The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
They Forgot That It Was God Who Looked After Them!
'They Forgot That It Was God Who Looked After Them.'
Jeremiah 2:25.
a) God's love and kindness rejected.
b) God told His People to keep their feet from being unshod.
c) Already, for forty years in the desert God's People's sandals did not wear out. God looked after His People.
d) God told His People not to have throats dry from thirst.
e) Already He gave His People fresh water from the Rock in the desert.
f) But God's People confessed their hopelessness.
g) They had started to worship idols and to enjoy the sins connected with the idol worship.
(This QT teaches me a Necessary Truth: They Forgot That It Was God Who Looked After Them)
'Terrible Health Problems.'
Mark 9:23.
a) This young man was often cast into the fire by a fit.
b) This young man was often cast into the water by a fit.
c) This obviously affected the entire family.
d) The father cried out to Jesus:-
1-If you can do anything.
2-Have Mercy on us.
3-Help us.
e) Mark 1:40. Lepers also cried to Jesus for help.
f) Matthew 9:28. Blind people also cried to Jesus for help.
(This Second one reveals that Jesus dealt with Terrible Health Problems)
There was absolutely no need for God's People to have their throats dry from thirst. Thirst and dry throat was something that God did not want His People to have. He proved that in the desert. Waters came from the rock to quench their thirst. The problems came in when God's People turned from Him and turned to other gods.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
What Are The Waters?
'What Are The Waters?'
Revelation 17:15.
a) The Angel spoke to John.
b) It was about the waters that John saw.
c) These were the waters where the prostitute was seated.
d) They are:-
(This QT answers the Question: What Are The Waters?)
'Lots Of Water Was Needed.'
John 3:23.
a) John was Baptising people at Aenon nearby to Salim.
b) Water was plentiful in that place.
c) People were going there.
d) Especially to be Baptised.
(This Second one shows me that Lots Of Water Was Needed)
This QT reveals two types of water of the several types of water that are revealed in the Book of Revelation. In John, we read of water that was plentiful. Real water, like the water that most of us use every day. This was specifically convenient for Baptism. Secondly the waters of Revelation refer to people. These waters describe the multitude of people that this part of the Book of Revelation was written about.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Be Righteous - The Lord Is!
'Be Righteous - The Lord Is.'
a) Genesis 6:9; 7:1. Noah was a Righteous man.
b) Judges 5:11. Musicians repeat the Righteous Triumphs of the Lord.
c) 1 Samuel 12:7. The Righteous deeds of the Lord that He performed for us.
d) 2 Chronicles 12:6; Psalm 11:7; 116:5. The Lord is Righteous.
e) Nehemiah 9:8. You have kept your promise, for you are Righteous.
f) Nehemiah 9:33. You have been Righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealt faithfully.
g) Psalm 7:9. The Righteous God establishes Righteous people.
h) Psalm 7:11; 9:4. God is a Righteous Judge.
i) Psalm 14:5. The Lord is with the generation of the Righteous.
j) Psalm 32:11; 97:12. Righteous people can be glad in the Lord and Rejoice.
k) Psalm 33:1; 64:10. Righteous people can shout for Joy in the Lord.
l) Psalm 34:15. The eyes of the Lord are toward the Righteous.
m) Psalm 34:17. When the Righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and He Delivers them out of all their troubles.
n) Psalm 34:19. Many are the afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord delivers the Righteous person out of them all.
o) Psalm 34:21. Those people who hate the Righteous shall be condemned.
p) Psalm 37:17. The Lord upholds the Righteous.
q) Psalm 37:21. The Righteous is generous and gives.
r) Psalm 37:30. The mouth of the Righteous utters Wisdom.
s) Psalm 68:3. The Righteous shall:-
1-Be Glad.
2-Exult before God.
3-Be jubilant with Joy.
t) Psalm 71:15 & 24. My mouth shall tell of the Lord's Righteous Acts.
u) Psalm 92:12. The Righteous flourish like a palm tree.
v) Psalm 97:11; 112:4. Light dawns for the Righteous.
w) Psalm 112:6. The Righteous person will never be moved and will be remembered forever.
x) Psalm 118:15. Glad songs of Salvation are in the homes of the Righteous.
y) Psalm 119:123. My eyes long for the fulfilment of the Lord's Righteous Promise.
z) Proverbs 9:9. Teach a Righteous Man and he will increase in learning.
(This QT stimulates me: Be Righteous - The Lord Is)
'Belief Is Our Beginning.'
Mark 16:16.
a) The person who Believes.
b) Then is Baptised.
c) Shall be Saved.
d) The person who does not Believe.
e) Shall be condemned.
(This Second one reminds me that Belief Was My Beginning)
The Righteous people can enjoy a positive expression of their Faith in God. This is firstly because they have Believed in the Gospel and responded to its call. Secondly, the Gospel gives Hope, even to the people who are hopeless. Thirdly, the Lord forgives our sin and gives us a new start in life, whatever the past may have been.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
The Ass!
'The Ass.'
a) Jeremiah 2:24. Is found wild in the wilderness.
b) Genesis 12:14. Was used for barter and trade.
c) Genesis 24:35. Was a part of the Blessing of the Lord.
d) Joshua 15:18; Judges 1:14. Was used for passenger transport.
e) 2 Chronicles 28:15. Was used for carrying feeble people.
f) Zechariah 9:9; John 12:14. Was used by Jesus Christ.
g) Luke 13:15. Needs to be fed and watered regularly.
h) Genesis 42:26; 2 Samuel 16:1. Could carry heavy burdens.
(This QT makes me consider The Ass and its usefulness)
'Jesus Would Not Listen To Faithless Words.'
Mark 5:36.
a) Jesus ignored what the community synagogue workers were saying.
b) Jesus spoke to the Ruler of the Synagogue.
c) Fear not.
d) Only Believe.
e) Continue Believing.
(I learn so much from these Words: Jesus Would Not Listen To Faithless Words)
The ass was used by Jesus Christ. He was the most humble One Who ever trod on this Earth. We are hearing and seeing much news of the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church as he travels all over the World and brings a Message of Love in humility. He is impressive as a human being. This, however, is nothing in comparison to Jesus Christ, He was the most humble One Who ever trod on this Earth.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
The Lamb Overcomes!
'The Lamb Overcomes.'
Revelation 17:12-14.
a) Revelation 17:12. The ten horns that John saw are ten kings.
b) Revelation 17:12. These kings had not yet received a Kingdom.
c) Revelation. 17:12. These kings had authority with the beast.
d) Revelation 17:12. Temporarily, for one hour.
e) Revelation 17:13. These kings have one mind and they give their power and authority to the beast.
f) Revelation 17:14. These kings shall war against the Lamb.
g) Revelation 17:14. The Lamb shall overcome them.
h) Revelation 17:14. The Lamb is Lord of lords.
i) Revelation 17:14. The Lamb is King of kings.
j) Revelation 17:14. Those people that are with the Lamb shall also overcome.
k) Revelation 17:14. They are:-
(Through this QT I thank God that The Lamb Overcomes)
'Not Ashamed Of The Gospel.'
Romans 1:16.
a) Apostle Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel.
b) If we are True Believers, we should not be ashamed of the Gospel.
c) The Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation.
d) For everyone who Believes.
e) First to the Jew.
f) Then to the Gentile.
(By this Second one I proclaim that I am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel)
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is totally victorious. All over the World, in every culture, there are those people who war against the Lamb of God. This is not a war of ignorance and circumstance, it is a determined war.These people hate God. The Good News is that the Lamb shall overcome them. Our part is to Pray. Our part is to live in God's Truth.
Friday, September 25, 2015
A Big Feast!
'A Big Feast.'
Luke 14:16.
a) Jesus' use of illustrations.
b) He spoke about a big feast to the people.
c) All the people could then understand Jesus' teaching.
d) He talked to them about something they understood.
(I learn much from this simple QT: A Big Feast)
'A Big Blessing.'
Revelation 19:9.
a) The Angel was speaking to John - the Writer of Revelation.
b) John was to write what the Angel said.
c) Blessed are those people.
d) Who are invited.
e) To the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
f) These Words are the True Words of God.
(This Second one shows me A Big Blessing)
Jesus very often used simple stories and illustrations to Teach people the Message that He wanted them to hear and understand. Our Main Worship services should follow this example. The Message needs to be based on the Word of God and well illustrated so that all the hearers can understand.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
How Can You Say?
a) Jeremiah 2:23. I am not unclean?
b) Judges 16:15. I love you?
c) Psalm 11:2. To my soul?
d) Jeremiah 8:8. We are wise?
e) Matthew 7:4; Luke 6:42. To your brother.
f) Matthew 12:34. Good, when you are evil?
g) John 12:34. That the Son of Man must be lifted up.
h) John 14:9. Show us the Father.
(Through this QT: How Can You Say? I consider my speech)
'Hear And Open.'
Revelation 3:20.
a) The Lord Jesus is speaking.
b) Behold.
c) I stand at the door. Song of Solomon 5:2.
d) And knock.
e) If anyone hears My Voice.
f) And opens the door. Luke 12:36.
g) I will come into him.
h) I will eat with him.
i) And he with Me.
(This Second one gives me the desire to Hear And Open)
How can we say good things if we are evil? It is impossible. This is true indeed! So many of us have been hurt (or even destroyed) by people saying evil things when they could either say good things or say nothing. One of the plans of Satan is to destroy people's lives and ministries through the spreading of evil words.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Not To Worry!
'Not To Worry.'
Revelation 17:11.
a) You also saw a beast.
b) This beast used to be.
c) This beast no longer is.
d) This beast is one of the seven kings.
e) He will return as the eighth king.
f) Only to be destroyed.
(This QT encourages me Not To Worry or be afraid)
'The Baptisms Of John And Jesus.'
Matthew 3:11.
a) The Baptism of John.
b) Was a Baptism of water.
c) It was the outward sign of an inner repentance.
d) Jesus Christ, Who was coming after John.
e) Was mightier than John.
f) John 1:27. John felt unworthy even to carry the sandals of Jesus Christ.
g) It was a very low and self-humbling act to carry someone's sandals.
h) It was the duty of a slave to carry someone's sandals.
i) Acts 1:5; 11:16; Isaiah 4:4. Jesus Christ is the One Who will Baptise with the Holy Spirit and Fire.
(Through this Second one I understand more about The Baptisms Of John And Jesus)
The Word of God encourages His People many times Not To Worry. There are factually many things on the Earth today, in many different situations, that may cause us to worry. The Word of God is very clear, it says that we should Pray about the things that we are tempted to worry about.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
a) 2 Corinthians 8:20. Should be blameless.
b) Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
c) Genesis 41:49; Psalm 72:16. Joseph stored up grain in great abundance.
d) 1 Kings 1:19 & 25. Sheep in abundance were sacrificed.
e) 1 Kings 10:10. An abundance of spices.
f) 1 Chronicles 22:15. An abundance of workmen.
g) 1 Chronicles 29:16. An abundance provided to build the Lord's House.
h) 2 Chronicles 31:5. As soon as the command was given, the people of Israel gave in abundance of everything.
i) Psalm 5:7; Isaiah 63:7; Lamentations 3:32. The abundance of the Lord's Steadfast Love.
j) Psalm 5:10. The abundance of their transgressions.
k) Psalm 52:7. We should not trust in the abundance of our riches.
l) Psalm 68:9. God made it rain in abundance.
m) Psalm 69:13; 106:7 & 45. The abundance of God's Steadfast Love.
n) Psalm 78:25; 105:40. Food in abundance from God.
o) Proverbs 11:14; 24:6. In abundance of Counsellors there is safety.
p) Proverbs 20:15. Abundance of costly stones.
q) Proverbs 21:5. The plans of the diligent people lead surely to abundance.
r) Isaiah 7:22. Abundance of milk.
s) Isaiah 33:6. Abundance of:-
t) Jeremiah 33:6. Abundance of Prosperity and Security.
u) Jeremiah 40:12. Wine and summer fruits in great abundance.
v) Zechariah 14:14. The abundance of the wealth of the surrounding Nations.
w) Matthew 13:12; 25:29. He will have an abundance.
x) Mark 12:44; Luke 21:4. They all contributed out of their abundance.
y) Luke 12:15. Life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions.
z) Romans 5:17. Abundance of Grace.
(This QT makes me thank God for Abundance)
'Religious Astonishment.'
Luke 11:38.
a) Jesus came for a dinner meal.
b) Jesus did not purify His Hands.
c) By washing before the meal.
d) The Pharisee who invited Jesus was astonished.
(This Second one shows me Religious Astonishment)
The abundance of God's Steadfast Love is truly amazing. If we consider God in a realistic and Biblical way, we can discover His Steadfast Love. God is always Faithful, and He is Faithful in every way. His Faithfulness amazes me. We should be grateful for the abundance of God's Steadfast Love.
Monday, September 21, 2015
The Sovereign Lord Planted Us!
'The Sovereign Lord Planted Us.
Jeremiah 2:21-22.
a) The Lord is the One Who planted us.
b) The Lord chose a vine of the purest stock.
c) So pure.
d) The very best.
e) How did we grow into a corrupt and wild vine?
f) No manner of:-
g) Can make us clean.
h) The Sovereign Lord sees the stain of our guilt.
i) The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
(This QT affirms that The Sovereign Lord Planted Me)
'Things That Arose.'
a) John 3:25. Discussion.
b) Acts 6:1. Complaint.
c) Acts 8:1; 11:19. A great persecution against the Church.
d) Acts 15:39. A sharp disagreement.
e) Acts 23:7. Dissension.
f) Acts 23:9. A great clamour.
g) 2 Peter 2:1. False prophets.
h) Revelation 12:7. War in Heaven.
i) Genesis 22:3. Abraham.
j) Genesis 31:55. Laban, early in the morning.
k) Joshua 8:10. Joshua.
l) Judges 2:10. Another generation who did not know the Lord.
m) Judges 5:7. Deborah.
n) Judges 8:21. Gideon.
o) Judges 10:1. Tola.
p) Judges 10:3. Tair.
q) Judges 13:11. Manoah.
r) Judges 16:3. Samson.
s) 1 Samuel 3:6; 13:15. Samuel.
t) 1 Samuel 18:27; 23:13; 24:8. David.
u) 1 Samuel 26:2. Saul.
v) 2 Samuel 6:2; 11:2; 12:20. David.
w) 1 Kings 1:50. Adonijah.
x) 1 Kings 2:40. Shimei.
y) 1 Kings 11:40. Jeroboam.
z) 1 Kings 14:4. Jeroboam's wife.
(This Second one shows to me Things That Arose)
Sometimes, in Churches, Mission Ministries and Praise Bands, complaints arise. The best thing to do with these complaints is to deal with them calmly and quickly. If something is wrong, then it needs to be dealt with. If someone is wrong, they need to be communicated with. Complaints should never be allowed to grow into something more, they should be dealt with well.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
God Knows Everything!
'God Knows Everything.'
Revelation 17:10.
a) Five kings are fallen.
b) One is living.
c) One is yet to come.
d) When he comes.
e) He must continue (remain in power) for a little while.
(This QT reminds me that God Knows Everything)
'The Earliest Message Of Jesus.'
Mark 1:15.
a) The time is fulfilled.
b) The time is now.
c) The Kingdom of God is near.
d) Repent.
e) Keep on Believing the Gospel.
(This Second one teaches me The Earliest Message Of Jesus)
When I read the Book of Revelation there are several things that are in my mind. When it is read literally, as a Prophecy, it is difficult to understand. There are so many writers that have written about the prophetic aspect of the book. There is another way of reading the Book of Revelation, and that is learning simple lessons from it. Here is one of those simple lessons. God Knows Everything.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
It's All In The Light!
'It's All In The Light.'
Mark 4:22.
a) Everything that is hidden and concealed will be made clear and revealed.
b) Every secret.
c) Every concealed thing.
d) Will be made known.
(This QT reminds me that It's All In The Light)
'Praying With The Promises Of God.'
Mark 11:24.
a) Jesus tells us.
b) All the things that we Pray for.
c) Matthew 7:8. All the things that we ask God for.
d) Matthew 21:22. We are to Believe that we have received them.
e) God will give them to us.
f) The time for this 'giving' is up to God, not us. (John 14:13)
(This Second one encourages me to be Praying With The Promises Of God)
It's all in the light. There is never anything hidden from God. There are times that, for certain reasons, sometimes not good reasons and sometimes good ones, that we hide things from other people. For some of us it may actually necessary to do this. We should, however, remember that nothing can be hidden from God.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Ungrateful And Rebellious!
'Ungrateful And Rebellious.'
Jeremiah 2:20.
a) Isaiah 10:27; Nahum 1:13. It was a long time before that the Lord broke the yoke that was on His People.
b) The Lord tore off their chains.
c) But these people insisted that they would not serve the Lord.
d) On every high hill.
e) 2 Kings 17:10. On every green tree.
f) Isaiah 57:5. They lay down like a prostitute.
(This QT teaches me not to be Ungrateful And Rebellious)
'If You Can Believe.'
Mark 9:23.
a) Jesus spoke to the father of the boy who had awful fits.
b) Jesus encouraged this father to have Faith.
c) Jesus said that everything is possible.
d) For a person who Believes.
(This Second one challenges my Faith: If You Can Believe)
On every high hill the people looked for, or built, places for idols. The hills of a region are always spiritually significant. If the hills belong to God's people or people who follow a morally pure way of life, then the villages, towns and cities in the valleys can be influenced by the life on the hills. If the hills are given to idolatry then life in the valleys can be difficult in many ways. Intercession, of course, can change this.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
What Kind Of Mind Is Ours?
'What Kind Of Mind Is Ours?'
a) Revelation 17:9. A mind that has:-
b) Genesis 37:11. A retaining mind.
c) Exodus 10:10. A mind with an evil purpose.
d) Exodus 36:2. A skillful mind.
e) 1 Kings 8:48; 2 Chronicles 6:38. A repentant mind.
f) 1 Kings 10:24. A mind into which God has put Wisdom.
g) 2 Kings 6:11. A greatly troubled mind.
h) 1 Chronicles 22:19. A mind set to seek the Lord.
i) 1 Chronicles 28:9. A willing mind.
j) 1 Chronicles 28:12. A mind full of plans.
k) Nehemiah 4:6. A mind to work.
l) Psalm 110:4. An unchangeable mind.
m) Matthew 16:23. A mind not set on the things of God.
n) Matthew 21:29; Matthew 27:3. A changed mind.
o) Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27. A mind that loves the Lord God.
p) Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35. A right mind.
q) Romans 1:28. A debased mind.
r) Romans 8:7. A mind that is set on the flesh.
s) Romans 14:5. A mind that is fully convinced.
t) 1 Corinthians 2:16. The mind of Christ.
u) 1 Corinthians 14:15. A mind that is the source of Prayers and Songs.
v) 1 Timothy 6:5. A depraved mind.
w) 2 Timothy 3:8. A corrupted mind.
x) Hebrews 7:21. An unchangeable mind.
y) 1 Peter 3:8. A humble mind.
z) 2 Peter 3:1. A sincere mind.
(This QT challenges me: What Kind Of Mind Is Mine?)
'If And Why?'
Colossians 2:20.
a) If, with Christ, we died to the elemental spirits of the World (System).
b) Why?
c) As if we were still alive in the World System.
d) Do we submit to religious regulations.
(This Second one asks: If And Why?)
There are some people who have a mind full of plans and yet those plans, for some reason, are never carried out! There are also some people who have a mind full of plans but they are the wrong plans, they are incorrect. There are some inventive and creative people who seem to have minds that are restless and frustrated because the reality of their thoughts cannot be achieved. What kind of mind do we have?
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Christ The End!
'Christ The End.'
Romans 10:4.
a) Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness. Romans 7:4.
b) To everyone who Believes.
c) Everyone who Believes in Christ is made right with God.
(Through this QT I Believe in Christ The End)
'Forgiven And Free.'
Acts 13:38-39.
a) This is something that True Believers should know.
b) Through Jesus Christ Forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to us.
c) By Jesus.
d) Everyone who Believes.
e) Is freed.
f) From everything that the Law of Moses could not free us from.
(This Second one causes me to give Thanks to God because I am Forgiven And Free)
Forgiven and Free. This is a wonderful statement and also a true statement. Every True Believer should be able to confess these Words as a true statement over their lives. If we cannot say that we are forgiven and free it means that we have not yet experienced the Free Gift of Salvation that God offers to us through Jesus Christ. May all who read this know that they are forgiven and free.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
We Should Not Turn Away From The Lord!
'We Should Not Turn Away From The Lord!'
Jeremiah 2:18-19.
a) We will gain nothing by travelling to Egypt.
b) All that is in Egypt is troubled water.
c) We will gain nothing by travelling the way to Assyria.
d) We will gain nothing by drinking the waters of the Euphrates River.
e) Our:-
1-Own evil will discipline us.
2-Own apostasies will reprimand us.
3-Own wickedness will reprove us.
f) Think it over.
g) See how evil and bitter it is to abandon the Lord our God.
h) It is also evil and bitter to have no fear of the Lord.
i) This is the Declaration of the Lord of Hosts.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Not Turn Away From The Lord)
'Our Great Example.'
John 6:38.
a) Jesus said that He had come down from Heaven.
b) Ephesians 1:9. Not to do His Own Will.
c) But to do the Will of the Father.
d) Who sent Him.
(This Second one Teaches me about My Great Example)
We will gain nothing by travelling the way to Assyria! There are some Believers who just do their own thing and go their own way. They do not consult the Lord, they do not wait for the Lord, they just go their own way and then "spiritualise" it. This is dangerous for them, and, if they are Servants of The Lord, they will probably jeopardise His Testimony and His Ministry.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
They Will Be Astonished!
They Will Be Astonished.'
Revelation 17:8.
a) The beast you saw.
b) Was once alive.
c) But is not now.
d) Yet, he will soon come up out of the bottomless pit.
e) That is the dwelling place of demons.
f) He will go to Eternal Destruction.
g) The inhabitants of the Earth.
h) Whose names have not been found written.
i) In the Book of Life.
j) From the foundation of the World.
k) Will be astonished when they see the Beast.
l) Because the beast was already dead.
(This QT shows me that They Will Be Astonished, and urges me to remember that I belong to Jesus Christ now)
'Consider Them All.'
Philemon 1:2.
a) Apphia, not only the Church leader Philemon, but also his wife.
b) Archippus, the fellow - soldier in Ministry.
c) The Church that met in Philemon's House.
(This Second one calls me to Consider Them All)
The bottomless pit is the dwelling place of demons. These demons do not belong in houses, buildings of religious worship, in desperate and needy people, or various types of animal. The demons may visit these places sometimes but they do not belong there. They belong in, and must go to, the bottomless pit.
Apostle Paul's Focused Prayer!
'Apostle Paul's Focused Prayer.'
Philippians 1:4.
a) Paul's Prayer was consistently like this.
b) He Prayed in every Prayer.
c) He Prayed for the Philippian Church.
d) He Prayed with Joy.
(This QT teaches me: Apostle Paul's Focused Prayer)
'Be Silenced And Come Out.'
Mark 1:23-25.
a) Mark 1:23. There was a man in the Synagogue with an unclean spirit. He was in the power of that unclean spirit.
b) Mark 1:23. This man cried out aloud.
c) Mark 1:24. The evil spirit in the man spoke:-
1-What have you to do with US? - a lie.
2-Jesus the Nazarene - the spirit belittled Jesus into mere humanity.
3-Have you come to destroy us? - a lie.
4-I know who you are! - A veiled threat.
5-The Holy One of God. (John 6:69)
d) Mark 1:25. Jesus rebuked him.
e) Mark 1:25. Jesus told the evil spirit to be quiet.
f) Mark 1:25. Jesus also told the evil spirit to come out of the man.
(This Second one shows to me Jesus' way:- Be Silenced And Come Out)
Apostle Paul's Prayers that are recorded in the Scriptures are very consistent. It does us good to read these Prayers. We can have assurance that the Lord will hear our Prayers as we follow Apostle Paul's Prayers and lifestyle. Prayer is precious! Prayer is Holy! Prayer is communion with God. We should take care how we Pray.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
The Result Of Forsaking The Lord Our God!
'The Result Of Forsaking The Lord God.'
Jeremiah 2:15-17.
a) Jeremiah 2:15. The lions roar loudly against us.
b) Jeremiah 2:15. They roar loudly.
c) Jeremiah 2:15. They make the towns ruins.
d) Jeremiah 2:15. No one lives in the towns any more.
e) Jeremiah 2:16. Egyptians from Memphis and Tahpanhes have destroyed Israel's Glory and Power.
f) Jeremiah 2:17. Israel brought this upon themselves.
g) Jeremiah 2:17. By forsaking the Lord their God.
h) Jeremiah 2:17. Even though He was leading them in the way.
(This QT reveals The Result Of Forsaking The Lord God)
'The Need Of The Crete Church.'
Titus 1:5.
a) The devastated Church.
b) Needed to be put in order.
c) Elders of the Church.
d) Needed to be appointed in every town in Crete.
(This Second one teaches me The Need Of The Crete Church)
The Egyptians had come from Memphis and Tahpanhes and destroyed Israel's Glory and Power. This was a painful and shameful situation for God's People. It was not just a 'fact' that 'just happened'! It happened because of a reason, and the reason was that God's People forsook Him. The same will surely happen today when God's People forsake Him. This is one of the reasons why we are exhorted to closely follow the Lord.
Friday, September 11, 2015
They Were Astonished!
'They Were Astonished.'
a) Revelation 17:6-7. John the Revelation Author.
b) Revelation 17:8. Those people whose names were not written in the Lambs Book of Life.
c) Leviticus 26:32. The enemies of God's People.
d) 1 Kings 9:8; 2 Chronicles 7:21; Jeremiah 18:16. Those people who see what the Lord has done.
e) Job 17:8. Upright men.
f) Job 21:5. Those people who witnessed all that Job suffered.
g) Job 26:11; Jeremiah 2:12. The pillars of Heaven tremble and are astonished at the Lord's reproof.
h) Isaiah 52:14. The people were astonished at the appearance of Christ on the Cross.
i) Isaiah 59:16. God was astonished that no one would intervene.
j) Isaiah 63:5. Being astonished to find no supporter.
k) Jeremiah 4:9. The priests.
l) Ezekiel 3:15. Ezekiel in Tel Aviv.
m) Habakkuk 1:5. At what is happening.
n) Matthew 7:28; 13:54; 22:33. The crowds were, at Jesus' Teaching.
o) Mark 5:42; 7:37. At the Miracle that Jesus performed.
p) Luke 2:47; 20:26. The crowd was, at Jesus' understanding and answers.
(This QT reveals to me that They Were Astonished)
'The Word Is Jesus Christ.'
John 1:14.
a) He became flesh.
b) He dwelt among us.
c) We observed and contemplated His Glory.
d) His Glory as the One and only Son from the Father.
e) He was, and is, full of Grace and Truth.
(This Second one reminds me that The Word Is Jesus Christ)
The people were astonished at the appearance of Jesus on the Cross. If we read Isaiah 52 and 53 we can understand why. It was an awful sight, the extremes of torture that they carried out on Him were so malicious. We tend to have a mistaken thought that the Cross of Jesus Christ was somehow a beautiful thing. If we hold that thought then we are greatly mistaken.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
These Are Manifested!
'These Are Manifested.'
a) John 17:6. The Name of the Father, by the Son - Jesus Christ.
b) Romans 3:21. The Righteousness of God.
c) 2 Corinthians 4:10-11. The Life of Jesus in our bodies.
(Through this QT I see that These Are Manifested)
'The Church.'
a) Philemon 1:2. In Philemon's house.
b) Hebrews 12:23. Should be a Heavenly Place.
c) James 5:14. Should have ministering elders.
d) 3 John 1:10. Should have no room for aggressive people.
e) Matthew 6:18. Is Christ's
f) Matthew 18:17. Has authority to discipline.
g) Acts 8:1; 12:1. Sometimes suffers great persecution.
h) Acts 9:31. The growing Church:-
1-Has Peace.
2-Is being built up.
3-Lives in the Fear of the Lord.
4-Lives in the Comfort of the Holy Spirit.
5-Is multiplied.
i) Acts 12:5. Prays earnest Prayer.
j) Acts 14:27. Hears testimony of Mission.
k) Acts 15:3 & 22. Has Authority to send people to Mission.
l) Acts 15:4. Should be an open and welcoming place.
m) Acts 15:41; 16:5. Needs to be strengthened.
n) Acts 20:28. Needs to be well cared for.
o) Romans 16:1. Has servants - male and female.
p) Romans 16:4. Should be thankful when appropriate.
q) Romans 16:16. Should be good greeters.
r) 1 Corinthians 11:16. Should not be a contentious place.
s) 1 Corinthians 12:28. Has God appointed Ministries.
t) 1 Corinthians 14:4, 5 & 12. May be built up by the Gift of Prophecy.
u) 1 Corinthians 14:19. Should be a place of instruction.
v) 1 Corinthians 14:33. Should be a peaceful place with no confusion.
(Through this Second one I learn more about the Church)
The Church should have ministering Elders. To leave all the Church's congregational matters as the responsibility of one person and then blame that person if they have omitted certain matters is just not fair. The Leadership of the Church needs to have an active and responsible caring heart, then the Body ministers to the Body. That is a healthy and growing way for the Church.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Why Did This Happen?
'Why Did This Happen?'
Jeremiah 2:14.
a) Is Israel a servant?
b) Is Israel a slave?
c) Why has Israel become plunder?
d) Why has Israel become prey?
(Through this QT I echo the question: Why Did This Happen?)
'Significant Cana Of Galilee.'
John 2:11.
a) It was the first place where Jesus did a Miracle.
b) He revealed His Glory.
c) His Disciples believed in Him.
d) John 20:31. These Words are written that we might Believe.
(This Second one reveals to me Significant Cana Of Galilee)
Even if we have no answer, it is very acceptable to ask the question when necessary: "Why did this happen?" There may actually be no answer to this question. It can be a question which simply is expressing our pain or our frustration in some way. We can remember that God is called "The God of all Comfort". He is not the "God of all Answers."
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The Christian Life!
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