our Beginning.'
Mark 16:16.
a) The person who Believes.
b) Then is Baptised.
c) Shall be Saved.
d) The person who does not Believe.
e) Shall be condemned.
(This Second one reminds me that Belief Was My Beginning)
The Righteous people can enjoy a positive expression of their Faith in God. This is firstly because they have Believed in the Gospel and responded to its call. Secondly, the Gospel gives Hope, even to the people who are hopeless. Thirdly, the Lord forgives our sin and gives us a new start in life, whatever the past may have been.
The Christian Life!
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