The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Do Not Fret Because Of Evil Doers!
‘Do Not Fret Because Of Evil Doers.’
Proverbs 24:19-20.
a) We are no to be fretting about evil doers.
b) We are not to be envious of the wicked people.
c) There is no posterity to the evil people.
d) The lamp of the wicked people is and will be extinguished.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to be positive: Do Not Fret Because Of Evil Doers)
‘Jesus The Messiah.’
a) John 4:26. Introduced Himself, there was no doubt about His Messiah-ship.
b) John 4:29; 2 Peter 1:16-18. He was and is the Subject of Evangelism.
c) John 4:42. He gives to people confidence as to His Identity.
d) Romans 1:1-3. Has Servants until now.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:3. He died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
(Through this Second one I want to Glorify Jesus The Messiah)
We should be positive and not fret about evil doers. Evil doers will be cut off by God. It is not for us to be troubled in our hearts about evil doers, especially when they are outside of our sphere of responsibility. We should determine in our thinking minds to remain positive and not to fret about them.
Sanctified By The Word Of God!
‘Sanctified By The Word Of God.’
John 17:17.
a) Sanctify them and make them Holy by the Truth.
b) Jesus prayed that Prayer for His Disciples and followers.
c) The Word of God the Father is Truth and it has sanctifying Power.
(Through this QT I thank God that I am Sanctified By The Word Of God)
‘Walking With The Lord.’
Psalm 16:11.
a) The Lord will make the Path of Life known to us.
b) Complete Joy is in the Lord’s Presence.
c) Pleasures are by the Lord’s side forever more.
(This Second one shows me what it is like to be Walking With The Lord)
There is a wonderful freedom in our hearts when we know that we are walking with the Lord. We have Joy in every situation and circumstance when we know that we are walking with the Lord. This is really a privilege that every True Believer can have – walking with the Lord. So let us yield our lives and respond to the Lord, then we can walk with Him.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Be Positive!
‘Be Positive.’
Philippians 4:13.
a) I can do all things.
b) In and through Christ.
c) Who strengthens me.
(This simple QT encourages me to Be Positive)
‘True Worshippers.’
John 4:23-24.
a) Now is the time for True Worshippers to Worship the Father.
b) They shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth.
c) The Father seeks such people to be His Worshippers.
d) God is Spirit.
e) Those people who Worship Him must Worship in Spirit and in Truth.
(Through this Second one I understand who are the True Worshippers)
True Believers may become True Worshippers. It is impossible for anyone to be a True Worshipper before they are a True Believer. The calling to be a Worshipper of the Living God is a high calling and only True Believers can really follow that path.
We Should Not Rejoice When Our Enemies Fall!
‘We Should Not Rejoice When Our Enemies Fall.’
Proverbs 24:17-18.
a) We should not rejoice when our enemies fall.
b) We should not be happy when our enemies stumble.
c) If we do these things the Lord will be displeased with us.
d) If we do these things the Lord will turn His anger away from our enemies.
(Through this QT I know that I Should Not Rejoice When My Enemies Fall)
‘Perpetual Oppressors.’
Amos 8:4-5.
a) Need to listen to the Word of the Lord.
b) Rob the poor people.
c) Tread down the needy people.
d) Cheat the helpless people.
e) Measure out grain with dishonest measures.
f) Cheat the buyer with dishonest scales.
(Through this Second one I want to avoid Perpetual Oppressors and to challenge them as to their sin)
As True Believers we have an enemy. The enemy’s name is Satan. This enemy can create havoc in our lives and in our relationships. The Word of God Promises us Victory for our lives in every way. As True Believers we need to trust in the Word of God and then experience His Victory in our lives against our enemy.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Without Christ Everything Is So Meaningless!
‘Without Christ Everything Is So Meaningless.’
Ecclesiastes 2:10-11.
a) Anything I wanted I could have, I could take.
b) I denied myself no pleasure.
c) I found great pleasure in hard work.
d) I got a reward for all of my labours.
e) Then I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish.
f) It was all so meaningless.
g) It was like chasing the wind.
h) There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.
(This QT reminds me that Without Christ Everything Is So Meaningless)
‘Do Not Be A Worrying Martha.’
Luke 10:41-42.
a) The Lord told Martha who was so busy serving that she was worrying.
b) She was troubled about many things.
c) Only one thing was:-
1- Needed.
2- To be concerned about.
3- Essential.
d) What Mary had chosen was good.
e) It would not be taken away from her.
f) Mary was a Worshipper, Martha was a worker.
(Through this Second one I would encourage all people, especially sisters: Do Not Be A Worrying Martha)
There is nothing wrong with hard work. All my life I have tried to be a hard worker, I actually enjoyed it and tried not complain. The last twenty years of my life I have really endeavoured to work hard. I also learned that all the hard work that I did formerly, now I am somewhat restricted because of my physical incapability, I did for the Glory of God and not for my own satisfaction.
The True Believer's Contentment!
‘The True Believer’s Contentment.’
Philippians 4:11-12.
a) The True Believer does not pester other people about their own needs.
b) The True Believer learns to be content in all circumstances.
c) The True Believer learns and knows:-
1- How to be in want.
2- How to have more than enough in everything.
3- How to have more than enough in every way.
4- The secret of being full.
5- The secret of being hungry.
6- The secret of having abundance.
7- The secret of being in need.
(This QT clearly teaches me about The True Believer’s Contentment)
‘Simple Self Control.’
1 Corinthians 9:27.
a) Self control is about our body.
b) We need to treat it hard and not to spoil it.
c) We make our body our slave.
d) Then we can proclaim the Good News to other people.
e) Then we will not be disqualified.
(Through this Second one I can learn Simple Self Control)
We should learn many things about life in God’s Kingdom and Family. One of the things we learn is that it is not incorrect to have more than enough in every way. This is not achievement is not made by stingy saving or greedy business ethics, it is because of the Grace of God. If God has Blessed us in this way we should be thankful to Him and contented, not carrying some burden of guilt because God Blessed us in that way.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
God Is With Righteous People!
‘God Is With Righteous People.’
Proverbs 24:15-16.
a) The wicked person should not lay in wait against the habitation of Righteous people.
b) The wicked person should not destroy the Righteous person’s dwelling place.
c) A Righteous person may fall seven times but they will rise up again.
d) The wicked people will be overthrown by calamity.
(This QT convinces me that God Is With Righteous People)
‘A Call To Sojourners And Pilgrims.’
1 Peter 2:11.
a) These Sojourners and Pilgrims are beloved people.
b) Peter was beseeching them.
c) They were to abstain from fleshly lusts.
d) These fleshly lusts would war against their souls.
(This Second is A Call To All Sojourners And Pilgrims, maybe most True Believers are Sojourners and Pilgrims)
Sometimes, just as the psalmist Asaph did, we get hurt, upset or jealous of wicked people. We should not keep those things in our hearts because God knows all about those wicked people and their time to be overthrown will come. Let us concentrate on living our life well before the Lord and not be snared by thoughts of the wicked people.
Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus!
‘Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus!’
Hebrews 12:1-2.
a) We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses to the Life of Faith in Hebrews chapter eleven.
b) We should throw off everything that hinders us.
c) We should throw off the sin that so easily entangles us.
d) We are to run the race with perseverance the race marked out for us.
e) We are to fix our eyes on Jesus Who is the pioneer of Faith and the One Who makes Faith perfect.
f) For the Joy that was set before Him, Jesus:-
1- Endured the Cross.
2- Scorned the shame of the Cross.
3- Is now sat down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God.
(This QT reminds me that I am to be Fixing My Eyes On Jesus)
‘Quiet Yet Bold Faith In God.’
a) Daniel 3:16-18. The three friends of Daniel would not compromise. True Faith in God does not compromise.
b) Job 13:15. Job’s Faith was strong because He knew God and not because he had nice circumstances.
c) 1 John 2:15. If we are to have bold Faith we should not love the World system.
(Through this Second one I want to have Quiet Yet Bold Faith In God)
We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses to the Life of Faith in Hebrews chapter eleven. The greatest testimony is the Word of God itself. I have heard many testimonies in Christian environments and some of them really Glorify God. Sadly there are also many testimonies that are not for the Glory of God but only for the “glory” of the person who is testifying. This kind of testimony is actually incorrect and such testifying should be discouraged in Christian environments.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Even Our Intentions Can Bless Other People!
‘Even Our Intentions Can Bless Other People.’
Philippians 4:10.
a) Apostle Paul rejoiced greatly in the Lord.
b) Because the Philippian Church renewed their concern for him.
c) They were really concerned.
d) But they had no opportunity to show it.
(Through this QT I can see that Even My Intentions Can Bless Other People)
‘From The Beginning Jesus And The Father.’
John 1:1-5.
a) John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word.
b) John 1:1. The Word was with God.
c) John 1:1. The Word was God.
d) John 1:2. The Word was with God in the beginning.
e) John 1:3. Through the Word all things were made.
f) John 1:3. Without the Word nothing was made that has been made.
g) John 1:4. In the Word was Life.
h) John 1:4. That Life was the Light of all people.
i) John 1:5. The Light shines in the darkness.
j) John 1:5. The darkness has not overcome the Light.
(In this Second one I have great confidence in God: From The Beginning Jesus And The Father)
From the Beginning of everything there was Jesus and the Father. At the end of everything there will be Jesus and the Father. Jesus Christ is the everlasting Word of God. Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things. Jesus Christ is Eternal Life, in Him we have Eternal Life. Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, the Light that shines into the darkness.
Sometimes Sweet Is Good!
‘Sometimes Sweet Is Good.’
Proverbs 24:13-14.
a) Eating honey is good.
b) Honey from the honeycomb is sweet to the taste.
c) Wisdom is sweet to our souls.
d) If we find wisdom there is a future Hope for us.
e) Our Hope will not be cut off.
(Through this QT I realise that Sometimes Sweet Is Good)
‘Really Trusting The Lord.’
Psalm 37:5-7.
a) Psalm 37:5. We need to commit our way to the Lord.
b) Psalm 37:5-6. If we Trust in the Lord He will make our Righteousness shine like the dawn.
c) Psalm 37:6. If we Trust in the Lord He will make the Justice of our cause like the noon day sun.
d) Psalm 37:7. We should be still before the Lord.
e) Psalm 37:7. Wait patiently for the Lord.
f) Psalm 37:7. Do not fret when men succeed in their ways and carry out their wicked schemes.
(This Second encourages me to be Really Trusting The Lord)
To have one’s Hope cut off is a painful and sometimes devastating experience. One of the reasons that a person’s Hope is cut off is that performance is prioritised in our lives rather than Wisdom. We live in performance orientated World that has become tuned in to “success or failure” syndrome. As True Believers we should prioritise Wisdom and trust God to give us success.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
God Will Not Forget!
‘God Will Not Forget.’
Matthew 5:11-12.
a) We will be Blessed if people, for the Lord’s sake:-
1- Reproach and insult us.
2- Persecute us.
3- Say all manner of evil against us falsely.
b) Rejoice and be exceedingly glad in those circumstances.
c) The Reward in Heaven for us will be great.
d) The Prophets of the Old Testament and God’s People throughout the ages suffered the same persecutions.
(This QT gives me such comfort: God Will Not Forget)
‘True Believers – Do Not Be Afraid.’
Isaiah 51:7-8.
a) God’s People who know Righteousness should listen to Him.
b) The People of God who have His Word in their hearts should not fear the reproach of people.
c) The People of God should not be afraid when they are reviled or insulted.
d) The evil people shall be eaten up by the moth and the worm.
e) God’s Righteousness shall be forever.
f) God’s Salvation shall be for all generations.
(Through this Second one I am strengthened: True Believers – Do Not Be Afraid)
As clear followers of the Lord there may be some times when we face painful experiences because of our Faith. We may be reproached or insulted, these are offensive things and can wound our hearts. We may be persecuted in other ways causing us physical or emotional pain. We may be gossiped about in a malicious way. As True Believers we are told that if we go through such experiences the end result will be that God Blesses us.
Leading By Example!
‘Leading By Example.’
Philippians 4:9.
a) The God of Peace will be with those people who are led by the good example of their Leaders.
b) Example leading come from things in our Leader’s lives that we:-
1- Learn.
2- Hear.
3- Receive.
4- See.
c) We do these things because we have learned them from our Leaders.
(Through this QT I can see the benefit of Leading By Example)
‘The People Who Will Occupy Heaven.’
Revelation 21:27.
a) Will not be unclean.
b) Will not be people who make abominations.
c) Will not be liars.
d) Will not be doers of detestable things.
e) Will not be doers of false things.
f) Will not be practitioners of shameful idolatry.
g) Will be those people whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
(Through this Second one I want to be amongst The People Who Will Occupy Heaven)
Our Christian Leaders should be figures of importance in our lives. They influence our Christianity very much if we are Faithful True Believers. Our Leaders should be showing us the Way. They should be setting us good examples. We do not only learn from their teaching and training us but we also learn from their lifestyles. We need to love, respect and respond to good Christian Leaders.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Do Our Part Against Injustice!
‘Do Our Part Against Injustice.’
Proverbs 24:11-12.
a) Rescue those people who are unjustly sentenced to die.
b) Save the people who are unjustly sentenced to die as they stagger to their death.
c) We should not excuse ourselves by saying that we did not know.
d) God understand all our hearts.
e) God sees us.
f) He Who guards our souls knows that we knew and that we know.
g) God will repay all people as their actions deserve.
(Through this QT I realize that, along with all True Believers, should Do My Part Against Injustice)
‘Sin Should Lose Its Power In Our Lives.’
Romans 6:6.
a) We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ.
b) This means that sin can lose is power in our lives.
c) We are no longer slaves to sin.
(This Second one reminds me that Sin Should Lose Its Power In My Life)
God sees us! He is not just in the Sunday Worship but He is seeing every part of our lives every day. He sees our actions and He hears our words. It is even told us in the Scripture that He knows our hearts and their motives. Yes, God sees us all the time and He longs for us to be a people that would Glorify Him.
The Effect Of Our Great High Priest!
‘The Effect Of Our Great High Priest.’
Hebrews 4:14.
a) We have a Great High Priest.
b) He has entered Heaven. (He sits at the Right Hand of the Father interceding for us)
c) He is Jesus the Son of God.
d) We can and should hold firmly to what we believe.
(In this QT I can see The Effect Of My Great High Priest)
‘Finish Our Race Well.’
Hebrews 12:1-2.
a) We are surrounded by so many witnesses, the heroes of Faith in Hebrews chapter eleven shows us many of them.
b) We are to lay aside every weight.
c) We are to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us.
d) We are to run with endurance the race that is set before us.
e) We are to be looking to Jesus the Founder of our Faith.
f) We are to be looking to Jesus Who makes our Faith perfect.
g) We are to be looking to Jesus Who, for the Joy that was set before Him:-
1- Endured the Cross.
2- Despised the shame.
3- Is sat now at the Right Hand of the Throne of God.
(This Second one calls me to Finish My Race Well)
We have a Great High Priest, He is Jesus Christ our Lord. He has now entered Heaven and is interceding for us at the Right Hand of the Father. The intercessory ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ for us is an important reality. He is now interceding for us. He is also our pattern Intercessor.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Good Thinking!
‘Good Thinking.’
Philippians 4:8.
Think about:-
a) Whatever is True.
b) Whatever is Honourable.
c) Whatever is Just.
d) Whatever is Pure.
e) Whatever is Lovely.
f) Whatever is Commendable.
g) Whatever is Excellent.
h) Whatever is Worthy of Praise.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to have Good Thinking)
‘Consider Jesus.’
Hebrews 3:1.
a) As Holy Brothers and Sisters.
b) We share in a Heavenly Calling.
c) We should consider Jesus.
d) He is the Apostle of our Confession.
e) He is the High Priest of our Confession.
(This Second one urges me to Consider Jesus)
Think about whatever is True. There are so many lies going around, even in the Churches. People tend to love gossip more than Fellowship and Worship. This is a sad but real picture of many Churches. The reason why this happens is very simple – the dark and sinful human heart. Let’s start to see Restoration of the Churches from the Lord as we think about whatever is True.
We Are Not To Faint!
‘We Are Not To Faint.’
Proverbs 24:10.
a) If we faint.
b) In the day of adversity.
c) Our strength is small.
(This Simple QT reminds me that I Am Not To Faint)
‘Jesus Christ Is The Fulfilment Of Melchizedek’s Priesthood.’
a) Psalm 110:4. The Lord Jehovah declares it.
b) Genesis 14:18. Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was Priest of God Most High.
c) Hebrews 5:6-10; 6:20; 7:17. The New Testament declares it.
(This Second one teaches me that Jesus Christ Is The Fulfilment Of Melchizedek’s Priesthood)
Jesus Christ is the Fulfilment of Melchizedek’s Priesthood. This is another example of how Jesus is portrayed and prophesied about in the Old Testament. We need to read the whole Counsel of the Word of God. We are not just to “pick” verses and think about them but we are to steadily read through the whole Counsel of God’s Word. If we read the Bible well God will speak to us many times from it.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Our High Priest Jesus!
‘Our High Priest Jesus.’
Hebrews 7:25.
a) He is ABLE.
b) For all time.
c) To SAVE.
d) Those people who draw near to God through Him.
e) Since He ALWAYS lives.
f) To make INTERCESSION for them.
(This QT makes me so grateful for My High Priest Jesus)
‘With Hands Lifted Up.’
a) Leviticus 9:22. To Bless the People of God.
b) Psalm 28:2. In Prayer.
c) Psalm 134:2. To Bless the Lord.
d) Luke 24:50. Jesus Blessed His Disciples before ascending to Heaven.
(This Second one reminds me that it is sometimes relevant to Pray and Bless With Hands Lifted Up)
Jesus Christ always lives. He shall never ever die again. On the Cross He gave His Life for us but three days later He rose again. Death could not hold Him. Now He stays at the Father’s Right Hand in Glory. One day He will return to this Earth and take those people who love Him to Heaven where they will live with Him eternally.
Do Not Worry But Learn To Pray!
‘Do Not Worry But Learn To Pray.’
Philippians 4:6-7.
a) Do not worry.
b) Learn to Pray about everything.
c) Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need.
d) The Peace of God is much greater than the human mind can understand.
e) This Peace of God will keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
(This QT really reminds me: Do Not Worry But Learn To Pray, even though sometimes it is difficult to apply)
‘A Jewish Pattern For The Present Day Church Leader.’
Hebrews 5:1-4.
a) Hebrews 5:1. Every Jewish religious Leader was chosen from among men.
b) Hebrews 5:1. Every Jewish religious Leader was a helper standing between God and men.
c) Hebrews 5:1. Every Jewish religious Leader gave gifts on the Altar in Worship to God from the people.
d) Hebrews 5:1. Every Jewish religious Leader gives blood from animals for the sins of the people.
e) Hebrews 5:2. Every Jewish religious Leader was weak in many ways because he was just a man himself.
f) Hebrews 5:2. Every Jewish religious Leader knew how to be gentle with those people who knew little.
g) Hebrews 5:2. Every Jewish religious Leader knew how to help those people who were doing wrong.
h) Hebrews 5:3. Because Jewish religious Leaders were themselves weak they had to give gifts to God for their own sins as well as the sins of the people.
i) Hebrews 5:4. Every Jewish religious Leader did not choose this honour for himself God chose them for His Work.
(Through this Second one I can see and learn about and from A Jewish Pattern For The Present Day Church Leader)
Thank God for the Blood of Jesus Christ. Through the Blood of Jesus Christ we have remission of our sins. Every Jewish religious Leader had to offer to God the blood of animals as a sin offering for the people. This hard work had to be done frequently. Jesus Christ has now finished His Work on the Cross for us so that our sins can be forgiven and we can enjoy Eternal Life.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
People Whose Intentions Are Wrong!
‘People Whose Intentions Are Wrong.’
Proverbs 24:8-9.
a) Their purposes are bad so they will be called:-
1- Mischief makers.
2- People of evil designs.
3- Trouble makers.
b) The purposes of foolish people are sin.
c) The hater of authority is disgusting to other people.
(This QT tells me about People Whose Intentions Are Wrong)
‘The Holy Spirit And The World System.’
John 16:8.
When the Holy Spirit comes He will make the World system conscious of:-
a) Sin.
b) Righteousness.
c) Being judged.
(This Second one teaches me more about the Holy Spirit’s work: The Holy Spirit And The World System)
The purposes of foolish people are sin. Basically they are sin because they come from hearts and lives that are tainted by foolishness. Secondly, they are sin because foolish people never consider what they do, they just do it spontaneously. It is not only our words and actions that are important, it is also our purposes.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The Children Got It Correctly!
‘The Children Got It Correctly.’
Matthew 21:14-16.
a) Matthew 21:14. The blind people and the lame people came to Jesus in the temple; and He healed them.
b) Matthew 21:15. The Chief Priests and the Scribes saw the wonderful things that Jesus did.
c) Matthew 21:15. The children were crying out in the Temple. “These children were saying Hosanna to the Son of David.”
d) Matthew 21:15. The Chief Priests and the Scribes were filled with indignation.
e) Matthew 21:16. The Chief Priests and the Scribes asked Jesus if heard what these children were saying.
f) Matthew 21:16. Jesus quoted the Old Testament to the Chief Priests the Old Testament Scripture that out of the mouths of babes and sucklings there is perfected Praise.
(This QT reveals to me that The Children Got It Correctly)
‘Jesus Christ Was Acknowledged As A Prophet.’
a) Luke 7:16. The people Glorified God and they said that a Great Prophet was amongst them. They were talking about Jesus Christ. God had visited His People.
b) Luke 24:19. Again they were talking about Jesus Christ as the Prophet and again that God had visited His People.
c) John 7:40. The people heard what Jesus Christ had to say and affirmed that He was of the Truth the Prophet.
d) John 9:17; 6:14. Jesus Christ, the Prophet Who healed people miraculously.
(Through this Second one I recall that Jesus Christ Was Acknowledged As A Prophet)
The children were crying out in the Temple and they were crying out Praises to Jesus. The Role of True Believer parents is so important in the lives of their children. Children need to be taught God’s Word at home as well as in their Sunday Schools. True Believer parents who only rely on Sunday School teachers to give their children Spiritual Life are sinning against their children.
Servants Of The Lord Should Be Gentle!
‘Servants Of The Lord Should Be Gentle.’
a) Philippians 4:5. Our gentle spirit should be known to all people.
b) 2 Samuel 22:36; Psalm 18:35. Jehovah is gentle.
c) Galatians 5:22. Gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
d) Jeremiah 11:19. Jeremiah was gentle.
e) 1 Thessalonians 2:7. Apostle Paul’s team was gentle.
f) 2 Timothy 2:24. The Servant of the Lord must be gentle.
g) James 3:17. The Wisdom that is from above is gentle.
h) 1 Peter 2:18. Employers can and should be gentle.
(Through this QT I am reminded that Servants Of The Lord Should Be Gentle)
‘Jesus Christ The Teacher.’
a) Matthew 7:29. Jesus Christ taught as One having Authority.
b) Matthew 4:23. Jesus Christ travelled and taught.
c) Matthew 11:1. Jesus Christ not only taught His Disciples but He taught in their cities too.
d) Matthew 21:23. Jesus Christ taught in the Temple.
e) Matthew 22:16; Mark 12:14; Luke 20:21. Jesus Christ taught the Way of God in Truth.
f) Mark 4:1. Jesus Christ taught be the seaside.
g) Luke 4:15; 6:6. Jesus Christ taught in their synagogues.
h) John 3:2. Jesus Christ was a Teacher that came from God. (He was and is God)
i) Acts 1:1. Jesus Christ both did and taught.
(Through this Second one I find Jesus Christ The Teacher)
Jeremiah was gentle. The Message of this Prophet of God was powerful and spectacular. It was the man and the Message that God’s Old Testament Jewish people needed at that time. Even though this Message was so strong the man, Jeremiah, who brought the Message was a gentle man. In these New Testament days I believe that God’s Shepherds and Servants should be gentle.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Deficiencies Of A Foolish Person!
‘The Deficiencies Of A Foolish Person.’
Proverbs 24:7.
a) Wisdom is too high for them.
b) They despair to attain Wisdom.
c) They take no pains in the pursuit of Wisdom.
d) They become content not to have Wisdom.
e) They have no capacity for Wisdom.
(Through this QT I find The Deficiencies Of A Foolish Person)
‘Just The Beginning.’
Matthew 24:5-8.
a) Matthew 24:5. Many people will come in Christ’s Name falsely and say that they are the Christ. They will deceive many people. This is happening today.
b) Matthew 24:6. There will be many wars and rumours of wars but that does not mean that the end has come.
c) Matthew 24:7. The signs towards the end:-
1- Wars.
2- Famines.
3- Pestilences.
4- Earthquakes in various places.
d) Matthew 24:8. These are only the beginning of sorrows.
(Through this Second one I am reminded that this season is Just The Beginning)
Wisdom is too high for a foolish person. No matter how much time we spend trying to teach a foolish person they will not learn. This is another reason why, from an early age parents should nurture their children educationally. Most people are not born foolish, they just never get encouragement to develop.
From Servants To Friends!
‘From Servants To Friends.’
John 15:15.
a) True Believer Disciples are no longer called “servants” by Jesus.
b) Servants do not know what their Master is doing.
c) Jesus calls True Believer Disciples “friends”.
d) All the things that He heard from His Father He makes known to us.
(Through this QT I find a very Grace filled transition: From Servants To Friends)
‘Giving In The Gospels.’
a) John 17:9; 6:39. Father God has given every True Believer to Jesus and Jesus Prays for those True Believers.
b) Matthew 4:9. Satan sometimes offers to give us something but it is always a deception.
c) Matthew 6:11; Luke 11:3. We can Pray for Father God to give us our daily bread.
d) Matthew 7:11; John 15:16; 16:23. Heavenly Father will give what is good to those True Believers who ask Him.
e) Matthew 10:8. We should freely give and minister in the Holy Spirit.
f) Matthew 10:19. God will give us what to say in difficult times.
g) Matthew 14:19; 15:36. Jesus gives things to His Disciples for them to give to other people.
h) Matthew 20:23; John 17:2. Father God gives our place in Eternity.
i) Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45. Jesus Christ gave His Life as a ransom for many people.
j) Matthew 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 19:26. More shall be given to everyone who has something.
k) Matthew 26:27. Jesus gave the cup to His Disciples to drink from in remembrance of what He did for them on the Cross.
l) Luke 10:35. Hospitality should be given to other people who need it.
m) Luke 18:43. Our Praises can be given to God.
n) John 3:34; 14:16. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to people without measure.
o) John 3:35; 13:3. The Father has given all things into the Hand of the Son.
p) John 5:36; 17:4. The Father gave to Jesus works to accomplish.
q) John 10:28. Jesus gives the gift of Eternal Life to us.
r) John 11:22. Whatever we ask of God He will give to us.
s) John 12:49. The Father gave to Jesus the Words that He spoke.
t) John 13:15. Jesus gives us an example that we should follow.
u) John 13:34. Jesus gives us a new Commandment that we should love one another.
v) John 14:27. Jesus gives us His Peace.
(This Second one teaches me that Giving In The Gospels is a very wonderful meditation and responsive action – never a burden)
Thank God the Father for giving to us His Son. This is the greatest Gift! Father God loves us so very much that He gave Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for us. Here is priority giving giving that follows the Gospel pattern. This is not imposed by people – it is God’s example.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Rejoice In The Lord!
‘Rejoice In The Lord.’
a) Philippians 4:4; Isaiah 41:16. Always. We should remind ourselves to do this.
b) Leviticus 23:39-40. At the harvest of our first fruits.
c) Deuteronomy 12:7. When we eat in the Lord’s Presence.
d) Deuteronomy 14:26. In the Blessing of the Lord’s Provision.
e) Deuteronomy 16:11. As a family in the Presence of the Lord.
f) Deuteronomy 16:14-15. In our Holy Feasts before the Lord.
g) Deuteronomy 26:11. In every good thing which the Lord has given to us.
h) Deuteronomy 27:7. In our Peace with God.
i) 1 Chronicles 16:10; Psalm 105:3. As we seek the Lord.
j) 2 Chronicles 6:41. In the Lord’s Goodness.
k) Nehemiah 8:12; Psalm 119:62. Because of understanding the Word of the Lord.
l) Psalm 22:26. With everlasting Joy.
m) Psalm 31:7. In God’s Mercy.
n) Psalm 32:11; 33:1; 107:42. Righteous People.
o) Psalm 33:21. Our heart should Rejoice in the Lord because we have Trusted in His Holy Name.
p) Psalm 35:9. In the Lord’s Salvation.
q) Psalm 85:6. Because the Lord has revived us.
r) Psalm 86:4. Because the Lord has made us do so.
s) Psalm 98:4. All the Earth.
t) Psalm 118:24. In the Day that the Lord has made.
u) Isaiah 49:13. Because the Lord has Comforted His People and will have compassion on them in their suffering.
v) Isaiah 65:18. In what the Lord creates.
w) Zechariah 2:10. Because of the Lord’s Presence.
x) Zechariah 9:9. Because of Jesus.
y) Matthew 5:12. Because of our great Reward in Heaven, especially for persecuted people.
z) Philippians 3:1. It is an important thing to do.
(Through this QT I can see that it is correct to Rejoice In The Lord)
‘Keep On Believing.’
John 14:10-21.
a) John 14:10-11. Believe that Christ is in the Father and the Father is in Christ.
b) John 14:11. Believe because of the Works of Christ.
c) John 14:12. Believe in Christ and do great works in His Name.
d) John 14:13-14. Pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) John 14:15-17. Obey the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit.
f) John 14:18. Believe that Christ is with us today.
g) John 14:19. Keep on Believing we will see Christ again.
h) John 14:20. Believe and it will be clear:-
1- Christ is in the Father.
2- We are in Christ.
3- Christ is in us.
i) John 14:21. If we have the Commandments of Christ and keep them it is a proof of our live for Him.
j) John 14:21. If we Love Christ we will be Loved by the Father.
k) John 14:21. If we Love Christ He will Love us and manifest Himself to us.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to Keep On Believing)
True reception of the Holy Spirit has to do with both Faith and Obedience. Faith comes from the Word of God that we read or hear. If we truly want to be filled with the Holy Spirit we need to know what the Scriptures say about that experience. Obedience to the Lord is very simple and clear. If we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit then we need to obey the Lord.
The Value Of Wisdom!
‘The Value Of Wisdom.’
Proverbs 24:5-6.
a) A Wise man is strong.
b) A man of Knowledge makes strength greater.
c) By Wise guiding we will overcome in war.
d) In a number of Wise guides there is Salvation.
(This QT clearly shows to me The Value Of Wisdom)
‘The Lord Jesus Christ As Our Prophet.’
a) 1 Peter 1:11. The Old Testament Prophets had the Spirit of Christ in them. They wrote and spoke of the pains and Glories of Christ.
b) Deuteronomy 18:15; Acts 3:22-23. Moses promised the People of God that the Lord their God would give them a Prophet from amongst them. They were to listen to Him. This Prophet is the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Luke 13:33. Jesus Christ referred to Himself as a Prophet.
d) John 12:49-50. Jesus Christ only spoke the Words that the Father gave Him. Never did He speak on His Own Authority.
(Through this Second one I want to Praise and Honour The Lord Jesus Christ As My Prophet)
Wisdom has great value and is something to be sought, especially godly Wisdom and the Wisdom revealed in God’s Word. Godly Wisdom should be taught and explained in every Church and Theological Seminary. The World system needs to hear and see demonstrated Godly Wisdom and this can only be possible through the Church.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Life And Light!
‘Life And Light.’
John 1:4-5.
a) In Christ was and is Life.
b) This Life was and is the Light for people.
c) This Light shines in the darkness.
d) The darkness does not overcome the Light.
(Through this QT I understand the importance of Jesus Christ our Life And Light)
‘The Son Reveals The Father To Us.’
a) John 14:9; 12:45. If we see and understand Jesus we also see and understand the Father.
b) John 14:7. If we know Jesus we also know the Father.
c) Colossians 1:15. Christ is the Image of the invisible God.
d) Philippians 2:6. Christ was in the Form of God.
e) Hebrews 1:3. Christ is the Radiance of the Glory of God and the exact imprint of His Nature.
(This Second one reminds me that The Son Reveals The Father To Us)
Jesus Christ the Lord needs to be the foremost person in our lives. If we are True Believers we should and will have a real and deep love for Jesus Christ. When we have this kind of real and deep love for Jesus then many things take their proper priorities in our lives.
Resolve Tension In The Team!
‘Resolve Tension In The Team.’
Philippians 4:2-3.
a) If necessary bring the tension into the open as Apostle Paul did.
b) The Lord is the One Who will give Peace.
c) Help these female team members to resolve it. They are both Servants of the Lord.
d) Their names are written in the Book of Life.
(Through this QT I realise that it is always important and necessary to Resolve Tension In The Team)
‘Without Hope And Without God.’
Ephesians 2:12.
a) Remembrance of our former condition makes us humble and also makes us realise the Grace of God which we have received.
b) We were separate from Christ.
c) We were excluded from being God’s People.
d) We were foreigners to the Covenants of the Promise.
e) We were without Hope.
f) We were without God in this World.
(This QT causes me to thank God because formerly I was Without Hope And Without God)
There are certain things in Churches and Communities of True Believers that are important. One of these things is that it is important and necessary to resolve any tension that may be in the Church, Community or Ministry team.
How To Build A Lovely House And Home!
‘How To Build A Lovely House And Home.’
Proverbs 24:3-4.
a) A house is built.
b) Its rooms are all filled with lovely things.
c) The way this is established is by:-
1- Wisdom.
2- Understanding.
3- Knowledge.
(This QT teaches me How To Build A Lovely House And Home)
‘The Sorry State Of The Person Without Christ.’
a) Romans 3:17. They do not know Peace.
b) Romans 3:18. They do not Fear God.
c) Romans 3:23. They come short of the Glory of God.
d) Romans 5:6. They are ungodly and without strength of character.
e) Romans 6:17 & 20. They are a servant of sin.
f) Romans 6:19. They are a slave to impurity and lawlessness.
g) Romans 7:5. Their sinful passions are bearing fruit for death.
h) Romans 8:5. They live according to the flesh and their mind is only of the things of the flesh.
i) 1 Corinthians 2:14. The things of the Holy Spirit they:-
1- Do not accept.
2- Are folly to them.
3- Are not able to understand.
j) Colossians 1:13; 1 Peter 2:9. They are in the domain of darkness.
k) Colossians 1:21. They are:-
1- Alienated.
2- Hostile in mind.
3- Doing evil deeds.
l) Colossians 2:13. They are dead in their trespasses and un-circumcision of their flesh.
m) 2 Timothy 2:26; 1 John 5:19. They are snared and captured by the Devil.
n) Titus 3:3. They are:-
1- Foolish.
2- Disobedient.
3- Led astray.
4- A slave to various passions.
5- A slave to various pleasures.
6- Pass their days in malice.
7- Pass their days in envy.
8- In an environment of hate.
o) 1 Peter 1:18. They are in futile ways that are inherited from their forefathers.
p) 1 Peter 2:25. They are straying like sheep.
q) 1 John 2:16. They are in the World system and the World system is in them. The World system is basically:-
1- Desire of the flesh.
2- Desire of the eyes.
3- Pride in possessions.
r) 1 John 3:10. They do not practise Righteousness nor love their brother.
(This Second one shows me The Sorry State Of The Person Without Christ and stimulates me to Pray for their Salvation)
There are some unregenerate people living in the World system who exist in an environment of hate. This is a bitter and miserable way to live and is definitely not they way that God intends His Creation to live in. The only way to be delivered from the environment of hate is through a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Through Jesus we can experience the Love of God.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Offer Ourselves To God!
‘Offer Ourselves To God.’
Romans 6:13.
a) We should not offer the parts of our body to sin.
b) The parts of our body are not instruments of wickedness.
c) We should offer ourselves to God.
d) We have been brought from death to Life.
e) We are to offer the parts of our body to God as instruments of Righteousness.
(Through this QT I am challenged again to Offer Myself To God)
‘Forgiveness Of Sin And Healing.’
Psalm 32:3-4.
a) We should not keep silent and ignore or hide our sins. This can cause physical and emotional problems.
b) Day and night God’s Hand is upon us until we respond to Him.
c) Our strength dries up.
d) Psalm 38:2. A similar experience.
e) Psalm 6:2 & 7. A similar experience.
f) Psalm 31:9-11. A similar experience.
(This Second one urges me to seek God for Forgiveness Of Sin And Healing)
Righteousness can only be truly ours through and by the Blood of Jesus Christ. People are sometimes striving to achieve self righteousness by all sorts of means. We need to depend on Jesus Christ and have a good relationship with Him, then we can receive the Gift of Righteousness.
True Brothers Stand Firm In The Lord!
‘True Brothers Stand Firm In The Lord.’
Philippians 4:1.
a) True Brothers are Beloved.
b) True Brothers are longed for.
c) True Brothers are the joy and crown of their leaders.
d) True Brothers can stand firm in the Lord.
(This QT makes me thank God for true brothers in Christ: True Brothers Stand Firm In The Lord)
‘Simply Giving Thanks To The Lord.’
Psalm 139:14.
a) I will give thanks to the Lord.
b) I am fearfully made.
c) I am wonderfully made.
d) The Lord’s Works are Wonderful.
e) My soul knows very well about the Lord’s Works.
(Through this Second one I want to be Simply Giving Thanks To The Lord)
We should be able to thank God for our True Brothers and Sisters in Christ. These True Brothers and Sisters are very supportive, understanding and kind when we are going through difficult times. They do not try to solve our heart problems but they identify with us, are kind towards us and help us by just “being there” for us.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Keep Away From Evil Men!
‘Keep Away From Evil Men.’
Proverbs 24:1-2.
a) Do not be envious of evil men.
b) Do not desire to be with evil men.
c) The purposes of their hearts are destruction.
d) Their lips are talking of mischief.
(This QT calls me to Keep Away From Evil Men)
‘The Foolish Man.’
Psalm 14:1-3.
a) Psalm 14:1. Says in his heart that God will not do anything.
b) Psalm 14:1. Is unclean.
c) Psalm 14:1. Has done evil works.
d) Psalm 14:1. Never does good things.
e) Psalm 14:2. The Lord looks down from Heaven on the children of men to see if there were any who had Wisdom, who sought after God.
f) Psalm 14:3. But these foolish men have all gone out of the Way together.
g) Psalm 14:3. Is unclean.
h) Psalm 14:3. There is not one foolish man who does good.
(Through this Second one I can understand more about how God sees The Foolish Man)
We should never be envious of evil people. Although evil people sometimes seemingly attain things, in fact their lives are corrupt and lost. Evil people may get the publicity and praise of the World system but it has no Eternal meaning at all.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Only Through Christ Can We Be Righteous!
‘Only Through Christ Can We Be Righteous.’
a) Psalm 130:3. If the Lord kept a record of sins who could stand?
b) Job 9:2. How can a mortal be Righteous before God?
c) Job 9:20. Even if I were innocent, my mouth would condemn me; if I were blameless, it would pronounce me guilty.
d) Job 15:14. What is man, that he could be pure, or one born of woman, that he could be Righteous?
e) Isaiah 53:6. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
f) John 8:7. Jesus told those people accusing the adulterous woman that if they had no sin they could throw the first stone at her to stone her to death. No one could throw a stone.
g) Romans 3:21. There is a Righteousness that comes from God that is apart from His Law.
h) Romans 3:22. This Righteousness comes through Faith in Christ Jesus to all people who Believe.
i) Romans 3:23. We all need this Righteousness because all of us have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
(Here is a strong reminder in this QT: Only Through Christ Can I Be Righteous)
a) Psalm 51:5. Conceive and give birth to children.
b) Genesis 17:16. May have influence over Nations through their children.
c) Genesis 21:21. Sometimes get wives for their sons.
d) Exodus 21:17 Deuteronomy 27:16; Proverbs 20:20. Should never be cursed by their children.
e) Leviticus 19:3; Matthew 19:19. Should be respected by their children.
f) 1 Kings 17:23. Can have Hope in God for their sick children.
g) 2 Chronicles 22:10; Psalm 109:14. May sometimes be wicked.
h) Psalm 22:9-10. Can help their babies to Trust God.
i) Psalm 27:10. Sometimes forsake their own children.
j) Psalm 113:9. Can and should be happy.
k) Psalm 139:13. Have wombs in which babies are knit together. (Created and formed)
l) Proverbs 1:8; 6:20. Can Teach their children the way of God.
m) Proverbs 10:1. Are grieved by foolish sons.
n) Proverbs 15:20; 19:26; 23:22. May be despised by foolish sons.
o) Proverbs 29:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:7. Should not leave their children to themselves, they should be caring for them and supervising them.
p) Song of Solomon 3:4. Should be introduced to the prospective spouse of their child.
q) Matthew 2:13-14. Should be led well by their husbands.
r) Matthew 12:50. Were important in the life and ministry of Jesus.
s) Matthew 19:5. Should not hold on to their children after they get married.
(Through this Second one I want to honour and pray for Mothers)
The mother’s womb is an amazing place. It is a place in which babies are knit together. All of us have this in common – we were formed in our mother’s womb. No matter what may be the circumstances of our conception we should be able to thank God for the Life that He has given to us through our mother.
New Citizenship And New Body!
‘New Citizenship And New Body.’
Philippians 3:20-21.
a) Our Citizenship, as True Believers, is in Heaven.
b) We eagerly wait for a Saviour from there.
c) He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
d) By the Power that enables Him to bring everything under control.
e) He will transform our lowly bodies.
f) They will become like His Glorious Body.
(Through this QT I have something to really look forward to: New Citizenship And A New Body)
‘Frank And Honest Confession Of Our Sin To God.’
Psalm 51:4.
a) Against God and God only have I sinned.
b) I have done what is evil in Your sight.
c) God is proved right when He speaks.
d) God is justified when He judges.
This Second one keeps the focus correct: Frank And Honest Confession Of Our Sin To God)
Jesus Christ will transform our lowly bodies and they will become like His Glorious Body. There is no imperfect thing can enter the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. There will be no sin, no pain and no tears there. The Lord God will wipe away all tears as we go there. We need to take heart and not fall down. The Psalms tell us that the Lord keeps our tears here in His bottle.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Avoid Too Much Wine!
‘Avoid Too Much Wine!’
Proverbs 23:29-35.
a) Proverbs 23:29-30. The sad state of those people who linger over wine and sample bowls of mixed wine:-
1- They have woe.
2- They have sorrow.
3- They have strife.
4- They have complaints.
5- They have needless bruises.
6- They have bloodshot eyes.
b) Proverbs 23:31. Do not gaze at wine:-
1- When it is red.
2- When it sparkles in the cup.
3- When it goes down smoothly.
c) Proverbs 23:32. In the end it bites like a snake and it poisons like a viper.
d) Proverbs 23:33. It will cause our eyes to see strange sights and our mind to imagine confusing things.
e) Proverbs 23:34-35. It will make you like one on the high seas that sleeps on the rigging of the vessel. You will say:-
1- They hit me but I am not hurt.
2- They beat me but I do not feel it.
3- When I awake where can I find another drink?
(Through this QT I find a strong and clear message: Avoid Too Much Wine)
‘We All Need Jesus Christ.’
Romans 5:12-19.
a) Romans 5:12-13. Through one man, Adam, sin and death entered into the World.
b) Romans 5:14. From Adam’s time death reigned.
c) Romans 5:15. God’s Free Gift of Grace found only in Jesus Christ immeasurably outweighs sin and death.
d) Romans 5:16. This Free Gift of Grace results in acquittal instead of punishment for our sins.
e) Romans 5:17. Death formerly reigned, but now if we receive God’s overflowing Grace and Gift of Righteousness we shall reign like kings in life through Jesus Christ.
f) Romans 5:18. This Life-giving acquittal is extended to the whole human race.
g) Romans 5:19. For as through the disobedience of the one individual the mass of mankind were constituted sinners, so also through the Obedience of the One the mass of mankind will be constituted Righteous.
(Through this Second one I recognise that I and We All Need Jesus Christ)
We do deserve punishment for our sins – that is Biblically very clear and easy to understand. Anyone who misses this point will be living a very careless life. As True Believers we can and should thank God that His Son Jesus Christ took the punishment for our sins at the Cross.
Ever Increasing Grace And Peace!
‘Ever Increasing Grace And Peace.’
2 Peter 1:2-4.
a) 2 Peter 1:2. Grace and Peace increase in us.
b) 2 Peter 1:2. Grace and Peace increase in us as we have Knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord.
c) 2 Peter 1:3. By His Power God has given us everything necessary for Life and Righteousness.
d) 2 Peter 1:3. Grace and Peace increase in us by the Knowledge of Him Who has Called us by His Own Glory and Goodness.
e) 2 Peter 1:4. Through this God has given the Hope of great rewards highly to be valued.
f) 2 Peter 1:4. By these great rewards we can have our part in God’s being.
g) 2 Peter 1:4. Through these great rewards we are made free from the destruction that is in the World system through the desires of the flesh.
(Through this QT I thank God for Ever Increasing Grace And Peace)
‘The Sad State Of Fallen Humanity.’
a) Romans 1:21. Their minds are full of foolish things and their hearts, being without sense, are made dark.
b) Genesis 6:5. The sins of humanity are great on the Earth and all the thoughts of their heart are evil.
c) Ephesians 4:17-18. Fallen humanity’s state:-
1- Their minds are turned to that which has no profit.
2- Their thoughts are dark.
3- The Life of God is strange to them because they are without knowledge.
4- Their hearts have been made hard.
d) Romans 1:25. They have false ideas about the Word of God and they worship and honour the thing that is made rather than the Maker.
e) 2 Corinthians 4:4. The god of this World system has blinded their eyes.
(This Second one reveals to me The Sad State Of Fallen Humanity)
The thoughts of the hearts of fallen humanity are evil. This is one of the reasons that the Bible tells us about the wrong yoke. This yoke is the True Believer being yoked together with a non believer. This is not only to do with potential marriage partners but also to do with business partnerships and any kind of contracted partnership. Being incorrectly yoked may cause us many unnecessary struggles with evil thoughts and desires.
Friday, January 13, 2012
The Real Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ!
‘The Real Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ.’
Philippians 3:18-19.
a) Cause pain and tears for the genuine Servants of the Lord.
b) There are many people who are enemies of the Cross of Christ.
c) These people are headed for destruction.
d) Their god is their appetite.
e) They brag about shameful things.
f) They think only about the life here on this Earth.
(This QT teaches me who are The Real Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ)
‘Keep On Growing.’
2 Peter 3:17-18.
a) We should be on our guard.
b) So we shall not be carried away by the errors of wicked people.
c) These people may cause us to lose our secure footing in the Lord.
d) Grow in the Grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
e) Grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
f) Give Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ both now and forever.
(This Second one urges me to keep on growing)
There are some people, even Church people, who brag about shameful things. This is not proper behaviour. If we know and love our Lord Jesus Christ then the things which we communicate with each other will be positive, pure and edifying. Let us not brag about shameful things.
A Word For Sons!
‘A Word For Sons.’
Proverbs 23:19-28.
a) Proverbs 23:19. Be wise and set your feet on the correct path.
b) Proverbs 23:20-21. Do not join with drunkards and gluttons.
c) Proverbs 23:22. Listen to your parents.
d) Proverbs 23:23. Buy and do not sell:-
1- Truth.
2- Wisdom.
3- Instruction.
4- Insight.
e) Proverbs 23:24-25. Give your father Joy because of your Righteousness and Wisdom.
f) Proverbs 23:26-28. Avoid immoral women.
(This QT reveals God’s Heart inside families: A Word For Sons)
‘When God Calls Us To War.’
Psalm 110:3.
a) We should serve Him willingly.
b) God’s wars are Holy wars.
c) God is strong and gives us all the strength we need.
(Through this Second one I understand how it is meant to be When God Calls Us To War)
God tells sons to be wise and to set their feet on the correct path. The Bible tells us in the Book of James that we can ask God for Wisdom and that if we are sincerely asking for it He will surely give it to us. There are so many sons of True Believer parents who are not living wise lives and who do not set their feet on the correct path. The least that we can do for these sons is to love them, accept them and pray for them.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
This Is Eternal Life!
‘This Is Eternal Life.’
John 17:3.
a) This is Eternal Life.
b) To know God.
c) The only True God.
d) To know Jesus Christ.
e) Whom God has sent.
(This QT is so simple and yet profound for me: This Is Eternal Life)
‘Teaching That Produces A Changed Life.’
Ephesians 4:21-24.
a) Ephesians 4:21. This Teaching is in Christ.
b) Ephesians 4:21. This Teaching is in accordance with the Truth that is in Jesus.
c) Ephesians 4:22. This Teaching needs to refer to a former way of life.
d) Ephesians 4:22. This Teaching teaches us to put off our old self which is being corrupted by its sinful desires.
e) Ephesians 4:23. This Teaching encourages us to be made new in the attitude of our minds.
f) Ephesians 4:24. This Teaching teaches us to put on the new self.
g) Ephesians 4:24. Through this Teaching we understand that we are created to be like God in True Righteousness and Holiness.
(This Second one reveals to me Teaching That Produces A Changed Life)
This is Eternal Life… to know God. Assurance of Eternal Life is one of the first assurances of our Salvation. If we have no assurance of Eternal Life we have Biblical permission to doubt our Salvation. The Promise of God’s Word regarding the very core of the Gospel as written in John’s Gospel is that through belief in Jesus Christ we shall not perish but rather have Eternal Life.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Set A Good Example!
‘Set A Good Example.’
Philippians 3:17.
a) In unity.
b) For all brothers and sisters in fellowship with us.
c) Be a model to other people of how a True Believer should live.
d) Watch those people who set us a good example too.
(Through this QT I can see how important it is to Set A Good Example)
‘Justified, Saved And Reconciled.’
Romans 5:9-11.
a) Romans 5:9. We are Justified by the Blood of Christ.
b) Romans 5:9. We are Saved from God’s wrath through Christ.
c) Romans 5:10. We are Reconciled to God through the death of His Son.
d) Romans 5:10. Once we are Reconciled we are Saved through the Life of God’s Son.
e) Romans 5:11. Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we have now received Reconciliation.
(By this Second one I rejoice in that I am Justified, Saved And Reconciled)
Being a real Christian or, as I prefer, a True Believer means much more than just being an adherent to a religion. We can actually and Truthfully proclaim the realities of what God has done for us and who we are in Him. If we are True Believers we can proclaim that we are Justified, Saved and Reconciled.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Have No Envy Of Sinners In Our Heart!
‘Have No Envy Of Sinners In Our Heart.’
Proverbs 23:17-18.
a) We should not have the envy of sinners in our heart.
b) We should keep in the Fear of the Lord all the day long.
c) Without doubt we have a future and a Hope.
d) Our Hope will not be cut off.
(Through this QT I know that I should Have No Envy Of Sinners In My Heart)
‘Expressing Our Faith In The Lord.’
Psalm 96:8-10.
a) Psalm 96:8. Give to the Lord the Glory due to His Name.
b) Psalm 96:8. Take an offering with us and come to the Lord’s House.
c) Psalm 96:9. Give Worship to the Lord in all His Holy Splendour.
d) Psalm 96:9. Have the Fear of the Lord.
e) Psalm 96:10. Say among the Nations that the Lord is King.
f) Psalm 96:10. The World is firmly established and it cannot be moved.
g) Psalm 96:10. The Lord will be an upright Judge of the peoples.
(Through this Second one I know that it is good to be Expressing My Faith In The Lord)
Our heart needs to be kept clean before the Lord. Many people are concerned about the condition of their physical heart. They take all kinds of protective measures to look after it. How about our emotional heart? How is the condition of our emotional heart? This is something that we should do. The Bible asks us to guard our heart and surely the Lord will help us to do that.
Loyalty, Honesty And Fear Of The Lord!
‘Loyalty, Honesty And Fear Of The Lord.’
Proverbs 19:22-23.
a) Loyalty makes a person attractive.
b) It is better to be poor than dishonest.
c) The Fear of the Lord:-
1- Leads to Life.
2- Brings Security.
3- Brings protection from harm.
(Through this QT I can see that Loyalty, Honesty And Fear Of The Lord are necessary basics for the life of the True Believer)
‘The Woman That Will Be Praised.’
Proverbs 31:29-30.
a) She is more than virtuous.
b) She is more than capable.
c) She surpasses many women who are virtuous and capable.
d) She has done better than just “done well”.
e) Charm is deceptive.
f) Beauty does not last. The beautiful form has no Eternal value.
g) The woman that Fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
(This Second one shows me The Woman That Will Be Praised)
The Fear of the Lord brings protection from harm. There are many things and people that we face in life that could potentially harm us but if we have the Fear of the Lord we will also be protected by the Lord from the harmful things. Yes, we may get hurt be we need not be harmed.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Matters Of Commitment And Maturity!
‘Matters Of Commitment And Maturity.’
Philippians 3:15-16.
a) If we are mature and grown up in the Faith we should see commitment as being something that is important.
b) If we have wrong thinking the Lord is able to correct our thinking to become thinking that is in a good way.
c) Let us hold on to the progress that we have already made.
(Through this QT I can see the importance of Matters Of Commitment And Maturity)
‘Loyalty To God.’
Psalm 44:20-21.
a) We do not and should not forget our God.
b) We do not spread out our hands in prayer to a strange God.
c) God would discover incorrect prayers.
d) God knows the secrets of our hearts.
(This Second one reminds me about Loyalty To God)
We should hold on to the spiritual progress that we have already made. It is part of normal Christian Spiritual Life, the Life of the True Believer that we should grow spiritually. If there is no spiritual growth then there is something wrong with us. We should not blame other people, Church or God about spiritual growth things. Our spiritual growth is our responsibility in front of God.
A Happy Father!
‘A Happy Father.’
Proverbs 23:15-16.
a) Because his son’s heart is wise.
b) Father is happy deep down inside.
c) Father’s thoughts will be filled with Joy.
d) The son is saying correct things.
(Through this QT I can see how a wise son can make and have A Happy Father)
‘The Lord Searches Our Hearts.’
Jeremiah 17:10.
a) The Lord Himself says that He searches our hearts.
b) The Lord sees what is in people’s minds.
c) The Lord will give to every person according to their ways.
d) The Lord will give to us according to what our actions deserve.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Searches My Heart)
A wise son can make and have a happy father. We learn many things in Christian and Church activities and teachings about fathers. Yes, the father’s role is very important. We should realise, however, that every family member’s role and condition is important. Wise sons will positively affect their fathers.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Deal With Our Bad Attitudes!
‘Deal With Our Bad Attitudes.’
Psalm 73:13.
At the time of composition Asaph the Psalmist had been dealing with his bad attitudes rooted in jealousy and bitterness.
a) He was selfishly thinking only about his own heart.
b) There was self pity in his life which made him blind to the reality of the real condition of his heart. He claimed to have made his heart clean to no purpose but actually his heart was not clean.
c) He washed his hands in false innocence and false righteousness.
(Through this QT I am strongly urged to Deal With My Bad Attitudes)
‘Getting Ready To Pass On To The Next Generation.’
1 Chronicles 28:1-10.
a) 1 Chronicles 28:1. King David first gathered all the leaders in his generation together. (There was to be openness and no misunderstanding)
b) 1 Chronicles 28:2. David shared his vision with these leaders and got everything ready for his vision to be fulfilled.
c) 1 Chronicles 28:3. God told him clearly that he was not to try to fulfil this vision.
d) 1 Chronicles 28:4. The Testimony of God’s Workings in David’s life.
e) 1 Chronicles 28:5. David nominated his son Solomon to be the next generation leader, Solomon was God’s nominated choice.
f) 1 Chronicles 28:6. God promised to be a Father to Solomon in a Father – son relationship.
g) 1 Chronicles 28:7. God promised to keep Solomon’s kingdom in order if Solomon continued to walk in obedience to Him.
h) 1 Chronicles 28:8. King David called the people to commitment for the continuation of rule:-
1- Before the eyes of all Israel.
2- Before the eyes of the People of the Lord.
3- In the hearing of the Lord.
4- Keep the Orders of the Lord your God.
5- Be true to the Orders of the Lord your God.
i) 1 Chronicles 28:8. Then they could have the land for themselves and give as a heritage to the next generation forever.
j) 1 Chronicles 28:9. Solomon:-
1- Was to get knowledge of the Lord God of his father David.
2- Was to be God’s Servant with a true heart.
3- Was to be God’s Servants with a strong desire.
k) 1 Chronicles 28:9. The Lord is the Searcher of all hearts, and has knowledge of all the designs of men's thoughts.
l) 1 Chronicles 28:9. If Solomon were to search for the Lord then the Lord would be near to him.
m) 1 Chronicles 28:9. If Solomon turned away from the Lord then the Lord would give him up forever.
n) 1 Chronicles 28:10. Solomon was to:-
1- Take heed to all the above.
2- Acknowledge that the Lord had made selection of him to be the builder of a house for the Holy Place.
3- Be strong.
4- Do it.
(This Second one teaches me about the priority of Getting Ready To Pass On To The Next Generation)
God always wanted and still wants to give His People land for themselves and to be able to pass that land on to the next generation. The land of God’s People on the Earth is supposed to be a foretaste of their Eternal Heavenly home.
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The Christian Life!
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