The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Privilege Of Knowing God’s Love!
‘The Privilege Of Knowing God’s Love.’
a) Song of Solomon 2:1-2. Our Love relationship with the Lord:-
1- He is the Rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley.
2- He sees us as lilies amongst thorns.
3- He sees us as His loved one amongst the young women.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:21. God made Christ, Who had no sin, to be sin for us so that in Christ we might become the Righteousness of God.
c) Numbers 23:21. The Lord God is with us so we should not behold our misfortune and misery. (We should always behold Him in our difficult times)
d) John 17:12. We are kept by the Lord.
e) 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14. What Great Love!:-
1- We ought always to Thank God for one another.
2- We are Loved by the Lord.
3- God has chosen us to be Saved through the Sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
4- God has chosen us to be Saved through Belief in the Truth.
5- God has chosen us through the Gospel so that we may share in, or obtain, the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
f) John 15:16. The Lord Jesus has chosen us:-
1- He has appointed us to go.
2- He has appointed us to bear fruit.
3- He has appointed that our fruit should last and abide.
4- He has chosen us to Pray to the Father in His Name and that our Father will answer our prayers.
g) Ephesians 1:4. God has Chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the World, that we should be Holy and Blameless before Him. In Love.
(Through this QT I thank the Lord for The Privilege Of Knowing God’s Love)
‘It Is Good To Be A True Believer.’
a) Deuteronomy 30:8-9. As we Obey the Lord and keep His Commands, the Lord our God will make us abundantly prosperous:-
1- In all the work of our hands.
2- In the fruit of our womb.
3- In the fruit of our cattle.
4- In the fruit of our ground.
b) Deuteronomy 30:9. The Lord will again take delight in prospering us as He did in our fathers.
c) Ecclesiastes 3:13. It is the Gift of God that:-
1- Every person should eat.
2- Every person should drink.
3- Every person should enjoy the fruit of their labours.
d) Psalm 1:1-3. This person shall be Blessed:-
1- Psalm 1:1. The person who:-
A- Does not walk in the Counsel of the Wicked.
B- Does not stand in the way of sinners.
C- Does not sit in the seat of scoffers and mockers.
2- Psalm 1:2. The person who delights in the Law of the Lord and on His Law meditates day and night.
3- Psalm 1:3. This person is like a tree:-
A- Planted by streams of water.
B- Which yields its fruit in its season.
C- Whose leaf does not wither.
D- That prospers in all that it does.
h) 3 John 1:2. We can Bless other people with our Prayers:-
1- For their good health.
2- That all will go well with them.
3- For their soul (thinking mind, will and emotions).
i) 3 John 1:3-4. We can Bless other people through our good conduct and lifestyle.
j) 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. So that we can enjoy and share God’s Grace and Generosity.
(Through this Second one I know that It Is Good To Be A True Believer)
We can only become fruitful trees in God’s Kingdom if we love Him and His Word. We will be Blessed if we love God and His Word. The immature christian is easily tempted and shaken by Satan not to love God or His Word and therefore they will never grow. True Believers have learned the great Truth that we need consistent love for God and Love for His Word.
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