The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Today It Is So Different!
'Today It Is So Different.'
Matthew 13:2.
a) There were very large crowds.
b) They were gathering around Jesus.
c) So Jesus got into a boat.
d) He sat down.
e) All the large crowds stood on the shore.
(Through this QT I can see that Today It Is So Different: the listeners all sit down and the Teacher stand to teach)
'Be Careful.'
Deuteronomy 4:23.
a) Be careful not to forget.
b) The Covenant of the Lord our God.
c) That He made with us.
d) We should not make for ourselves any idols.
e) This is something that the Lord our God has forbidden.
(This Second one calls me to Be Careful)
It is quite interesting that, in our modern 'in Church' styles our behaviour can often cause other people to fall down in a sinful way or even fall asleep. The Word of God in both Old and New Testaments is very clear to understand if we sincerely read it and study it. We should not cause other people to fall or be offended.
John Testified To Everything He Saw!
'John Testified To Everything He Saw.'
Revelation 1:1-2.
a) This is a Revelation from Jesus Christ.
b) Which God gave to Him.
c) Jesus Christ was to show His Servants what would soon take place.
d) He made it known by sending His Angel to His Servant John.
e) The Angel testifies to everything he saw.
f) This is the Word of God.
g) This is also the Testimony of Jesus Christ.
(This QT reminds me that John Testified To Everything That He Saw)
'Be Careful, Watch And Teach.'
Deuteronomy 4:9.
a) God told His People to be careful.
b) God told His People to watch themselves closely.
c) God did not want His People to forget the things that their eyes had seen.
d) For as long as God's People lived, He did not want the things that they had seen and heard slip from their hearts.
e) From generation to generation.
f) These things were to be taught to the children.
(This Second one encourages me to Be Careful, Watch And Teach)
Jesus Christ was to show His Servants what would soon take place. When Jesus Christ shows us something it is very clear. There are no mistakes, no "half-truths". It is important for us to enjoy a good relationship with God. If we have this kind of ongoing experience we will be more and more ready to receive anything that God has for us.
God Is A Re-Builder!
'God Is A Rebuilder.'
Isaiah 54:11-12
a) God rebuilds the afflicted city.
b) The city lashed by storms and not comforted.
c) God will give the city beautiful:-
(This QT reminds me that God Is A Rebuilder)
'Pleasing To God.'
Numbers 28:2.
a) This was a command to all of God's People.
b) They were to make sure.
c) That they offered Sacrifices presentable to God.
d) At the appointed and correct time.
e) At the appointed times of Worship.
f) Then God would be pleased with the aroma.
(Through this Second one I desire to offer offerings that are Pleasing To God)
God is a Rebuilder. We can see, in various Nations all over the World, cities that have been broken down or flooded out now being rebuilt. When a city is being rebuilt, for whatever reason, it is an awesome and wonderful sight. It is the same with humanity, God is a Rebuilder of our lives, the result of which will be or should be, that our lives will Glorify Him.
No Just Talking!
'Not Just Talking.'
1 Corinthians 4:20.
a) The Kingdom of God.
b) Is not just about talking.
c) It is about God's Power.
(This QT reminds me that the Kingdom of God is Not Just Talking)
'The Best Part.'
a) Numbers 18:32. Of the offering should be presented to the Lord.
b) Genesis 47:6. Goshen was the best part of Egypt.
c) Genesis 47:11. Rameses was the best part of the best part.
d) Genesis 18:29. The best and holiest part must be the Lord's portion.
e) Genesis 18:30. The best part was reckoned to the one who offered.
(Through this Second one I desire to give The Best Part)
The best part of something is usually the most desirable part for us to possess or to consume. Everybody loves the best part because that is the best part to them. Not everybody considers what the best part is for other people, they concern for themselves that, for them, it is the best part. God is pleased when we give our best part to Him.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
To God Our Saviour!
'To God Our Saviour.'
Jude 1:25.
a) To the only God, our Saviour.
b) Be:-
c) Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
d) Before all ages.
e) Now.
f) Forevermore.
(This QT calls me to give Worship and Praise To God My Saviour)
'Live Safely In The Land.'
Leviticus 25:18.
a) To live safely in the land.
b) To live securely on the land.
c) Follow the Lord's decrees.
d) Be careful to obey His laws and Regulations.
(Through this Second one I Desire To Live Safely In The Land)
To God alone belongs the Glory. We should always keep this in mind. We so often face the temptation to take glory for ourselves. When we take Glory for ourselves then we are actually robbing God. We cannot ever escape from this fact that all the Glory belongs to God.
Amazing Love Of God!
'Amazing Love Of God.'
Isaiah 54:9-10.
a) God is reminded by Himself of the former days of Noah.
b) God promised Noah that He would never again flood the Earth with water.
c) God promises not to be angry with, or rebuke, His People anymore.
d) Though the mountains and hills may be shaken.
e) God's unfailing Love for His People will never be shaken.
f) The Lord's Covenant of Peace would not be removed.
g) The Lord has Compassion upon His People.
(This QT reveals to me the Amazing Love Of God)
'He Is The Lord.'
Leviticus 19:37.
a) He is the Lord.
b) We should keep all His Decrees.
c) We should keep all His Laws.
d) We should follow them.
e) We should do them.
(This QT reminds me that He Is The Lord)
Here was a time when God reminded Himself of something He did in the past. God's Word is always both True and Faithful. There are many times that we should remind ourselves of God's Word. If we would do that, I am sure that we would make less mistakes in our daily walk with the Lord.
Monday, December 29, 2014
The Kingdom Of God!
'The Kingdom Of God.'
Romans 14:17.
a) The Kingdom of God.
b) Is not a matter of eating and drinking.
c) The Kingdom of God is:-
3-Joy in the Holy Spirit.
(This QT reminds me about The Kingdom Of God)
'Because The Lord Is The Lord Our God.'
Leviticus 18:30.
a) We are to keep the Lords Commandments and Charge.
b) We are not to follow any detestable customs.
c) Some of these customs have been followed by the people for a long time.
d) We are not to defile ourselves with these customs.
e) The Lord is the Lord our God, He is the I Am)
The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Peace. Peace is one of the things that God brings us into when we receive Jesus Christ and enter His Kingdom. This Peace is clearly from the Lord, it is a Peace that governs our inner man and it is a peace that keeps us when we are facing difficult situations in our lives.
God Is Able!
'God Is Able.'
Jude 1:24.
a) God is able to keep us from stumbling.
b) God is able to present us before the Presence of His Glory.
c) God is able to present us:-
1-Without fault.
2-Without blemish.
3-With great Joy.
(This QT reminds me that God Is Able)
'What God Simply Requires.'
Leviticus 18:4.
a) This is important for us to do.
b) We are to be careful about it.
c) It is obedience to God.
d) Remember He is the Lord our God.
(This Second one shows me What God Simply Requires)
We should always remember that God is Able. There is a great deal of difference between the Will of God and the Ability of God. We should always trust the Ability of God to do all that He says and has said that He will do. The Will of God is something that affects all of us, He desires that we should seek Him and do His Will.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
God's Amazing And Honest Love!
'God's Amazing And Honest Love.'
Isaiah 54:7-8.
a) For a brief moment God abandoned His People.
b) With deep compassion God brought them back.
c) In a surge of anger God hid His Face from His People for a moment.
d) But with Everlasting Kindness.
e) God will have compassion on them.
f) These are the Words of the Lord.
g) The Redeemer of His People.
(This QT teaches me about God's Amazing And Honest Love)
'To Be Pure Before God.'
2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1.
a) 2 Corinthians 6:17. The Lord says that we need to come out from wrong relationships and be separate.
b) 2 Corinthians 6:17. We need to touch no unclean thing.
c) 2 Corinthians 6:17. Then the Lord will receive us.
d) 2 Corinthians 6:18. The Lord will be a Father to us.
e) 2 Corinthians 6:18. We will then be His Sons and Daughters.
f) 2 Corinthians 6:18. These are the Words of the Lord Almighty.
g) 2 Corinthians 7:1. Then the Lord will be a Father to us.
h) 2 Corinthians 7:1. We will have assurance that we are His Sons and Daughters.
i) 2 Corinthians 7:1. Again - these are the Words of the Lord Almighty.
(This Second one gives me the desire To Be Pure Before God)
The Lord is the Redeemer of His People. When a person is redeemed it means that the person who redeemed them becomes their owner. Whatever happens after that is not relevant. If we have been Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The Price is already paid for our Eternal Salvation - Hallelujah!
Consider Our Future Inheritance!
'Consider Our Future Inheritance!
1 Corinthians 15:50.
a) This is a clear Proclamation of God's Word.
b) The Proclamation is to Brothers and Sisters of the Church in Corinth.
c) Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
d) The perishable cannot inherit the imperishable.
(This QT exhorts me to Consider My Future Inheritance)
'There Is No Agreement.'
2 Corinthians 6:16.
a) Between a temple of God and idols.
b) We are a temple of the Living God.
c) God says that He will live with us.
d) God says that He will walk among us.
e) God is our God.
f) We are His People.
(This Second one Teaches me that There Is No Agreement)
There are times that we get so caught up in our own world around us, or the things happening in this World now, that we forget to consider our future inheritance. We should not be "too heavenly minded that we are no earthly good", but we should live in balance as True Believers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Important Things That Should Not Be Forgotten!
'Important Things That Should Not Be Forgotten.'
Jude 1:20-23.
a) Jude 1:20. Build ourselves up in our most Holy Faith.
b) Jude 1:20. Pray in the Holy Spirit.
c) Jude 1:21. Keep ourselves in God's Love.
d) Jude 1:21. Wait for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us to Eternal Life.
e) Jude 1:22. Be merciful to those people who doubt.
f) Jude 1:23. Save other people by snatching them from the fire.
g) Jude 1:23. To other people show Mercy mixed with fear, hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
(This QT teaches me Important Things That Should Not Be Forgotten)
'Avoid Wrong Partnerships.'
2 Corinthians 6:14-15.
a) Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.
b) What do Righteousness and wickedness have in common?
c) What fellowship can Light have with darkness?
d) What harmony is there between Christ and Satan?
e) What does a Believer have in common with an unbeliever?
(This Second one encourages me to Avoid Wrong Partnerships)
We need to keep ourselves in God's Love. When we are receivers of God's Love then we can share His Love with other people too. Keeping ourselves in God's Love should not be difficult for us if we are True Believers because we have the Holy Spirit Who is a Spirit of Love that has been poured out into our hearts.
God With Us In Painful Times!
'God With Us In Painful Times.'
Isaiah 54:4-6.
a) Isaiah 54:4. Encouraging and Healing Words:-
1-Do not be afraid.
2-You will not be put to shame.
3-Do not fear disgrace.
4-You will not be humiliated.
5-You will forget the shame of your youth.
6-You will remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
b) Isaiah 54:5. The Lord is with us:-
1-Your Maker is your husband.
2-The Lord Almighty is His Name.
3-The Holy one of Israel is your Redeemer.
4-He is called the God of the Whole Earth.
c) Isaiah 54:6. What the Lord will do:-
1-The Lord will call us back.
2-Like a wife deserted.
3-Like a wife distressed in spirit.
4-Lie a wife who married young only to be rejected.
5-The Lord is saying this.
(You will remember no more the reproach! This QT reminds me of God's Healing Power)
'When It Is Safe To Open Our Hearts.'
2 Corinthians 6:11-13.
a) 2 Corinthians 6:11. When there is honest communication and desire to be open.
b) 2 Corinthians 6:12. When affection is given rather than condemnation.
c) 2 Corinthians 6:13. When the desire for open hearts is mutual.
(This Second one Teaches me When It Is Safe To Open My Heart)
God is called the God of the Whole Earth. There is not one part of this Planet Earth which does not belong to God. One of the reasons that we can have confidence in our Prayers to God is that He is the God of the Whole Earth. When God Wills, it will be done!
Friday, December 26, 2014
A Large Crowd Listens To Jesus!
'A Large Crowd Listens To Jesus.'
Matthew 13:2.
a) Great crowds gathered around Him.
b) So Jesus got into a boat.
c) He sat in the boat.
d) The whole crowd stood on the shore.
e) Then Jesus began to Teach them.
(Through this QT I learn much: A Large Crowd Listens To Jesus)
'We Need To Be Careful.'
Exodus 34:12.
a) We need to be careful and take heed to ourselves.
b) Not to make any covenants or treaties.
c) Especially with strangers and the people that we do not really know well.
d) Those covenants or treaties can become a snare to us.
(Yes! I know through this Second one that I Need To Be Careful)
Jesus, after sitting down in the boat, began to Teach the people. This was an unusual scenario. It is most probably how the Jewish Rabbis would teach. Very different from most of our Churches today. This actually leaves us a lot to think about regarding the most effective ways of having Services in our Churches. There is no doubt that, in this case the people heard well. Jesus' Ministry was hugely practical, whatever He was doing.
Remember These Apostolic Words!
'Remember These Apostolic Words.'
Jude 1:17-19.
a) Jude 1:17. Dearly beloved friends in the Gospel.
b) Jude 1:17. Are to remember what the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ told them.
c) Jude 1:18. They said that in the last days.
d) Jude 1:18. There will be scoffers.
e) Jude 1:18. These scoffers will follow their own ungodly desires.
f) Jude 1:19. These are the people who divide the Churches.
g) Jude 1:19. These people follow mere natural instincts.
h) Jude 1:19. They do not have the Holy Spirit.
(Through this QT I know that I should Remember These Apostolic Words)
'Just As You Were Shown.'
Exodus 27:8.
a) In building the Place of Worship in the Old Testament times.
b) The making of the Altar.
c) Was to be just as Moses was shown on the Mountain.
(This Second one Teaches me to follow God's Instructions Just As I Am Shown)
The way that Apostle Jude addressed the Churches and the True Believers was a very loving and accepting way. He called them 'Dearly Beloved Friends In The Gospel.' Even though Jude's Message is one of the strongest Chapters in the New Testament, Jude was able to present it in a very loving and accepting way. This is a lesson for all of us.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Three "Will" Promises!
'Three "Will" Promises.'
Isaiah 54:3.
a) God's People will spread out to the Right and to the Left.
b) The descendants of God's People will possess the Nations.
c) The descendants of God's People will settle in desolate cities and towns.
(This QT encourages me with Three "Will" Promises from God)
'Actions According To The Authority.'
Deuteronomy 17:10.
a) The Decisions made by those people who have authority over us:-
1-At the place which God chooses.
2-The Levite Priests who are on duty.
3-The Judge who is in office at that specific time.
b) These Authority people will give a verdict.
c) We must act according to the decisions that they give to us and make for us.
d) They will tell us where these things should be done.
e) We should be careful to do everything that they instruct us to do.
(This Second one reminds me the importance, from the Old Testament days until now, of making Actions According To The Authority)
God has placed certain people in authority over us in various ways. God's desire is to be Glorified in our lives, families and communities. God is a life-giving God and He desires that the life that He has given to us can also be shared with other people. This season of Christmas and New Year is an excellent time to share God's Life and Love with other people.
Seasonal Greetings!
To All Those Who Read This QT Blog:
Have a Blessed and Joyful Christmas Season and also a Blessed New Year 2015.
1 Corinthians 15:57-58.
Have a Blessed and Joyful Christmas Season and also a Blessed New Year 2015.
1 Corinthians 15:57-58.
Praise The Name Of The Lord!
'Praise The Name Of The Lord.'
Psalm 148:13.
a) Let us Praise the Name of the Lord.
b) His Name alone is Exalted.
c) His Glory is above the Earth.
d) His Glory is above the Heavens.
(This QT calls me to Praise The Name Of The Lord)
'Be Refreshed.'
Exodus 23:12.
a) God's People were to work six days per week.
b) On the seventh day, do not work, but rest.
c) Oxen and Donkeys should be rested too.
d) The household servants should also be refreshed.
e) The resident alien may also be refreshed.
(This Second one reminds me to Be Refreshed)
Every True Believer is called to Praise the Name of the Lord. Firstly, Praising His Name is a personal thing. It is good to Praise the Lord! Secondly, it is good for True Believer families to sometimes Praise the Lord in the privacy of their homes. It is also good to Praise the Lord in the gathered assembly of the Church.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Grumblers And Faultfinders!
'Grumblers And Faultfinders.'
Jude 1:16.
a) They follow their own evil desires.
b) They boast about themselves.
c) They flatter others for their own advantage.
(This QT teaches me more about Grumblers And Faultfinders)
'Messengers Of Salvation.'
Jude 1:23.
a) Save some people by snatching them from the fire.
b) Have mercy mixed with fear towards other people.
c) Hate the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
(Through this Second one I learn more requirements for Messengers Of Salvation)
Messengers of Salvation are to be encouraged and respected in they are truly functioning as they should. There are some so-called "messengers of salvation" who actually are no more than a religious "mess". These people need to be stopped, whilst the True Messengers of Salvation need to be encouraged.
Something Very Special!
'Something Very Special.'
Isaiah 54:1-2.
a) There was a barren woman.
b) She had never had a child.
c) She was to burst into song.
d) She was to shout for Joy.
e) She had never been in labour.
f) For the desolate woman now has more children.
g) Than she who has lived with her husband.
h) These are the Words of the Lord.
i) Preparation for increase:-
1-Enlarge your house.
2-Build an addition.
3-Spread out your home.
4-Do not hold back.
5-Spare no expense.
(This QT is telling Something Very Special)
'Watch Yourselves Too.'
Galatians 6:1.
a) This is written to True Believers.
b) If another Believer is overcome by some sin.
c) You who live by the Holy Spirit.
d) Should restore that person gently.
e) But watch yourselves.
f) We should be careful not fall into the same temptation ourselves.
(Through this Second one I know that I must Watch Myself Too)
These are days when God is telling some people, Churches and Mercy Ministries to make preparation for increase. When God tells something like this it first needs to be confirmed and checked out by mature True Believers. Their standard is God's Word. If it is True, whatever may happen along the way, the increase will come.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
a) 1 Corinthians 15:56. The sting of death is sin.
b) Revelation 9:3 & 5. Scorpions sting.
c) 1 Corinthians 4:12. Stings may come from people's mouths.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:55. Death has a sting.
(This QT reminds me of the power of being Stung)
'We Need To See To It.'
Hebrews 3:12.
a) We are to see to it.
b) As True Believers.
c) That none of us.
d) Are to have a sinful and unbelieving heart.
e) Then turn away from the Living God because of that heart.
(Through this Second one I know that I am to see to it.
We need to see to it. This means that it is our responsibility. If we do not look after our own heart we can get ourselves into all kinds of difficulties. The issues of life come out of our heart, not just out of our mouth. When Church people do not look after their hearts it can be devastating for other people in the Church.
Enoch's Prophecy!
'Enoch's Prophecy.'
Jude 1:14-15.
a) Enoch was the seventh from Adam.
b) Enoch Prophesied about coming situations.
c) Matthew 16:27. He Prophesied that the Lord is going to come with many thousands of His Angels.
d) The Lord is coming to Judge everyone.
e) He is coming to execute Judgment on all people.
f) To convict all who are ungodly among them.
g) Of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed.
h) In an ungodly way.
(This QT reveals Enoch's Prophecy which is amazingly accurate)
'Rebelling Against God And Doubting Him.'
Psalm 78:17-20.
a) Psalm 78:17. The people continued to sin against the Lord.
b) Psalm 78:17. The people rebelled in the desert against Him.
c) Psalm 78:18. They wilfully put God to the test by demanding the food for which they craved.
d) Psalm 78:19. They spoke against God.
e) Psalm 78:19. They doubted that God could really spread a table in the wilderness.
f) Psalm 78:20. They remembered that the rock was struck and the waters gushed out.
g) Psalm 78:20. However they doubted that God could give bread and meat for His People.
(This Second one clearly tells me never to be Rebelling Against God And Doubting Him)
Enoch's Prophecy was and remains as amazingly accurate. All True Prophecy should be the same. The Prophecy of Scripture is 100% accurate and forever will be. When we receive and share the Gift of Prophesy under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it should be according to Scriptural Guidance. This Guidance is that the Gift of Prophecy is for Edification, Exhortation and Comfort.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Christ - The Sacrificed Intercessor!
'Christ - The Sacrificed Intercessor.'
Isaiah 53:12.
a) Father God will give Christ the Honours and Portion among the Great.
b) Christ will divide the spoils with numerous people.
c) This is all because He poured out His Life unto death.
d) He was numbered with the transgressors.
e) He bore the sins of many people.
f) He made Intercession for the transgressors.
(This QT reveals to me Christ - The Sacrificed Intercessor)
'The Words Of A Gossip.'
Proverbs 26:22.
a) The words of a gossip.
b) Are like choice mortals.
c) They seek deep into one's heart.
(This Second one makes me want to avoid The Words Of A Gossip)
Christ, on the Cross, bore the sins of many people. There are some angry, bitter or unbelieving people who do not accept this Message. They prefer to be responsible for their own sins, for which they will face Eternal Judgment. There are some seriously mistaken people who think that gossip is not a 'serious' sin. That is nonsense, gossip can kill, especially through suicide.
Eagerly Waiting!
'Eagerly Waiting.'
Galatians 5:5-6.
a) Through the Holy Spirit.
b) By Faith.
c) We are eagerly awaiting to be made Righteous, the Righteousness for which we hope.
d) In Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor un-circumcision has any value.
e) The only thing that counts.
f) Is Faith.
g) Expressing itself through Love.
(I affirm through this QT that I am Eagerly Waiting)
'To Quarrel Or Not.'
Proverbs 26:20-21.
a) Where there is no wood.
b) The fire goes out.
c) Without gossip.
d) A quarrel dies down.
e) As coals to burning wood.
f) And as wood to a fire.
g) A quarrelsome person kindles strife.
(This Second one gives me a choice: To Quarrel Or Not)
Hope is an important and real part of our faith life. Hope can keep our Faith active and realistic. When Hope is not met the situation can make us very miserable. Initially, as True Believers, our Hope is in God. The Bible tells us to Hope in God. The Bible also says that Hope deferred makes our heart sick. Maybe that means both the emotional and physical heart?
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Instinctive And Wild!
'Instinctive And Wild.'
Jude 1:10-13.
a) Jude 1:10. These people slander whatever they do not understand.
b) Jude 1:10. They are like irrational animals.
c) Jude 1:10. They are self destructive.
d) Jude 1:11. They followed three evil ways:-
e) Jude 1:12-13. They are spots and blemishes in Church love-feasts.
1-They fearlessly feast at Church love feasts.
2-They eat with the Church without the slightest qualm.
3-They are shepherds who only feed themselves.
4-They are clouds without rain, carried along by the wind.
5-They are autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted.
6-They are twice dead.
7-They are raging waves of the sea.
8-They foam up their shame.
9-The are wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
(This QT makes me cautious of people who are Instinctive And Wild in the Church)
'The One Who Deceives Their Neighbour.'
Proverbs 26:18-19.
a) Like a maniac.
b) Shooting flaming arrows of death.
c) Is one who deceives their neighbour.
d) Then they say that they were only joking.
(This QT pictures for me The One Who Deceives Their Neighbour)
There are some people who should not be in Church who are still there. These people are selfish. These people are spiritually dead. They never think about other people and their needs, they only think about themselves. They are fruitless Believers and live as if they are twice dead. They love to come and join in Church feasts, they are so selfish.
After His Suffering!
'After His Suffering.'
Isaiah 53:11.
a) After the suffering of Jesus Christ.
b) He will see the Light of Life.
c) He will be satisfied.
d) Through the Knowledge of Him.
e) Jesus Christ, the Righteous Servant.
f) Shall justify many people.
g) He will bear their iniquities.
(This QT teaches me what happens to Jesus Christ After His Suffering)
'We Should Not Rush Into A Quarrel.'
Proverbs 26:17.
a) Like a person who grabs a stray dog by the ears.
b) Is someone.
c) Who rushes into a quarrel not their own.
(This Second one clarifies that I Should Not Rush Into A Quarrel)
One of the Manifestations of Jesus Christ upon this Earth was as the Righteous Servant of Almighty God. This is amazing! Christ came as a Servant, we hear the song sometimes about the Servant King, and it is Truth. But He came clearly as a Servant. The Servant is the lowest of the low in most societies. All that Christ accomplished on this Earth was with the attitude of a Righteous Servant.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
The Results Of Sin's Control In Our Lives!
'The Results Of Sin's Control In Our Lives.'
Galatians 5:19-21.
a) Galatians 5:19. The results of sin's control in our lives.
b) Galatians 5:19. The acts of the flesh.
c) Galatians 5:19. Are Clear and obvious.
d) Galatians 5:19-21. These acts are clearly explained to us here:-
5-Sexual sins.
6-Impure acts.
7-Wild living.
10-Fits of raging anger.
11-Selfish ambition.
e) Galatians 5:21. Apostle Paul continuously warns the Galatian Believers.
f) Galatians 5:21. People who live in the acts of the flesh.
g) Galatians 5:21. Will not enter the Kingdom of God.
(This QT gives me the desire to keep free from The Results Of Sin's Control In My Life)
'A Wonderful Name.'
Psalm 8:9.
a) Lord, our Lord.
b) How Majestic is your Name.
c) In all the Earth.
(This Second one reveals to me A Wonderful Name)
Dissensions are never right or spiritual, they are simply sinful results from sin's control in our lives. It is normal, very normal, to have differing opinions about things. Especially in the business meetings of the Church these can happen and we should not allow them to harm relationships within the Church. The Bible tells us that dissensions are an act of the flesh and that we need to be free from them.
Michael's Argument!
'Michael's Argument.'
Jude 1:9.
a) Michael the Archangel was arguing with the Devil.
b) It was about the body of Moses.
c) He was not only arguing, he was debating.
d) Michael did not dare to condemn the Devil for slander.
e) Michael said to the Devil: "The Lord rebuke you!"
(This QT teaches me from Michael's Argument)
'Rulers Over God's Creation.'
Psalm 8:5-8.
a) Psalm 8:5. God has made mankind a little lower than the Angels.
b) Psalm 8:5. God has crowned mankind with Glory and Honour.
c) Psalm 8:6. God has made mankind rulers over the Works of His Hands.
d) Psalm 8:6. God has put everything under the feet of mankind.
e) Psalm 8:7-8. Under mankind's feet are:-
3-Wild animals.
6-Other creatures of the sea.
(Through this Second one I understand more about the Rulers Over God's Creation)
Many True Believers get them into trouble physically, emotionally and spiritually because of the ways in which they try to "deal with" the Devil. It seems that Jesus Christ Himself simply commanded the Devil to go. We have Authority in Jesus' Name to cast out the Devil this Authority comes from the Lord Himself. This was also the Authority the Lord gave to Michael. We should not attempt in our own ways, but be led and taught by the Lord when we deal with the Devil.
Friday, December 19, 2014
A Complete Work!
'A Complete Work.'
Isaiah 53:10.
a) It was the Will of the Lord God to crush Jesus Christ and make Him suffer.
b) The Lord God made Jesus Christ an offering for sin.
c) Jesus Christ will see His offspring.
d) Jesus Christ will prolong His Days.
e) Jesus Christ will complete the things that the Lord God wants Him to do.
(This QT reveals to me A Complete Work)
'Why Do You Care For Us?'
Psalm 8:3-4.
a) When David considered the heavens.
b) The Lord made the heavens with His Fingers.
c) The moon and the stars which the Lord put into place.
d) What are people that they are important to You? (The Lord)
e) Why do you care for human beings?
(This Second one causes my question: Why Do You Care For Me)
Jesus Christ will complete the things that the Lord God wants Him to do. We have this assurance and good news from God's Word. Jesus never did what He willed when He came in human flesh to this Earth, He always did what the Lord God, the Heavenly Father wanted Him to do.
Washed, Sanctified And Justified.'
'Washed, Sanctified And Justified.'
1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
a) 1 Corinthians 6:9. The unrighteous people shall not enter the Kingdom of God.
b) 1 Corinthians 6:9. We should not be deceived.
c) 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. These people will not inherit the Kingdom of God:-
1-Sexually immoral.
4-Practising homosexuals.
d) 1 Corinthians 6:11. Some of the Corinthians were like that before they knew Jesus Christ.
e) 1 Corinthians 6:11. Now these Corinthians are:-
f) 1 Corinthians 6:11. This is all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of God.
(This QT makes me give thanks to God because I am Washed, Sanctified And Justified)
'The Praises Of Children And Infants.'
Psalm 8:2.
a) Through the Praises of Children and Infants.
b) God establishes a stronghold against His Enemies.
c) Through the Praises of Children and Infants:-
1-The foe is silenced.
2-The avenger is silenced.
3-The revengeful cease.
(This Second one reveals to me the Power of The Praises Of Children And Infants)
It is necessary that the True Believer can confess and proclaim that they are washed. There are several meanings of washing. The washing of the mind of the True Believer through and by the Word of God, the washing of water baptism, which is the answer of a clear conscience towards God and also the washing away of our sins by and through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...