The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
People Who Do Not like Us!
‘People Who Do Not like Us.’
Proverbs 25:21-22.
a) If they are hungry.
b) Give them food to eat.
c) If they are thirsty.
d) Give them water to drink.
e) We will make them ashamed.
f) The Lord will reward us.
(This QT teaches me how to handle People Who Do Not Like Me)
‘When The Holy Spirit Comes Upon Us.’
Acts 1:8.
a) We will receive Power. (From God)
b) We will be witnesses of the Lord Jesus.
c) We will tell all people everywhere about Him. (Modern Mission in every form)
(Through this Second one I find God’s Purpose for me When The Holy Spirit Comes Upon Me)
The way to make our enemies ashamed is not to take them to court, or to publicly humiliate them. This can make the situation much worse. We are told in the Bible that we should not take revenge. We make them ashamed when we continue to serve them with a pure heart. Then they will either repent, leave us alone or go away.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Pray For Righteous Leaders Of The Nation!
‘Pray For Righteous Leaders Of The Nation.’
a) Isaiah 32:1. God may Promise the Nation of them.
b) 2 Kings 22:2. Righteous Leaders go straight.
c) 2 Kings 18:3. Righteous Leaders do that which is correct in the sight of the Lord.
d) 2 Kings 18:5-6. Righteous Leaders:-
1- Trust in the Lord.
2- Remain Faithful to the Lord.
3- Carefully Obey the Lord.
e) Jeremiah 23:5. Righteous Leaders rule with Wisdom.
f) 1 Peter 2:9. We should be godly subjects of a Righteous Leader.
g) Revelation 19:16. Righteous Leaders have Jesus Christ as their Example. He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
(This QT urges me to Pray For Righteous Leaders Of The Nations)
‘Christmas Is A Time To Celebrate.’
Luke 2:11.
a) The Birth of the Saviour.
b) The Birth of Christ the Messiah.
c) The Birth of the Lord.
d) His Name is Jesus.
(Through this Second one I agree that Christmas Is A Time To Celebrate)
Righteous Leaders should remain Faithful to the Lord. The same applies to every True Believer. We should all remain Faithful to the Lord. In some Nations “going to Church” is still a very popular Sunday habit and many who just keep the habit are not True Believers at all. It is difficult for these people to be True Believers because they do not know the Lord, they only know about Him in their way. One of the ways in which Righteous Leaders can remain Faithful to the Lord is through clearly living and by clearly proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Remain In The Hope Of The Gospel!
‘Remain In The Hope Of The Gospel.’
Colossians 1:23.
a) We should continue being Faithful on a firm and sure foundation. The foundation is the Gospel.
b) We should not allow ourselves to be shaken from the Hope we gained when we heard the Gospel.
c) Apostle Paul was a Servant of the Gospel. Every Minister today should follow that example.
d) The Gospel is being preached to everyone in the World.
(Through this QT I want to Remain In The Hope Of The Gospel)
‘Jesus Christ – Given To Us.’
Isaiah 9:6-7.
a) Jesus Christ was born, given from the Father.
b) He is our Ruler.
c) He is our Wonderful Counsellor.
d) He is our Mighty God.
e) He is our Eternal Father.
f) He is our Prince of Peace.
g) His Royal Power will continue to grow.
h) His Kingdom will always be at Peace.
i) He will Rule as King David’s Successor.
j) He will base His Power on Right and Justice from now until the end of time.
k) The Lord Almighty is determined to do all this.
(Through this Second one I more and more adore Jesus Christ – Given To Me)
The foundation of all Christian experience and Faith is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a foundation that is totally planted in Grace. It is a foundation that can only be made real to us by the Holy Spirit as we hear or read the Word of God. We should highly value this foundation and make it available for other people to receive.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Be A Real Friend To Other People!
‘Be A Real Friend To Other People.’
Proverbs 25:17-20.
a) Proverbs 25:17. Do not often be in your neighbour’s house.
b) Proverbs 25:18. Do not gossip and accuse other people falsely.
c) Proverbs 25:19. Be a Faithful and Reliable friend.
d) Proverbs 25:20. Do not sing songs to a troubled heart. Weep with those people who are weeping.
(This QT helps me to know how to Be A Real Friend To Other People)
‘Christ Jesus Is Made To Us.’
1 Corinthians 1:30.
a) Wisdom from God.
b) Righteousness.
c) Holiness.
d) Redemption.
e) Freedom.
f) Sanctification.
g) Purity.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed by what Christ Jesus Is Made To Me)
There are many people in the World and in the Church who are weeping. The Bible tells us to weep together with those people who weep. This does not mean artificial mourning and wailing like some heathen and pagan religions do. What it means is that, as True Believers, we should identify with and comfort people in their suffering. We should not try to heal them or correct them. We should not try to tell them our opinion, rather we should identify with them in their suffering.
They And We Need To Know!
‘They And We Need To Know.’
Matthew 28:18.
a) Jesus came up close to the Disciples.
b) He spoke with the Disciples.
c) All Authority is given to Him in Heaven.
d) All Authority is given to Him on Earth.
(This QT teaches me something that They And We Need To Know)
‘With The Help Of Wisdom.’
Proverbs 8:16.
a) Every Ruler on Earth governs.
b) Every official on Earth officiates.
c) Every Noble on Earth rules.
(This Second one shows me what can be achieved With The Help Of Wisdom)
There are things revealed in the Scriptures that we need to know, especially things about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There are also things about ourselves that we need to know too and the Holy Spirit makes the Scriptures alive to us so that we can know and understand those things.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Free To Stand Before God!
‘Free To Stand Before God.’
Colossians 1:21-22.
a) We were:-
1- Once far away from God.
2- God’s enemies.
3- Separated from God by our evil thoughts.
4- Separated from God by our evil actions.
b) We are now reconciled to God by the Death of Christ in His Physical Body.
c) We are now brought into God’s Own Presence.
d) We are Holy and Blameless as we stand before God without a single fault.
(I thank God that through this QT I understand that I am Free To Stand Before God)
‘Jesus The Messiah.’
a) Matthew 1:1. Has a record of His ancestry in the Scriptures.
b) Matthew 1:16 & 18. Had a human birth.
c) Matthew 16:16. Was confessed by Simon Peter.
d) Acts 4:10. Has a Name that can heal people.
e) Acts 8:5 & 12; 24:24. Was the Message of the Evangelist.
f) Acts 10:36; Romans 3:22. Gives Peace with God.
g) Acts 10:48. Was the Name in which True Believers were Baptised.
h) Acts 16:18. Has a Name that can set people free from demon spirits.
i) Acts 20:21. Is the object of our Faith.
j) Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:3. Gives Grace and Peace.
k) Romans 2:16. God will judge everyone’s secret life through Him.
l) Romans 5:6 &8; 8:34. Came at just the correct time and died for us sinners.
m) Romans 5:11. Makes us friends of God.
n) Romans 8:20. Lives within True Believers.
o) Romans 8:39. The Love of God is revealed in Him.
p) Romans 14:9. Is the Lord of both the living people and the dead people.
q) Romans 15:3. He did not live to please Himself.
r) Romans 15:7. Has accepted us.
s) Romans 15:8. Came as a Servant to the Jews.
(Through this Second one I want to proclaim Jesus The Messiah)
Being free to stand before God is the privileged position of every True Believer. We need to understand that God has reconciled us to Himself through the death of His Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for us. Being free to stand before God is a great privilege for us. Then we can enjoy His Presence in our lives more and more.
Eating And Drinking In Moderation!
‘Eating And Drinking In Moderation.’
a) Proverbs 25:16 & 27. Honey.
b) Proverbs 23:8. Morsel. (Bread)
c) Luke 21:34. Alcohol.
d) Ephesians 5:18. Wine.
e) Proverbs 23:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:27. Big appetite.
f) Proverbs 23:20. Meat.
(Through this QT I see that it is important to be Eating And Drinking In Moderation)
‘Christ Is The Head.’
Ephesians 1:20-23.
a) Ephesians 1:20. Christ is Risen from the dead.
b) Ephesians 1:20. Christ is seated in the Place of Honour at God’s Right Hand in the Heavenly realms.
c) Ephesians 1:21. Christ is far above:-
1- Principalities.
2- Powers.
3- Might.
4- Dominions.
5- Every name that is named not only in this World but also in that which is to come.
d) Ephesians 1:22. God has put all things under Christ’s feet.
e) Ephesians 1:22. God has given Christ to be Head over all things to the Church.
f) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is Christ’s Body.
g) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is made full and complete by Christ.
h) Ephesians 1:23. Christ fills all things everywhere with Himself.
(Through this Second one I clearly understand that Christ Is The Head)
In Bible days wine was used in several ways. It was used as a drink to accompany feasts. It was used in Holy Communion to remember that Jesus Christ shed His Blood for those who drank it. It was used as a stomach medicine. It was also used as a cleansing agent for open wounds. We should not be legalistic about wine but rather we should be sensible and we should respect other people’s convictions and opinions. If we live amongst people who drink no wine we should respect them and not drink wine.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
A Perfect Leader!
‘A Perfect Leader.’
Hebrews 2:10.
a) God is the One for Whom and through Whom everything exists.
b) God chose to bring many children into Glory.
c) It was only right that:-
1- He should make Jesus.
2- Through His suffering.
3- A Perfect Leader.
d) Jesus is the One Who is fit to bring us. (God’s Children and True Believers)
e) Into our Salvation.
(Through this QT I find A Perfect Leader)
‘Keep Our Focus Correct.’
Hebrews 12:2.
a) We must focus on Jesus.
b) Jesus is the Source of our Faith.
c) Jesus is the Goal of our Faith.
d) Jesus saw the Joy ahead of Him.
e) Jesus endured the death on the Cross.
f) Jesus ignored the disgrace the Cross brought Him.
g) Jesus received the highest position in Heaven.
h) Jesus is now next to the Throne of God.
(This Second one reminds me to Keep My Focus Correct)
God’s Decisions are always correct. He so Loved the people of the World that He sent Jesus Christ His Son to die for us and give His Life for us on the Cross. It was God’s correct decision that He should make Jesus Christ, through His Suffering, a Perfect Leader.
The Fullness Of God In Christ!
‘The Fullness Of God In Christ.’
Colossians 1:19-20.
a) In Christ all the Fullness of God was pleased to dwell.
b) Through Christ God reconciled to Himself all things.
c) Things on the Earth.
d) Things in the Heavens.
e) Christ made Peace by the Blood of His Cross.
(Through this QT I Praise and Thank God for The Fullness Of God In Christ)
‘Let All The House Of Israel Know.’
Acts 2:36.
a) Let all the house of Israel.
b) Know assuredly.
c) That God has made Jesus Lord.
d) That God has made Jesus Christ. (Messiah)
e) This Jesus Whom they crucified.
(Surely this Second one is not only for the Jewish people but for all the people of the World: Let All The House Of Israel Know)
The Fullness of God in Christ is most important to understand and to Believe in. God was pleased to allow all His Fullness dwell in His Son Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ was and is God the Son – the Son of God. Through Jesus Christ God reconciled all things to Himself and that includes every True Believer. We need to Accept and continually Believe the simple Message of the Gospel.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Be Patient And Softly Spoken!
‘Be Patient And Softly Spoken.’
Proverbs 25:15.
a) By long forbearance.
b) By patience.
c) A ruler can be persuaded.
d) By soft speech.
e) Bones can be broken.
(Through this QT I find the wise necessity to Be Patient And Softly Spoken)
‘Little Town Of Bethlehem.’
Matthew 2:6.
a) Bethlehem is not least among the ruling cities of Judah.
b) 2 Samuel 23:15. Bethlehem was famous for its water.
c) A Ruler (Christ) will come from you.
d) He will be the Shepherd for God’s People Israel. (And all the Gentiles who are God’s People too)
(This Second one encourages me how God so often has plans for insignificant people and places: Little Town Of Bethlehem)
The power of soft speech is quite amazing! Here it says even bones can be broken, strong wills can be changed and bullies can stop their bullying. When Jesus taught we read that He did not raise His Voice and yet He spoke with great authority. Let us remember the power of soft speech and value it.
Joshua Met The Commander Of The Lord’s Army!
‘Joshua Met The Commander Of The Lord’s Army.’
Joshua 5:14-15.
a) He fell with his face to the ground in reverence.
b) He was immediately willing to obey this Commander.
c) He asked the Commander what he wanted him to do.
d) The Commander simply asked Joshua to take off his shoes.
e) Because Joshua was standing in a Holy Place.
f) Joshua did as he was told.
(Through this QT I am Blessed to read what happened when Joshua Met The Commander Of The Lord’s Army)
‘The Lord Rules The Nations.’
a) Psalm 22:28. Royal Power belongs to Him for all Nations
b) Psalm 47:7. God is King over all of the Earth.
c) Zechariah 14:9. The Lord will be King over all the Earth and all Peoples will Worship Him.
d) Revelation 11:15. The Lord will reign forever and ever over all the World.
(Through this Second one I have no doubt that The Lord Rules The Nations)
Joshua did as he was told by the Commander of the Lord’s Army. We need to learn the lesson of Obedience. Obedience to the Word of God and the understanding that we have of it is very important. This is why our receiving of the Word of God whether by listening or reading is vital for our growth as True Believers.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Jesus Christ Is The Head Of The Church!
‘Jesus Christ Is The Head Of The Church.’
Colossians 1:18.
a) He is the Head of the Body, the Church.
b) He is the Beginning.
c) He is the Firstborn from the dead.
d) He has the pre-eminence in all things.
(This QT declares my strong belief that Jesus Christ Is Head Of The Church)
‘One Spirit With The Lord.’
1 Corinthians 6:17.
a) If we are joined.
b) To the Lord.
c) We are one Spirit with Him.
(Through this Second one I thank God that I am One Spirit With The Lord)
I believe simply and clearly that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. Many Churches and denominations are attempting to “streamline” their leadership functions and even their executive positions in attempts to modernise the denomination or Church. While this is somewhat relevant I am sure that we should never forget that Jesus Christ our Lord is Head of the Church.
Give Gifts Kindly And Discreetly!
‘Give Gifts Kindly And Discreetly.’
Proverbs 25:14.
a) Look at the clouds.
b) Listen to the wind when there is no rain.
c) Jude 1:12. These cloud and winds promise rain but there is none.
d) Proverbs 20:6. The same is a person who boasts of giving a gift but never gives it.
(This QT strongly reminds me to Give Gifts Kindly And Discreetly)
‘Consider Carefully Before We Decide.’
Jeremiah 12:5.
a) If we race with other people on foot and they weary us.
b) How can we compete with horses.
c) Maybe we can trust other people in a safe land.
d) Can we trust them when we are in the thicket of the Jordan?
e) Jeremiah 49:19; 50:44. The thicket of Jordan is a dwelling place of lions.
f) Joshua 3:15. The thicket of Jordan may be an unsafe place because of floods.
(This Second one exhorts me to Consider Carefully Before I Decide)
We are strongly reminded to give Gifts kindly and discreetly. Giving to others in different ways is a Gift of the Holy Spirit. We are to be good stewards of the Gifts that God gives to us. Some people are kind but they are not discreet and this can cause a lot of embarrassment and sometimes the giver and the recipient get hurt. Let us be sure to give Gifts kindly and discreetly
Consider The Horse!
‘Consider The Horse.’
a) Job 39:19-25. It gets its mighty strength from God.
b) Psalm 147:10. The Lord does not delight in the horse’s strength.
c) Psalm 33:17. A horse is a vain thing for safety.
d) Hosea 14:3. Horses do not bring Salvation.
e) Psalm 20:7; Isaiah 31:1. We will not trust in horses but we will remember the Name of the Lord our God.
f) Jeremiah 8:6. A picture of a stubborn human being.
(This QT calls me to Consider The Horse and Trust in the Lord)
‘The Lord Jesus Christ.’
a) Matthew 3:17. Is the Beloved Son of God in Whom the Father is well pleased.
b) Romans 8:29. He is the Firstborn within a large family.
c) Revelation 3:21. He conquered and overcame and is sat down with the Father on His Throne.
d) Revelation 19:13. His Name is called the Word of God.
e) Hebrews 2:10. He is the Author and Pioneer of our Salvation.
(This Second one leads me to ponder upon and to Praise the Lord Jesus Christ)
The horse gets its mighty strength from God. We also, whether we have much strength or little, get it from God. For us there are several types of strength. Firstly, there is physical strength. Secondly, there is mental strength. Thirdly there is emotional strength. Fourthly, there is strength of will and finally there is Spiritual strength. May the reader be fully strengthened by the Lord.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Glorious Christ!
‘Glorious Christ.’
Colossians 1:15-17.
a) Colossians 1:15. He is the Image of the invisible God.
b) Colossians 1:15. He is the Firstborn of all Creation.
c) Colossians 1:16. In Christ were all things Created.
d) Colossians 1:16. Created things:-
1- In the Heavens.
2- Upon the Earth.
3- Visible.
4- Invisible.
5- Thrones.
6- Dominions.
7- Principalities.
8- Powers.
e) Colossians 1:16. All things have been Created through Him.
f) Colossians 1:16. All things have been Created for Him.
g) Colossians 1:17. Christ is before all things.
h) Colossians 1:17. In Christ all things consist.
(Through this QT I want to extol Glorious Christ)
‘Get Calm Understanding.’
Psalm 32:9.
a) We should not be like a horse or a mule.
b) These animals have no understanding.
c) Their temper must be curbed with bit and bridle.
d) If we do not curb their temple they will not come to us and stay with us.
(This Second one reminds me to Get Calm Understanding)
Just look around and see all the visible Created things. The Source of their Creation is the Lord Jesus Christ. We should be amazed at the Greatness of our Creator not only in the beautiful places like the Canadian Rocky Mountains but also by simply looking around us. How Wonderful and Various is our Creator.
Monday, February 20, 2012
We Should Be Good Listeners!
‘We Should Be Good Listeners.’
Proverbs 25:11-13.
a) Proverbs 25:11. Timely advice is lovely, it is like golden apples in a silver basket. We should listen to timely advice.
b) Proverbs 25:12. To the person who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewellery. We should listen to valid criticism.
c) Proverbs 25:13. Trustworthy messengers refresh other people like snow in summer. We should listen to trustworthy messengers.
(Through this QT I know that I Should Be A Good Listener)
‘The Entirety.’
a) James 3:3. An entire horse can be moved by a small bit in its mouth.
b) 2 Timothy 4:17. The Gospel should be Preached in its entirety.
c) Genesis 18:26. God is able to save an entire city for the sake of a few Righteous people.
d) Exodus 16:9; Leviticus 8:3; Numbers 20:8. There are times that the entire Body of God’s People need to come before Him.
e) Exodus 20:5. The entire family can be negatively affected by idolatrous parents.
f) Leviticus 16:16. The entire House and Sanctuary of God needs to be purified and pure.
g) Leviticus 16:33; 19:2. The entire congregation of God’s People needs to be purified and Holy.
h) Numbers 20:11. The entire Community of True Believers can have their needs met when they are in the Will of God.
i) Joshua 8:35. The entire Community of God’s People need to hear the Word of God.
(Through this Second one I can see that The Entirety is important)
The entirety of the Gospel needs to be Preached. I sometimes think that the Title of a Church as being “Full Gospel” is somewhat misleading. The entirety of the Gospel is not restricted to a “Full Gospel” Church. The entirety of the Gospel has nothing to do with experience but rather it has to do with Truth. We find the entirety of the Gospel summed up in the Apostles’ Creed. The Cross of Jesus Christ, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, The Ascension of Jesus Christ and The Intercession of Jesus Christ.
God Is Strong!
‘God Is Strong.’
a) Jeremiah 4:13; Isaiah 19:1. Against an enemy that is sometimes frightening.
b) Isaiah 13:5. His weapons are powerful.
c) Nahum 1:3. His Power is Great.
d) Matthew 24:30. Jesus Christ will return with Power and Great Glory.
e) Isaiah 66:15. He comes with fire to punish.
f) Deuteronomy 28:49. The Lord can bring distant Nations against His People.
(Through this QT I know that God Is Strong)
‘The Reason For Ministry Gift Leaders In The Church.’
Ephesians 4:11-13.
a) Ephesians 4:11. These Ministry Gift Leaders are given by Christ:-
1- Apostles.
2- Prophets.
3- Evangelists.
4- Pastors.
5- Teachers.
b) Ephesians 4:12. The reason that these Leaders are given is to train the saints in the Work of Ministry and to build up the Body of Christ.
c) Ephesians 4:13. Christ’s fullness is our measure and we all need the help of these Leaders so that we:-
1- Can have unity in the Faith.
2- Grow in the Knowledge of God’s Son.
3- Can become mature True Believers.
(This Second one teaches me The Reason For Ministry Gift Leaders In The Church)
God is strong and I know it! He can do anything He wants anywhere He wants. We simply need to be sure that we are on His side and not against Him. How can we know that we are on His side? By simply obeying Him both in our heart and physically.
We Can Freely Give Thanks To The Father!
‘We Can Freely Give Thanks To The Father.’
Colossians 1:12-14.
a) Colossians 1:12. Because He has qualified us to share in the Inheritance of the Saints in Light.
b) Colossians 1:13. Because He has delivered us from the domain of darkness.
c) Colossians 1:13. Because He has transferred us to the Kingdom of His Beloved Son.
d) Colossians 1:14. Because we have Redemption in Him.
e) Colossians 1:14. Because through Him we have the Forgiveness of our sins.
(Through this QT I know that I am so Blessed because I Can Freely Give Thanks To The Father)
‘These Things Can Be Holy To The Lord.’
a) Zechariah 14:20. Animals, pots and bowls.
b) Exodus 28:36. Engraved plates of gold.
c) Isaiah 23:18. Merchandise and salary.
d) Micah 4:13. People’s gain and wealth.
(This Second one reminds me that These Things Can Be Holy To The Lord)
We have Redemption in the Lord Jesus Christ. He only is the One Who paid the price for our Salvation. We sing many Praise songs about our Redeemer and surely that is a good thing to do, it helps us to remember the Source of our Salvation. We have Redemption in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Try To Resolve Conflicts Personally!
‘Try To Resolve Conflicts Personally.’
Proverbs 25:8-10.
a) Proverbs 25:8. Do not make hasty decisions to go to court.
b) Proverbs 25:8. We may be embarrassed if our neighbour puts us to shame in court.
c) Proverbs 25:9. We are to argue our case with our neighbours themselves and not go around talking to those people who are not really involved in our conflict.
d) Proverbs 25:10. If we gossip about our conflict problems we bring long lasting shame upon ourselves.
(This QT reminds me to Try To Resolve Conflicts Personally)
‘Three Things To Consider About People.’
Joel 2:4.
a) Their Appearance.
b) What they are like – Their Personality.
c) Their Actions.
(Through this Second one I find Three Things To Consider About People)
Sometimes we bring more difficulty to ourselves because we go round talking about our relationship problems or our personal problems with people that have nothing to do with our problems. This creates a foundation for two bad things. Firstly, it creates a foundation for people to gossip about us behind our back. Secondly, it can create a wrong picture of our problem that actually can make our problem worse because unnecessary people get involved.
A Peaceful Environment!
‘A Peaceful Environment.’
a) Matthew 5:9. God Blesses those people who work for Peace. They will be called the Children of God.
b) Ephesians 4:3. True Believers should always bind themselves together with Peace.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:33. God is a God of Peace.
d) James 3:17. The Wisdom that is from above is Peace loving.
e) James 3:18. Those people who are Peacemakers will plant seeds of Peace and reap a harvest of Goodness.
(Through this QT I desire to have, and see the possibility of, A Peaceful Environment)
‘We Need To Keep Going.’
Philippians 3:12-14.
a) Philippians 3:12. We have not already reached Perfection.
b) Philippians 3:12. We keep working towards that day when we will finally be all that Christ Jesus Saved us for and wants us to be.
c) Philippians 3:13. We are not all that we should be but we focus our energies all on one thing.
d) Philippians 3:13. We forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead.
e) Philippians 3:14. We strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to Heaven.
(Through this Second one I know that I Need To Keep Going)
Peace is like social glue. Believers are encouraged to bind themselves together in Peace. There are several parts to Peace which are necessary. Firstly, there is Peace with God, which means our clear conscience. Secondly, there is the Peace from God which should rule and reign in our emotions and thinking minds. Thirdly, there is the Peace that we share amongst ourselves as True Believers.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Praying For Other People At Their Times Of Need!
‘Praying For Other People At Their Times Of Need.’
Colossians 1:11.
a) Pray for them to be strengthened with all Power by the Lord.
b) Pray for the Might of His Glory to come into their situation.
c) Pray for their Patience.
d) Pray that in their longsuffering they will have Joy.
(This QT helps me very much when Praying For Other People At Their Times Of Need)
‘The Lord’s Love In Our Lives.’
a) Nehemiah 9:17. The Lord is:-
1- Forgiving.
2- Gracious.
3- Merciful.
4- Slow to become angry.
5- Full of unfailing love.
6- Merciful.
7- Faithful.
b) 1 John 4:16. God is Love. If we abide in Love we abide in God and God abides in us.
c) Psalm 103:17. The Love of the Lord remains forever with those people who Fear Him.
d) 1 Thessalonians 3:12. May the Lord make us Increase and Abound in Love towards one another and towards all people.
(This Second one causes me to thank God for and think about The Lord’s Love In My Life)
Sometimes we are stuck into only praying for other people’s “blessing” or “healing” when Biblically there are many other things we could and should be praying for them. When people are going through a hard time one of the most effectual prayers that we can pray is for their Patience.
Publicly Manifested Humility!
‘Publicly Manifested Humility.’
Proverbs 25:6-7.
a) We should never be demanding in our attitude towards authority people.
b) We should not be attention seeking from authority people.
c) We should always wait, without expectation, for an invitation to the head table.
d) We should not put ourselves in situations where we are going to be sent away in public disgrace.
(This QT reminds me to have Publicly Manifested Humility)
‘Amazingly Great Love.’
Psalm 103:11.
a) God’s unfailing Love.
b) Towards those people who Fear Him.
c) Is as great as the height of the Heavens above the Earth.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of God’s Amazingly Great Love)
The head table is still a place to avoid. In many meetings for business there is a head table. In many celebrations there is a head table. In many festivals there is a head table. Thank God that in modern day families there is no head table. The head table is still a place for us to avoid!
Friday, February 17, 2012
God’s Simple And Great Love For Us!
‘God’s Simple And Great Love For Us.’
Romans 5:8.
a) God commends and demonstrates His Own Love towards us.
b) In that while we were yet sinners.
c) Christ died for us.
(Through this QT I greatly appreciate God’s Simple And Great Love For Me)
‘We Have A New Way To Live.’
Romans 8:1-5.
a) Romans 8:1. For anyone who is in Christ Jesus there is now no condemnation.
b) Romans 8:2. For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made us free from the law of sin and of death.
c) Romans 8:3. The Law was without power because it was made weak by our sinful selves.
d) Romans 8:3. God sent His Own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.
e) Romans 8:3. God sent His Own Son on account of sin and He condemned sin in the flesh.
f) Romans 8:4. The Righteous requirement of the Law may be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
g) Romans 8:5. Those people who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh.
h) Romans 8:5. Those people who live according to the Holy Spirit set their minds on the things of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reminds me that I Have A New Way To Live)
We should more and more appreciate God’s Simple and Great Love for us. Surely His Love is the motive of the Salvation by Grace which He has given to us. His Love has not been given to us because we deserve it but, rather, because of His amazing Grace. As recipients of this Love we can discover a new way to live.
A Good Prayer And A Good Response!
‘A Good Prayer And A Good Response.’
Colossians 1:9-10.
a) Apostle Paul and his team had not stopped praying for the Colossian Church since they first heard the news of them.
b) They asked God to give them:-
1. Complete knowledge of His Will.
2. Spiritual Wisdom.
3. Understanding.
c) They expected the Colossians to respond:-
1. By their living to always honour and please the Lord.
2. By their lives producing every kind of good fruit.
3. By their lives growing all the time as they learned to know God better and better.
(Through this QT I discover A Good Prayer And A Good Response)
‘Valuable To God.’
Matthew 10:29-31.
a) Matthew 10:29. The price of two sparrows is very cheap.
b) Matthew 10:29. Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without our Heavenly Father knowing it.
c) Matthew 10:30. The very hairs on our head are all numbered.
d) Matthew 10:31. We should not be afraid.
e) Matthew 10:31. We are individually more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
(Through this Second one I thank my Heavenly Father that I am Valuable To God)
It is good and wise to pray positive prayers for other people, especially when we are praying for True Believers. Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ may need our prayers. It is one of the privileges we have as God’s Children, the privilege of praying for one another. Let us follow good and wise ways in our Life of Faith.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Remove It And Them!
‘Remove It And Them.’
Proverbs 25:4-5.
a) Remove the impurities from silver to make it pure.
b) Then a worker can make something beautiful.
c) Take the evil advisors away from a Ruler.
d) Then goodness will make his Nation strong.
(This QT encourages me to pray: Remove It And Them)
‘The Word Of God Reveals His Wonderful Love.’
Romans 9:25.
a) This is what the Scriptures say in the Book of Hosea.
b) The people who do not belong to the Lord.
c) He will say that they are His People.
d) The people that He did not love.
e) He will say that they are the people whom He Loves.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed in that The Word Of God Reveals His Wonderful Love)
I am so grateful to God that His Word guides our prayers. We can be confident in prayer when we pray in line with what God’s Word says. There need be no other guide to prayer other than the Word of God.
What Kind Of A Prophet Is This?
‘What Kind Of A Prophet Is This?’
Micah 2:11.
a) This prophet goes around telling lies.
b) This prophet prophesies about God’s People being able to have plenty of wine or beer.
c) This prophet is right for the Nation in its Godless state.
(Through this QT I agree with the likes of the true men of God in the Bible and also the few men of God who are alive today who would speak out with Micah: What Kind Of A Prophet Is This?)
‘Be An Honest And Sincere Neighbour.’
Proverbs 26:18-19.
a) Can you imagine a crazy person shooting flaming arrows that can kill?
b) A person who tells lies to their neighbour.
c) Then says that they were only joking.
d) Is just like the crazy person shooting flaming arrows.
(This encourages me to Be An Honest And Sincere Neighbour)
True men of God, whether Bible Writers, Bible Characters or modern day Christian Leaders always wrote, spoke or speak the Truth in Love. These people never glossed over sin or made an excuse for sinful people. Truth may sometimes hurt but Truth also can rectify and heal.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Epaphras – A Beloved Fellow Servant!
‘Epaphras – A Beloved Fellow Servant.’
Colossians 1:7-8.
a) Was a clear explainer and Teacher.
b) Was a Faithful Minister of Christ.
c) Was really considerate of other people.
d) Was a positive Messenger for the Church.
(Through this QT I am inspired by Epaphras – A Beloved Fellow Servant)
‘Be A Servant Of Christ.’
Galatians 1:10.
a) Do not seek the favour of people through your ministry.
b) Seek the Favour of God.
c) Do not strive to please men.
d) If I am striving to please men I am not a Servant of Christ.
(This Second one reminds me to Be A Servant Of Christ)
Sometimes there are Servants of the Lord who inspire us. I wish there were more! When we are inspired by Servants of the Lord they motivate us to go on in the correct direction in our service of and for the Lord. Let us not forget to thank God for such people.
No One Can Comprehend!
‘No One Can Comprehend.’
Proverbs 25:3.
a) The height of Heaven.
b) The depth of the Earth.
c) All that goes on in a ruler’s mind.
(Sufficient to say in this QT that No One Can Comprehend these things)
‘People Who Tell Lies.’
a) Proverbs 26:28. Hate their victims.
b) Proverbs 4:24. Are corrupt and perverse.
c) Psalm 12:3. Will be silenced by the Lord.
(Through this Second one I can see the outcome of the lives of the People Who Tell Lies)
People who tell lies may think that they can get away with it and that telling lies will eventually profit them in some way. This, however, is a false concept. People who tell lies are in a deeper and greater bondage than just telling lies, they are often in hatred and some kind of perversion also.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
We Need To Be Telling!
‘We Need To Be Telling.’
a) Galatians 4:16; 1 Timothy 2:7. Telling the Truth.
b) Ephesians 3:8. Telling the people about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.
c) Philippians 2:19. Telling other people how we are getting along.
d) Philippians 4:3; 2 Timothy 4:5. Telling other people the Good News.
e) Mark 6:12. Telling people to repent of their sins and turn to God.
(Through this QT I know that I Need To Be Telling)
‘Deal Truly.’
Proverbs 12:22.
a) Lying lips.
b) Are an abomination to Jehovah.
c) People who deal truly.
d) Are the Lord’s delight.
(This Second one urges me to Deal Truly)
Sometimes we have the difficult task of telling people we love to repent of their sins and return to God. This is never easy for the emotionally healthy person to do and yet sometimes this is just what the Lord wants us to do and we know it. In such cases God will give to us an abundance of His Grace and His Love. If our spirit is wrong we should never attempt to do this.
The Reality Of Hope!
‘The Reality Of Hope.’
Colossians 1:5-6.
a) Hope creates Faith and Love within us.
b) What we Hope for is kept safe for us in Heaven.
c) We learned about Hope when we heard the Message of Truth – the “Good News”.
d) Everywhere in the World the “Good News” is bringing Blessings and growing.
e) This happens everywhere where the “Good News” is heard and understood along with the Message of the Grace of God.
(This QT shows me The Reality Of Hope)
‘True Believers Are A Light.’
Matthew 5:14.
a) Light that gives Light to the World.
b) A city that is built on a hill.
c) Cannot be hidden.
(Through this Second one I know that True Believers Are A Light)
Everywhere in the World the Good News is bringing Blessings to whoever will receive it. What is important here is our understanding of the word “Blessings”. Some people are in heresy because they neglect the most important part of this word which is to do with spiritual “Blessings” and only concentrate on material or physical ones. The greatest “Blessings” are Spiritual.
Monday, February 13, 2012
God’s Ways And Rulers’ Ways Are Different!
‘God’s Ways And Rulers’ Ways Are Different.’
Proverbs 25:2.
a) It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing.
b) It is the Glory of God to keep things secret.
c) It is the glory of rulers to search out a matter.
d) It is the glory of rulers to discover something.
(Through this QT I am reminded that God’s Ways And Rulers’ Ways Are Different and I should follow God’s Ways)
‘We Are To Abide In The Vine.’
John 15:4-7.
a) John 15:4. We are to abide in the Lord as He abides in us.
b) John 15:4. We cannot be fruitful unless we abide in the Lord.
c) John 15:5. The Lord Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches.
d) John 15:5. If we abide in the Lord Jesus and He abides in us we will bear much fruit.
e) John 15:5. Apart from the Lord Jesus we can do nothing.
f) John 15:6. If we do not abide in the Lord Jesus eventually we will be destroyed.
g) John 15:7. If we abide in the Lord Jesus.
h) John 15:7. If the Words of the Lord Jesus abide in us.
i) John 15:7. We can ask whatever we will and it will be done to us.
(Through this Second one I know that I Am To Abide In The Vine)
We need to follow God’s Ways. Most days we face the choice of which way to follow. Do we follow God’s Ways, do we follow our own ways, or do we follow another person’s ways. Sometimes we may think that our way or the way of another person is the correct way but we need to carefully pray and think because the reality is that we need to follow God’s Ways.
God Is Always Ready!
‘God Is Always Ready.’
Isaiah 65:1.
a) He is ready to respond.
b) But no one asks for help.
c) He is ready to be found.
d) But no one is looking for Him.
e) He said that He is here.
f) But the Nation did not call on His Name.
(This QT fills me with thanks to God because God Is Always Ready)
‘The Children Of God Are Evident.’
1 John 3:9-10.
a) Those who have been born into God’s Family do not make a practise of sinning.
b) God’s Life is in them.
c) They cannot keep on sinning because they are Children of God.
d) Now we can tell who are the Children of God and who are the children of the Devil.
e) Anyone who does not righteously does not belong to God.
f) Anyone who does not love other True Believers does not belong to God.
(This Second one reminds me that The Children Of God Are Evident)
God is here now. God is there wherever you may be. God is with His People, His Name is Emmanuel – God with us. Sometimes, although God is with us we take the fact for granted. His Care for is amazing and wonderful because He is always ready to help us. Let us call on His Name to discover His Help and His Way.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
A Pure And Simple Testimony!
‘A Pure And Simple Testimony.’
Colossians 1:4.
a) It was a testimony that other people heard about.
b) It was a testimony of Faith in Christ.
c) It was a testimony about Love.
d) Love for all of God’s People.
(Through this QT I find A Pure And Simple Testimony of the Colossian Church)
‘God Himself Is Our Pattern Of Unity.’
Ephesians 4:3-6.
a) Ephesians 4:3. We are to try our best to let God’s Spirit keep our hearts united.
b) Ephesians 4:3. This is possible if we live in and at Peace.
c) Ephesians 4:4. We are all part of the same Body of Christ.
d) Ephesians 4:4. There is only one Spirit of God.
e) Ephesians 4:4. We have been given one Hope when we were chosen to be God’s People.
f) Ephesians 4:5. We have only one:-
1- Lord.
2- Faith.
3- Baptism.
g) Ephesians 4:6. There is one God Who is the Father of all people.
h) Ephesians 4:6. God is above all other beings.
i) Ephesians 4:6. God works by using all of us.
j) Ephesians 4:6. God lives in all of us.
(Through this Second one I understand that God Himself Is My Pattern Of Unity)
The Colossian Church had a Love for all people. This indeed is a God glorifying testimony. Too often the Church has been a hot bed of racial tension and religious bigotry. Even the Church itself has been divided over doctrine and experience. It is not a quest for something “new” to be a part of a loving Church. New Testament Churches were learning to be loving Churches.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Thank God For The Wisdom Of Solomon!
‘Thank God For The Wisdom Of Solomon.’
Proverbs 25:1.
a) Here are more.
b) This means that they are a continuation from the previous Proverbs of Solomon.
c) Proverbs of Solomon.
d) They were collected.
e) The meaning here of collected is “copied out”.
f) By the advisers of King Hezekiah of Judah.
(Through this QT I Thank God For The Wisdom Of Solomon)
‘We Are All Parts Of The Body Of Christ.’
Colossians 3:15.
a) Every True Believer is a part of the Body of Christ.
b) We have been chosen by God to live together in Peace.
c) We should let the Peace that comes from Christ control our thoughts.
d) We should be grateful.
(This Second one delightfully reminds me that I Am A Part Of The Body Of Christ)
The Proverbs of Solomon were collected and then copied out as a part of the Book of Proverbs. We believe that they were Divinely Inspired and they are the Word of God. Our personal study and research of the Word of God is very important. It is wise for us to be well taught but we should also never neglect our personal study and research of God’s Word.
The Power And Reality Of God’s Grace!
‘The Power And Reality Of God’s Grace.’
1 Corinthians 15:10.
a) Apostle Paul wrote that it was solely because of God’s Grace that he was who he was.
b) God’s Grace towards him was not in vain.
c) He laboured and served with hard work.
d) This was not Paul himself it was the Grace of God with him.
(Through this QT I can clearly see The Power And Reality Of God’s Grace)
‘Reject Division And Stand Firm.’
Luke 11:17.
a) Jesus Christ knows the thoughts of all of us.
b) Jesus Christ speaks into our lives.
c) A Kingdom divided against itself is:-
1- Brought to desolation.
2- Laid waste.
3- Going to end up in ruin.
4- Doomed.
d) A house divided against itself:-
1- Falls.
2- Breaks up.
3- Falls apart.
(This Second one strongly urges me to Reject Division And Stand Firm)
God’s Grace is both powerful and real. It is by the Grace of God that people’s lives are changed into New Creations in Jesus Christ. It is by the Grace of God that we are energised to Serve the Lord in a pure and fervent way. The Gospel is the Gospel of Grace and not merely people’s efforts.
Friday, February 10, 2012
We Give Thanks!
‘We Give Thanks.’
a) Colossians 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:2. To God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ for Brothers and Sisters that we Pray for who sincerely love the Lord.
b) Psalm 75:1. To God because His Deeds prove that His Name is near.
c) 1 Corinthians 10:16. To God for the Holy Communion.
d) Revelation 11:17. To the Lord God Almighty for He is the One who is and who always was, and now has assumed His great Power and has begun to Reign.
(By this QT I Give Thanks To God)
‘Special Authority From The Lord.’
Luke 10:19.
a) This special Authority is to behold.
b) It is to tread upon serpents and scorpions.
c) It is over all the power of the enemy.
d) Nothing shall at any wise hurt us as we do God’s Will revealed by Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I know that I, and all True Believers, have Special Authority From The Lord)
The Lord God Almighty is Eternal and He Reigns now. He will also Reign in Eternity. He has great Power and Authority. Sometimes we do not realise the Power and Authority of the Lord. He does what He wills! We need to learn to follow Him.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Bad Fruit Of Laziness!
‘The Bad Fruit Of Laziness.’
Proverbs 24:30-34.
a) Proverbs 24:30. Lazy people have no common sense and the bad fruit of their lives is obvious.
b) Proverbs 24:31. They do not look after their property well.
c) Proverbs 24:32. We can learn a lesson from the lazy people.
d) Proverbs 24:33. Too much lazy sleeping and resting is not good.
e) Proverbs 24:34. Laziness brings poverty and scarcity.
(This QT simply teaches me about The Bad Fruit Of Laziness)
‘God’s Grace In The Old Testament.’
a) Proverbs 3:34. Was given to humble and afflicted people.
b) Genesis 6:8. Was given to Noah.
c) Exodus 33:17; 34:9. Was given to Moses.
d) Psalm 84:11. The Lord gave Grace.
e) Jeremiah 31:2. Was in the wilderness.
f) Zechariah 12:10. The Lord poured out the Spirit of Grace.
(Through this Second one I know that there is God’s Grace In The Old Testament)
Sleep is therapeutic. All of us need a good sleep. This kind of sleep is a gift from God. God gives the people He loves sleep. There is, however, a wrong kind of sleep, it is a lazy sleep. Too much lazy sleeping and resting is not good and can be harmful to our lives in several ways.
A Clear Understanding Of God’s Way!
‘A Clear Understanding Of God’s Way.’
2 Corinthians 10:13.
a) Be humble.
b) Stay within our God given boundaries.
c) Be actively considerate towards other people.
(Through this QT I have A Clear Understanding Of God’s Way)
‘Faith That Was Pure And Clear.’
Matthew 8:8-10.
a) Matthew 8:8. The Centurion – a man of worldly authority.
b) Matthew 8:8. He had the correct attitude towards Jesus.
c) Matthew 8:8. He just wanted Jesus to say the Word and his servant would be healed.
d) Matthew 8:9. The Centurion knew the principles of being under authority.
e) Matthew 8:9. The Centurion knew the principles of being in authority.
f) Matthew 8:10. Jesus was very impressed with the pure and clear Faith of this Centurion.
(Because of this Second one I want to have Faith That Is Pure And Clear)
Faith that was pure and clear was recognised and affirmed by Jesus Christ. There have been some foul and wretched teachings about “faith” over the past years that have left sincere True Believers in shame and confusion. We should simply trust God’s Word and exercise our God given Faith. This God given Faith is very pure and cannot be manufactured. God is the Source of our Faith – not our own efforts.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
True Fellowship In God’s Family!
‘True Fellowship In God’s Family.’
Colossians 1:1-2.
a) In this Fellowship we can clearly state who we are.
b) In this Fellowship we can affirm that we are in the Will of God without being embarrassed or being seen as presumptive or “too spiritual”.
c) We acknowledge other:-
1- Brothers.
2- Saints.
3- Faithful Brethren in Christ.
d) We Bless other True Believers in Fellowship with us in Grace.
e) We Bless other True Believers in Fellowship with us in Peace.
f) We recognise the Source of our Fellowship as being God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This QT reminds me that there is a real spiritual dimension in True Fellowship In God’s Family)
‘Christ’s Death For Us On The Cross.’
1 Peter 2:24.
a) Jesus Christ bore our sins in His Own Body on the Cross.
b) Through this we can be dead to sins.
c) Through this we should live unto Righteousness.
d) By the stripes of Jesus we were healed.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful for Christ’s Death For Me On be The Cross)
We need to be in the kind of Fellowship where we can clearly state who we are in Jesus Christ without fear or shame. Christians can be so shallow sometimes, in that we live compromising and secular lives in the same spirit as the World system. That is really not the way. The Fellowship that we have should be with other True Believers and we should build each other up in that kind of Fellowship.
We Should Guard Our Lips!
‘We Should Guard Our Lips.’
Proverbs 24:28-29.
a) We should not be a witness against our neighbour without cause.
b) We should not deceive with our lips.
c) We should not talk about paying back evil for evil.
d) We should not talk about revenge.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Guard My Lips)
‘We Need To Have A Holy Spirit Controlled Mind.’
Romans 8:6-8.
a) Romans 8:6. A fleshly mind is death.
b) Romans 8:6. A mind controlled by the Holy Spirit is Life and Peace.
c) Romans 8:7; Galatians 5:24. A fleshly mind is enmity against God.
d) Romans 8:7. A fleshly mind is not subject to the Law of God.
e) Romans 8:7. A fleshly mind cannot be subject to the Law of God.
f) Romans 8:8. Those people who are in the flesh cannot please God.
(This Second one urges me strongly that I Need To Have A Holy Spirit Controlled Mind)
We should guard our lips. Everywhere we go, whether it is in familiar places like our home, workplace, University or Church we should guard our lips. When we are in unfamiliar places we should also guard our lips. The same applies to whoever we are with. We need to guard our lips in all circumstances every day. Many of God’s People lose their Blessings through their own careless mouths.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Motivated By Our Identity In God!
‘Motivated By Our Identity In God.’
1 Corinthians 15:10.
a) Whatever we are now.
b) It is all because God poured out His special Favour on us.
c) It should not be without results. There will be results.
d) It causes us to work hard.
e) It is not just our hard work but it is God working in us.
(Through this QT I can understand how I am Motivated By My Identity In God)
‘The Reality Of Being Filled With The Holy Spirit.’
a) Romans 8:5. Affecting our thought life.
b) Romans 8:9 & 14; Galatians 5:25. Controlling our life by leading us.
c) 1 Corinthians 2:14. Understanding what Spiritual Life is.
d) Galatians 5:22-23. Producing fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
(This Second one reveals to me how my life should be when I experience The Reality Of Being Filled With The Holy Spirit)
It is not just our hard work but it is God working in us. Sometimes I meet bitter or burnt out Servants of the Lord or Church workers who have just been working too hard without any Biblical concept of what they are doing. All the time they just think about “doing something for God”, this is an incorrect concept. It is God working in us, all we do is with Him and for His Glory and God in us enables us.
What A Blessing!
‘What A Blessing!’
Philippians 4:23.
a) The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) The spiritual favour of the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) The Blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ.
d) Be with your spirit.
(Through this QT I exclaim and proclaim: What A Blessing!)
‘Get A Grip On Our Thought Life.’
2 Corinthians 10:5.
a) We refute:-
1- Arguments.
2- Theories.
3- Reasoning.
4- Every proud thing that sets itself up against the True Knowledge of God.
5- Every lofty thing that sets itself up against the True Knowledge of God.
b) We lead every thought away captive into the obedience of Christ.
c) We lead every purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ.
(This Second one calls me to Get A Grip On My Thought Life)
We should always be thankful for the Blessing of the Lord on our lives and families. God’s Blessing is something very special and covers every area of our life. Our Salvation, our health, our family, our daily provision, our workplace, our friends, God’s Purpose and Plan for our lives… these things are all a part of the Blessing of the Lord on our lives.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Do It In The Proper Way!
‘Do It In The Proper Way.’
Proverbs 24:27.
a) Complete your outdoor work.
b) Prepare your field.
c) Afterwards build your house.
(This QT reminds me that it is good to Do It In The Proper Way)
‘Confidence About Praying To Receive The Holy Spirit.’
Luke 11:9-13.
a) Luke 11:9. In our Prayers we need to keep:-
1- Asking.
2- Searching.
3- Knocking.
b) Luke 11:9. If we Pray in this manner we:-
1- Will know the answer being given to us.
2- Will find.
3- Will see the door being opened to us.
c) Luke 11:10. Everyone:-
1- Who asks receives.
2- Who searches finds.
3- Who knocks has the door opened for them.
d) Luke 11:11. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish?
e) Luke 11:12. If the son asks for an egg, will the father give him a scorpion?
f) Luke 11:13. We are evil and we know how to give good gifts to our children.
g) Luke 11:13. Our Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those of His Children who ask Him.
(This Second one gives me Confidence About Praying To Receive The Holy Spirit)
God, our Heavenly Father has Promised to give the Holy Spirit to us. We all need the Holy Spirit in our lives day and night. We need the Holy Spirit to give us power to pray. We need the Holy Spirit to help us lift our inner man to Praise and Worship God. We need the Holy Spirit to empower us as true and practical witnesses of Jesus Christ. We need the Holy Spirit to equip us spiritually in our service for the Lord.
An Intensive Healing Situation!
‘An Intensive Healing Situation.’
James 5:16.
a) Confess our sins to one another.
b) Pray for one another.
c) Then we may (possibly) be healed.
d) The intensive Prayer of a Righteous person.
e) Avails much in its working.
(This QT convinces me that I should not sin against other people and that I should Pray together with other people. Through this Prayer there may be An Intensive Healing Situation)
‘We Have A Generous Heavenly Father.’
Matthew 7:11.
a) Even though we are evil.
b) We know how to give good gifts to our children.
c) How much more will our Heavenly Father.
d) Give good gifts to those Children of His who ask Him.
(This Second one reminds me that I Have A Generous Heavenly Father)
The intensive Prayer of a Righteous person avails much in its working. This is a timely reminder to Faithful people and Righteous people to hold on to God in Prayer when they need to. There are times when we forget or we doubt the Power of Prayer. Let us commit ourselves to intensive Prayer if we need to, it will avail much in it’s working.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Mutual Greetings!
‘Mutual Greetings.’
a) Philippians 4:21-22. Should be given freely to other people in Jesus Christ, a Greeting of each other – all people should be involved.
b) Genesis 43:27. Are extended into concern about other people.
c) Exodus 18:7. Ask about each other’s welfare.
d) 2 Samuel 11:7. May be concerned about progress.
e) Luke 10:5; Romans 1:7. Should be of Peace.
f) Luke 24:36; John 20:26. Were given by Jesus Christ.
g) Colossians 4:18; 2 Thessalonians 3:17; Acts 15:23. May be written.
h) Daniel 4:1; 6:25. Can bless with Peace and Prosperity for other people.
i) 2 Corinthians 13:13. May be sent by the entire Church.
(Through this QT I can see the importance of Mutual Greetings within the Body of Christ)
‘Give Our Burdens To The Lord.’
Psalm 55:22.
a) Give our burdens to the Lord.
b) The Lord will take care of us.
c) The Lord will not permit godly people to slip.
d) The Lord will not permit godly people to fall.
(This Second one urges me to Give My Burdens To The Lord)
Greetings should be of Peace, they should bring Peace. Whether we are arriving somewhere and greeting other people or we are welcoming people into our environment our Greeting should be of Peace. Sometimes we are writing greetings in a letter to other people far away, the same principle should always apply, greetings should be of Peace.
A Kiss Is Given!
‘A Kiss Is Given.’
a) Proverbs 24:26. To the person who gives a correct answer.
b) Genesis 27:26; I Kings 19:20. By a son to a father.
c) Genesis 31:28. By a father to his children.
d) 2 Samuel 20:9. In deception.
e) Psalm 2:12. To Jesus in Worship.
f) Song of Solomon 1:2. From a young man to the young woman whom he loves.
g) Isaiah 60:14. On our feet by our enemies when they are defeated.
h) Hosea 13:2. By idolaters to their idols.
i) Matthew 26:48-49. By Judas to betray Jesus.
j) Luke 7:45. The woman who washed Jesus’ feet.
k) Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12. In Holiness to greet our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
(This QT makes me realise and understand the power of a kiss in Bible days: A Kiss Is Given)
‘Precise Prayers From The Heart To Father God.’
Matthew 6:8.
a) We are not to be like the heathen people who try to impress their gods with their “prayers”.
a) Our Heavenly Father knows what things we need.
b) Even before we ask Him He knows.
(This Second one reminds me that I can pray Precise Prayers From The Heart To Father God)
Answers are a part of everyday life. It is good that we can give people correct answers. If we do not know the answer to the question that we are being asked it is better to say nothing. If we know that we can give a correct answer we should give it with a good attitude and not in pride. Answers are an important part of everyday life.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Father Seeks True Worshippers!
‘The Father Seeks True Worshippers.’
John 4:23.
a) Now is the time to be a True Worshipper.
b) True Worshippers Worship the Father.
c) They Worship Him in Spirit.
d) They Worship Him in Truth.
e) The Father seeks True Worshippers to be His Worshippers.
(Through this QT I know that The Father Seeks True Worshippers)
‘The Prayer Life Of Jesus Christ.’
a) Mark 1:35. Was in the early morning and alone.
b) Luke 11:1. Was a good example to His Disciples.
c) Luke 22:44. Was sometimes agonising.
d) Luke 23:46. Was sometimes in a loud voice but always Trusting the Father.
(In This Second one I can learn much from The Prayer Life Of Jesus Christ)
The Father seeks True Worshippers to be His Worshippers. True Worshippers Worship in Spirit and in Truth. There are many people who are involved in Worship Ministry who are not True Worshippers. Some of them are “entertaining worshippers” some of them attempt to imitate and copy True Worshippers. Some of them are overcome by the emotional power of making sound and music – especially together with other people. We need to remember that True Worshippers Worship in Spirit and in Truth.
Another Way That Brings God The Glory!
‘Another Way That Brings God The Glory.’
Philippians 4:19-20.
a) God shall supply.
b) Every need of ours.
c) According to His riches in Glory.
d) In Christ Jesus.
e) This will surely give Him Glory.
(Through this QT I can see Another Way That Brings God The Glory)
‘Discovering God’s Mercy And Grace.’
Hebrews 4:16.
a) In our Prayer.
b) Let us draw near with boldness to the Throne of Grace.
c) There we may receive Mercy.
d) There we may find Grace.
e) To help in our time of need.
(Through this Second one I am so Blessed to be Discovering God’s Mercy And Grace)
There is some wrong idea in our minds sometimes that makes us think that when we do well then we give Glory to God. This concept is really an incorrect one. Is God’s getting the Glory limited to our performance? God is the Initiator of His Glory, we read several times in the Bible where God simply says that He will get the Glory through what He does.
A Nation Needs Honest Judges!
‘A Nation Needs Honest Judges.’
Proverbs 24:23-25.
a) Proverbs 24:23. It is wrong to show favouritism when passing judgment.
b) Proverbs 24:24. A Judge who says to the wicked person that they are innocent will be cursed by many people.
c) Proverbs 24:24. A Judge who says to the wicked person that they are innocent will be denounced by the Nations.
d) Proverbs 24:25. It will go well for the Judges who convict the guilty people.
e) Proverbs 24:25. Rich Blessings will be showered on the Judges who convict the guilty people.
(Through this QT I understand that A Nation Needs Honest Judges)
‘Motivated By Suffering.’
Philippians 1:14.
a) Because of Apostle Paul’s imprisonment.
b) Most of the Believers around him gained confidence.
c) Most of the Believers around him spoke God’s Message without fear.
(This Second one reminds me that sometimes I am Motivated By Suffering and I hope that if I suffer in some way that will also motivate other people in the right way)
To be denounced by the Nations is a very serious situation. It means the end of one’s good reputation and the end of one’s career. To be denounced by the Nations means public scorn. The more important the person then the bigger they fall when they are denounced by the Nations. This even applies to some “fallen” Servants of the Lord.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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