The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, December 31, 2010
When Leaders Choose Leaders!
‘When Leaders Choose Leaders.’
Deuteronomy 1:15.
It was the normal Biblical practice for leaders to choose leaders. This continued in the Ministry of Jesus Christ and into the early Church. It should be the best method.
a) The leaders chosen were wise.
b) The leaders chosen had a good reputation.
c) The leaders chosen had delegated authority given to them.
(This QT reminds me of how it is meant to be When Leaders Choose Leaders)
‘David’s Heart Was Like Christ’s Heart.’
1 Samuel 22:2.
Jesus welcomed sinners and changed their lives. This pattern has been recorded in the Gospels and is still happening today. A part of the Ministry of the Church must be to save sinners and then to disciple them. The people that David welcomed:-
a) Some were in distress.
b) Some were in debt.
c) Some were discontented.
d) They willingly gathered themselves to him.
(This Second one shows me that David’s Heart Was Like Christ’s Heart)
There should be an examination into our methods, as churches, of appointing leaders. We need to exalt the Bible over our traditions and then many of our churches will experience stable growth and a greater level of Joy in the Church. The Church should never be a political place.
Because Of The Fear Of The Lord!
‘Because Of The Fear Of The Lord.’
a) 2 Corinthians 5:11. We are motivated to share the Gospel with other people.
b) Leviticus 19:14. We care for the handicapped people.
c) Leviticus 19:32. We respect elderly people.
d) Leviticus 25:17. We do not take advantage of one another.
e) Deuteronomy 21:18-21. We discipline children in a Biblical way.
f) 1 Samuel 12:24. We sincerely Worship Him.
g) Proverbs 16:6. We avoid evil.
(Through this QT I find the good life that can be mine Because Of The Fear Of The Lord)
‘Progress Out Of The Wilderness.’
Numbers 21:18.
a) Because the leaders were willing to work hard and not just give orders.
b) The senior leaders gave direction.
c) The people had to take the journey.
(This Second one teaches me that Progress Out Of The Wilderness starts with the Leaders and continues with the willingness of the people to respond to their leaders well)
We respect elderly people not just because of our national culture but because the Holy Bible calls us to do so. Sometimes elderly people are neglected by their own families because the family does not want the responsibility or “burden”. If this happens it is a sure sign that any Christian values that the culture has are breaking down. Elderly people need to be respected and need to be well looked after.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
People That We Should Not Fellowship With!
‘People That We Should Not Fellowship With.’
Proverbs 19:24-29.
a) Proverbs 19:24. Lazy people.
b) Proverbs 19:25. Insolent scoffers.
c) Proverbs 19:26-27. Violent and disobedient children.
d) Proverbs 19:28. Worthless and unprincipled witnesses.
e) Proverbs 19:28. Wicked malicious people.
f) Proverbs 19:29. Irreverent scoffers.
g) Proverbs 19:29. Fools.
(This QT very clearly teaches me about People That I Should Not Fellowship With)
‘Competent Men In The Church.
Exodus 18:21-25.
a) Exodus 18:21. Have as evidence of their competence:-
1- The Fear of God.
2- Integrity.
3- Incorruptible.
b) Exodus 18:21. May lead small groups.
c) Exodus 18:22. Should be responsible for the everyday mundane decision making of the Church.
d) Exodus 18:23. Help the leaders greatly.
e) Exodus 18:24-25. Need to be appointed by the leaders, not by the congregation.
(Through this Second one I pray for Competent Men In The Church to be manifested and to serve for God’s Glory)
Our choice of whom we fellowship with is very important. The people with whom we fellowship may really affect our lives. If we fellowship with the wrong people we may receive the wrong influence from them. We should be careful – please.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Make The Best Of What We Are Given!
‘Make The Best Of What We Are Given.’
Genesis 47:6.
a) When God provides a place to dwell in we should make the best of it, whether short or long term.
b) Our family should be cared for well.
c) Let them have occupation. It is always dangerous if there is nothing to do.
(This QT reminds me to Make The Best Of What I Am Given)
‘Appointment To Be A Leader At The Right Time.’
Exodus 2:14.
a) Moses was to be the God chosen and appointed leader of His People.
b) He must have been shaken when his sin was discovered.
c) He was questioned: “Who made you leader?”
d) He was doubted because he had killed a bully.
e) Moses was afraid because his sin was known.
f) Only God’s Grace and ability could enable Moses to be a good leader and God gave Him Grace and ability at the appropriate time.
(Through this Second one I can find that for all potential and God-called leaders there is an Appointment To Be A Leader At The Right Time. Leaders are not man made or Church made, they are (or should be) God made)
Being occupied is Biblical. It is not correct to be unoccupied. Being unoccupied is not “resting” it is laziness. Even for God’s People in the Old Testament the Sabbath was a time for no physical work, however it was a time for spiritual and psychological concentration and occupation.
The Judgement Seat Of Christ!
‘The Judgement Seat Of Christ.’
2 Corinthians 5:10.
a) We must all appear before it.
b) So that each one of us must receive for what we have done, good or evil.
c) This according to what we have done in our body – physical action or inaction.
(This QT gives me a strong desire to be ready for The Judgement Seat Of Christ)
‘A Trustworthy Man In Difficult Circumstances.
Genesis 39:21-23.
a) The Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and kindness.
b) The Lord gave Joseph favour in the eyes of the keeper of the prison in which he was incarcerated.
c) The keeper committed into Joseph’s hands the responsibility for all the other prisoners in that prison.
d) Joseph was the overseer of all that was done.
e) The keeper totally trusted Joseph.
f) The Lord was with Joseph.
g) The Lord made Joseph prosper in all that He did.
(Through this Second one I learn much from the Lord being with Joseph – A Trustworthy Man In Difficult Circumstances)
If we are True Believers we should want to be ready and be ready for the Judgment Seat of Christ. Not only that, we should also have the desire to share the Gospel with other people and to disciple them so that they can be ready also.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Blessing Of Being With The Fear Of The Lord!
‘The Blessing Of Being With The Fear Of The Lord.’
Proverbs 19:23.
a) The Fear of the Lord is Life indeed.
b) The person with the Fear of the Lord rests secure and abides satisfied.
c) The person with the Fear of the Lord shall not be visited with evil.
(This QT shows to me The Blessing Of Being With The Fear Of The Lord)
‘The Exalted Christ.
Acts 5:31.
a) He is exalted by God to be at His Right Hand.
b) He is exalted to be:-
1- Prince.
2- Leader.
3- Saviour.
c) He is exalted to give repentance to Israel.
d) He is exalted to give forgiveness of sins.
(Through this Second one I honour The Exalted Christ)
The person with the Fear of the Lord shall not be visited with evil. Some people are constantly being visited with evil because they have no Fear of the Lord. They live careless lives outside of the Will of God even though they may attend Church worship on the Lord’s Day. To have the Fear of the Lord is our privilege and a necessity for True Believers in these days.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Power With A Purpose!
‘Power With A Purpose.’
Acts 1:8.
a) These are Words of Jesus, spoken to His Disciples, before He went back to Heaven.
b) They were to receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them.
c) This power would enable them to be His witnesses, telling people about Him.
d) This telling people activity was to be carried out all over the World.
(This QT reminds me of God’s Power With A Purpose)
‘It Really Occurred.’
Acts 3:15.
a) The Death of the Author and Prince of Life is a Biblical fact.
b) That God raised the Prince of Life from the dead is a Biblical fact.
c) These occurrences were witnessed.
(This Second one convinces me about the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, that It Really Occurred)
The major emphasis in the Scripture about the Holy Spirit’s Power in the new Believers’ lives in the Book of Acts was that this Power would enable them to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the emphasis of their message. Much harm is being done today by men and “movements” taking credit for supposed “works of the Spirit” which are in fact glorifying them and not Glorifying Jesus Christ.
We Make It Our Goal To Please Him!
‘We Make It Our Goal To Please Him.’
2 Corinthians 5:5-9.
a) 2 Corinthians 5:5. God has fashioned us for the Purpose of Eternity.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:5. God has given to us the deposit of Eternity, which is the Holy Spirit, guaranteeing us what is to come.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:6. We now have confidence. We know that whilst we are in our Earthly bodies we are away from the Lord, but this is a temporary situation, during which time we should live for His Glory.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:7. We live now by Faith and not by sight.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:8. Of course we would prefer to be out of this body and at home with the Lord but we need to remember He has His Time for all things.
f) 2 Corinthians 5:9. We make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.
(Through this QT I reaffirm my commitment to the Lord: I Make It My Goal To Please Him)
‘Not Touched By The Evil One.’
1 John 5:18.
a) Here is another Biblical certainty.
b) One who is a Child of God will willfully do no sin.
c) This person is kept by the Lord Jesus.
d) This person will not be touched by the Evil one.
(This Second reminds me that my testimony should be that I am Not Touched By The Evil One)
Our life on this Earth may be full of different experiences that God has allowed in our lives in order that our Faith and Christian character may grow. We should remember, however, that our life on this Earth is temporary and that God is preparing us for Eternity. We should, if we are True Believers, follow the injunction of Scriptures that we maintain Holiness in our body and spirit thereby glorifying God.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Two Good People And A Bad One!
‘Two Good People And A Bad One.’
Proverbs 19:22.
a) A kind person is good.
b) A poor person is good.
c) A liar is bad.
(Through this QT I can clearly see Two Good People And A Bad One)
‘The Destiny Of The Infant Jesus.’
Luke 2:11.
a) He was born for the people as a Gift from God.
b) He was born as the Saviour.
c) He was born as Christ the Lord.
(Through this Second one I find The Destiny Of The Infant Jesus)
Sometimes our definition of a bad person and God’s definition of a bad person differs. We need to understand what the Scriptures tell us about good and bad people. It is profitable for us to discover God’s Values instead of having some kind of pride about our own.
The Christ Of Christmas!
‘The Christ Of Christmas.’
Isaiah 9:6-7.
a) He is the Son of God Who is given to us.
b) The Government is on His Shoulders.
c) His Name shall be called:-
1- Wonderful.
2- Counsellor.
3- Mighty God.
4- Everlasting Father.
5- Prince of Peace.
d) The increase of His`Government shall never end.
e) The increase of His Peace shall never end.
f) He will Rule over His Kingdom and make it strong and secure.
g) Isaiah 32:1. His Rule is based on what is fair and right.
h) His Kingdom will last forever.
i) All this happens because of the Lord’s great Love.
(This QT has me in awe of The Christ Of Christmas)
‘The Majestic Jesus.’
Revelation 19:16.
a) His Name is written on His thigh and His garment.
b) He is King of Kings.
c) He is Lord of Lords.
(Through this Second one I find The Majestic Jesus)
Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Christian greetings that share the Blessing of Peace are not mere words they are words with deep meaning. One of the reasons why Jesus went to the Cross was to purchase Peace for us through His Blood, Peace with God, Peace from God and Peace between True Believers.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Anticipating Eternity!
‘Anticipating Eternity.’
2 Corinthians 5:1-4.
a) 2 Corinthians 5:1. When this earthly tent we live in eventually will be destroyed God has an Eternal house for us in Heaven.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:2. Sometimes we groan in our earthly tent, longing for our Eternal home.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:3. God will clothe us Eternally.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:4. Whilst we live in this body we do groan sometimes.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:4. We long to be clothed with our heavenly home, then what is mortal dies, it will be fully covered with life.
(Through this QT I am, with joy, Anticipating Eternity)
‘In Christ Jesus.’
1 Corinthians 1:30.
a) Because of God we are in Christ Jesus.
b) Christ Jesus is made to us Wisdom from God.
c) In Christ:-
1- We are put right with God.
2- We have been made Holy.
3- We have been set free from sin.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to God that I am In Christ Jesus)
Sometimes things do not go as we want them to go. That does not mean that God is not with us. He cares for us and He will lead us through every experience we may go through because He is our Immanuel, always with us. Sometimes we may suffer pain and humiliation. It does not mean that God has forgotten us. He is still there for us.
The Best Counsellor!
‘The Best Counsellor.’
Proverbs 19:20-21.
a) We are to listen to counsel.
b) We are to accept discipline.
c) Then we will be wise for the rest of our days.
d) There are many plans in a person’s heart.
e) Only the Counsel of the Lord will stand.
(Through this QT I find The Best Counsellor)
‘Pray For God’s Wisdom To Influence The Nation.
Proverbs 8:15-16.
a) Kings should reign with God’s Wisdom.
b) Rulers should decree Justice with God’s Wisdom.
c) Princes and nobles should rule with God’s Wisdom.
d) All people who are in positions to judge other people should do so with God’s Wisdom.
(This Second one stimulates me to Pray For God’s Wisdom To Influence The Nation)
We are to listen to counsel. This is not an opportunity for other people to dominate us - that is never the Will of God. If, however, we ask counsel of someone whose Wisdom we respect we should listen to the counsel that they give to us.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Jesus Christ As The Son Of David!
‘Jesus Christ As The Son Of David.’
a) Matthew 1:1. Began a completely new generation.
b) Matthew 1:20. His step father, Joseph, was a physical son of David through lineage.
c) Matthew 9:27; 15:22; 20:30. Was known to be merciful.
d) Matthew 12:23. Caused amazement to the multitudes.
e) Matthew 21:9 & 15. Received praise.
f) Mark 12:35; Luke 20:41. Introduced dialogue about the meaning of the Name.
(This QT helps me to know more of Jesus Christ As The Son Of David)
‘He Said So.’
Matthew 28:18.
a) Jesus came at this juncture especially to His Disciples. This fact is to be understood by Disciples.
b) Jesus said this of Himself.
c) All authority has been given to Him – given by the Father.
d) All authority in Heaven.
e) All authority on Earth.
(Through this Second one I completely accept and believe in the authority of Jesus Christ because He Said So)
It was historically cultural in the days of Jesus that the synagogue was a place of dialogue and debate. It seemed that in the Jewish environment of the Gospels and the early Jerusalem Church this style of presentation of the Gospel prevailed. As the Gospel went out to the Gentiles, the presentation method of the Gospel changed and came into line with the Great Commission of Jesus, they went and they preached. In a Gentile environment I do not think that public dialogue and debate are generally effective tools of evangelism.
Apostle Paul's Pure Motivation!
‘Apostle Paul’s Pure Motivation.’
2 Corinthians 4:15-18.
a) 2 Corinthians 4:15. Apostle Paul was willing to go through all things for the Corinthian Church that they may be Saved and Edified.
b) 2 Corinthians 4:15. Grace was being extended to more and more people.
c) 2 Corinthians 4:15. Thanksgiving was overflowing to God’s Glory.
d) 2 Corinthians 4:16. Because of this, Apostle Paul and his team did not give up. They were physically weak but their inner man was being renewed day by day.
e) 2 Corinthians 4:17. Apostle Paul had a good view of his difficulties: “For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of Glory.”
f) 2 Corinthians 4:18. Apostle Paul did not look at the things which were seen, but on the things which were not seen. The things which are seen are temporal. The things which are not seen are eternal.
(This QT shows me something of Apostle Paul’s Pure Motivation)
‘The Ascended Christ.’
Ephesians 1:20-23.
a) Ephesians 1:20. God manifested His Power by raising Christ from the dead and seating Him at His Right Hand in Heaven.
b) Ephesians 1:21. Now Jesus Christ is far above:-
1- Every ruler.
2- Every authority.
3- Every power.
4- Every dominion.
5- Every name that is named not only in this World but also in the one to come.
c) Ephesians 1:22. All things are now in subjection under the feet of Jesus Christ.
d) Ephesians 1:22. Jesus Christ is now Head over everything to the Church.
e) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is the Body of Christ, the Fullness of Him Who fills all things in every way.
(Through this Second one I have complete confidence in The Ascended Christ)
The Resurrected Christ is above every power. There is no power that is greater than Him and His Power. Today Christ manifests His Power through the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit so that we can have the Power from God to do the things which He wants us to do.
Monday, December 20, 2010
To Rescue Another Person Is Noble!
‘To Rescue Another Person Is Noble’
a) Proverbs 19:19. But do not waste time with a hot tempered person.
b) Genesis 32:11; Exodus 6:6; Numbers 10:9. The Lord is the Ultimate Rescuer.
c) Genesis 37:21. True rescue is a response.
d) Exodus 2:17. We should rescue the innocent and helpless people.
e) Exodus 2:23. We should rescue people from slavery.
f) Numbers 35:25. An entire congregation may rescue someone.
g) Deuteronomy 22:27. To have no rescuer when we need one is devastating.
h) Judges 6:14. To rescue other people may be a commission from God.
i) 1 Samuel 9:16. Rescue comes because of God’s Mercy.
j) 1 Samuel 11:9. Rescue produces Joy.
k) 2 Samuel 14:16. We may need to be rescued from those people who would cut us off from those people who would try to hinder us from entering our inheritance.
l) Jude 1:23. We sometimes need to rescue people by snatching them from the flames of Judgment.
(This QT teaches me that To Rescue Another Person Is Noble)
‘Look To Jesus.’
Hebrews 12:2.
a) He is the Author and the One Who perfects Faith.
b) He was willing to endure the Cross for the Joy that was set before Him.
c) He despised the shame of the Cross.
d) He is now sat down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God.
(This Second one encourages me to Look To Jesus)
The Word of God is given by Him for all people everywhere. The work of the Bible Translator missionaries is so vitally important, enabling people to be able to have the Bible in their own first language. We need to have a big vision for the expansion of God’s Kingdom through the mass media and through the translation of the Word of God.
Who Is On The Lord’s Side?
‘Who Is On The Lord’s Side?’
Exodus 32:26.
a) This call was made by Moses who stood at the gate of the camp. The gate was always the place of authority for God’s People. Moses stood there as Leader of God’s People.
b) The people who were on the Lord’s side needed to respond to this call of their Leader.
c) The Levites gathered together to Moses. These were the ones who were committed to being on the Lord’s side.
(Through this QT I want to respond to the call: Who Is On The Lord’s Side? I am also reminded that the Leaders of God’s People also need to be good motivators of the people that they lead)
‘God Affirms Leadership.’
a) Joshua 5:14-15. He has a Commander of His Angelic army.
b) Psalm 22:28. Dominion belongs to the Lord.
c) Matthew 2:6. A ruler will be appointed for God’s People.
d) Acts 2:36. God made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
e) Hebrews 2:10. Jesus Christ is the Perfect Leader to bring us into our Salvation.
(Through this Second one I can see that God Affirms Leadership – especially the Leadership that He has appointed)
We should respond to whatever call that God gives to us. If we are True Believers there will be many ways in which God calls us one way or another. We should always be ready to unquestionably respond to His Calling.
Together With The Lord Jesus!
‘Together With The Lord Jesus.’
2 Corinthians 4:14.
a) Assurance is knowing that He (God).
b) Who raised up the Lord Jesus.
c) He shall also raise us up to be with Jesus.
d) We shall all, as True Believers, be presented to God.
(Here is my Eternal Hope – being Together With The Lord Jesus)
‘What Is Our Grain Of Wheat?’
John 12:24.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ.
b) Our grain of wheat needs to fall into the ground and die. (That thing that we would possess as a part of our identity – something held very close to us, even sometimes our own will)
c) If we do not allow it to die it just exists alone.
d) If we allow it to die it can bear much fruit.
e) The fruitfulness comes only from God.
(This Second one challenges me this morning – What Is My Grain Of Wheat?)
Our unity as True Believers on the Earth is a Witness to the Saving Reality of Jesus Christ. By this all people know that we are Disciples of Jesus. Jesus Christ Himself stated this Truth. It is, however, also a picture of Eternity where we will be together with the Lord forever. Heaven is not a “me” place – it is an “us” place.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Preserve The Children!
‘Preserve The Children.’
Proverbs 19:18.
a) Discipline them well. Discipline is taken from the same root as Discipleship.
b) Then there will be hope for their future.
c) Do not wait until anger comes – anger only brings destruction.
(Through this QT I proclaim this Christmas Message – Preserve The Children)
‘Behold Jesus.’
Hebrews 2:9.
a) For a little while He was made lower than the Angels.
b) Now He is crowned with Glory and Honour because of the suffering of death.
c) By the Grace of God He tasted death for everyone.
(This Second one encourages me to Behold Jesus)
Children should be disciples. Their parents are the ones who should disciple them. Children must never be seen as unimportant – they are very important and should be cared for well privately and publicly by their parents. Discipleship includes discipline - parents who are reluctant to discipline their children calmly are going to produce children who grow up with problems.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Things That May Be Changed!
‘Things That May Be Changed.’
a) 1 Corinthians 15:51. If we are True Believers, in Eternity we will be totally changed.
b) Genesis 31:8; Exodus 14:5; Jeremiah 34:11. Our mind.
c) Genesis 38:14; 2 Samuel 12:20. Our clothing.
d) Numbers 13:16; 2 Kings 23:34; 2 Kings 24:17. Our name.
e) Numbers 32:38; 2 Kings 14:7. The name of the town or city.
f) Numbers 32:41. The name of the region or province.
g) 1 Samuel 10:6. Us, by the Spirit of the Lord.
h) 1 Samuel 10:9. God’s Heart.
i) 2 Kings 17:34. The name of a people group.
j) Ezra 6:22. Our attitude.
k) Mark 16:12; Luke 9:29. The appearance of Jesus.
l) Acts 26:20; Galatians 6:15; Colossians 1:6. People when they repent.
m) Acts 27:14. The weather.
n) 2 Corinthians 1:17. Our plan.
(This QT reveals to me Things That May Be Changed)
‘God Makes Appointments With Us.’
Hebrews 9:27.
a) The Maker of the appointments is God.
b) The appointment to die.
c) The appointment with Judgment after death.
(Through this Second one I am fully aware that God Makes Appointments With Me)
God never makes changes just for the sake of making them. He always makes the changes or allows them to be made for a Purpose. He even permits the name of an entire people group to be changed for His Purpose and ultimate Glory.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Practical Faith Is Consistent Faith!
‘Practical Faith Is Consistent Faith.’
2 Corinthians 4:13.
a) Practical Faith is Biblically based. Here Apostle Paul is quoting from Psalm 116:10.
b) Apostle Paul believed and then He spoke.
c) His words came from the Faith in his heart.
d) It is the same for us, our words are the outcome of our Faith. Outcome is what comes out!
(Through this QT I understand how Practical Faith Is Consistent Faith because it is rooted in the Word of God)
‘Who May Dwell In God’s Tabernacle And On His Holy Hill?’
Psalm 15:1-5.
a) Psalm 15:1. This was a question that David asked of the Lord.
b) Psalm 15:2-5. David also gives the answer to this important question for anyone who desires to Worship God:-
1- The person who walks uprightly. It means public as well as private uprightness.
2- The person who does righteous works.
3- The person who ponders over what they say, speaking Truth from their heart.
4- The person who does not slander with their mouth.
5- The person who does no evil to their friend.
6- The person who does not take away the good name of their neighbour.
7- The person who gives honour to those people who Fear the Lord.
8- The person who turns away from (as opposed to joining) those people who do not have the Lord’s approval.
9- The person who has strong self discipline.
10- The person of financial integrity.
11- The person who does these things will not be moved from God’s Tabernacle and Holy Hill.
(This Second one reveals to me Who May Dwell In God’s Tabernacle And On His Holy Hill)
We need to turn away from and refrain from fellowshipping with people that we know do not have the Lord’s approval on their lives. When we understand God’s standard for and expectation of Worshippers it should cause us to repent. The Lord said that the Father is looking for Worshippers to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. All other forms of “Christian” worship are not valid or acceptable to Him.
Helping The Poor People!
‘Helping The Poor People.’
a) Proverbs 19:17. Is lending to the Lord and He will surely reward the person or Church that helps poor people.
b) Proverbs 28:27. The people who give to the poor people will lack nothing.
c) Deuteronomy 15:7-8. Be generous towards the poor people.
d) Deuteronomy 15:11. There will always be poor people and we should be willing to help them.
e) Isaiah 58:7. God wants His People to give hospitality to the poor people.
f) Isaiah 58:10. If we feed the hungry then our light will shine out in the darkness.
(Through this QT I can clearly see that a part of the Ministry of the Church is Helping The Poor People)
‘A Right Attitude To Worship.’
Micah 4:2.
a) We should be free to Worship in a multi ethnic and multi cultural environment.
b) We should encourage other True Believers to Worship also.
c) We should make the effort to join the Family of God in the House of God to Worship.
d) When we Worship we learn and we respond by walking in the Lord’s Paths.
e) As a result of Worship God’s Word will be proclaimed to the World.
(This Second one teaches me A Right Attitude To Worship)
We should make the effort to join the Family of God to Worship. This is why we need to belong to a “worshipping Church”. By “worshipping Church” I am not just referring to Worship songs but rather I refer to the attitude of Worship from the beginning to end of the gathering.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Good Fruit Of Diligent Faith!
‘The Good Fruit Of Diligent Faith.’
2 Peter 1:10.
a) We are to be diligent about making sure of God’s Calling and Choosing us.
b) We are to put into practice the Life of Faith.
c) If we do these things we shall not stumble.
(This QT shows me The Good Fruit Of Diligent Faith)
‘The Eternal Kingdom Manifested.’
Daniel 7:26-27.
a) Will be manifested when Satan is judged. His dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever.
b) Then the saints of the Most High will be given of all the kingdoms under Heaven:-
1- The Sovereignty.
2- The Dominion.
3- The Greatness.
c) God’s Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve Him.
(Through this Second one I find The Eternal Kingdom Manifested)
God does not want us just to stumble along in our life of Faith and walk with Him. He wants us to live in His Victory day by day. If we are going to live in this Victory then we need to simply obey Him with Faith.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
a) 2 Corinthians 4:12. Of Apostle Paul, living in the face of death so that other people may have Eternal Life.
b) Ephesians 1:1. Was the testimony of God’s Holy People, the followers of Christ Jesus, in Ephesus.
c) Colossians 1:2. Was the testimony of God’s Holy People in Colosse.
d) Revelation 17:14. The people who belong to the Lamb of God are faithful.
e) Jeremiah 23:28. Is the mark of the True Messenger of God, proclaiming His Word.
f) 2 Chronicles 31:12. In handling Church finances.
g) 1 Corinthians 4:2. In stewardship.
h) Titus 1:6. Of the spiritual leader to his wife is imperative.
(Through this QT I find that Faithfulness should be a part of the Testimony of the True Believer)
‘Press On And Lay Hold.’
Philippians 3:12-14.
a) Philippians 3:12. We are not yet perfect.
b) Philippians 3:12. We need to press on and lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us.
c) Philippians 3:13. We have not yet taken hold.
d) Philippians 3:13. We need to focus on this: forget what is behind and stretch forth to what is ahead.
e) Philippians 3:14. We need to press on towards the goal to win the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
(This Second one calls me to Press On And Lay Hold)
To be a True Believer serving the Lord we cannot be careless and passive about our lives. We need, as Apostle Paul exhorts, to press on and lay hold on what is ahead. God has a plan for all of our lives, families and Churches so we should press on and lay hold.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It Is Good And Wise To Obey God!
‘It Is Good And Wise To Obey God.’
a) Proverbs 19:16. If we obey we are guarding our life and keeping our soul.
b) Ecclesiastes 11:9. We must give an account to God for everything we do.
c) Leviticus 26:21. We should never be hostile towards God and refuse to obey Him.
(This QT reminds me that It Is Good And Wise To Obey God)
‘We Should Not Stumble Over Our Tongue.’
James 3:2-6.
a) James 3:2. We are going on to perfection and able to keep our whole body in check if we are able to control our tongue.
b) James 3:3-4. Ships and horses are controlled by something relatively small.
c) James 3:5. The tongue also is small but it can make many problems.
d) James 3:6. The tongue can be so dangerous. It also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
(Through this Second one I am very sure that I Should Not Stumble Over My Tongue, nor cause other people to stumble too)
We should not stumble over our tongue. This is much easier said than done. We need God to help us to control our tongue so that our speech is always encouraging and edifying. God’s Grace is abundant, so surely it can reach our tongue too.
Our In Church Talking!
‘Our In Church Talking.’
Ephesians 4:29.
a) We are not to let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths.
b) We are to talk in a way that is helpful to build up other people according to their needs.
c) Should benefit those people who listen to us.
(This QT clearly tells me how My In Church Talking should be)
‘Philemon – A Man Of Faith.’
Philemon 1:4-6.
a) Philemon 1:4. Apostle Paul thanked God for Philemon and prayed for him.
b) Philemon 1:5. Philemon’s testimony was his Faith in the Lord Jesus.
c) Philemon 1:5. Philemon’s testimony was also about his Love for all the Believers.
d) Philemon 1:6. Apostle Paul also prayed for Philemon that through being active in sharing his Faith he would gain a deeper understanding of every good thing that he had in Christ.
(Through this Second one I am blessed by the Faith and Love of Philemon – A Man Of Faith)
We cannot just talk about “how it should be” only - we also need to do something about it. The way that we talk in Church really influences other people, especially new attendees or non believers. We should have our conversations in Church in the way that God counsels us to have them.
Monday, December 13, 2010
So That Jesus May Be Revealed In Us!
‘So That Jesus May Be Revealed In Us.’
2 Corinthians 4:8-11.
a) 2 Corinthians 4:8. Maybe we sometimes troubled and perplexed but this need not cause us to become distressed and in despair.
b) 2 Corinthians 4:9. We may be persecuted and cast down but we are not abandoned and we will not be destroyed.
c) 2 Corinthians 4:10. We bear in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the Life of Jesus may be also manifested in our body.
d) 2 Corinthians 4:11. For we who live are always being delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
(This QT reveals how my life should be So That Jesus May Be Revealed In Me)
‘Our Speech And Conversation.’
Colossians 4:6.
a) Should always be full of Grace.
b) Should be seasoned with salt.
c) Then we will know how to answer every person.
(Through this Second one I am challenged as to My Speech And Conversation)
We bear, at times, in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus. This should be the realisation for every True Believer. I love the hymn: ‘It is well with my soul’- that is truly one of my favourites. There is no song written ‘it is well with my body’ because sometimes it is not! Whatever our physical condition, if we are True Believers we should be able to proclaim that ‘It is well with my soul’.
Deep Sleep!
‘Deep Sleep.’
a) Proverbs 19:15. May be brought on by laziness.
b) Genesis 2:21; 1 Samuel 26:12; Daniel 8:18. May be given by the Lord God for His Purposes to be fulfilled.
c) Genesis 15:12; Job 4:13; 33:15. May fall upon us.
d) Jeremiah 51:39. Comes upon some people and they never wake up again.
e) Jonah 1:5. May not even be affected by the storm.
f) Acts 20:9. May come to us even when we are comfortably listening to a rather long Message in the Church.
(Through this QT I am so glad that I never am caught by Deep Sleep, I am a “light sleeper”)
‘Those People Who Bring The Good News.’
Romans 10:14-15.
a) Help people to Believe on, and then call upon, the Name of the Lord.
b) Help people to hear about Jesus Christ.
c) Are sent by God and the Church.
d) Have beautiful feet to go and preach the Gospel of Peace.
(Through this Second one I respect and continue to pray for Those People Who Bring The Good News)
The storms of life can be very severe. No one enjoys being shaken by the storms of life. We do not know how or why Jonah was sleeping in the storm but he really needed to be awake at that time. Let us not “switch off” like Jonah at times of storm, rather let us come to the Lord at such times.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
a) Proverbs 12:18; Proverbs 13:17. May come to us through the words of wise people.
b) Isaiah 19:22. May come to us through the Lord punishing and correcting us.
c) Isaiah 58:8. May come quickly to us if we are merciful.
d) Ezekiel 47:12. May come from pure natural resources.
e) Malachi 4:2; Mark 5:30; Luke 5:17. May come from Jesus Christ – the Sun of Righteousness.
f) Matthew 8:4; Mark 1:44; Luke 5:14. If physical, may be proved to be believed.
g) Luke 9:6. May accompany the preaching of the Good News.
h) Acts 3:16. May come through Faith in Jesus’ Name.
i) 1 Corinthians 12:28-30. May come through a gift from the Holy Spirit.
(Through this QT I do not doubt the Healing Power of the Lord)
‘Jesus In His Hometown.’
Matthew 9:1-8.
a) Matthew 9:1. Jesus and His Disciples deliberately went by boat across the lake to His hometown.
b) Matthew 9:2. Some men with Faith brought a paralysed man lying on a mat to Jesus.
c) Matthew 9:2. Jesus announced to the man on the mat that he was to take heart and cheer up because his sins were forgiven.
d) Matthew 9:3. Some of the Jewish religious teachers there accused Jesus of blasphemy.
e) Matthew 9:4. Jesus knew that these Jewish religious teachers were entertaining evil thoughts in their hearts.
f) Matthew 9:5. His challenge to the Jewish religious teachers: Which was easier, to forgive people’s sins or to say to them to get up and walk?
g) Matthew 9:6. Jesus demonstrated His Authority on Earth to forgive sins by saying to the paralysed man that he was to:-
1- Get up.
2- Take his mat.
3- Go home.
h) Matthew 9:7. The man did just what Jesus told him to do.
i) Matthew 9:8. The hometown crowd were filled with awe and Praised God Who had given such Authority to Jesus to serve amongst them.
(Through this Second one I am so Blessed by Jesus In His Hometown)
The Lord knows when we are whispering evil accusations and entertaining evil thoughts in our hearts. As True Believers we need to avoid both of these terrible things. Churches are severely weakened when the people whisper evil accusations and entertain evil thoughts in their hearts.
When Christ Is Our Lord!
‘When Christ Is Our Lord.’
2 Corinthians 4:5-7.
a) 2 Corinthians 4:5. We preach about Him.
b) 2 Corinthians 4:5. We serve other people for His sake.
c) 2 Corinthians 4:6. His Light shines into our hearts.
d) 2 Corinthians 4:6. We have knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ.
e) 2 Corinthians 4:7. We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
(This QT teaches me about how my life should be When Christ Is My Lord)
‘Have Faith And Do Not Keep Silent.’
Esther 4:9-14.
a) Esther 4:9. Esther got the message from Mordecai about the difficult situation facing her people.
b) Esther 4:10. Esther sent message back to Mordecai.
c) Esther 4:11. The very special way to have audience with the king.
d) Esther 4:12-13. Esther’s life was also in danger.
e) Esther 4:14. Esther was not to hold her peace. God had put her in a very privileged position. She was to have Faith and not keep silent.
(This Second one strongly encourages me to Have Faith And Do Not Keep Silent)
Our lives should be different to the lives of non believers when we are True Believers and Christ is our Lord. The Power of God changes someone’s life. If there is no life change, even though the person may claim to be a “Christian”, maybe in reality they are still a non believer. This is one reason why there should be a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Church.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Let Us Aim For A Happy Family Life!
‘Let Us Aim For A Happy Family Life.’
Proverbs 19:13-14.
a) Foolish children need to forsake their foolishness otherwise they will ruin their father.
b) Quarrelsome wives need to give up their quarrelling.
c) Parents should aim to give a good inheritance to their children.
d) Husbands should be grateful for their prudent wives, they are from the Lord.
(Through this QT I am encouraged: Let Me Aim For A Happy Family Life)
‘Nathan’s Message To King David.’
2 Samuel 12:1-10.
a) 2 Samuel 12:1. Nathan was sent by the Lord to King David.
b) 2 Samuel 12:1-4. Nathan gave to King David a Message from the Lord that he could easily understand.
c) 2 Samuel 12:5-6. David’s anger was aroused against the unjust man. David said that the man deserved to die and that he should restore the lamb fourfold.
d) 2 Samuel 12:7. Nathan told King David that the Lord said he (King David) was the unjust man.
e) 2 Samuel 12:7-8. The Lord had given David so much and He would have given him even more.
f) 2 Samuel 12:9. David despised the Word of the Lord and did evil in His Sight. He committed murder and adultery.
g) 2 Samuel 12:10. The penalty that King David had to pay.
(Through this Second one: Nathan’s Message To King David I can see that our sin against other people will bear negative consequences)
David despised the Word of the Lord - that was the sin that God held against him. All that happened after that came because David despised the Word of the Lord. We should always heed and obey the Word of the Lord and never despise it.
Friday, December 10, 2010
God Spoke, God Saw And God Did!
‘God Spoke, God Saw And God Did.’
Genesis 1:3-5.
a) Genesis 1:3. God said: “Let there be Light”, and there was Light. (God spoke)
b) Genesis 1:4. God saw that the Light was good and He separated the Light from the darkness. (God saw and God did)
c) Genesis 1:5. God called the Light "day," and the darkness He called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day.
(Through this QT I find some of God’s wonderful ways: God Spoke, God Saw And God Did)
‘Moses’ Honest Humility Before The Lord.’
Exodus 4:10-12.
Here we find Moses’ response to the Call of God on his life. We know that God chose Moses and that the Bible tells us that Moses was the most humble of all people, not perfect, but humble. God looks for humble people that He can use.
a) Exodus 4:10. Moses said to the Lord that he was not eloquent enough to do the task for which God had called him.
b) Exodus 4:11. God said that He had given to Moses his mouth and his sight.
c) Exodus 4:12. God said to Moses:-
1- Go – and do My Will.
2- I will help you to speak.
3- I will teach you what to say.
(Through this Second one I find, and am touched by, Moses’ Honest Humility Before The Lord)
If we are privileged to have the faculties of speech and sight it is because of the Goodness and Grace of the Lord. As True Believers we have a responsibility to be good stewards of what God has given to us and also, just like Moses, to obey Him.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Praying For Unbelievers!
‘Praying For Unbelievers.’
2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
a) Pray that the veil over them that blinds them from receiving the Gospel be removed.
b) Pray that Satan will no longer blind their minds.
c) Pray that they will see the Glorious Light of the Gospel shining upon them.
d) Pray that they will understand the Message about the Glory of Christ Who is the exact Image of God.
(This QT reminds me how I should be Praying For Unbelievers)
‘Growing In God.’
2 Thessalonians 2:13-17.
a) 2 Thessalonians 2:13. We grow in God in an environment of Thanksgiving and Praise to Him.
b) 2 Thessalonians 2:13. We need to understand that God has chosen us to experience Salvation.
c) 2 Thessalonians 2:13. Our Salvation comes through the Holy Spirit Who makes us Holy.
d) 2 Thessalonians 2:13. Our Salvation comes through our believing the Truth.
e) 2 Thessalonians 2:14. God called us to Salvation through the Gospel that we may share in the Glory of Jesus Christ.
f) 2 Thessalonians 2:15. We are to stand firm and hold on to the Biblical Teachings which we have received.
g) 2 Thessalonians 2:16. We need everlasting comfort and good hope that comes that comes through the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father.
h) 2 Thessalonians 2:17. We needs God’s Comfort in our hearts and His Strength for every good thing that we do and say.
(Through this Second one I learn more about Growing In God)
The Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ are not just Christian religious terms, they are reality to be experienced. All True Believers need the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ every day.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Nation Is Refreshed!
‘A Nation Is Refreshed.’
a) Proverbs 19:12. Through the favour of its leader(s) for their people.
b) 2 Samuel 23:3-4. Through the leader(s) who rule righteously and in the Fear of God.
c) Psalm 72:1-6. By leader(s) who rule with justice and righteousness.
d) Hosea 14:4-5. By the Lord.
(Through this QT I know that A Nation Is Refreshed only in God’s way)
‘Our Lives Changed By God.’
John 17:17-19.
a) John 17:17. Being Sanctified by the Word of God.
b) John 17:18. Through Obedience to God’s Will as we respond to what He wants us to do.
c) John 17:19. Being entirely God’s because Jesus Christ has given Himself entirely to the Father for us.
(Through this Second one I give thanks because I can experience New Life in God through Christ: Our Lives Changed By God)
The role of a National Leader is a very important role. The Bible calls us to pray for our National Leaders. If we merely criticise their style of government or their personality we are just the same as the people in the World system. Prayer for National Leaders is very important.
The Blessings Of A Heart In Good Condition!
‘The Blessings Of A Heart In Good Condition.’
Deuteronomy 5:29.
a) This heart is inclined to Fear the Lord.
b) This heart is inclined to keep all the Lord’s Commands always.
c) It will go well for the people with this heart.
d) It will go well with their children forever.
(This QT shows me The Blessings Of A Heart In Good Condition)
‘Trust In The Lord God Almighty.’
Psalm 84:11-12.
a) He is a Sun that gives Light.
b) He is a Shield that keeps us safe.
c) He bestows favour and honour upon His People.
d) No good thing does He withhold from those people whose lives are blameless.
e) Blessed is the person who Trusts in Him.
(Through this Second one I am persuaded to Trust In The Lord God Almighty)
God is the God of “always”. He is totally consistent and unchanging. If we belong to Him we can Trust Him. God is a God Who keeps His Promises and cares about His People and all that He leads us through is for His Glory and our best.
God Has Given Us This Ministry!
‘God Has Given Us This Ministry.’
2 Corinthians 4:1-2.
a) It comes through His Mercy. (Not only for us but for all peoples too)
b) So we do not lose heart and give up.
c) We renounce secret and shameful ways. (Politics in Church is shameful)
d) We do not use trickery or deception. (Saying things that God’s Word does not say)
e) We do not distort and change the Word of God.
f) We must plainly set forth the Truth.
g) We may commend ourselves to every person’s conscience in the sight of God.
(This QT tells me strongly that God Has Given Me This Ministry and I am to be a good steward of it)
‘Our Daily Doing.’
Deuteronomy 6:18-19.
a) Do what is right and good in the Lord’s sight.
b) Then it will go well with us.
c) We may then inherit the Promises God has given to us.
d) It is God Who will give us Victory over our enemies.
(Through this Second one I am challenged as to My Daily Doing)
Sometimes I am grieved to hear preachers and teachers saying things that God does not say. These teachings are usually attractive to hurting or immature people and can really cause them to stumble in their Faith. True Believers must say and Believe only the things that God clearly says in His Word. God’s Voice is His Word. He may choose sometimes to speak to us in other ways but we should not, however, rely on “other ways”, we should rely on what God says in His Word.
Monday, December 6, 2010
a) Proverbs 19:11. Is restrained by people with good sense.
b) Psalm 37:8. With rage and jealousy needs to be stopped.
c) Psalm 55:3. May cause us to hunt people down.
d) Proverbs 15:1. Is stirred up by harsh words.
e) Proverbs 27:4. Is cruel.
f) Proverbs 29:8. Can be calmed by wise people.
g) Proverbs 30:33. Causes quarrels.
h) Ecclesiastes 7:9. Is the friend of fools.
i) Galatians 5:19-20. Is the evil result of the desires of our sinful nature.
j) Ephesians 4:26. Should not control us.
k) Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8. Get rid of it.
l) 1 Timothy 2:8. We must be free from it when we pray.
m) James 1:19-20. Can never make things right in God’s sight.
(This QT teaches me to keep free from Anger)
‘Hear My People.’
Deuteronomy 6:3.
a) God called His People to Hear and then to Obey.
b) Then it would be well with them – their Shalom.
c) Then they would increase greatly in the land flowing with milk and honey.
d) God would fulfil His Promises to His People if they would Hear and then Obey.
(This Second one reminds me that the Heart of God has not Changed, He still calls “Hear My People”)
If God’s people would Hear Him and Obey Him then it would be well with them. They would enter their Shalom. God still wants us to live in Shalom. Our Shalom is, however, sometimes violated by our own mistakes, the sins of other people against us and also by situations in our environment that our out of our control. We need to keep Hearing Him and Obeying Him for the restoration of our Shalom.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
God Does As He Pleases!
‘God Does As He Pleases.’
a) Psalm 115:3. Our God is in Heaven, He does whatever pleases Him.
b) Psalm 2:4. Our God is the One Who rules in Heaven.
c) Psalm 11:4. The Lord still rules from Heaven. He watches everything closely, examining everyone on Earth.
(This QT clearly reminds me that God Does As He Pleases)
‘Thinking And Doing.’
Philippians 4:8-9.
a) We are to think about things that are:-
1- Noble.
2- Right.
3- Pure.
4- Lovely.
5- Admirable.
6- Excellent.
7- Praiseworthy.
b) We are to put into practise.
1- What we have learned from our Church leaders.
2- What we have received from our Church leaders.
3- What we have heard from our Church leaders.
4- What we have seen in our Church leaders.
c) Then the God of Peace will be with us.
(This Second one challenges me about Thinking And Doing)
Right thinking is so important. If we are going to grow spiritually we need to have right thinking. If we are going to keep good relationships we need to have right thinking. If we are to enjoy peace in our hearts we need to have right thinking. Yes, right thinking is so important.
The Holy Spirit Working In Our Lives!
‘The Holy Spirit Working In Our Lives.’
2 Corinthians 3:17-18.
a) Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.
b) We can reflect the Glory of the Lord.
c) We are being transformed into His Likeness.
d) This all comes from the Work of the Holy Spirit in us.
(Through this QT I am full of gratefulness to God for The Holy Spirit Working In My Life)
‘Keep Our Priorities Correct.’
a) Mark 8:36. What gain is it for us to gain the whole World and yet forfeit our own soul?
b) Matthew 6:24. We cannot serve both God and money.
c) Matthew 6:20-21. Where our treasure is there our heart will be also.
(This Second one reminds me to Keep My Priorities Correct)
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. It means if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, whatever environment we may be living in, we will be living in freedom. If our family is filled with the Holy Spirit, our family will be living in freedom. If our Church is filled with the Holy Spirit, whatever the denomination, our Church will be functioning in freedom.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
a) Proverbs 19:10. Is not fitting or appropriate for a fool to live in.
b) Proverbs 21:17. Is not the way to riches.
c) Proverbs 21:20. May come to wise people.
d) Amos 6:1 & 4. Is a false security.
e) Luke 7:25. People who live in luxury live in palaces and not in the wilderness.
f) Luke 16:19, James 5:5. Some people live every day of their life on Earth in it.
g) Revelation 18:7-9. May be at the heart of a very sinful environment.
(This QT reminds me to be very careful to reject any desire I may have to live in Luxury)
‘Life In The Body Of Christ.’
a) 1 Corinthians 12:18. God has arranged us in the Body of Christ just as He desires.
b) Ephesians 2:21. In Christ Jesus the whole building is joined together and grows into a Holy Temple in the Lord.
c) Romans 12:5. So in Christ we who are many form one Body, and each member belongs to all the others.
d) Nehemiah 3:5. We all have to participate in the life and function of the Body.
e) 1 Corinthians 12:22. We are all necessary members of the Body.
f) Luke 16:10. We are to be Faithful in the Body of Christ and not unrighteous.
(Through this Second one I find more about Life In The Body Of Christ)
The Body of Christ is not supposed to be a monument. Maybe God gives us beautiful buildings, debt free, to Worship Him in. That is an amazing Grace Gift from God. I do not think that getting into debt is God’s Way or God’s “provision”. The Church is not the building, the Church is people and True Believers are the Body of Christ and we should function as such. We should aim to be out of debt as quickly as possible so that God can truly be Glorified.
Recorded By A Witness!
‘Recorded By A Witness.’
John 19:34-35.
The awful pain and vulgar bloodiness of the Cross of Christ cannot be exaggerated. Isaiah gives us some glimpses of it in his Prophecy and here again in John’s Gospel it is recorded by a faithful witness.
a) One of the soldiers plunged his spear into Jesus’ side.
b) At once blood and water poured out from the wound.
c) The one who saw it happen was a faithful witness, what he said is true.
d) It is recorded that we might Believe.
(Through this QT: Recorded By A Witness, I resolve not to listen to tales and gossip, rather I only want to listen to Truth spoken or written by a witness)
‘Darkness Hidden In Our Heart Can Cause Chaos.’
Luke 22:21-24.
a) Luke 22:21. Jesus knew that His betrayer was right there at the same table and He opened the fact that He knew.
b) Luke 22:22. The Son of Man would die as God had decided.
c) Luke 22:22. How terrible it would be for the betrayer. Darkness was hidden in Judas’ heart.
d) Luke 22:23. The Disciples were confused, instead of praying and opening their hearts they just began to discuss amongst themselves who the betrayer was. Chaos had already begun.
e) Luke 22:24. Then an argument broke out among the Disciples as to which one of them should be thought of as the greatest. Chaos reigned.
(Through this Second I realise that any Darkness Hidden In My Heart Can Cause Chaos)
Sometimes True Believers spend times in fruitless discussion when we should be praying. Fruitless and negative discussion makes nothing positive it never produces any good result only gossip and eventually chaos. God answers Prayer – let us not forget that.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Way To Take The Veil Away!
‘The Way To Take The Veil Away.’
2 Corinthians 3:13-16.
In this passage Apostle Paul is referring to Moses and the Children of Israel historically. I am sure that he did not just want to give the Corinthians a history lesson. This message is equally relevant today for people with non-Christian religious or political belief.
a) 2 Corinthians 3:13. We are not like Moses who had to keep his face covered because it shone so brightly after being in the Lord’s Presence. Moses was unique.
b) 2 Corinthians 3:14. The Israelites’ minds were dull to the Word of God it was as if a veil was over them. Only in Christ can the veil be taken away.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:15. The Israelites remained dull (and still mostly remain dull) for hundreds of years.
d) 2 Corinthians 3:16. Whenever anyone turns to the Lord the veil is taken away.
(This QT simply shows me The Way To Take The Veil Away)
‘God’s Demonstration Of His Own Love For Us.’
Romans 5:8-9.
a) Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
b) We are now Justified by the Blood of Jesus.
c) Through Christ we shall be saved from God’s wrath.
(Through this Second one I am amazed at God’s Demonstration Of His Own Love For Us)
The Israelites’ minds were dull to the Word of God. This is not an exclusive problem. There are people from all parts of this Earth whose minds are dull to this day and who firmly reject the Gospel of Christ, just as many of the Israelites do to this day. This is not a racial problem – it is one of humankind’s basic problems. Wherever we may be in this World we are lights shining in the darkness. People need to hear the Word of God and receive Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Resist Religious Liars!
‘Resist Religious Liars.’
a) Proverbs 19:9; Jeremiah 28:15-17. A liar will be destroyed.
b) Isaiah 9:15-17. Lying prophets are the tail, they are a cause of nuisance to God’s People.
c) Jeremiah 23:25-28. False prophets turn God’s People away from Him.
d) Jeremiah 29:31. They are not sent by the Lord and trick the people into believing their lies.
e) Jeremiah 29:32. They teach God’s People to rebel against Him.
f) Ezekiel 13:22. They discourage the Righteous people with their lies.
g) 1 Timothy 4:1. Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons.
h) 1 Timothy 4:2. These teachers are hypocrites and liars. They pretend to be religious, but their consciences are dead.
i) 2 Peter 2:1. There will be false teachers among us who cleverly teach their destructive heresies about God. They will have a swift and terrible end.
j) 2 Peter 2:2. Many people will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. Because of them Christ and His True way will be slandered.
k) 2 Peter 2:3. In their greed they will make up clever lies to try to get hold of our money. God has condemned them and their destruction is on the way.
(This QT stimulates me to Resist Religious Liars)
‘We Who Are Born Of God.’
a) 1 John 5:18. We:-
1-Do not sin.
2-Are protected by the Son of God.
3-The evil one does not touch them.
b) 1 John 2:9-10; 3:10; 4:7. Should love our True Believer brother and sister and do right.
c) 1 John 4:16. Know and Believe the love that God has for us.
d) 1 John 3:24; 4:13. Obey His Commandments and have confidence in the indwelling Holy Spirit.
e) 1 John 5:10. Have Faith in the Son of God.
f) 1 John 5:11. Have the assurance of Eternal Life.
(Through this Second one I know how I Who Am Born Of God ought to live)
There are some false prophets and teachers who have made themselves a nuisance to God’s People. Churches have been divided and good people have had their relationships and even their marriages broken by such people. We have to resist these people strongly, not just through spiritual discernment but also by actually teaching the Truth of God’s Word.
When We Pray For God’s Intervention!
‘When We Pray For God’s Intervention.’
Esther 8:3.
a) We come to the King of kings and we keep coming back to Him.
b) We come with humility.
c) We come with Intercessory prayer.
d) We pray the specific need of God’s Intervention.
(This QT helps me to pray When I Pray For God’s Intervention)
‘Loving Actions.’
a) 1 John 3:18. We should stop simply saying that we love each other, rather we should show it by our actions.
b) 1 John 3:19. It is by our actions that we know that we are living in the Truth. Then we will be confident when stand before the Lord.
c) 1 John 3:20. If our hearts condemn us God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.
d) 1 John 5:2. We know that we love God’s Children if we love God and obey His Commands.
(Through this Second one I clearly see the importance of Loving Actions)
There are times when we will need to pray for God’s Intervention in various situations that we may face in family, work, study or Church. These are times when we really need to pray in humility. I cannot bear the style of prayer that treats God like our servant and we command Him what to do – that is heretical “prayer”. Humility and specific requests to God are two of several ways to pray when we are praying for God’s Intervention.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit!
‘The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit.’
2 Corinthians 3:7-12.
a) 2 Corinthians 3:7-8. Is supposed to be Glorious.
b) 2 Corinthians 3:9. Is a ministry that brings Righteousness.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:10-11. Has lasting Glory.
d) 2 Corinthians 3:12. Causes the True Believer to be bold.
(Through this QT I much value The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit)
‘Our Salvation.’
Titus 3:5-6.
a) Is from God.
b) Does not come from works done by us in Righteousness.
c) Is because of God’s Mercy.
d) Comes by the washing of Regeneration.
e) Comes by the renewal of the Holy Spirit.
f) Comes by the generous pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
(Through this Second one I thank God for My Salvation)
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is a ministry that brings Righteousness. In the modern move of the Charismatic wave this Truth has been sadly neglected. There has been much emphasis on ‘signs and wonders’. If we however examine the Book of Acts and the New Testament generally we find that there was much preaching, teaching and writing about Righteousness and the Lord, in His Sovereign Will, gave signs and wonders. The person who talks about signs and wonders and then attempts to do them is, I believe, on dangerous ground.
Get Wisdom!
‘Get Wisdom.’
a) Proverbs 19:8; 24:14. It means that we love our own soul.
b) Job 35:10-11; Psalm 51:6; Isaiah 33:6. It comes from God.
c) Psalm 111:10. Through obedience to the Lord.
d) Proverbs 14:16. And be cautious.
e) Proverbs 15:33. Through fearing the Lord.
f) Proverbs 16:16. It is better than getting riches.
g) Proverbs 16:23. And we will speak wisely and persuasively.
h) Daniel 11:33. And be an instructor of many people.
i) Matthew 7:24. Through the Teaching of Jesus Christ.
j) James 3:17. Wisdom from God is:-
2-Peace loving.
3-Gentle at all times.
4-Willing to yield to other people.
5-Full of Mercy.
6-Full of good deeds.
7-Never showing partiality.
8-Always sincere.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to Get Wisdom)
‘The Comfort From God.’
2 Corinthians 1:3-12.
a) 2 Corinthians 1:3. We can Praise God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Source of every Mercy and the God Who comforts us.
b) 2 Corinthians 1:4. He Comforts us is all of our troubles so that we can comfort other people.
c) 2 Corinthians 1:4. When other people are troubled we will be able to give them the same Comfort God has given to us.
d) 2 Corinthians 1:5. We can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His Comfort through Christ.
e) 2 Corinthians 1:6, When we are weighed down with troubles, it is for other people’s benefit and Salvation. When God Comforts us it is so that we in turn can encourage other people. We should patiently endure the same things that other people suffer.
f) 2 Corinthians 1:7. As we share in suffering we will also share in God’s Comfort.
g) 2 Corinthians 1:8-9. Through the troubles we learn to rely on God.
h) 2 Corinthians 1:10. God will Deliver us.
i) 2 Corinthians 1:11. The Power of Prayer. The Prayer of other people for us as well as our own Prayer.
j) 2 Corinthians 1:12. Be with:-
1-A clear conscience.
4-Dependance on God’s Grace.
5-Freedom from trusting in God’s Wisdom and not our own.
6-Consistency in action.
k) 2 Corinthians 12:7. Apostle Paul’s thorn in the flesh was never identified by the Holy Spirit – it means that the phrase can fit many appropriate situations.
l) 2 Corinthians 12:8. Apostle Paul begged for the thorn to be taken away – but it was not.
m) 2 Corinthians 12:9. The Lord said to Paul that His Gracious Favour was all that Paul needed. The Lord said that His Power worked best in Paul’s weakness. Paul confessed his weaknesses and the Power of God worked through Him.
n) 2 Corinthians 12:10. Paul knew that this was all for Christ’s good, he was content with:-
1-His weaknesses.
6-The fact that when he was weak, then he was strong.
(This Second one gives me understanding of and longing for The Comfort From God)
God comforts us. This is an undeniable fact. Any True Believer who does not believe in the Comfort that comes from God is denying God Himself for one of the Names of God is the God of all Comfort. We can actually receive the Comfort of God through His Word and by the Holy Spirit Who is also called the Comforter.
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The Christian Life!
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