The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Conquerors And Overcomers!
'Conquerors And Overcomers.'
1 John 4:4.
a) We are of God, God's Children.
b) We have overcome and conquered those people influenced by the spirit of antichrist.
c) He Who is within us is greater than he who is in the World.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to live as a Conqueror And Overcomer)
'Lord, Please Grant This.'
Ephesians 3:16.
a) May God grant us, in answer to Prayer.
b) According to the riches of His Glory.
c) To be strengthened with Might and Power in our inner man.
d) By the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I pray: Lord, Please Grant This)
Lord, please grant this. Our Prayers should be pure and for God's Glory and not selfish. It is interesting that one of the latest ways of taking pictures is a "selfie"! (A focus on self) We need more of God in our lives and we need to focus on Him rather than on ourselves. When we focus correctly on Him then He can freely speak into our lives.
Do Not Remember The Former Things!
'Do Not Remember The Former Things.'
Isaiah 43:16-18.
a) Isaiah 43:16. The Lord makes a way in the sea and a path through the swirling waters.
b) Isaiah 43:17. The Lord brings forth:-
1-A Chariot.
2-A Horse.
3-An Army.
c) Isaiah 43:17. These shall:-
1-Fall down.
2-Never rise.
3-Be snuffed out like the flame of a lamp.
d) Isaiah 43:18. The Lord says that we are not to remember the former things nor consider the things of old.
(This QT reminds me: Do Not Remember The Former Things)
'True Ministers Are Made By God.'
Ephesians 3:7.
a) Apostle Paul was made a Servant of the Gospel and a Minister.
b) This was according to the Gift of the Grace of God.
c) This Gift was given to Paul by God through the effective working of His Power.
(Through this Second one I know that True Ministers Are Made By God)
The Lord is quite capable of bringing forth An Army to fulfil His Plans and Purposes in this World. There are times that He brings forth an Army of Evangelists to share Gospel Truth with crowds attending certain events. The Lord can bring forth National Military to perform His Will in the Nations.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Deacons Please Note!
'Deacons Please Note.'
1 Timothy 3:9.
a) Deacons should have an understanding of the human conscience.
b) Deacons need to have a clear conscience.
c) Deacons need to have a pure conscience.
d) Deacons need to rightly hold the mystery of the Christian Faith.
(This QT causes me to exclaim: Deacons Please Note!)
'We Have Obtained An Inheritance.'
Ephesians 1:11.
a) In Christ we have obtained an inheritance.
b) We are Predestined and Chosen in Christ according to God's Plan and Purpose.
c) God makes everything work in the way He intends.
(This Second one encourages me in that I Have Obtained An Inheritance)
The Ministry of a Deacon, whether male or female, is not only a Serving and Holy Ministry, it also calls for the Deacon to be living a life with a clear conscience and also understanding the workings of the human conscience. Deacons are also called to have an unshakeable Faith.
Test The Spirits!
'Test The Spirits!'
1 John 4:1-3.
a) 1 John 4:1. Apostle John is writing to his "spiritual children" whom he loves so much.
b) 1 John 4:1. He tells them not to believe every spirit or "spiritual" manifestation.
c) 1 John 4:1. He asks them to test the spirits.
d) 1 John 4:1. They (and we) can question if the spiritual manifestation is from God.
e) 1 John 4:1. Many false Prophets have gone out into the World. (They are still out there).
f) 1 John 4:2. By this we know the Spirit of God.
g) 1 John 4:2. Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God.
h) 1 John 4:3. Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.
i) 1 John 4:3. This is the spirit of Antichrist.
j) 1 John 4:3. The Church had already been taught about the spirit of Antichrist. (We very much need this Teaching in the Church today)
k) 1 John 4:3. This spirit has come and is now already in the World.
(This QT encourages me to Test The Spirits)
'No More A Mystery.'
Ephesians 1:9.
a) Christ has made known to us the Mystery of His Will.
b) He did and does this according to His good pleasure.
c) Which He purposed in Himself.
(This Second one reveals No More A Mystery)
Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. To me, this is very clear. We need to have a good and Biblical view regarding the life of the Church and Evangelism. Sometimes we are too radical about Church and too soft about Evangelism. Members of the Church do not need continual "healing" and "deliverance", they need to be made disciples. Non-Believers should not be treated as "seekers", that is non-Biblical. It is Jesus who is the Seeker. He Seeks and Saves the lost. Non-Believers need to hear a radical and life changing Gospel.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
The Lord Is!
Isaiah 43:15.
a) Our Holy One.
b) The Creator of Israel.
c) Our King.
(This QT reminds me Who The Lord Is)
'In Christ We Have.'
Ephesians 1:7.
a) Redemption through His Blood.
b) Freedom through His Blood.
c) Forgiveness of sins.
d) The Riches of God's Grace.
(This Second one causes me to Praise and Thank God: In Christ I Have)
There is Life in Christ that the True Believer can partake of. This Life is not only in the spiritual realm but is also very personal and practical. Life in Christ means that we can live with a clear conscience. We do not have to carry the burdens of our past sins anymore. It also means in every way we can be partakers of the Riches of God's Grace.
What The Man Of God Should Be!
'What The Man Of God Should Be.'
2 Timothy 3:17.
a) The Man of God should be complete.
b) The Man of God should be competent.
c) The Man of God should be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(This QT teaches me What The Man Of God Should Be)
'A Wonderful Predestination.'
Ephesians 1:5.
a) God has predestined us to adoption as sons.
b) By Jesus Christ.
c) To Himself.
d) This is according to the good pleasure of His Will.
(This Second one reveals to me A Wonderful Predestination)
The Truth regarding Predestination is very precious to the True Believer. This is an important part of our understanding of life in Christ. We are God's Property now - Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ - having goals in our life to Glorify Him.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
1 John 3:24.
a) Whoever keeps God's Commandments abides in Him.
b) God also abides in that person.
c) We can know that He abides in us.
d) We know by the Holy Spirit Who He has given to us.
(This QT encourages me to be Abiding)
'Heirs According To The Promise.'
Galatians 3:29.
a) If we are Christ's.
b) Then we are Abraham's Seed.
c) We are then Heirs according to the Promise.
(I rejoice in this Second one: I am an Heir According To The Promise)
Abiding is a very important part of the True Believer's life. Abiding is not passive but it is calm and peaceful. To Abide in God, however it may be done, is to be at Peace with Him and having a spiritually healthy concept of the World He has Created and which we live in. I treasure being able to Abide in God.
The Lord Gives Victory To His People!
'The Lord Gives Victory To His People.'
Isaiah 43:14.
a) These are the Words of:-
1-The Lord.
2-Our Redeemer.
3-The Holy One of Israel.
b) For the sake of His People the Lord will send to Babylon.
c) He will bring all the Chaldeans down like fugitives.
d) They are so proud of their ships.
(This QT shows me that The Lord Gives Victory To His People)
'The Will Of God Frees Us.'
Galatians 1:4.
a) Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins.
b) He died to free us from this evil world system.
c) This is according to the Will of God our Father.
(This Second one reminds me that The Will Of God Frees Me)
God works in various ways on behalf of His People. He does things that we do not expect Him to do but all works out well in the end. This fact should enable us to Trust Him more. When we read through the Scriptures we can see so many ways in which He worked on behalf of His People.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Some Goals Of Christ For Our Lives!
'Some Goals Of Christ For Our Lives.'
Titus 2:14.
a) Christ gave Himself for us to Redeem us from all iniquity.
b) Christ gave Himself for us to Purify for Himself His Own Special People.
c) Christ gave Himself for us to make us zealous for good works.
(This QT reveals Some Goals Of Christ For My Life)
'Apostle Paul Wrote In His Absence.'
2 Corinthians 13:10.
a) Paul wrote these things while he was absent because He did not want to use harshness towards the Corinthian Church whilst he was with them.
b) Paul had Authority from the Lord.
c) This Authority was for Edification and not for destruction.
(This Second one shows me Apostle Paul's compassion: Apostle Paul Wrote In His Absence)
Apostle Paul wrote this epistle to the Corinthians in his absence. It is evident here of both his care and authority for and in the Church. The need of the Corinthian Church at this time was that of pure and anointed leadership that could lead the Church into life as a Godly community in a dark place.
This Is God's Commandment!
'This Is God's Commandment.'
1 John 3:23.
a) This is God's Commandment.
b) That we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ.
c) And love one another.
d) God has given us this Commandment.
(This QT affirms to me that This Is God's Commandment)
'According To The Scriptures.'
1 Corinthians 15:3-4.
a) This is the first part of the Message that Apostle Paul delivered to the Church in Corinth.
b) He had received this Message from the Lord.
c) Christ:-
1-Died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
2-Was Buried.
3-Rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.
(Through this Second one I am persuaded that the Life of Christ must be preached According To The Scriptures)
God's Commandment, as revealed in John's Epistles is really very simple. It was written to the Church. It was written when the Church was going through difficult times because of persecution. The importance of these things stand out here; Faith and Love.
Monday, May 26, 2014
There Is No Saviour But The Lord!
'There Is No Saviour But The Lord.'
Isaiah 43:11-13.
a) Isaiah 43:11. The Lord alone is the Lord and their is no Saviour but Him.
b) Isaiah 43:12. We need to be free from every other 'god' that is strange from among us.
c) Isaiah 43:12. Then we can become His Witnesses.
d) Isaiah 43:12. That He is God the Lord:-
e) Isaiah 43:13. God is God both now and forever. There is no one who can deliver out of His Hands. When God works, no one can deliver out of His Hand.
(This QT teaches me that There Is No Saviour But The Lord)
'Now All Nations Can Hear.'
Romans 16:25-26.
a) God is able to establish us according the Gospel and Preaching of the Message of Jesus Christ.
b) This is a Mystery that was kept secret from the beginning of the World.
c) Now the Mystery has been made manifest.
d) The Prophetic Scriptures make the Gospel known to all Nations.
e) This is according to the Commandment of the Everlasting God.
f) So that all Nations would obey the Faith.
(This Second one makes me rejoice: Now All Nations Can Hear)
We need to be free from every other 'god' that is strange. Many 'Christians' do not only adhere to their own ideas and beliefs but they attempt to persuade others to follow the same ways. God is not strange and does not persuade us to be strange. The Bible tells us that if we are True Believers we have been given the Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind.
Having Confidence In Answered Prayer!
'Having Confidence In Answered Prayer.'
1 John 3:22.
a) Whatever we ask.
b) We receive from Him.
c) Because we keep His Commandments.
d) Because we do those things that are pleasing in His Sight.
(Through this QT I want to be Having Confidence In Answered Prayer)
'Like Minded Toward One Another.'
Romans 15:5.
a) God is the God of:-
b) He will grant us to be like minded toward one another.
c) This is according to Christ Jesus.
(This Second one Teaches me to be Like Minded Toward One Another)
Having confidence in answered Prayer is something that God wants every True Believer to be assured of. Confidence in Answered Prayer really helps our personal spiritual life. Having Faith in God starts our walk with the Lord.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Living In Love!
'Living In Love.'
Ephesians 5:2.
a) We are to walk and live in Love.
b) This means that we esteem and delight in one another.
c) We Love each other as Christ Loved us.
d) In His Love Christ gave Himself up for us.
e) Ezekiel 20:41. He gave Himself as an Offering and Sacrifice for us as a sweet smelling savour.
(This QT teaches me what it means to be Living In Love)
'There Are Different Gifts Of God.'
Romans 12:6.
a) We are given these Gifts by God according to the Grace that is given to us.
b) We should use the Gifts God gives to us.
c) An example is the Gift of Prophecy.
d) We bring the Gift of Prophecy according to our Faith.
e) We are urged to desire Spiritual Gifts for the good of the Body of Christ.
We should always remember that Christ gave Himself as an Offering and Sacrifice for us. He is why we can have the Joy of knowing that our sins are forgiven. Going to, and joining in, Church Activities is commendable, but we do need to accept by Faith Christ Crucified and Risen as our Saviour.
True Witnesses!
'True Witnesses.'
Isaiah 43:10.
a) Belong to the Lord.
b) Are chosen Servants of the Lord.
c) True witnesses:-
1-Know God.
2-Believe God.
3-Understand that He is God.
4-Know that before Him there was no God formed.
5-Know that there shall be no other God after Him.
(This QT reminds me what it is to be a True Witness)
'According To Election.'
Romans 9:11.
a) The children are not yet born.
b) They have not done any good or evil.
c) But the Purpose of God according to election might stand.
d) This has nothing to do with works.
e) But of Him Who calls.
(This Second one assures me that my Salvation is According To Election)
True witnesses of the Lord believe God. They are simple and Faithful people. Their aim is purely to Glorify God by living and proclaiming the Good News concerning Him. A true witness of the Lord knows God through a personal walk with Him.
Confidence Toward God!
'Confidence Toward God.'
1 John 3:21.
a) This is written to God's Beloved Family.
b) If our hearts do not condemn us.
c) We have confidence toward God.
(By this QT I want to maintain Confidence Toward God)
'All Things.'
Romans 8:28.
a) This is something very basic that we should know.
b) All things work together for good.
c) To those people who love God.
d) These people are Called.
e) According to God's Purpose.
(This Second one, All Things, encourages me because it is so comprehensive)
All Things! This is a very amazing Promise of God. It is the kind of Trust in God that every True Believer should have. It is a stable, day-by-day Trust. Some Believers have a wrong concept about Prayer. They have a "some we win and some we lose" concept. They cannot believe the constancy of God or His Word.
God's Handiwork!
'God's Handiwork.'
Ephesians 2:10.
a) We - the True Believers.
b) Are God's Handiwork.
c) Created in Christ Jesus.
d) To do good works.
e) Which God prepared in advance.
f) For us to do.
(This QT makes me very grateful to be God's Handiwork as part of the Body of Christ - also God's Handiwork)
'The Holy Spirit - Our Intercessor.'
Romans 8:27.
a) God looks to see what is in our hearts.
b) God knows the mind of the Holy Spirit.
c) The Holy Spirit intercedes for God's People.
d) According to the Will of God.
(This Second one reveals to me The Holy Spirit - My Intercessor)
God has prepared in advance the good works that He wants us to do. If only every member of the Body of Christ knew this, then Church would be beautiful. All the good works of various kinds to be done in the Church, whatever they are, they are prepared already by God. God never overloads people or makes them angry. Let us remember that we are His Handiwork and Glorify Him by doing what He wants us to do.
Ephesians 2:10.
a) We - the True Believers.
b) Are God's Handiwork.
c) Created in Christ Jesus.
d) To do good works.
e) Which God prepared in advance.
f) For us to do.
(This QT makes me very grateful to be God's Handiwork as part of the Body of Christ - also God's Handiwork)
'The Holy Spirit - Our Intercessor.'
Romans 8:27.
a) God looks to see what is in our hearts.
b) God knows the mind of the Holy Spirit.
c) The Holy Spirit intercedes for God's People.
d) According to the Will of God.
(This Second one reveals to me The Holy Spirit - My Intercessor)
God has prepared in advance the good works that He wants us to do. If only every member of the Body of Christ knew this, then Church would be beautiful. All the good works of various kinds to be done in the Church, whatever they are, they are prepared already by God. God never overloads people or makes them angry. Let us remember that we are His Handiwork and Glorify Him by doing what He wants us to do.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Let All The Nations Gather Together!
'Let All The Nations Gather Together."
Isaiah 43:9.
a) All the Nations gather together.
b) The people assemble together.
c) Which of their gods have foretold this?
d) Which of their gods have declared the former things?
e) Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were correct.
f) Then other people may hear and say that it is true.
(This QT is a challenge from God: Let All The Nations Gather Together)
'God Judges The Peoples.'
Romans 2:16.
a) This will take place on the Day.
b) When God Judges people's secrets.
c) Through Jesus Christ.
d) As the Gospel declares.
(This Second one reminds me of the Day when God Judges Me)
God knows all things about all people - even individually. People may attempt to justify themselves in front of God but it will be of no avail. These people may even have their witnesses to attempt to prove that are innocent and pure. Also it will be of no avail. God knows about all people - including you and I.
We Should Know That We Belong To The Truth!
'We Should Know That We Belong To The Truth.'
1 John 3:19-20.
a) We should know that we belong to the Truth.
b) We should be able to set our hearts at rest in the Presence of the Lord.
c) Even though our inner thoughts may condemn us with storms of guilt and constant reminders of our failures.
d) We know that God is greater than our hearts.
e) God knows everything.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Know That I Belong To The Truth)
'God's Judgment Is Based On Truth.'
Romans 2:2.
a) We know this.
b) There is no doubt about it.
c) The Judgment of God is based on Truth.
d) It will justly fall on hypocrites who practise hypocrisy.
(This Second one helps me to affirm that God's Judgment Is Based On Truth)
We know that God is Greater than our hearts. This is a very reassuring fact for every True Believer. God is Able to do and to achieve much more than we can imagine. Our clean conscience means that we can enjoy our personal relationship with God in a real way.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Until He Comes!
'Until He Comes.'
1 Corinthians 11:26.
a) Whenever we eat the bread of the Holy Communion.
b) Whenever we drink the wine of the Holy Communion.
c) We proclaim the Lord's death.
d) Until He Comes.
(This QT should govern my thoughts at the Holy Communion Service Until He Comes)
'Jesus Christ Our Lord.'
Romans 1:4.
a) Jesus was appointed the Son of God in Power.
b) This is according to the Spirit of Holiness.
c) This is manifested by His Resurrection from the dead.
d) This is Jesus Christ Our Lord.
(This Second one reveals to me Jesus Christ My Lord)
Almost every Christian Church will hold a Holy Communion Worship Service at least once a month. This is following the instructions of our Lord. Our thoughts during this Worship Service are very important. We should never just partake as a habit. We should partake in the way that is simply laid out for us in the Scriptures, having God-ward focused thoughts.
People Who Still Have To Be Led!
'People Who Still Have To Be Led.'
Isaiah 43:8.
a) Lead them out.
b) Bring them forth.
c) They have eyes but they are blind.
d) They have ears but they are deaf.
(This QT reveals to me People Who Still Have To Be Led)
'We Need To Go And Do It.'
Matthew 28:18-20.
a) Matthew 28:18. Jesus came to His Disciples, it was a Message that He wanted them to hear.
b) Matthew 28:18. Jesus said that all Authority in Heaven and on Earth was given to Himself.
c) Matthew 28:19. Because of this Authority His Disciples were to go and make Disciples of all Nations.
d) Matthew 28:19. This Disciple making included Baptism in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
e) Matthew 28:20. The Disciples of Jesus were to Teach the New Believers all that they knew that Jesus had already Commanded them.
f) Matthew 28:20. Jesus Promised to be with these Disciple makers even until the end of the age.
(This Second one reminds me that I Need To Go And Do It)
There are sometimes in the Churches people who should not have to be led but they are still dependant on being led. These people often blame their leaders when something does not work out well in their Church Life. These people often desire to share their opinions but they do not want to take any responsibilities.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Manifested Brotherly Love!
'Manifested Brotherly Love.'
1 John 3:17-18.
a) If anyone has material possessions.
b) And they see a brother or sister in need.
c) Then they have no pity on them.
d) How can the Love of God be in that person?
e) Dear children. (John was writing as a 'spiritual father')
f) Let us not love only with words or speech.
g) Let us love with actions and in Truth.
(Through this Second one I discover Manifested Brotherly Love)
'Christ Died For All.'
2 Corinthians 5:15.
a) Christ died for all people.
b) There are those people who live no longer for themselves.
c) They live for Christ.
d) He died for them and rose again.
(This Second one simply reminds me that Christ Died For All and challenges me about my responses to that Truth)
Apostle John was writing to the Church as 'dear children'. The reason for this was that he was a 'spiritual father' to the Church. We can read the contents of his letters and see the intimacy with which he wrote. One of the greatest needs of the Church today is for 'spiritual fathers'.
Everything Written Must Be Fulfiled!
'Everything Written Must Be Fulfilled.'
Luke 24:44.
a) Jesus was speaking with His Disciples after the Resurrection.
b) He reminded them of what He had told them in the past.
c) Everything written about Himself must be fulfilled.
d) These writings are in the:-
1-Law of Moses.
(This QT reminds me that Everything Written Must Be Fulfilled)
'Wisdom's Children.'
Proverbs 8:32.
a) This is for Wisdom's Children for now.
b) Listen to Wisdom.
c) Blessed are those Children who keep Wisdom's ways.
d) Happy are those Children who keep Wisdom's ways.
(This Second one is especially for Wisdom's Children)
Jesus Christ Himself referred to the Law of Moses again here after His Resurrection. The Law of Moses was not to be ignored, or replaced, by the New Testament. He referred to the Law of Moses being a source of writings about Himself. Let us be entire Bible Readers and not just New Testament and Psalms Bible Readers.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
A Wonderful God!
'A Wonderful God.'
Isaiah 43:7.
a) This is especially for God's People.
b) People who are called by His Name.
c) People who He Created for His Glory.
d) People whom He Formed.
e) People whom He Made.
(This QT calls me to Praise my God - A Wonderful God)
John 17:18.
a) The Father sent Christ into this World.
b) John 3:16. His motive was love.
c) Christ then sends His Disciples into this World.
d) The motive is still love.
(Through this Second one I thank God for being Sent)
God made, and still makes, people. His intention is that people will live for His Glory. For those people who respond to the Invitation and Calling of God He has a purpose for their lives. We should never take the Plans of God for our lives for granted.
A Wonderful Example!
'A Wonderful Example.'
1 John 3:16.
a) We come to know love by this.
b) That Jesus laid down His Life for us.
c) We need to lay down our lives for our fellow True Believers.
(This QT reveals to me A Wonderful Example)
'God's Handiwork.'
Ephesians 2:10.
a) We are God's Handiwork.
b) Created in Christ Jesus.
c) To do good works.
d) Which God has prepared in advance for us to do.
(Through this Second one I proclaim in amazement that I am God's Handiwork)
We are God's Handiwork. We should really be grateful and thankful to God for all that He has done for us and how and who He has made us. Being God's Handiwork also brings with it a responsibility for us to live for His Glory. Let us live daily with this in our minds. We are God's Handiwork.
Monday, May 19, 2014
To Know More About Jesus Christ!
'To Know More About Jesus Christ.'
Luke 24:27.
a) Jesus again began to Teach His Disciples.
b) He took them through the Writings of Moses.
c) Then He took them through all the Prophets.
d) Then He explained to them.
e) From the Scriptures.
f) The things concerning Himself.
(Through this QT I am encouraged To Know More About Jesus Christ)
'It Happens In Our Mother's Womb.'
Psalm 139:13.
a) The Lord made all the delicate parts of our body.
b) The Lord made the inner parts of our body.
c) The Lord knit me together.
d) In my mother's womb.
(It Happens In Our Mother's Womb)
Knowing more about Jesus Christ from the Scriptures. In the Evangelical and Charismatic Churches we hear a lot about 'experiencing' the Lord, and attendees are encouraged to have the experience in some way or another. That experience (if there is one) is surely initiated by the Grace of God through the Holy Spirit. We cannot make it happen. Jesus Christ actually made Himself known through His Word - the Scriptures.
Bring The Children!
'Bring The Children.'
Isaiah 43:5-6.
a) The Lord says to His People that they are not to be afraid for He is with them.
b) The Lord will bring the Children from the:-
c) Bring the sons from afar.
d) Bring the daughters from the ends of the Earth.
(This QT reminds me about Church's care of children: Bring The Children)
'It Is The Lord Who Transforms Us.'
2 Corinthians 3:18.
a) All of us.
b) With no covering on our faces.
c) Show the shining Greatness of the Lord.
d) As in a mirror.
e) We are being transformed into His Image.
f) With more and more of His Shining Greatness.
g) This change is from the Lord Who is the Spirit.
(Through this Second one I understand that It Is The Lord)
The North..... This made me think of the North Korean people and encouraged me in my Prayers for them. May the Children of and in North Korea somehow get to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The North..... The North of Scotland, where there was once revival and now it is so spiritually dry. I have seen so many Church buildings here in Aberdeen that are changed into places for secular use. Pray for the North of Scotland.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
1 John 3:15.
a) Whoever hates his brother or sister is a murderer. (This pertains to Believers)
b) No murderer has Eternal Life.
c) Abiding in them.
(Through this QT the question: "Who are Murderers? is answered)
'A Christ Like Mind.'
Philippians 2:5.
a) In our relationships with one another.
b) Let this mind be in us.
c) Which was also in Christ Jesus.
d) It means the same mind set as His.
(Through this Second one I desire A Christ Like Mind)
A Christ like mind is something that we need to share with other people. It can never be something secretly hidden away. It is manifested in our relationships with fellow human beings. It is something that we have to allow to happen in us. To have, and maintain a Christ like mind is not a struggle and stressful experience, it is beautiful.
Prepared To Give Him Glory!
'Prepared To Give Him Glory.'
2 Peter 3:18.
a) We are to grow in the Grace of the Lord.
b) We are to grow in the Knowledge of the Lord.
c) To the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be Glory, both now and forever. Amen.
(This QT reminds me that I must be Prepared To Give Him Glory)
'Those God Foreknew.'
Romans 8:29.
a) Those people that God foreknew He also Predestined.
b) Predestined to be conformed.
c) Conformed to the Image of His Son.
d) That He might be the Firstborn among many Brothers and Sisters.
(By this Second one I rejoice with and for Those God Foreknew)
Those God Foreknew! That is an extremely comforting Verse of Scripture for me to read and ponder upon. I did not just "happen" to be born. It seems from reading the New Testament that God clearly has a plan for our lives that is more than just fate. God, in His Practical and Amazing Love cares for us.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Because God Loves Us!
'Because God Loves Us.'
Isaiah 43:4.
a) We are Precious and Honoured in His Sight.
b) He will give people in exchange for us.
c) He will give Nations in exchange for our lives.
(This QT teaches me what happens Because God Loves Me)
'One Body.'
Romans 12:5.
a) In Christ.
b) 1 Corinthians 12:20. We are many people.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:12. We form one Body.
d) Each individual Member.
e) Belongs to all of the others.
(Through this Second one I rejoice because the Church is One Body)
I really like the Biblical concept of the Church as being a Body. We need to learn to live our Church lives as a Body. There are many denominations who all have their different emphasis on the Teaching of the Body of Christ. We should not be distracted by those who tell us that we are not really the Body of Christ if we do not live like they do. Let us discover what being members of the Body of Christ individually means and then as a Church, the Body of True Believers. We discover this in God's Word and our application and interpretations of it.
Love Is Important!
'Love Is Important.'
1 John 3:14.
a) Love gives us assurance that we have passed from death to life.
b) Because we love each other.
c) Anyone who does not love remains in death.
(This QT reminds me that Love Is Important)
'A Wholesome Life In The Church.'
1 Peter 2:17.
a) Show proper respect to everyone.
b) Romans 12:10. Love the Family of Believers.
c) Fear God.
d) Honour the Government of the Nation and Province.
(This Second one teaches me A Wholesome Life In The Church)
A Wholesome Life in the Church is desirable for every True Believer. This Wholesome Life makes the Church attractive to strangers. This Wholesome Life is a pleasant life for every True Believer to live. This Wholesome Life ensures that when the Church has to make policy decisions, they will be made well.
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The Christian Life!
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