The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Apostle Paul’s “I” Struggle!
‘Apostle Paul’s “I” Struggle.’
Romans 7:7-25.
a) Romans 7:7. I know what sin is because of God’s Law.
b) Romans 7:8. Sin produced in me all kinds of coveting.
c) Romans 7:9. When the Commandment came sin sprang to life and I died. (Sin was killing me)
d) Romans 7:10. I found that the very Commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death.
e) Romans 7:11. Sin deceived me and through the Commandment killed me.
f) Romans 7:12-13. I realised my sinfulness, it killed me. The Law is Holy. The Commandment is:-
1- Holy.
2- Righteous.
3- Good.
g) Romans 7:14. The Law is Spiritual – but I am unspiritual, a slave to sin.
h) Romans 7:15. Big “I” problem:-
1-I do not understand what I do.
2-What I want to do I do not do.
3-I hate what I do.
i) Romans 7:16. Because of this problem I confess the Law is good.
j) Romans 7:17. Sin lives in me, motivating me.
k) Romans 7:18. In my fleshly and sinful nature no good lives. I have the desire to do right but I do not practise it.
l) Romans 7:19. I keep on doing what I do not want to do and what I want to do I do not do.
m) Romans 7:20. Sin makes me do what I do not want to do.
n) Romans 7:21. So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.
o) Romans 7:22-23. I have an inner war that is making me a prisoner to sin.
p) Romans 7:24. Paul’s sense of wretchedness and longing for deliverance.
q) Romans 7:25. The Answer to Paul’s struggle was through Jesus Christ the Lord.
(This QT shows me Apostle Paul’s “I” Struggle)
‘Overcoming Temptation.’
1 Corinthians 10:13.
a) Every temptation that we face is common to humanity and God’s Word says that we can bear it.
b) God is Faithful.
c) God will not let us suffer from unbearable temptations.
d) When we are tempted God provides a way out so that we do not fall down and we can overcome the temptation.
(Through this Second one I know that I can be Overcoming Temptation by the Grace of God)
Apostle Paul’s “I” struggle was his own particular testimony. To say that we are all in the same experience as Apostle Paul is erroneous. What we do have I common with Paul is the need to have deliverance from and to overcome the power of sin. Let us not compare ourselves with Apostle Paul but rather look to Jesus as the One Who can help us.
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