The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Avoid Too Much Wine!
‘Avoid Too Much Wine!’
Proverbs 23:29-35.
a) Proverbs 23:29-30. The sad state of those people who linger over wine and sample bowls of mixed wine:-
1- They have woe.
2- They have sorrow.
3- They have strife.
4- They have complaints.
5- They have needless bruises.
6- They have bloodshot eyes.
b) Proverbs 23:31. Do not gaze at wine:-
1- When it is red.
2- When it sparkles in the cup.
3- When it goes down smoothly.
c) Proverbs 23:32. In the end it bites like a snake and it poisons like a viper.
d) Proverbs 23:33. It will cause our eyes to see strange sights and our mind to imagine confusing things.
e) Proverbs 23:34-35. It will make you like one on the high seas that sleeps on the rigging of the vessel. You will say:-
1- They hit me but I am not hurt.
2- They beat me but I do not feel it.
3- When I awake where can I find another drink?
(Through this QT I find a strong and clear message: Avoid Too Much Wine)
‘We All Need Jesus Christ.’
Romans 5:12-19.
a) Romans 5:12-13. Through one man, Adam, sin and death entered into the World.
b) Romans 5:14. From Adam’s time death reigned.
c) Romans 5:15. God’s Free Gift of Grace found only in Jesus Christ immeasurably outweighs sin and death.
d) Romans 5:16. This Free Gift of Grace results in acquittal instead of punishment for our sins.
e) Romans 5:17. Death formerly reigned, but now if we receive God’s overflowing Grace and Gift of Righteousness we shall reign like kings in life through Jesus Christ.
f) Romans 5:18. This Life-giving acquittal is extended to the whole human race.
g) Romans 5:19. For as through the disobedience of the one individual the mass of mankind were constituted sinners, so also through the Obedience of the One the mass of mankind will be constituted Righteous.
(Through this Second one I recognise that I and We All Need Jesus Christ)
We do deserve punishment for our sins – that is Biblically very clear and easy to understand. Anyone who misses this point will be living a very careless life. As True Believers we can and should thank God that His Son Jesus Christ took the punishment for our sins at the Cross.
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