The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
How To Build A Lovely House And Home!
‘How To Build A Lovely House And Home.’
Proverbs 24:3-4.
a) A house is built.
b) Its rooms are all filled with lovely things.
c) The way this is established is by:-
1- Wisdom.
2- Understanding.
3- Knowledge.
(This QT teaches me How To Build A Lovely House And Home)
‘The Sorry State Of The Person Without Christ.’
a) Romans 3:17. They do not know Peace.
b) Romans 3:18. They do not Fear God.
c) Romans 3:23. They come short of the Glory of God.
d) Romans 5:6. They are ungodly and without strength of character.
e) Romans 6:17 & 20. They are a servant of sin.
f) Romans 6:19. They are a slave to impurity and lawlessness.
g) Romans 7:5. Their sinful passions are bearing fruit for death.
h) Romans 8:5. They live according to the flesh and their mind is only of the things of the flesh.
i) 1 Corinthians 2:14. The things of the Holy Spirit they:-
1- Do not accept.
2- Are folly to them.
3- Are not able to understand.
j) Colossians 1:13; 1 Peter 2:9. They are in the domain of darkness.
k) Colossians 1:21. They are:-
1- Alienated.
2- Hostile in mind.
3- Doing evil deeds.
l) Colossians 2:13. They are dead in their trespasses and un-circumcision of their flesh.
m) 2 Timothy 2:26; 1 John 5:19. They are snared and captured by the Devil.
n) Titus 3:3. They are:-
1- Foolish.
2- Disobedient.
3- Led astray.
4- A slave to various passions.
5- A slave to various pleasures.
6- Pass their days in malice.
7- Pass their days in envy.
8- In an environment of hate.
o) 1 Peter 1:18. They are in futile ways that are inherited from their forefathers.
p) 1 Peter 2:25. They are straying like sheep.
q) 1 John 2:16. They are in the World system and the World system is in them. The World system is basically:-
1- Desire of the flesh.
2- Desire of the eyes.
3- Pride in possessions.
r) 1 John 3:10. They do not practise Righteousness nor love their brother.
(This Second one shows me The Sorry State Of The Person Without Christ and stimulates me to Pray for their Salvation)
There are some unregenerate people living in the World system who exist in an environment of hate. This is a bitter and miserable way to live and is definitely not they way that God intends His Creation to live in. The only way to be delivered from the environment of hate is through a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Through Jesus we can experience the Love of God.
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