The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
God’s People – A Kingdom Of Priests!
‘God’s People – A Kingdom Of Priests.’
a) Exodus 19:6. We are a Kingdom of Priests unto the Lord.
b) Deuteronomy 33:3. These Priests are:-
1- Loved by God.
2- Holy People in His Hands.
3- Following in God’s Steps.
4- Accepting God’s Instruction.
c) Isaiah 61:6. You will be called priests of the LORD, ministers of our God. You will be fed with the treasures of the Nations and will boast in their riches.
d) Romans 12:1. Who offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God.
e) 1 Peter 2:5. Now God is building you, as living stones, into His spiritual temple. What's more, you are God's Holy Priests, who offer the spiritual sacrifices that please Him because of Jesus Christ.
f) 1 Peter 2:9. Showing to other people the Goodness of God.
g) Revelation 1:6. Who Serve God and Give Him the Glory.
h) Revelation 5:10; 20:6. Who will reign on the Earth.
(This QT reminds me that I am one of God’s People – A Kingdom Of Priests)
‘Moses The Intercessor.’
Exodus 32:1-35.
a) Exodus 32:1. The People of God were impatient in waiting for Moses.
b) Exodus 32:1. The People of God gathered to Aaron.
c) Exodus 32:1. The People of God wanted an idol as a result of their impatience.
d) Exodus 32:2. Aaron was willing to make an idol. He was a people pleaser at this time.
e) Exodus 32:3-4. Aaron took the people’s gold, melted it and made an idol shaped like a calf.
f) Exodus 32:5. Aaron saw the idol, made an altar and proclaimed a day of feast to Jehovah. Impatience leads to false worship of the Lord.
g) Exodus 32:6. All God’s People joined in the idolatrous feast.
h) Exodus 32:7-8. God spoke to Moses that it was time to leave the Holy Mountain because His People had corrupted themselves. They were participating in idolatrous worship and God saw everything.
i) Exodus 32:9. God saw that His People were a stiff necked and stubborn people.
j) Exodus 32:10. What was on God’s Mind?
1- To be left alone.
2- To let His Anger burn against His People.
3- To consume His People.
4- To start a new generation with Moses.
k) Exodus 32:11-13. The Intercession of Moses. He sought God claiming the Word of God.
l) Exodus 32:14. God heard Moses’ Intercession and relented.
m) Exodus 32:15-16. Moses went down the mountain as per God’s Instruction taking with him the tablets of God’s Law.
n) Exodus 32:17-18. Joshua was with Moses and thought the noise in God’s People’s camp was the noise of war. Moses realised it was not war but celebration.
o) Exodus 32:19-20. When they got near to the camp and saw the idolatry and celebrating, Moses was so angry, he shattered the idol and demanded why this great sin had happened. Moses ground the idol to powder, mixed it with water and made the people drink it.
p) Exodus 32:21. Moses challenged Aaron.
q) Exodus 32:22-24. Aaron lied to Moses.
r) Exodus 32:25-26. Moses separated the people on the grounds of who really was on Jehovah’s side.
s) Exodus 32:27-28. There had to be a shedding of blood in order for there to be a cleansing for God’s People.
t) Exodus 32:29. There was a calling for God’s True People to consecrate themselves that they might receive the Blessing of the Lord.
u) Exodus 32:30. Moses went back up the Mountain to God to intercede for the People of God.
v) Exodus 32:31-32. Moses’ prayer and selfless intercession.
w) Exodus 32:33-35. The Lord’s Answer:-
1- Whoever sins against God will be blocked out of His Book.
2- Moses would lead the people to where God wanted them to go. The Angel of the Lord would go with them.
3- God would visit the people for their sin.
(This Second one teaches me many things about Moses The Intercessor)
The Calling of God is not just a calling to go and serve in a particular place. The Calling of God does not make a Believer “more special” than another Believer. The Highest Calling of God is the Calling for us to be Consecrated to Him.
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