The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, February 20, 2012
God Is Strong!
‘God Is Strong.’
a) Jeremiah 4:13; Isaiah 19:1. Against an enemy that is sometimes frightening.
b) Isaiah 13:5. His weapons are powerful.
c) Nahum 1:3. His Power is Great.
d) Matthew 24:30. Jesus Christ will return with Power and Great Glory.
e) Isaiah 66:15. He comes with fire to punish.
f) Deuteronomy 28:49. The Lord can bring distant Nations against His People.
(Through this QT I know that God Is Strong)
‘The Reason For Ministry Gift Leaders In The Church.’
Ephesians 4:11-13.
a) Ephesians 4:11. These Ministry Gift Leaders are given by Christ:-
1- Apostles.
2- Prophets.
3- Evangelists.
4- Pastors.
5- Teachers.
b) Ephesians 4:12. The reason that these Leaders are given is to train the saints in the Work of Ministry and to build up the Body of Christ.
c) Ephesians 4:13. Christ’s fullness is our measure and we all need the help of these Leaders so that we:-
1- Can have unity in the Faith.
2- Grow in the Knowledge of God’s Son.
3- Can become mature True Believers.
(This Second one teaches me The Reason For Ministry Gift Leaders In The Church)
God is strong and I know it! He can do anything He wants anywhere He wants. We simply need to be sure that we are on His side and not against Him. How can we know that we are on His side? By simply obeying Him both in our heart and physically.
The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...