Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Intercession And Salvation!

‘Intercession And Salvation.’
1 Timothy 2:1-4.
a)   1 Timothy 2:1. For everyone we should be:-
1-  Making petitions.
2-  Praying.
3-  Interceding.
4-  Thanksgiving.
b)   1 Timothy 2:2. We should be doing this for Kings and all those people who are in Authority. So that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
c)   1 Timothy 2:3. This is good and pleasing to God our Saviour.
d)   1 Timothy 2:4. God wants everyone to be Saved and to come to the Knowledge of the Truth.
(This QT teaches me how Intercession And Salvation are linked)
‘A Universal Appointment.’
Hebrews 9:27.
a)   It is appointed.
b)   For people to die once.
c)   After this.
d)   The Judgment.
(This Second one reminds me that all people, including me, have A Universal Appointment)

Sometimes, in our Prayer life we need to making petitions on behalf of other people as well as our selves. We always need to be careful that our Prayer life is not restricted to making petitions, if it is limited in that way we certainly will not grow in our prayer life, we will shrivel and just become so spiritually dry and religious. May our Prayer life be prayed out to the full.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...